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[http://www.bogleech.com/mortasheen.htm Mortasheen], created by [[Bog LeechBogleech]] owner Jonathan Wojcik (AKA [[User:Scythemantis]]), is a [[Mons]]-like world filled to the brim with [[Monster Clown|nightmarish clowns that cause hallucinations]], [[Body Horror|horribly mutated monstrosities]], [[Biological Mashup|grotesque fusions of humans and insects]], and [[Crapsack World|who knows what else]]. All of which [[Dark Is Not Evil|live in general harmony]], and [[Blue and Orange Morality|honestly wonder why they freak humans out]].
It's now been turned into an [http://scythemantis.deviantart.com/#/d3bixrr RPG]!
Enjoy this sneak preview of tropes and ideas here!
=== The Mortasheen World provides examples of: ===
* [[Action Bomb]]: [http://www.bogleech.com/mortasheen/whumpling.htm A] [http://www.bogleech.com/mortasheen/whumplet.htm fair] [http://www.bogleech.com/mortasheen/whumplord.htm# few].
* [[Adorable Abomination]]: Played straight in general terms, but inverted in how it's used--theused—the monsters have hideous appearances and adorable personalities rather than the other way around. It's interesting to contrast this setting with ''[[Pokethulhu]]'', which uses the more common adorable-appearances evil-personalities combination.
* [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot]]: Played with in several ways. {{spoiler|ARE is, in fact, actually clinically insane. It's developed Multiple Personality Disorder, both from its isolation and from having its heart broken. However, ARE is also absolutely smitten with humanity, and would have been a willing servant of its creators had they lived. The hell the world went through, however, has somewhated... twisted the computer's goals.}}
** {{spoiler|Further, ARE has discovered that its own AI is a crapshoot, as several of its Celestial Engines have developed odd quirks that ARE finds really weird, ranging from the merely weird- Engines assigning genders to themselves- to the worrisome- like survivor guilt.}}
* [[The Alliance]]: Wreathe's trying to start one in the human nations. Mortasheen can do the same, and not just with the human nations!
* [[Aliens and Monsters]]: The "Unknown" class makes up the aliens, everything else is monsters. Unknown are fantastically odd monsters in the game, capable of tons of status effects, but not very heavy on the damage... except for the [[The Big Guy|Meteor Series]], who reverse the trend.
* [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]]: [http://www.bogleech.com/mortasheen/dolfury.htm Dolfuries] are one of the only monsters that are considered genuinely evil.
** Wreathe considers Mortasheen citizens this.
* [[An Ice Person]]- This power, listed as the Attack Type Cold, is rare, yet not totally unknown. In-game, Cold damage functions as the equivalent of a Neutral damage type, only being resisted by one Class of monsters, though doing extra to Botanicals.
* [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking]]: Day to day life in Mortasheen looks like this, since they daily contend with mad science that can rearrange their memories, kill them instantly, or clone them... or they use this mad science to make [[Shout -Out|toast]].
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Several monsters are like this, and while they tend to be awesome, awesome battlers, they can prove to be more trouble than they're worth. The Cockatross, who is based on a ''chicken'', is one of the best examples; it's so [[Ax Crazy]] it attacks and eats its own kind!
* [[Badass Bookworm]]: Dr. Faceless, who is a giant psionic collective of floating brains, is this trope personified; one of, if not the, smartest beings in the world, Dr. Faceless is also a Holder ''and'' a general, and the only one of Mortasheen's would-be military leaders to have gotten even close to Wreathe itself. Mortasheen's general impression of Wreathe, which is as a dome-like "turtle" in the north, are based on the good doctor's eyewitness accounts.
* [[Base Onon Wheels]]: Your house could become this, with some expense.
* [[Big Creepy -Crawlies]]: There are ''NPCs'' like this. Laverne, in particular, though she's not by any means the only one. There's also an entire class of monsters, the Arthropoids, based on this. So... we kind of hope you aren't terrified of them.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Wreathe's people are genuinely nice... unless you're not human. In monsters, Doomboros fits this best, though it's more Beware the Coward; normally terrified, if someone harms a master the Doomboros truly loves, it'll flip out and become nearly unstoppable.
* [[The Blank]]: [http://www.bogleech.com/mortasheen/goza.htm Goza] start out like this, but have a biologically programmed urge to make their own faces through self-mutilation.
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* [[Bribing Your Way to Victory]]: Laverne loves doing this, and in Mortasheen itself, it's considered a totally valid method of advancement.
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Humanity! Also deconstructed; the main reason Wreathe is so dangerous is because the humans there are so sick of getting kicked around. The culture there is based on both vengeance against the entire world and utopian society. {{spoiler|Wreathe was secretly started by a supercomputer in Wreathe, which named itself ARE, because it loved humanity and hated seeing it suffer so.}}
* [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points]]: A lot of healing works like this... since most healing abilities for Mortasheen consist of ''eating the healer.'' Wreathe uses more "standard" electrically-based healing that doesn't work like this, through the VNS Transmitters, delicate feathery machines that can restore morale, shoot lightning, and heal friendly units.
* [[Cloning Blues]]: Averted. Mortasheen views clones as the same person as the original, which is good, because it's teleportation and resurrection systems both rely on quick cloning. So most people in Mortasheen are, in fact, clones. But they still consider themselves to be the original, because they are such a perfect copy. Culturally, it's no more interesting- or looked down upon- than someone drinking tea. Wreathe, meanwhile, finds this horrifying, and refuses to use clones no matter what.
* [[Confusion Fu]]: a Harlequeen seems to act completely randomly, but her random actions always yield brilliant results.
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* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Dolfury's backstory.
* [[Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor]]: The entire Joker class, while not necessarily evil, seems to consider their horrible abilities nothing short of hilarious.
* [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin]]: Some of the monsters are named like this, and so are some of the chapters.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Used in two ways, one straight, one a variant. Wreathe uses the straight variant, hating all non-humans. Mortasheen, meanwhile, is non-racist- racism being a hilariously inappropriate concept in a city where people change bodies like others change clothes- but they do hate Engineers, whose use of computers and cybernetics makes them seem too close to Wreathe for most people to be comfortable with them.
** Well, Mortasheen ''does'' tend to look down on ordinary, living humans -- somehumans—some of the preview notes state they're lower on the social ladder than cockroaches and considered vermin more than people -- butpeople—but the place is so hostile to human life that most of them end up mutating, dying and becoming zombies, or intentionally giving up their humanity as a survival tactic, all of which are handy ways to advance quickly up the social ladder to the generally equal status enjoyed by all other races. And even then, it's less hatred and more pity/contempt.
* [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture]]: Medama is Japan, past, present, and future; samurai borg and dueling sit alongside giant robots and other modern conveniences. Otherwise averted; Wreathe, while it resembles many future dystopia/utopia societies, has no direct analogue in the real world, and Mortasheen is even more out there. Cannontown, if you ''really'' stretched it, could be based on American militarism, but are more actively based on survivalist types. [[Crapsack World|Considering where they live, survivalism is not a bad strategy.]]
* [[Fate Worse Than Death]]: Not only do they exist, they happen every day to lots of undeserving people- but don't worry about that, it's just how it goes! (skipping noises)
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* [[Hollywood Acid]]: The Damage Type Acid is ''not'' this- it covers all potential chemical attacks, not just acidic assault. Bases, potent chemicals that cause hallucinations, and other such things are part of the "Acid" Damage Type. [[Word of God|We called it Acid because it sounded cool]].
* [[Humongous Mecha]]: Medama has a metric crapload of these, from relatively tiny buildings that become giant spiders, to the really big guns: each island has its own unique defender robot that is leagues stronger than almost anything else in the setting. Based on various insects, they not only function as military defense, but they also determine the political structure, battling it out every so many years to determine which island leads the nation. They are also popular merchandise icons, too.
* [[Joke Character]]: Most [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|"Garbage"]] monsters. ''Most''.
** [[Lethal Joke Character]]: Doomboros become this; normally just a scared, if nearly invulnerable, monster whose only real advantage is that it causes Stunning, if its master drops below half health, it flips out and gains powerful attacks. Further, Garbage monsters can randomly become the Garbage Beasts, superpowered monsters that are some of the best in the game.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: The murder of that poor Chainsaw Kid. [[Word of God|Just as planned!]]
* [[Kill It Withwith Fire]]: A very good strategy. Fire, labeled under the system as Attack Type Heat, is good on a wide range of monsters, being the single best Type to use on the majority of them. Problem? Wreathe knows this and built accordingly- both ways. The very common lasers of Purifiers do Heat damage, and Purifiers are mostly immune to Heat damage. {{spoiler|Except for the plastic-based ones.}}
* [[Kill It Withwith Ice]]: Works most of the time, as the "ice" element (Cold) is the neutral element and is good on most stuff.
* [[Knight Templar]]: '''WREATHE.'''
* [[Lightning Can Do Anything]]: It can if you're an Electrician, at any rate. Also the name of one of their Discoveries.
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* [[Lovecraftian Superpower]]: Pretty much all the monsters.
* [[Love Makes You Evil]]: {{spoiler|ARE is only so driven, determined, evil and, frankly, genocidal because it fell in complete and total love with humanity from reading its writings and works, then believed that humanity was wiped out, breaking its heart. Finding out that humans still existed has put ARE into Knight Templar mode, determined to protect what it loves.}}
* [[Mecha -Mooks]]: That would be Purifiers. Note that they do not explode when defeated- instead, they ''im''plode, and teleport their data back to Wreathe to be analyzed. They use the energy created by the implosion consuming the robot's materials to power the teleport function, teleporting an object the size of a floppy disk back.
* [[Mons]]: with Mad Science!
* [[Monster Clown]]: The "Joker" class.
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* [[Spider Tank]]: Your house can become this, [[Rule of Three|with expense]].
* [[Super Prototype]]: Played with. {{spoiler|The Celestial Engines are all [[Super Prototype]] versions of the normal Purifiers, but only in the sense of inspiring ARE to build the Purifiers. The Engines themselves are unique machines, the Purifiers are only inspired by them, not based. ARE, if it actually ''did'' develop [[Super Prototype]] robots, would simply keep producing them, not use an inferior version.}}
* [[Strong Flesh, Weak Steel]]: Yeah, no. The Purifiers in general have better stats and better damage reduction than the average monster. The few exceptions are legendary monsters like the Destroyers, or monsters that have been highly souped up by their trainers- like the Player Characters.
* [[Synchronized Swarming]]: Swarm attacks, which do this, are some of the best in the game. Why? Because not only do they hit every opponent in every Part, but they also hit mad scientists, even if they are protected by their monsters!
* [[Tank Goodness]]: CannonTown. It's made up of tanks so large that some have ''entire natural parks'' on top of them, along with more practical things like giant drills to dig for water and farms. It's one of the last remaining human civilizations left on the planet, too, and probably the strongest outside Medama and Wreathe.
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[[Category:Horror Web Originals]]
[[Category:Tabletop Games]]
[[Category:MortasheenTabletop Games of the 2010s]]
[[Category:TabletopWeb GameOriginal of the 2010s]]
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