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What was (Clone-)Syoran's price for kicking off the [[Fetch Quest]] to regain (Clone-)Sakura's feathers? ''His relationship with Sakura''. (Now, whether that extends to the relationship he forms with Sakura during this quest, or the relationship Sakura's going to form with Real-Syoran remains to be seen.)
== The Real Syaoran is actually the one from ''[[Cardcaptor Sakura (Manga)|Cardcaptor Sakura]]''. == His description is the same. He's a descendant of Clow, plus his magic is depicted with the same foci and special effects. Which means he's torn between his feelings for an [[Alternate Universe]] Sakura, who has feelings for his [[Evil Twin|now Heartless Clone]], and a Sakura he can't get back to.
** Status: [[Jossed]]! {{spoiler|1=He's the ''son'' of [CCS] Sakura and Syaoran, who took his father's name because he didn't trust Yuuko.}}
*** Apparently not Jossed. {{spoiler|1=If 217 is any indication, he's the son of an alternative universe of Sakura... who's borrowing powers from the real [CCS] Sakura... what the ''hell'' CLAMP?}}
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== The [[Big Bad]] is [[Man Behind the Man|being manipulated]] ==
I mean, considering what else has happened, this is downright plausible.
* He's being manipulated... ''by his own {{smallcapssmall-caps| Evil Twin / Clone / Perfect Replica!}}''
* More seriously/plausibly, Fei Wong Reed could potentially be a puppet or patsy for a scheme conceived by Yuuko or Clow Reed or both. They have clearly been planning for the events of ''Tsubasa'' for decades, in intricate detail. What's to say they couldn't have kicked the whole thing off as well?
* A favourite crack theory of this troper and her Nakama is that FWR is actually being manipulated by his ''monocle'', in for demonic possession twist in the plot. And that if he's defeated without it breaking, the monocle will then possess ''Sakura'' instead. The chapter breaks leave us with enough time that we really do start pulling theories out of our asses to amuse ourselves before the next reveal/tear jerker/beyond the impossible moment comes along.
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== The events of the series, as well as the CLAMP multiverse as a whole, are the product of Shinji Ikari in Instrumentality ==
He made it after he already tried most of the rest of fiction in existence, at which point he was a bit... confused. He was starting to get homesick, which is why everything is so mysterious and confusing- the poor guy's life was so bad, a bunch of mysterious assholes with [[Main/Xanatos Roulettes|Xanatos Roulettes]] is to him what Grandma's Chicken Soup is to the average person. Clones and evil twins feature heavily as reflections of his memory of the Rei clones, and the Syaoran-Sakura [[Oedipus Rex]] bit is the reflection of his own crush on Rei. As in [[Cardcaptor Sakura (Manga)|Cardcaptor Sakura]], however, the [[Yaoi Guys]] weren't part of the plan. It just happens sometimes.
* You haven't seen the Kaworu episode, have you? Yukito looks ''a lot'' like a kind version of this guy. And so does Fai (although Fai himself manages to be not that kind after all).
== It wasn't the kind of acid that eats through metal in the Acid Tokyo arc ==
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== [[CLAMP]] are contemplating retirement. ==
Characters from every one of their previous works; an entire casino full of [[Xanatos Roulette|Xanatos Roulettes]]s; [[Mind Screw|Mind Screws]]s all over the place? Clearly this entire series is one gigantic [[Grand Finale]], and one suffering from [[Trippy Finale Syndrome]], at that.
* Except Wish. Wish is the only series yet to be crossed over. Make of that what you will...
** Didn't they sort-of disown Wish when they had to change the ending? They were originally going to leave it out of Clamp in Wonderland 2 after all. There are also a couple of one shots that I don't think have been crossed over.
**** It still bugs me, though... Besides, Wish is actually one of my favorite CLAMP manga, behind CCS and TRC. It'd be nice to see it crossed over...
* Yes and no. They may not start any new projects, but they've already stated in interviews that they plan to finish [[Legal Drug]], and may or may not finish [[X 1999 (Mangamanga)|X]].
* Jossed. Kobato and Gate 7. Kobato is an ongoing series that has cross-overs with Wish, and Gate 7 is a series CLAMP is yet to release.
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* [[Jossed]] by chapter 220.
== FWR is Clow and Yuuko's son! ==
The reason FWR has committed all these sins against everyone and even the multiverse itself is simply because he loves his mother too much. FWR is Yuuko and Clow's son See, Clow attempted to avert Yuuko's death but didn't succeed completely, he only managed to reject Yuuko's entry to the Dead's Dimension by having the entire multiverse reject her, perhaps he balked at the great consequences of what he was going to do and balked fatally. But FWR has no such qualms and completes it by creating this [[Xanatos Roulette]] to get the necessary ingredients to decisively revive Yuuko.
* Taking consideration it's CLAMP, it makes perfect sense. Although it makes my "Naoko is Goddess and wants to rebuild the entire thing" theory get even more complicated to explain... Well, it's CLAMP, of course it'd give space for both theories.
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== The whole setting was a plan by CCS Naoko/Rayearth Fuu ''all the time''. And she probably could be God as well. ==
First things first: It's an unwritten rule at CLAMP that ''nobody'' that uses glasses is a normal person. Ever. Second: She looks like a loli Fuu from Rayearth (but with slightly darker hair), but this is unrelated... ''For now''. Third: That girl is one hell of a [[Genre Savvy]] to not know what she's doing, even when she used that Clow Card (I believe that wasn't an accident, and with this card, she actually triggered all the complicated plot just to... Perhaps fix something?) Also, she wasn't exactly noticed as a non-magic user even by Kerberos, which would mean that she had something going behind the curtains. Fuu in the Rayearth universe controls wind, a really strange element by nature (even when being gentle, just like a God's nature), despite being extremely shy; such element would fit better to Naoko, thus, making Fuu's personality a [[Beware the Nice Ones|disguise]]. Of course, you might think that Naoko is a [[Shout -Out]] to another shoujo mangaka, but then, such mangaka had [[Sailor Moon|the main character in her most famous work inspired in herself, and having the power to change the whole Universe]], making such name fit for a Goddess... Perhaps CLAMP was giving a hint on how contrived and complicated was going to be their plot since [[Cardcaptor Sakura (Manga)|Cardcaptor Sakura]]? Either way, I think Naoko is Fuu, and, in turn, is CLAMPverse's God. C'mon, CLAMP can't show a bespectacled person appearing as one of the main characters close acquaintances and throw such person away to the pit of forgetfulness for nothing!
* Alternatively, she's just an exception to the rule, and/or just Fuu's mom. Poor girl, it's due to being [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]] (not to a villain point, but to a Haruhi-esque one) that condemned her to being powerless. If she had powers, it would be frightening.
** She can also be Miyuki and Yuuko as well.
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* Additionally, they are being compelled to attempt to pass this insanity on to all their readers, new and longtime, through Tsubasa. They're just not very good at it.
** All <s>God</s> <s>[[Suzumiya Haruhi|Haruhi]]</s> <s>Naoko</s> Mokona's work. {{spoiler|S/he wants the verse to collapse and restart a new, since something there is really wrong...}}
* This is probably a fact and not just WMG. In fact, in a [[Crowning Moment of Funny]], now that both [[Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle|Tsubasa]] & [[XXX Holic×××HOLiC|the Holic]] have ended, even [[Word of God]] has admitted that '''they too are rather confused over how everything turned out and want to re-read it'''.
== One of the members of CLAMP has an Electra complex ==
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== A character will be borne of one country, conceive in another, and live in a third. ==
The order may change. The country in which the child lives will either be shortly before the country in which the original character lives, or the country in which the child lives will be before the birthplace but after the home of the parent character. My preferred guess is TRC!Syaoran is the parent, Seishiro is the child, and he learned to fight from Future! {{spoiler|Clone!Syaoran}}. No guesses as to the probably female parent, but a brainwashing sorceress who knows of Clow's descendants would not be an unreasonable assumption. Possibly the human on which Yuuko's physical form is based, considering Seishiro's looks. This [[Gambit Pileup|Gambit]] [[Timey-Wimey Ball|Timey Wimey]] [[Tricked -Out Time|Crash]] of a series is murder on the WMGs.
== CLAMP decided to make a series that would confound forum theorists for decades after it finishes. ==
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== Mokona and Modoki will become human ==
Modoki will reveal himself to be a facet of Clow, and Mokona will reveal himself to be... A girl. No idea if she's going to look like Yuuko, though.
* Whichever of the [https://web.archive.org/web/20131126163929/http://ccs.wikia.com/wiki/Mokona_Modoki Mokona Modoki, or "false Mokona"] you are calling [[Meaningful Name|Mokona]], who turns out to be a girl, will look exactly like [[Author Avatar|one of Li's sisters]].
** Alternately, all Li's sisters are Mokona constructs, kept to watch him and his mom. When population control come to see if Li's house is with more kids than it should, they go back to Mokona mode.
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As of 223 the timeline seems to have gone from stable time loop into a stable mobius strip: C!Sayoran and C!Sakura are given chances at a new life. They find each other and give birth to TRC!Sayoran. TRC!Sayoran jumps across time and space to meet TRC!Sakura. From here, the clones are made by FWR to recreate the universe as part of his grand scheme. The clones will/did, thanks to Yuki and Clow, created the CCS universe are part of the Xanatos Gambit.
== Clone Sakura (second lifetime) had [[Cardcaptor Sakura (Manga)|Card Captor]] adventures in her youth ==
Before meeting up with the reborn Cloney. She ''did'' have a Star Wand before she gave it up, after all, and Watanuki seemed to recognize the Key of Clow replica in Yuko's shop, and she seemed to steer him away from it- indicating that it was something from his sealed memories of childhood. Seen in family photos, perhaps?
* This begs the question of, if she was indeed Card Captoring, why the Lis in that world never sent Syaoran to meet with her. Perhaps they sent the local Meiling in his place, noticing that he had an unusual twinkle in his eye when they described the girl to him?
* [[Jossed]]. She only had the star wand because Sakura from [[Cardcaptor Sakura (Manga)|Cardcaptor Sakura]] appeared to in a dream to give it to her. This in turn implies that...
== [[Cardcaptor Sakura (Manga)|Cardcaptor Sakura]] is yet another [[Chessmaster]] manipulating events ==
She was manipulating things to ensure that everything has a happy ending, as Clow and Yuko had given their all to merely get the clones into the cycle of reincarnation, resulting in something unplanned and unmanipulated.
* Card Captor, realizing that this simply wouldn't do, did her best to subtly nudge the reincarnated clones into place for the best possible ending for all involved.
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...and he has to wear a monocle because the vision in his right eye is 10/20.
== The egg from [[XXX Holic×××HOLiC]] will be used on Fei Wong Reed ==
Here's the plan; Doumeki will make a wish - hopefully, to stay by Watanuki in the shop... [[Squee]]! - and the price will be the egg. Tomoyo will wish to save the Sakuras, and will hand over her Moon Bell to Watanuki in exchange for the egg. She will then get Fuuma to deliver it to her alternate self in Piffle, who has conveniently just discovered the method to cross dimensions, who will go to Clow and deliver it to Kurogane.
Together with Fai's magic, the egg will be used on Fei Wong Reed. This will cause him to lose all his memories, return to his original world, and either become Doumeki's ancestor or reincarnate as Doumeki himself, but purified of his sins and caring for both Watanuki(who subconciously reminds him of Clow) and Yuuko. If Doumeki somehow sees Fei Wong Reed through Watanuki's eye, he will either recognize his ancestor or remember his past life.
Either way, someone's got to explain the past several chapters and Fei Wong Reed's real wish, and Doumeki may just be the calmest one to do so. This could lead either to a classic CLAMP yaoi ending of "destined to be enemies" or to a subversion of their usual pattern and an ending of forgiveness and understanding on the part of everyone. Both [[XXX Holic×××HOLiC]] and [[Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle]] are full of both classic CLAMP and subversions, so either possibility is just as likely. Of course, this troper would prefer a happy ending with Douwata... but still, knowing CLAMP...
Oh, and the Moon Bell is eventually given to Mizuki Kaho, who may or may not be Yuuko's reincarnation. She then uses it to grant CCS!Sakura the Star Wand, sending the whole plot back to the beginning.
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== The Seishiro of ''Tsubasa'' is not the one from ''[[Tokyo Babylon]]'', but rather... ==
{{spoiler|Watanuki}} in disguise. One eye, dark hair, intimate knowledge of Syaoran's past, present, and possibly future? Does his best work in the world of dreams? The immortal twin characters that he's after explicitly fail to match the continuity that he's ''supposed'' to be from? Sounds like we've got our man. A bit of ensoulment, a visage copy spell, and a pact-switch later would account for everything, though I highly doubt that [[Our Vampires Are Different|the twins]] are actually [[XXX Holic×××HOLiC|the twins]].
== CCS is the version of the timeline created by R!Syoaran's decision to turn back time ==
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== Syaoran and Sakura are actually breeds of [[Pokémon]] ==
Like Taurus and Miltank, gender-differentiated. This is why in the one instance where we see the offspring of a Syaoran and a Sakura, the only natural child was also a Syaoran. <ref>Watanuki doesn't count, as he was never actually born per se.</ref>
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* If this is true, Touya is going to get an unpleasant surprise when he walks into that room in answer to Sakura's note...
== Ora is [[Clover (Manga)|Suu]] ==
When Seishiro confronts her at the end of the Oto arc, Ora admits that this isn't her real name or what she really looks like. However, being CLAMP, it can't be a coincidence that the video game persona is just like the character from [[Clover (Manga)|Clover]]. In addition, the video game is revealed to be an attraction at ''Fairy Park'', which was the [[Clover (Manga)|Clover]]!Ora's favorite amusement park, and the last place we [[Anachronic Order|chronologically see Suu.]] My theory is that Suu, or an alternate universe counterpart, worked with Chitose Hibiya to rebuild Fairy Park and develop the virtual reality game, using her powers as a Clover. As Suu was the strongest of the Clovers, it makes sense that in Oto country, she's the strongest of the oni. She takes part in the game as Ora as a tribute to her dead friend's memory. You'll notice that in the ''Tsubasa'' manga, the song she sings is the one that she and Ora wrote together. The name of the bar is even Clover, as a hint to sharp-eyed players.
[[Category:Wild Mass Guessing/Anime and Manga]]
[[Category:Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle]]
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