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Jim is a roleplayer of the "XP and loot first, plot later" variety, and is more interested in having a cool adventure than in puzzles or plot. He tends to jump head first into things, often while barely understanding the situation and frequently making things worse. But Jim isn't stupid: he's actually a highly intelligent graduate student who can come up with plausible explanations for the most nonsensical stuff in the ''Star Wars'' universe. He just likes to "turn his brain off." He has developed a rather obvious crush on Annie, culminating in them starting to date at the end of ''Episode II''. The relationship sours between ''Episodes II'' and ''III'', but later recovers.
Plays Qui-Gon Jinn, Anakin for about two strips, and later Padme, then Captain Antilles [[hottip:*:<ref>He also played [[Dark Forces Saga|Kyle Katarn]]</ref> in a campaign between ''Episodes III'' and ''IV''.
* [[Action Girl]]: He plays one, anyway.
* [[Aggressive Negotiations]]: Naturally, Jim is fond of this trope. Although he claims to need a laser blaster to properly negotiate, because the laser sword's reach isn't good enough.
* [[But He Sounds Handsome]]: Both [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0697.html Jim himself] and [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0205.html the] [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0679.html characters] he plays have nothing but praise for other characters played by him.
* [[Character Derailment]]: In-universe. His handling of Padme is completely different from how the GM did it.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: His philosophy on gaming starts with a [[Forrest Gump]] reference and ends with "Chocolate dice!". Also, it seemingly never occurred to him that when he learns something his character isn't supposed to know during session he should simply pretend not to hear it [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0707.html until Corey did just that].
* [[Gambit Roulette]]: His plan for the Mos Eisley pod race. Goes [[Up to Eleven]] because almost ''every single step'' of the plan by all rights should have ensured its spectacular failure, and yet it still somehow ''works''.
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* [[Meaningful Name]]: Jim being one letter off from Jin. No longer meaningful as of Qui-Gon's death.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Every other day. And this is an understatement. And most of the time he (apparently) doesn't even notice when it's pointed out.
{{quote| '''Owen:''' Yes. They used to be a peaceful, meditative race, until about ten years ago, when they mysteriously acquired weapons and started shooting at pod races. They began terrorising town dwellers, claiming some sort of broken promise. They've descended into barbarism.<br />
'''Jim:''' Wow. I wouldn't like to be the one responsible for that. }}
* [[Noodle Incident]]: Has had several, the two biggest being Annie's game between ''Episodes II'' and ''III'' {{spoiler|he threw a fit when Annie introduced [[Twilight|sparkling vampires]] and didn't explain that they weren't evil}} and between ''Episodes III'' and ''IV'' where they went through the Dark Forces games and Jim was Kyle Katarn. After this game he seems to have been banned from playing Jedi or owning a laser sword.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: He's working on his Ph.D.
{{quote| '''Pete:''' Roleplaying is his downtime. He likes to turn his brain off.}}
* [[The Real Man]]
* [[UST]]: With Annie throughout ''Episode II'', getting upgraded to an official relationship by the end.
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=== Ben ===
An old roleplaying buddy of Jim's. Ben is often the voice of reason, and tries his best to rein Jim in. He's rather more focused on the role-playing than Jim--heJim—he's one of the few participants to distinguish between in-character knowledge and out-of-character knowledge, and he's even taking drama classes to help with improv. He's also very good at thinking his way around the GM's setting and rules. He has a habit of pointing out the flaws in the setting. He studies medicine outside the campaign, if only it's because his father wants him to. After his sister Sally confronts him over this in ''Episode III'', he goes away to rethink his life, and doesn't return until two years later during ''Episode IV''.
Plays Obi-Wan Kenobi.
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* [[The Obi-Wan]]: Seems to be taking this role since his return in ''Episode IV'' for Corey, though also showing the same "enlightened" outlook toward others. Playing the [[Trope Namer]] helps.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: At least among the players, though he's not above twisting the insanity around to his benefit.
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]: He's nowhere to be seen at the start of ''Episode IV''.
** [[The Bus Came Back]]: He returns in [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0719.html episode 719].
* [[The Roleplayer]]
* [[The Smart Guy]]
* [[Walking the Earth]]: Or something to that effect. It turns out Ben disappeared in the time between Episode III and IV to find himself. Only he forgot to really keep in contact, so everyone thought the worst, especially Sally.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: According to Sally, the only reason he's going into medicine is because his dad wants him to.
=== Sally ===
Ben's younger sister. Initially she only tagged along with Ben because her parents couldn't afford a babysitter that night, so the GM worked her into the game, and she ended up enjoying it far more than anyone expected and sticking around for the rest of the campaign. She's also wildly imaginative and not afraid to contribute to the world-building--manybuilding—many of the stranger aspects of the prequel trilogy were her contributions.
Played Jar-Jar Binks in ''Episode I'', then kept switching between a bunch of minor side characters like C-3PO, Mace Windu, and Yoda after she got bored with the [[Non-Action Guy]].
* [[The Atoner]]: As Mace Windu, she [[Random Number God|accidentally]] [[Off Withwith His Head|killed off]] Jango Fett. Mace spends the rest of the arena battle in a remorseful daze.
* [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny]]: Has a strong tendency to decide a character or activity is "stupid/boring" and look for another.
* [[Badass Adorable]]
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* [[Hidden Depths]]: Short attention span or not, she has a gift for worldbuilding. At one point, when the DM let her flat out design a set, she left him and Ben speechless in awe. She later claims that she wishes to be a fantasy writer and has apparently mapped out an entire planet.
* [[The Loonie]]
* [[Rescued Fromfrom the Scrappy Heap]]: [[Invoked Trope|Intentionally]]. Sally made Jar-Jar likable in the series. It got so good, Jim said "Jar-Jar, you're a genius," and it was perfectly believable.
=== Pete ===
An old friend of Jim's. Pete tries to abuse the system as much as possible - for example, he designed his character as short, armless, and unintelligible so he could get advantages elsewhere. Spent most of ''Episode II'' bitter about [[The Princess Bride (Filmfilm)|a low-fantasy campaign]] that he, Jim, and Ben played during the first [[Time Skip]].
Plays R2-D2, and subbed in for the GM when he had to leave for a family emergency in ''Episode II''.
* [[Bathe Her and Bring Her Toto Me]]: Inverted. He requests that he be cleaned and oiled by the Queen's most beautiful handmaiden as a reward for saving the ship.
* [[Chaotic Neutral]]: In-universe [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0192.html he claims this is R2-D2's alignment]. Ben, however, thinks [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0576.html he's actually of evil alignment].
{{quote| '''Ben:''' Wait, Pete, when did you decide to be evil? [[[Beat Panel]]] I can't believe I even said that.}}
* [[Everyone Has Standards]]: Pete might be a [[Munchkin]] of the worst variety but he reacts with offense when accused of rigging his special die to get Ben killed.
{{quote| '''Pete:''' Look, I cajole dice, I beg them, I even punish them. But never in my life have I ''manipulated'' them.}}
* [[Her Codename Was Mary Sue]]: He should NEVER DM and play a character at the same time for this reason. Well this and [[Railroading]].
* [[Hidden Depths]]: In-universe Annie is very surprised when it's [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0481.html revealed] that Pete has a job and that, presumably, he does have a life outside gaming.
* [[Killer Game Master]]: When Pete guest GMs he puts the others through a killer death trap course as revenge for their actions in another campaign, although no one's character is actually killed thanks to some luck and some sucking up.
* [[Min -Maxing]]/[[Munchkin]]
* [[Odd Friendship]]: With Sally, though it sometimes seems [[The Friend Nobody Likes|a little one-sided.]]
* [[Railroading]]
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=== Annie ===
An initial non-gamer and thespian. She met Ben through drama class, and he introduced her to the role-playing group. She initially saw the sessions as acting opportunities (and she provided a humorous outsider's perspective on the usual PC behavior), but she is getting the hang of the combat simulations. She clearly has a lot of fun collaborating with the GM on her characters' backstories, and playing the parts for all the angst she can. Has been dating Jim since the end of ''Episode II''. Ran her own [[Van Helsing|supernatural]] [[Twilight (Literaturenovel)|campaign]] during the second [[Time Skip]], but the other players didn't take to it and it strained her relationship with Jim during ''Episode III''. However, the two work out their differences.
Briefly played Shmi before taking over Anakin Skywalker, then switched to Princess Leia in ''Episode IV''.
* [[The Corrupter]]: How she plays Anakin.
* [[Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?|Did You Just Airquote Darth Vader?]]: ''Twice''!
* [[Drives Like Crazy]]: Both in and out of character.
* [[Lawful Evil]]: In-universe. [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0064.html Annie's playing Anakin this way].
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* [[Meaningful Name]]: In the movies, "Ani" was a pet name given to Anakin.
* [[The Roleplayer]]: Friend of Ben's from a drama course. Joined the game as a role play exercise. The other players don't mind it most of the time, but she [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0572.html occasionally takes it too far] for them.
* [[Rules Lawyer]]: One of her [[Darths and Droids (Webcomic)/Awesome|best moments]] involves her {{spoiler|1=outdoing Pete at his own game and using this to hamstring his railroading during his GM tenure.}}
* [[Token Evil Teammate]]: Not actually, but definitely the ways she plays Anakin. [[Designated Hero|Jim and Pete]] have no problem siding with Anakin even as "his" evil becomes more and more obvious.
* [[UST]]: With Jim.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "Trust me."
=== Corey ===
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As of ''Episode IV'', he plays Luke Skywalker (in D&D universe going by the name "Adam Lars", and later "Luke Amidala").
* [[Bratty Half -Pint]]
* [[Culture Clash]]: With his uncle when he wants to use an electronic random number generator instead of rolling dice.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: It's hard to tell whether he's being sarcastic sometimes or whether he just doesn't really get that he's not playing a computer game with some of his comments, such as where he could see his inventory or if he could "replay this [[Cutscene]] later" after an [[Info Dump]]. He also occasionally gets in-character and out-of-character conversations [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0725.html mixed up]:
{{quote| '''Ben (as Obi-Wan):''' Let me explain from the beginning. You know your name isn't really Adam?<br />
'''Corey:''' Yeah, it's Corey. I know how this works. }}
* [[First-Name Basis]]: Calls Pete by his first name.
* [[Like Father, Like Son|Like Uncle, Like Nephew]]: Started out as [[Munchkin|a mini-Pete]] of sorts, except he was interested in a different kind of games; it even got [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0702.html lampshaded by the GM]. However, he seems to grow into...
* [[The Roleplayer]]: And he's surprisingly good at it considering he's ''Pete's'' nephew. He even calls Pete out on it!
* {{spoiler|[[Unwitting Instigator of Doom]]: Letting C-3PO [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0703.html take a bath in lubrication oil] led to the oil getting contaminated with dust, which caused Beru's and Owen's weapons to jam during their fight with Vader's troops, which in turn led [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0736.html to their deaths].}}
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* [[Face Heel Turn]]: Manipulated into one by Anakin.
* [[Only Sane Man]]
{{quote| '''Palpatine:''' In the wrong hands, [the Death Star] could be... disastrous.<br />
'''Anakin:''' But in the right hands?<br />
'''Palpatine:''' There ''are'' no right hands! }}
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: Apparently.
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* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: {{spoiler|He's the silver serving robot seen throughout Episode I, undercover.}}
* [[Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy]]: [[Unreliable Narrator|According to Ben]], [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0737.html his aim sucked.]
{{quote| '''Ben''': He had a nervous twitch fighting living targets. He ''never'' hit.}}
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]
* [[To the Pain]]: Delivered to Obi-Wan upon meeting.
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=== Count Dookû ===
* [[Cassandra Truth]]: [[Playing Withwith a Trope|Played with]]. {{spoiler|He's right about the Peace Moon being a weapon, but Palpatine only built it as a deterrent and did not intend to use it...initially.}}
* [[French Jerk]]: Complete with [[Funetik Aksent]].
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]
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* [[General Ripper]]
* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Man in Thethe Machine]]
* {{spoiler|[[Not-So-Harmless Villain]]: Went from human, if [[Cloudcuckoolander]] [[President Evil]] variant, [[Ascended Extra|Chancellor Valorum]] to... this.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Organ Theft]]: According to Grievous, he has Qui-Gon's [[Tongue Trauma|tongue]], Dooku's heart, and Zam Wessel's [[Eye Scream|eyes]]. Literally.}}
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=== Darth Vader (Played by the GM in episode 4) ===
* [[Bad Boss]]: Instructs his subordinates to execute themselves should they prove to be incompetent.
* [[Cool Helmet]]: Oh, come on, it's ''Vader''.
* [[Crazy Prepared]]: A weird example in that while he, so far, ''has'' had an answer for everything, it's his subordinates who unwittingly provide him with the "crazy". Case in point; when he instructs one to execute everyone who knows about the Empire holding Princess Leia, and the guy asks if that includes ''himself'', his only response is "Yes".
* [[Dark Is Evil]]: [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0676.html Lampshaded].
** [[Obviously Evil]]: Also lampshaded in the same strip.
* [[Dragon Withwith an Agenda]]: Set up as one before ''Episode III'' ended.
* [[Jerkass]]: Forcechokes Motti not because he got insulted by him or anything, but simply because Motti pointed out that Vader shouldn't kill his staff for making mistakes.
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: This one orders subordinates to execute themselves. According to Motti, he does it so often that they had to replace half the workforce during construction of the Peace Moon, putting its completion years behind schedule.
=== Owen and Beru Lars ===
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* [[Properly Paranoid]]: The specific details of their paranoia may actually pan out, given how the story goes.
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