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== The Nicolle family are polygamous [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormon_fundamentalism:Mormon fundamentalism|Fundamentalist Mormons]]. ==
Their [http://www.comicsalliance.com/2010/07/15/axe-cop-dark-horse-comics-exclusive/ seventy-year-old, "old-fashioned"] dad has [https://web.archive.org/web/20130519062258/http://axecop.com/index.php/achome/story/ many children of widely diverse ages] by [https://web.archive.org/web/20130430012036/http://axecop.com/index.php/acask/read/ask_axe_cop_33/ multiple wives] (and Ethan still refers to himself as Malachai's brother, not half-brother). The Nicolle family is [http://www.ttdila.com/2011/02/ethan-malchai-nicolle-put-them-together.html very religious].
== Leaf Man is a descendant of [[Mega Man 2 (Video Game)|Wood Man]]. ==
The power to manipulate leaves, his easy defeat by a robot...
* And the way he [https://web.archive.org/web/20130604011246/http://axecop.com/index.php/acask/read/ask_axe_cop_30/ juggles leaves], not unlike Wood Man's attack...
== Malachai Nicolle is actually [[Invader Zim|GIR]]. ==
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== Near the end of the story, Axe Cop will have a run-in with the Perfect Fireman. ==
Ask Axe Cop #5 suggests that he already had an axe before he became a police officer. Between that and Axe Cop #1, it's possible that he either discarded his previous axe for the Perfect Fireman Axe or lost it in a fight. Since his previous axe was possibly imperfect, he wasn't capable of doing any of the stunts we see him do in the main series. It still has yet to be explained who owned the Perfect Fireman Axe before the series started, so I suspect that he will want it back if he's still alive.
* Half-confirmed in [https://web.archive.org/web/20130513201926/http://axecop.com/index.php/acask/read/ask_axe_cop_65/ Ask Axe Cop 65]. The fireman who owned the axe before looks like an ordinary fireman in need of his axe, but at least Axe Cop makes amends.
== Mount Everest is [[Real Life|our Earth]]'s embryonic Smart Uni-Horn. ==
First a little about plate tectonics for those who don't know: the India landmass is slowly [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Plate:Indian Plate|squeezing Northward into Asia]]. This squeezing is what made the Himalayas (incl. Mt. Everest) rise. Yes, that means we ''are'' getting smarter, only at a painfully slooooow rate.
* So why haven't the smartest people started showing any signs of unicorn horn growth? In the comic, the individual horns sprouted before the planet's did.
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== Uni-man is actually a [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|Ganmen]] ==
[https://web.archive.org/web/20130113125728/http://axecop.com/images/uploads/axecop19.png Don't tell me you don't see the resemblance]. [http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c285/Tomanadi/GigaDrillBreaker.gif The only question is now whether or not he will combine them all into a single giant horn]. [[Rule of Cool|And don't tell me you don't want it to happen]].
== Malachi is the reincarnation of [[Death Note (Manga)|Light Yagami]]. ==
They've got the same sense of morality - all the bad guys need to die, and the good guys should be the ones to do it. But unlike his previous incarnation, Malachi doesn't think killing innocent people is okay, as seen in Ask Axe Cop #15.
== There will be a [[Crossover]] with [[The Adventures of Dr. McNinja (Webcomic)|The Adventures of Dr. McNinja]]. ==
They're ''perfect'' [[Crossover]] material.
* Such a crossover would probably have to be limited to fan work. If Malachai were to read Dr. [[McNinja]], I fear what would happen to his own story.
* [http://www.comicsalliance.com/2010/07/15/axe-cop-dark-horse-comics-exclusive/ Looks like you're getting your wish.]
* May I point you to [https://web.archive.org/web/20130326135305/http://axecop.com/index.php/acask/read/AC_MC1/ this.] good troper?
== Axe Cop is a [[Blood Knight]]. ==
His entire agenda revolves around crimefighting. Knowing he can't fight all crime in the world on his own, he frequently seeks out partners, but quickly discards weak comrades (see [https://web.archive.org/web/20130429233446/http://axecop.com/index.php/acask/read/ask_axe_cop_7/ Ask Axe Cop #7], particularly the ending) and doesn't mourn those lost in battle. After the battle with King Evilfatsozon, the remaining team members do not so much as mention Baby-Man, the Wrestler, Mr. Stocker, or even Leaf Man, who got them to fight the aliens in the first place. Other Ask Axe Cop strips show that he is very discriminating in his tryouts and will go to any length to have other powerful individuals join his ranks, be it by force (the Best Fairy Ever) or by asking them without even introducing himself (the King of All Time). Wexter is a terrifying enough ally, but Axe Cop saw it fit to augment him with chaingun arms. Even on vacation, he locks himself in a hotel room and reviews his previous fights for a week. When Flute Cop auditioned in Axe Cop's first tryout, he felt a bond with him, a vibe that warrior brothers share, and accepted him without question. [https://web.archive.org/web/20130429233220/http://axecop.com/index.php/acask/read/ask_axe_cop_9/ Ask Axe Cop #9] even hints that [[Famed in Story|he does it for the glory]]. [https://web.archive.org/web/20130602213347/http://axecop.com/index.php/acask/read/ask_axe_cop_12/ He murdered Chuck Norris just because he pointed out that he doesn't have a pet.] When all evil in the world is eradicated, Axe Cop has no further plans as seen in [https://web.archive.org/web/20130602212649/http://axecop.com/index.php/acask/read/ask_axe_cop_10/ his political platform]. And that's not even beginning to mention his enthusiasm and anxiousness to chop heads off. With much of his character centered on combat, perhaps Axe Cop is not as entirely righteous as we take him to be.
** Pretty much confirmed by [https://web.archive.org/web/20130602215303/http://axecop.com/index.php/acask/read/ask_axe_cop_21/ #21], which informs us that our hero chose to become a cop so he could kill bad guys all day and night.
** Actually, it's worst than that. Not only do they not mourn them, but they also sent the "good" robots after the evil "robots", meaning they helped slaughter thier freinds, even though Uni-Man could have easily wished them better, or the whole team immune to thier bites. But who cares? [[Rule of Cool|It's Cool]]
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== The Ask Axe Cop segments are [[Unreliable Narrator|not entirely truth.]] ==
With so many contradictions of Axe Cop's origin present throughout the Ask Axe Cop chapters, it's easy to assume that his [[Easy Amnesia]] has some kind of lasting effect. That or [[Self -Serving Memory|he's just making stuff up to impress the readers]]. [[Rule of Cool|Not that there's anything wrong with that]], but still.
== Axe Cop is an [[Adult Child]]/[[Psychopathic Manchild]]. ==
For reasons that should be obvious.
== Axe Cop's [https://web.archive.org/web/20130430031150/http://axecop.com/index.php/acask/read/ask_axe_cop_35/ shotgun sword] is actually Telescope Gun Cop's weapon. ==
After he blew up his lab, he took the telescoping gun and held onto it for whenever the need for one arose. He later had Uni-Man modify it a la [https://web.archive.org/web/20130217020925/http://axecop.com/index.php/acepisodes/read/episode_37/ episode 37] and when the time came, he augmented its original abilities by adding a barrel to the
gun and a blade to the flashlight component. It's also possible that Uni-Man built his go-kart to match the technology of the aliens.
== Malachi must have played some RPG game recently ==
Because [https://web.archive.org/web/20130217020755/http://axecop.com/index.php/acepisodes/read/episode_44/ here] they start refering to their enemy as "The Boss" and whenever they hit him, they talk about how much "life" thier attacks take away and how much "damage" thier secret attack does.
== [https://web.archive.org/web/20130602205350/http://axecop.com/index.php/acask/read/ask_axe_cop_41/ Axe Cop insists there can be only one] to protect those around the fools who think otherwise. ==
Axe Cop faces many dangers and villains that even many of us have trouble comprehending. When he finds a wannabe or a pretender, [[Mercy Kill|he kills them on the spot out of mercy]]. He reasons that anyone who would try to be an axe cop thinks that they know what they're in for and are willing to risk their lives in the name of justice, but bearing a fireman axe is far too much responsibility for those without the powers and allies he possesses. Such people cannot be reasoned with or convinced to return to a normal life, so he offs them before any damage is done.
* Compare to the [https://web.archive.org/web/20130429211515/http://axecop.com/index.php/acask/read/ask_axe_cop_38/ previous short answer mashup], where Axe Cop clearly does not look happy to have to kill an evil Uni-Baby, and here where he does not show any remorse to chopping off the head of a wannabe axe cop who wanted to be on his team. In the first case, he was about to chop off the evil Uni-Baby head in tears because it was not by choice she ended up that way. In the second, he does so out of frame with no such remorse implied. He is killing someone who had consciously made a bad decision and he feels a responsibility to nip it in the bud.
== It all runs on video game logic. ==
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== After participating in the crossover, Malachai has been reading ''Dr. McNinja'' himself. ==
In (at the time of this writing) [https://web.archive.org/web/20130429213351/http://axecop.com/index.php/acask/read/ask_axe_cop_42/ the latest] ''Ask Axe Cop'', Axe Cop mentions training to be a crime fighter by studying ''[[Batman]]'' movies. That's pretty much how Dr. McNinja described how he trained his skills.
** And now we have dinosaurs leaving Earth and ending up on another planet, much like ''Dr. McNinja'''s "Space Savers" chapter.
== Malachai is just getting into his [[Toilet Humor]] phase. ==
Let's face it, we ''all'' went through a phase as kids when we thought that poop jokes were the funniest things ever. Now look at the new comics. Dr. Doo Doo, Doody Soldiers, Planet Poop, Poop Get Rid Of World, Poopnevermaker food... it all adds up.
== Axe Cop is actually a follower of [[Warhammer 4000040,000|Khorne]]. ==
He was lying about throwing away the chopped heads in Ask Axe Cop. He actually has a massive Skull Throne in his basement.
* Or maybe he ''is'' Khorne.
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== Army Chihuahua is a member of the Chihuahua family that adopted Axey. ==
There's no reason he wouldn't be, really. Yes, his first name is Army. It's more normal than any of the names of the previously seen family members.
* <s>Alternatively, he was a normal chihuahua until he got army blood spilled on him.</s> This was [[Jossed]] in [https://web.archive.org/web/20130216222220/http://axecop.com/index.php/acepisodes/read/episode_78/ part 4.]
** Not quite. We just know that he was a soldier - we don't know if he might be related in some way to Axey's foster parents, even if he's a distant cousin or something. We never did hear his name before he turned into a chihuahua - for all we know, it's appropriately absurd.
* Note that in the Thanksgiving special, Axe Cop has a Chihuahua family picture on the wall behind the table. Perhaps Ethan knows and is foreshadowing us?
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* Jossed, Psydrozon was built by King Evilfatsozon, which is why he's immune to Psydrozon's weapons.
[[Category:Wild Mass Guessing/WebcomicsWeb Comics]]
[[Category:Axe Cop]]
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