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m (Fixed table colours. Just how long has THAT been there??)
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| '''{{color|black| Fragile Weight: -1}}''' || Can't do things [[Muggles]] take for granted, have next to no combat ability and may even die if left alone for too long. These characters may rely extensively on luck, outside help or constant vigilance (assuming they aren't [[The Millstone|a burden]] in the first place). Note that merely being [[The Load]] or [[The Chew Toy|dying often]] doesn't put you in this weight, nor does being [[Damsel Scrappy|annoyingly dependent]]. This weight is for characters that are physically (or mentally) undeveloped/handicapped and ''cannot'' do what the average ''adult'' human can do. || [[Mouse World]], [[Tagalong Kid]], [[Ill Girl]], [[Made of Plasticine]]
| '''{{color|purple| Mundane Weight: 0}}''' || These characters are not significantly stronger or weaker than normal for a human, and tend to be [[Innocent Bystander]]s and (you guessed it) [[MuggleMuggles]]s. Though not necessarily humans, they should be close to normal people in ability. || [[Action Survivor]], [[Innocent Bystander]], [[Unfazed Everyman]], [[Non-Action Guy|Non Action Guys]]
| '''{{color|magenta|Iron Weight: 1}}''' || These characters are [[Made of Iron]] [[Badass Normal]]s who can push the upper limits of what a human is capable of. They may have gotten [[Training from Hell]], be [[Artificial Limbs|(low grade) cyborgs]], or are experts at [[This Index Knows Kung Fu|martial arts]], [[Good Old Fisticuffs]], [[Gun Kata]], [[Le Parkour]], [[Improbable Weapon User|Improbable Weapon Usage]] and the like. Basically, a character anyone could become, bar the setting. However, do note that [[Red Shirts]] typically go here, as most of them are trained [[Mooks]] that make the danger more palpable by showing the fate of non-protagonists. This weight is also for any natural wildlife that could take down an unarmed human single-handedly. || [[Badass Normal]], [[Action Hero]]
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