Legal Jailbait: Difference between revisions

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Finally, this trope is also more often than not [[Not Growing Up Sucks|played for ''drama'' as well]]; the stigma of being a "forbidden object of lust" trapped in a "child's" body when one is an adult with sexual desires is a veritable ''goldmine'' of [[Angst]] driven drama and plot.
A combined trope of [[The Jailbait Wait]], [[Ms. Fanservice]]/[[Mr. Fanservice]], and [[Lolicon]]. Usually overlaps with [[Older Than They Look]] taken [[Up to Eleven]] . Occasionally meets [[There Should Be a Law]]. A ''real life'' version of this can be the result of [[Dawson Casting]]. Compare [[Totally Eighteen]].
{{noreallife|this trope is ''full'' of [[Unfortunate Implications]]. Also, this is a trope about how characters are depicted in media.}}