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Nuns are women who have dedicated their lives to religious service, poverty, and chastity. In the land of fiction, they complete the Fetish Trio right up there with [[Naughty Nurse Outfit|Nurses]] and [[French Maid Outfit|Maids.]]
There is just something about nuns that [[Fetish Fuel|turns a lot of guys on.]] Maybe it's the [[Nuns Are Spooky|mystery]] of it all. After all, they wear the elaborate robes and [[WomensWomen's Mysteries|live in secret, away from men]]. Maybe it's the [[Forbidden Fruit]] factor: you cannot have them, so, ironically, they become more appealing.
If a nun is fetishized, expect her habit to be far shorter and tighter than anything you would see in a real convent. Additionally, most [[Nuns Are Mikos]] in [[Anime]]. Any [[Church Militant]] nun, by nature of not only being a nun but an [[Action Girl]], will tend to follow this trope. Because [[Action Girl|Action Girls]] are always sexy.
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Contrast [[Nuns Are Spooky]] and [[Nuns Are Funny]]. [[Distaff Counterpart]] of [[Sexy Priest]]. Subtrope of [[Nun Too Holy]].
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* ''[[Hudson Hawk]]'' includes a nun {{spoiler|and she's undercover}}.
** She also {{spoiler|leaves the order to marry Hudson Hawk.}}
* Inverted when the Angels masquerade as nuns in the second ''[[CharliesCharlie's Angels (TV)|Charlie's Angels]]'' movie.
* In ''[[Shoot Em Up (Film)|Shoot Em Up]]'', the hero takes the baby he has rescued from thugs who murdered his mother to a building that looks like a convent, and the door is opened by a young woman dressed as a nun. He barges in, and when she turns around in shock to follow him it's revealed that her costume has the rear end cut out of it, revealing that she is wearing some decidedly un-nunlike lingerie underneath and cluing the audience in to the fact that the building is actually a... [[Get Thee to A Nunnery|"nunnery"]].
* Low-budget cult film ''[[Roller Blade]]'' features naked lesbian roller skating nuns.
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