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Merlin (TV series)/Recap/S03/E10 Queen of Hearts: Difference between revisions

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Morgana joins Arthur as he looks over some official papers, and sure enough, has him spilling his guts in a matter of seconds. After flattering him a bit with talk that Gwen is always speaking of him, Morgana sympathises with their forbidden love and urges him to spend some more time with Gwen - after all, what Uther doesn't know won't hurt him. She leaves the room, leaving a thoughtful Arthur in her wake.
One segue later, and Merlin is telling Gwen that Arthur wants to spend the day with her. Gwen is hesitant, knowing the consequences if the two of them were caught, but Merlin is a [[Shipper Onon Deck]] at the highest level, and convinces her that going on a date with the crown prince is the best idea ever - he'll even escort her himself to a secret location outside the city walls. She finally agrees, and Merlin gives her a little "keep calm" sign at the door. In his absence, Gwen allows herself a little spin.
Up in her room, Morgana is casually playing with her jewellery and watching Gwen make the bed in the mirror. Nervously Gwen asks her for the day off tomorrow, telling Morgana that she's not feeling very well. Morgana grants her permission, and breaks out the [[Psychotic Smirk]] the second that she's gone.
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Arthur and Guinevere are enjoying each other's company, and when Gwen moves to set out the food he's brought, Arthur insists that she's not there as a servant. He tells her that being away from Camelot gives him a chance to be himself, and that sometimes he secretly dreams of becoming a farmer.
{{quote| '''Gwen''': I can hardly see you toiling away in the fields all day.<br />
'''Arthur''': Obviously I'd take Merlin with me, he can do all the hard work. }}
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Another segue later, and Arthur is fidgeting in the throne room, waiting for his father to arrive. Expecting a shouting-match, he's astonished when Uther bursts out laughing and claps him on the back.
{{quote| '''Arthur''': I thought you'd be furious.<br />
'''Uther''': I was young once, I'm more than familiar with the temptations of serving girls.<br />
'''Arthur''': I'm sorry I kept it from you. I thought it for the best.<br />
'''Uther''': No serious harm has been done. I can't allow it to continue, obviously.<br />
'''Arthur''': What are you talking about?<br />
'''Uther''': You can never see this girl again.<br />
'''Arthur''': You just said that no harm had been done.<br />
'''Uther''': You've had your fun. Now it must come to an end. }}
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That night Morgana plants a poultice under Arthur's pillows and then goes to Uther who is reading by candlelight. Uther confesses that he can't understand Arthur's newfound feelings for a serving girl.
{{quote| '''Morgana''': It's strange...Arthur tells me everything, and he's never expressed any feelings for Gwen, and suddenly he's declaring his love for her. <br />
'''Arthur''': What are you saying, Morgana?<br />
'''Morgana''': I'm sure there's an explanation.<br />
'''Arthur''': Speak your mind.<br />
'''Morgana''': You yourself have noticed Arthur's strange mood. It's almost as though he's...been enchanted. }}
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Downstairs, Gwen is thrown down onto her knees before Uther whilst Morgana watches in the background. Uther dangles the poultice before Gwen's face and asks her to identity it. Gwen insists that she's never seen it before.
{{quote| '''Uther''': Why else would Arthur fall in love with someone like you?<br />
'''Guinevere''': I don't expect someone like ''you'' to understand that. }}
As awesome as this comeback is, it only gets Gwen slapped around the face by a suddenly-furious Uther. Morgana steps in with a false attempt at a defense, but Uther shuts her down as Arthur storms in. Uther presents him with the poultice, but Arthur is adamant that he's not under a spell. Uther simply counters that because he's under a spell, he can't believe anything he says as the truth. In an unexpected [[Continuity Nod]], Uther recalls that Guinevere's father consorted with sorcerers against him, but Guinevere's fierce defense of her father only lands her in deeper trouble as Uther declares this as her motivation in enchanting Arthur. Gaius tries to speak up for her, but Uther has made up his mind.
{{quote| '''Uther''': She has been found guilty of using magic and enchantments. She will be burnt at the stake.}}
Guinevere reacts with horror and Arthur begins to panic. He lunges at his father but is restrained by the guards. Gaius insists on a fair trial for Gwen, but Uther orders her to be executed at dawn - as one last attempt to secure Gwen's safety, Arthur offers to give up his right to the throne in exchange for her life. Believing this to be [[Something He Would Never Say]], Uther takes this as final proof that Arthur is under a spell, and gently cups his son's face in his hand.
{{quote| '''Uther''': My son would never do that. It is proof beyond doubt that you are enchanted. <br />
'''Arthur''': I will never forgive you for this.<br />
'''Uther''': She will die. The enchantment will be broken. You'll see I was right. }}
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Back in the physician's quarters, Gaius is busy telling Merlin for the umpteenth time that Uther will never believe that Morgana is responsible for any wrong-doing. Merlin gets that look in his eyes that suggests he's about to come up with a plan that's either an [[Idiot Ball]] or [[Crazy Awesome]] depending on your point of view.
{{quote| '''Merlin''': If we can't expose the true sorcerer, then we must invent one.}}
Using an aging spell, Merlin will disguise himself as an old man, let himself get caught in the act of putting an identical poultice under Arthur's pillow, and then simply use magic to break himself free of the dungeons. It's right up with there with one of Morgana's plots, but here we go...
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Uther and his court are looking over some papers when Arthur brings "Dragoon" before him. Gaius looks on in mild bemusement/concern as Old!Merlin is forced to stand before the court. Arthur tells him that he caught the old man planting the poultice under his pillow and hands over the evidence. Morgana looks on in astonishment at this unexpected turn of events. Old!Merlin freely admits to placing the enchantment over Arthur, claiming that he wanted to shame Camelot by having Arthur fall in love with a lowly serving girl.
{{quote| '''Uther''': Have I wronged you in some way, old man?<br />
'''Old!Merlin''': You have wronged so many people in so many ways. You're blinded by your hatred of magic. You have tortured and executed innocent people. You, Uther Pendragon, are a stupid, arrogant, old tyrant. }}
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From the end of the corridor, Morgana watches him taken to the dungeons.
{{quote| '''Morgana''': Do you know that man, Gaius?<br />
'''Gaius''': I've never seen him before. Is there something troubling you, Morgana? I'd have thought you'd be relieved that the true culprit's been found. <br />
'''Morgana''': Of course I am. }}
Merlin is pushed into a dungeon cell where he can see the pyre outside. Gaius is hurrying down a corridor when Arthur asks him if he's seen Merlin - and the famous "he's in the tavern" [[Running Gag]] begins. Gaius manages to speak to Merlin through the bars of the cage, who tearfully tells him that he can't reverse the spell.
{{quote| '''Merlin''': I'm stuck like this.<br />
'''Gaius''': [[Captain Obvious|Not for long. Uther will have you burnt at the stake]]. }}
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* [[Embarrassing Cover Up]]: The "he's at the tavern" excuse is first used here.
* [[Entendre Failure]]:
{{quote| '''Uther''': ''I know about the temptations of serving girls!''<br />
'''Arthur''': [paraphrasing] ''Huh?'' }}
* [[Everyone Can See It]]: Morgana tells Arthur that his feelings for Gwen are obvious.
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* [[Mysterious Protector]]: [[Inverted]] with "Dragoon". On the one hand, he's genuinely trying to help Arthur and save Guinevere's life, but he can only do so by pretending that he's actually trying to harm them.
* [[Mythology Gag]]: Old!Merlin, of course.
* [[New Powers Asas the Plot Demands]]: This is the first time that Merlin has ever attempted an aging spell, and though the episode does demonstrate that he has difficulties controlling it, the fact that he's temporarily de-powered by it is just as arbitrary as his usual ability to do whatever he wants with minimal effort.
* [[Of Corsets Sexy]]: Guinevere's are particularly noticeable in this episode.
* [[Out of Order]]: ''Queen of Hearts'' was meant to air as episode eight. Coming after ''Eye of the Phoenix'' causes some continuity problems, namely in how much Guinevere knows about Morgana's magic and allegiences. The correct order also explains why Morgana is so relieved to see Morgause, considering the last time she saw her was when she was knocked unconscious by falling rubble at the end of ''The Castle of Fyrien''. Also, Guinevere and Arthur's secret goodbye kiss in ''Eye of the Phoenix'' has a ''lot'' more resonance coming after the events of ''this'' episode.
* [[Please Spare Him, My Liege]]
* [[The Promise]]: "When I am king, things will be different. We can be together."
* [[Secret Relationship]]: Arthur and Gwen's is temporarily exposed, and then concealed once more.
* [[Self -Fulfilling Prophecy]]: After her dream of Guinevere being crowned Queen, Morgana seeks to break up Arthur and Gwen. She only ends up getting Arthur to stop dilly-dallying about his feelings for Gwen, admit to Uther (and himself) that he's in love with her, and the two of the [[The Promise|promising]] that they'll wait for each other.
* [[She Cleans Up Nicely]]: Guinevere, in the coronation scene and then for the picnic.
* [[Shipper Onon Deck]]: Merlin, for Arthur/Guinevere.
* [[Silk Hiding Steel]]: Guinevere, very much so, when Uther snidely asks her why his son would fall in love with someone like her, and she responds with an insult of her own.
* [[Something They Would Never Say]]: Rather cruelly [[Inverted]] when Arthur panics and tells his father that he'd be willing to give up his entitlement to the throne in order to save Guinevere's life. Uther takes this as final proof that he's been enchanted, claiming that "my son would never say that." Except that in this case, he ''would''.
* [[Tap Onon the Head]]: Merlin magically throws a helmet at Arthur's head.
* [[Tonight Someone Kisses]]: The Arthur/Gwen kiss was a prominent aspect of the "next time" trailer.
* [[Traitor Shot]]: Plenty, as usual, from Morgana.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: [[Subverted]] horribly.
* [[Wham! Line]]: "You can't forbid my feelings any more than I can. I won't deny them any longer, I love her. I love Guinevere."
* [[What Happened to Thethe Mouse?]]: Where on earth was Elyan during all this? Just a simple line to explain his absence would have been enough.
* [[Who Would Be Stupid Enough...?]]: Gaius asks this when Merlin comes up with the idea to have another sorcerer blamed for planting the poultice under Arthur's pillow. Merlin doesn't bother to answer.
* [[Would Hit a Girl]]: Uther back-hands Gwen across the face.
[[Category:Merlin (TV)/Recap]]
[[Category:Merlin S 03 E 10 Queen Of Hearts]]
[[Category:Merlin (TV series)/Recap]]
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