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Animorphs/Tear Jerker: Difference between revisions

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* It starts early. In the very second book in the series, Rachel acquire the morph of a friend's pet cat to infiltrate their house because she suspects that Melissa is a controller. She's wrong. It's her parents. As Controllers, they don't have any feelings of warmth or love for their daughter. This troper broke down as Melissa confided to Cat!Rachel "why don't they love me anymore?"
** [[From Bad to Worse]]: When her father (under control of his Yeerk) realizes that Rachel isn't a normal cat, thinking her to be an Andalite, he captures her and starts to take her away. Melissa freaks out, running across the yard and screaming, tearfully asking what her dad's going to do with her beloved kitty. He ignores her until she's right in front of him, and...
{{quote|'''Melissa:''' ''"You didn't '''hear''' me? But Daddy, I was '''crying.'''''
'''Controller:''' ''I uh...didn't notice you.''
''Melissa looked like she'd been slapped.'' }}
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