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Dumbass Has a Point: Difference between revisions

(→‎Western Animation: Added Example)
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'''Sally''': I think you mean ''barbarian'', Antione! }}
* In ''[[Ultimate X-Men]]'', during the "Return to Weapon-X" arc, [[X-Men/Characters|Sabertooth]] is fighting Wolverine, when it occurs to Sabertooth that nobody has ever thought of ''drowning'' Wolvie, and that a [[Good Thing You Can Heal|healing factor]] would be pretty useless against such a predicament.
== [[Fan Works]] ==
* In a chapter of ''[https://www.fanfiction.net/story/story_edit_property.php?storyid=8130614 Yu-Gi-Oh! The Thousand Year Door: Redux]'' the [[Big Bad| Shadow Queen]] is trying to decide what Duel Spirit to summon (something she does several times over the course of the story) and Lord Crump makes [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Chaos_Hunter a suggestion]:
{{quote|'''Crump:''' Your majesty, if you would just consider…
'''Shadow Queen:''' For the third time, Crump, this idea of yours is like the rest of your ideas – stupid! Besides, it's a matter of pride. As royalty, associating with common thugs is beneath me.
'''Crump:''' [[Insistent Terminology| She's a professional]].
'''Shadow Queen:''' Fine, [[Sarcasm Mode| she's a ''professional'' thug]].
'''Crump:''' Well, let me put it this way, if she messes up, we don't have to pay her, and it won't cost us anything at all.
''([[Beat Panel|Beat]])''
'''Shadow Queen:''' When you make sense, I get nervous.}}
== [[Film]] ==
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