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Note that the [[Captain Obvious|Law is not supposed to apply to serious discussions of]] [http://xkcd.com/261/ Fascist Germany or its policies], but rather describes the logical fallacy of Hitler/Nazi comparisons. However, Godwin's Law is ''not'' intended to apply to ''on-topic'' comparisons of neo-fascist groups to Nazis.
{{quote|''In other words, it's OK to call these un-American white supremacists exactly what they are: "By all means, compare these shitheads to Nazis. Again and again. I'm with you," Godwin said on Sunday evening.''|[http://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/08/14/godwins_law_creator_rescinds_ruling_after_nazis_march_in_charlottesville/ Chap behind Godwin's law suspends his own rule for Charlottesville fascists: 'By all means, compare them to Nazis']}}
This would not, by the way, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/12/20/godwins-law-trump-hitler-comparisons/ be the last time Mike Godwin would note an exception to the rule].
The most common forms of Godwin's Law are [[Hitler Ate Sugar|"The Nazis supported X, therefore X is bad"]], or alternatively, [[Hitler Ate Sugar|"The Nazis opposed X, therefore X is good"]]. Whether using "Nazi" as a random insult falls under the Law is a matter of debate. Unfortunately, this has become so popular as to come full-circle, making any discussion of totalitarian regimes susceptible to "HAY GODWIN'S LAW HURR".
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Heavily overlaps with [[Demonization]] and can be seen as its modern, secular adaptation. See also [[Abomination Accusation Attack]]. Not to be confused with [[Godwin's Law of Time Travel]]. It ''might'' be justified when seriously discussing [[Would Be Rude to Say Genocide|genocide]], since the Holocaust is pretty much the [[Trope Codifier]] that most other genocides are measured against. The word was even first coined in reference to it.
Even Nazis aren't immune to it. On neo-Nazi forums, one participant will eventually accuse another participant of being a Jew. Also, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/12/20/godwins-law-trump-hitler-comparisons/ as Mike Godwin himself has noted, there are exceptions to the rule].
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