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== Prince Bobon von Diamante ==
[[File:PrinceBobon.jpg|thumb|Pompous Spoiled Baboon!]]
{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Masato Sakurai]] (JP)}}
Firstborn son of King Hagel I. Graduated from the Royal Knight's Academy along with Lute, Motaire, and Isis.
{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Masato Sakurai]] (JP)}}
{{examples|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
{{examplestropelist|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[A God I Am]]: How he views himself, regardless of the route he thinks he can and should do whatever he wants. {{spoiler|In Shamsiel's route he seizes god-like power in the demon temple, and takes on a monstrous form}}.
* [[Ain't Too Proud to Beg]]: Twice in fact. Towards the end of Roxanne's story play when his misdeeds are outed for all to see, he attempts to bribe [[Big Bad Friend|his old classmate]] with a selection of all the most beautiful women he could offer. As if Lute [[Clueless Chick Magnet|ever needed his help in scoring hot mates]]. Again near the end of the game when both he and his villain support are outed as the meticulous traitors they well and truly are. After Bernstein betrayed him to his death; [[This Is Gonna Suck|Bobon is left at the mercy of Felzen]], wherein he pleads with the latter to spare his life in exchange for reinstating him as Captain of the Guard again. The former [[Shut UP, Hannibal|rebuff's his empty promise]] siting how his father knew his own son to be a treacherous little failure whom was [[Jerkass Has a Point|unsuitable]] for the throne and off'soffs him anyway.
* [[Animal Motifs]]: Pigs, cows, and baboons (his crown resembles the red butt, so it might be a subtle way for the creators portraying him as a butt-head).
* [[Asshole Victim]]: In Iris' route, {{spoiler|he is killed by the Guardian Tree, which isn't even sentient to know of his villainous nature}}. In the Harem route {{spoiler|when he tries to play on the sympathies of General Felzen, the latter remembers all the times he was a pain to deal with. From early childhood to undeserved successorship as King of Edelland; promptly telling him to go to hell before unceremoniously cutting him down}}.
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* [[From Nobody to Nightmare]]: He may have been born a prince, but Bobon was NEVER going to sit on the throne so long as his father had anything to say about it. He is cowardly, unskilled, stupid, and spoiled rotten, so on his own he's as much of a threat as a dirty diaper. {{spoiler|However, in Shamsiel's route he manages (by some miracle) to travel through the demon forest and reach the temple unscathed (hints point to the Prime Minister telling him the way to do it), and in the temple he seizes god-like powers to become a devil that was capable of conquering the entire world. Lute managed to stop him, but still... In the Harem route, after his father is murdered, he is crowned the new king, and starts making life for all around him pretty much living hell with his cruel and uncaring abuse of power. Again though, he's stopped and Lute becomes the new, true king}}.
* [[Go Through Me]]: When he tries to harm or condemn someone, others generally step in to stop him. {{spoiler|In Shamsiel's route, he tried to kill her AND Lute, but Shamsiel tried to fight him alone at first, but when she was defeated, Lute stepped up and protected her. In the Harem Route, Emeralia gets caught attempting to free Lute from his cell, but Lute steps before him and convinces Bobon to execute the 2 of them together the next day in front of an audience. This actually allows Lutes' allies to initiate their plan to rescue him from his false execution. At which point, Shamsiel, then Gladys, then Isis and Felzen, then Emeralia, and Motaire (in the Prime Minister's case) all manage to protect Lute from Bobon and the Prime Minister}}.
* [[A God I Am]]: How he views himself, regardless of the route he thinks he can and should do whatever he wants. {{spoiler|In Shamsiel's route he seizes god-like power in the demon temple, and takes on a monstrous form}}.
* [[Hate Sink]]: Out of all the douchebaggy characters in the Kyonyuuverse, Baboon is the most universally reviled character anybody could have the ultimate displeasure of ever coming to meet. He's sleazy, lazy, arrogant, selfish, idiotic, abrasive, loathsome and conniving, everyone in series hated the [[Fat Bastard]]. Even the [[Slime Ball|Prime Minister]] cannot stand this flabby moron for his excess and entitlement, and Lute whose friendly to everyone. Especially to the kinds of people whom generally don't deserve it, finds him unsettlingly repulsive; so much so that he actually dreaded the day [[Unfit for Greatness|when Prince Butthead would become king]]. This coming from a guy whose a [[Friend to All Living Things]]? That really states something about a person's character.
* [[High Hopes, Zero Talent]]: He wants to be king, but has nothing that would actually make him qualified to be one apart from being the Prince by birth, which he feels is the only qualification he needs.
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* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Inverted. Take the stupidest, weakest, and most cowardly character in this series and they'd likely either be Bobon himself OR they would be someone who could beat Bobon with only one hand. Literally, nobody likes him (as a person), and anyone who actually knows him, knows that he is not the least bit fit to rule anything or anyone, much less the entire kingdom. {{spoiler|HE was the one who actually should have graduated at the very lowest in his class at the Royal Knight's Academy instead of Lute, but the Prime Minister pulled some strings...}}
* [[The Wrongful Heir to the Throne]]: In theory he is gonna be king in the future, but his selfishness and dumbness clearly makes him inadequate for that.
== Prefect Irboyne ==
[[File:BoanPrefect.jpg|thumb|A lolicon in a game about large breasts.]]
{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Dobu Rokuro]] (JP)}}
The Prefect of Boan. He was a graduate of the Knight's Academy, and he was ranked dead-last in his class just like Lute.
{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Dobu Rokuro]] (JP)}}
{{examples|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
{{examplestropelist|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Asshole Victim]]: He had sought his wife's hand with great determination, but upon marrying her and learning of how little she had to offer in wealth or politics, he tries to divorce her, but is unable to do so. He begins isolating her and avoiding her, and even cheats on her with younger women. He also shows little regard for his subjects or anyone other than himself. So nobody really cares when you hear about him [[Dropped a Bridge on Him|dying of a heart condition]] after trying to disgrace his wife.
* [[Bad Boss]]: He utterly HATES his job, since he is essentially the laughing-stock of the political community of his country. He therefore, hoards all the best of anything he can get ahold of in Boan for himself. He also ignores and cheats on his wife, and even conspires with Prince Bobon to attempt a rebellion against the crown.
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* [[What Happened To The Mouse?]]: {{spoiler|Following his heart attack or stroke in the Visual Novel, we never see him again, but all signs point to him having died from it. In the anime, the last we see of him, he and his assistant are thrown in prison and he is laying motionless on the floor while the assistant kneels over him}}.
* [[Xanatos Backfire]]: He had tried to pull 2 [[Xanatos Gambit|Xanatos Gambits]] on Lute and both get turned around on him. First in setting him up to take on a Succubus with no skills or preparation to actually succeed. To everyone's utter surprise, Lute is actually able to survive and even befriend Shamsiel. (Unbeknownst to everyone including Lute himself, he is half-incubus which allowed him to survive her.)}} Then, when Lute came to collect on his "reward", the Prefect panicked, but Madoise suggested (quietly) that they use Lute as bait for Roxanne to commit adultery with someone so that the Prefect could discredit her and seek divorce. That one is also botched by outside variables: First is the succubus, Shamsiel, whom Lute had befriended, because she was keeping an eye on Lute and had discovered the Prefects dark intentions and conspiracies. The second is that the Prefect was suffering from a heart condition, and when time came to catch Lute and Roxanne in the act, he instead suffers a heart attack (or stroke). Either way he eventually dies from it.)
== Madoise ==
[[File:Madoise.jpg|thumb|Man or rodent? Probably both.]]
{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Kojiro]] (JP)}}
The assistant to the Prefect of Boan and steward to Castle Boan.
{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Kojiro]] (JP)}}
{{examples|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
The assistant to the Prefect of Boan and steward to Castle Boan.
{{examplestropelist|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Animal Motif]]: Rodents. Rats, chipmunks, mouse.
* [[Blatant Lies]]: "Monster? What monster? There's no monster? The townspeople are just superstitious!" He says referring to the succubus that the citizens of Boan were begging him to deal with... As they surrounded him and Lute as they toured the town.
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* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: {{spoiler|They ''tried'' to make Lute and Roxanne this, and even considered using Motaire, but it all amounted to nothing but them getting busted for conspiring against the crown, and Lute achieving all that ''they'' could have hoped for or wanted: promotions, rise in ranks, and kingly status}}.
* [[What Happened To The Mouse]]: {{spoiler|Following the trial for assisting the Prefect of Boan and Bobon's conspiracy to revolt, we never see nor hear from him again. He was executed (according to Lute, the punishment for treason is death, which may not have been done to Bobon initially due to the cover-up by the King. Madiose had no such protection). In the anime, he was imprisoned with the Prefect and never seen again}}.
== Wan Coan ==
[[File:OneCoine.jpg|thumb|[[Running Gag|One Coine?]]]]
{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Ichiro Kataoka]] (JP)}}
The Steward in Bustenhelter. He'd immigrated from an unnamed Oriental nation in the east.
{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Ichiro Kataoka]] (JP)}}
{{examples|Tropes exhibited by Hwan Taun include:}}
{{examplestropelist|Tropes exhibited by Hwan Taun include:}}
* [[Butt Monkey]]: His name gets mispronounced by everyone, and nobody cares when he tries to correct them.
* {{spoiler|[[Disney Death]]}}: {{spoiler|In the anime, he winds up being hung, although it's only seen as a silhouette. In the visual novel, he commits suicide}}.
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* {{spoiler|[[You Said You Would Let Them Go]]}}: {{spoiler|Lute had promised to not execute Gladys nor do anything to her subordinates. However, that night, [[Running Gag|Juan Kuran]] waited until everyone was asleep or passed out drunk and snuck to the dungeon with the intention of slitting Gladys' throat before she could expose his betrayal... Thankfully for her, Lute had already released her from her cell and she went to his bedroom to sleep with him}}.
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: When he is caught in the anime, {{spoiler|the Generals have him hung, and that's all we know of his fate, beside his having been working for the Prime Minister, it never goes deeper than that}}. In the Visual Novel however, it's a bit different, {{spoiler|because when he gets caught and exposed, he lets it slip that he was taking order from someone higher up (we already know it was the Prime Minister). Upon realizing his mistake, he yells that he had been acting of his own free will, and proceeds to commit suicide before anyone can stop him. When the Prime Minister receives word of [[Running Gag|John KHAAAAAN's]] revealed treachery to the crown and death, he is furious about the incompetence of his followers. One shudders to think of the fate that would have awaited him, if his fear of the Prime Minister led him to killing himself instead}}.
== Prime Minister Rubin Von Bernstein ==
[[File:PrimeMinisterBernstein.jpg|thumb|[[Foreshadowing|Long... Live... the King...]]]]
{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Ken Munakata]] (JP)}}
The Prime Minister of Edelland.
{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Ken Munakata]] (JP)}}
{{examples|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
{{examplestropelist|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Big Bad]]:{{spoiler|Is this overall in the Visual Novel and anime...[[Obviously Evil|As if you didn't know by now.]]}}
* [[Abomination Accusation Attack]]: He invokes this on Lute. Technically speaking, it happens in every route. He sees Lute as scum that needs to die, but particular mention goes to what happens in {{spoiler|Isis, Shamsiel, and the Harem Routes.}}
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* [[What an Idiot!]]: For someone who prepares for so much in advance, he makes some surprisingly stupid mistakes. {{spoiler|Such as his idea to put Bobon on the throne. ''Everyone'' else with a functioning brain could see how poorly qualified Bobon is to ruling the kingdom (or anything for that matter), but the Prime Minister had been planning to put him on the throne and did so anyway. Why then was he surprised when Bobon started getting out of hand and causing people in the capital to hate him right away (which led to many of them turning for Lute at the first chance)? There was also his use of anti-demon magic: He used it on his sword, his room, and the dungeon. Now, hold that thought and then remember that he secretly had a working revolver gun in his possession, which is the most advanced weapon in the story... Except that he fires off all the rounds at Shamsiel who uses her demonic powers to let the bullets just pass through her without any effect. Why didn't he use the anti-demon magic on the gun rather than the sword since he clearly isn't actually a fighter?}}
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: {{spoiler|His reasons for murdering the king in the Harem route, and sending Emeralia to do so in Luceria's route was because the king was on the verge of making Lute his successor to the throne, which is something the Prime Minister didn't want since he could not control Lute. In Luceria's route, the King isn't murdered and Lute is declared the king's successor and marries Luceria, but in the harem route, Bobon is crowned the new king after Hagel's murder, and the Prime Minister practically tells Motaire that he isn't able to handle Bobon's foolishness, so he was likely going to murder him too, and then place Motaire on the throne in the near future}}. {{spoiler|Another example of him doing this is with Emeralia, because in Luceria's route, he sent her to go and murder the king, and she knew perfectly well that if she did so, he would just forsake her anyway. In the Harem route though, when she has a [[High Heel Face Turn]] and tries to free Lute, he captures her and condemns her to death along with Lute}}.
== Assassins ABCDE ==
[[File:AssassinABCDE.jpg|thumb|We are many, but look the same. Get ready to die!]]
{{quote|'''(D) Voiced by:''' [[Masato Sakurai]] (JP)}}
The Assassins hired in Vunderbalt. (A, B, and C then later D and E)
{{quote|'''(D) Voiced by:''' [[Masato Sakurai]] (JP)}}
{{examplestropelist|Tropes exhibited by them include:}}
* [[All According to Plan]]: They certainly try. But when they failed to kill him in the streets, they try again after dark, but he drives them off in his sleep. Then, D and E are hired a few nights later, and they were only supposed to beat him up as a test, but when he fought back in his sleep, they try to kill him, but fail once again. Shamsiel then finishes them off, and when all is said and done, they DID serve their purpose: They showed everyone that there is more to Lute than meets the eye.
* [[Body Horror]]: Nope. We don't actually see their faces or anything under the cloaks and helmets. However, in the anime, one of them gets stabbed in the throat by Gladys and coughs up a large amount of blood before dying. Then, in the Visual Novel, during the early part of the Vunderbalt Rebellion section, D and E are hired to try and beat up Lute during the night. They fail and end up being beaten by him in his sleep. Shamsiel then [[Death by Sex|devours]] them. Their bodies are found the next morning outside Lute's window a few stories down... Shriveled dry.
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