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* Depending on the route and your affiliation in ''[[Armored Core]]'', Jack-O may be the Protagonist or Antagonist. Regardless of which one, you will learn that Ravens who fail to live up to his expectations die a lot sooner than Alliance Ravens.
* Vulpes Inculta of ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]]'' claims that the reason main reason he butchered or enslaved nearly the entire town of [[Wretched Hive|Nipton]] is because they were too weak to prevent it, and therefore deserved it. If you decide to kill him, and establish that he was weak as well, his allies will send assassins after you. Guess that "Survival of the Fittest" argument only is applicable when it's convenient to them.
** Legate Lanius, [[The Dragon]] of Caesar, is this to a much more brutal extent. If he rules the Legion and wins the Battle of Hoover Dam, he makes Vegas into a twisted [[Warrior Heaven]] where he puts the world to the sword. In his mind, violence will set the world free, breaking the weak and letting the strong truly thrive.
Legate Lanius, [[The Dragon]] of Caesar, is this to a much more brutal extent. If he rules the Legion and wins the Battle of Hoover Dam, he makes Vegas into a twisted [[Warrior Heaven]] where he puts the world to the sword. In his mind, violence will set the world free, breaking the weak and letting the strong truly thrive.
* Bass from ''[[Mega Man (video game)|Mega Man]]'' believes he ''alone'' is the most powerful robot in the world.
* The [[Player Character]] from ''[[EVO theE.V.O.: Search Forfor Eden]]'', as well as the [[Aesop]].
* This is the prevailing philosophy of the city of Magnagora in ''[[Lusternia]]''. As the bastion of [[The Corruption|The Taint]] (essentially a combo platter of [[I Love Nuclear Power|nuclear power]] and [[Lovecraftian Superpower|creepily visceral body horror]]), they believe themselves to be genetically superior to all other civilizations. Their most prosperous race (the Viscanti) inbreeds extensively to maintain its "purity", and they have no moral qualms about attacking, enslaving and eating so-called lesser beings. They also encourage [[Deadly Decadent Court|backstabbing, assassination and double-dealing]] in their aristocracy, reasoning that the survivors of any civil war will be stronger and cleverer than those that failed to defend against them.
* The Tevinter Imperium runs on this principle according to Fenris from ''[[Dragon Age II]]''. Only mages can become nobility there, and only the strongest mages become the movers and shakers in the Imperium. In practice this means that ''every'' magister is a Blood Mage since blood magic is too powerful an advantage to pass up. Any mage that didn't use blood magic would quickly be enslaved by another mage with fewer qualms.
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