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Atlus is also working with Arc System Works to develop ''[[Persona 4 Arena (Video Game)|Persona 4 Arena]]'', a ''[[Blaz Blue]]''-style fighting game set two months after the conclusion of the first game.
The late 2011 fanfare didn't stop there, Atlus revealed more two projects for the series: one is a [[Light Novel]] starring Naoto Shirogane as the protagonist called ''Persona X Detective: Naoto''. [http://bokasaurus.tumblr.com/post/14112076178/digifreaks-persona-x-detective-naoto-from The story of the novel] takes place 1 year after the events of the game when Naoto is a senior in high school. However, it will not take place in Inaba but in a different town and a different school altogether. The other is a [[Spin -Off]] manga starring Yosuke, entitled ''Persona 4: The Magician'' running independently on ''Persona Magazine''. In December, one more project was announced: a Japanese-only Persona 4 live stage production titled ''VisuaLive: Persona 4'', which ran from March 15 through March 20 of 2012.
And if all of that wasn't enough to quench your thirsts, ''[[Persona 4 The Animation]]'' is now getting a [[Big Damn Movie]]; [http://www.siliconera.com/2012/05/27/persona-4-the-animation-getting-new-movie-edition/ summarizing the events of the series while adding new scenes along with the true ending.]
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** Morooka, Kashiwagi, Hanako, and Mitsuo are all characterized as rotten people in general, are basically the only people in the entire game who aren't considered attractive {{spoiler|and don't come around to be better people}}. {{spoiler|Adachi is a subversion, but that's the point; the player is supposed to trust him}}. To clarify, Kashiwagi isn't necessarily ugly, just arrogant and comes off as desperate.
** There is also an aversion; Igor's huge bloodshot eyes and long hooked give his appearance an unpleasant imp-like quality. Though cryptic, he's a stand-up guy and a staunch ally. Just to clarify just how rare this is, in the ''entire'' [[Mega Ten]] series, he is the only supernatural creature who: Is not working for you through bribery or coercion, is not [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persona part of your mind], nor trying to torture or manipulate you for his own ends, is not a playable character, and is actually helping you for essentially free. Just because he's a nice guy who happens to have a weird nose and a hot chick standing around all the time. Not to mention he always has pretty sound advice when dealing with responsibility or fusing your Personas.
** {{spoiler|Izanami, being a goddess, probably ''used'' to be quite pretty before she died and was cast down into the underworld to rot. Accordingly, she's more of a [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]] than an actual villain; she genuinely believes that her plans are what mankind really wants.}}
* [[Become a Real Boy]]: {{spoiler|Teddie realizes that he is a Shadow himself, born of the desire to appeal to people, which is why he appears as a cute mascot bear. Once he was granted a Persona, the party tells him late in the game that he has developed the ego necessary to control it. Which is why he was able to manifest in the "real world" in a human form. Slightly subverted in that he was motivated to do so in order to "score" with the female members of your party.}}
* [[Beneath the Mask]]
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* [[Bishonen]]: Most of the principal male cast to a certain extent, but especially {{spoiler|''Teddie''. Includes sparkle and drooling girls.}}
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]: Subverted with Saki Konishi. The twisted Shopping District area in the TV world makes her come off this way... for about five minutes, until Yosuke's Shadow turns up, after which is becomes clear that while the echoes heard in the area were Saki's real feelings, they don't provide the full picture of her personality. Yosuke never once holds it against her, and though he accepts that she disliked him, he doesn't hesitate to describe her to others as a good person. It's something of a theme of all of the Shadow self confrontations that everyone has an ugly side to them, but that it doesn't define everything about them.
* [[Blind Without 'Em]]: The fog inside the TV is nearly impossible to see through (though the Protagonist ''can'' see slightly better than the rest of them), so the main characters have to wear special glasses made by Teddie [[Defog of War|to see through it]].
* [[Blue and Orange Morality]]: {{spoiler|Izanami and her aspect, Ameno-Sagiri, are [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]] divine beings and would fall somewhere between [[Lawful Neutral]] and [[Lawful Evil]] if they were judged by human standards and followed the same set of moral norms as humanity. That being said, Izanami doesn't fully understand human motivations, and thus it isn't entirely fair to pinpoint her location on a traditional morality axis.}}
* [[Blush Sticker]]: [[Older Than They Look|Ayane]] has these all the time.
* [[Bokukko]]: {{spoiler|Naoto}} uses boku to refer to herself in the Japanese version. The one scene that explicitly deals with this is [[Pronoun Trouble|changed to being about the pitch of voice]] in the English localization.
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* [[Bonus Boss]]: Each dungeon has a [[Bonus Boss]] which is available upon returning to it. In addition, {{spoiler|Izanami, Japanese goddess of Death and Rebirth}} is available in the game if you unlock the True Ending, as well as {{spoiler|Margaret}} on your second playthrough (only if you unlocked the True Ending on the previous playthrough). In a [[New Game Plus]], the Grim Reaper from ''[[Persona 3]]'' also shows up as a [[Chest Monster]] in each dungeon.
* [[Boss in Mook Clothing]]: So very, very much.
* [[Bragging Rights Reward]]: Beating the Grim Reaper earns you an [[Infinity Plus One+1 Sword|Infinity Plus One Weapon]]. Getting the True Ending also lets you fuse the Protagonist's ultimate Persona the next time through - except that it's [[Awesome but Impractical|a twelve-Persona fusion and it can't be registered in the Persona Compendium]]. Granted, it can learn all the highest elemental skills and their respective boosts, and its stats are insanely high, even for its level. Taking the time to level grind to use said persona can make beating {{spoiler|Margaret}} and The Reaper extremely easy. Still a bragging rights reward nonetheless, as both the weapons and Persona cannot be transferred over to a [[New Game Plus]], and you don't even keep your levels, so you have to grind to 91 all over again to get the Persona.
** The bragging rights part especially sink in considering that both the ultimate Persona and the [[Infinity Plus One+1 Sword|Infinity Plus One Weapons]] are anything but. The protagonist can fuse a persona that can make him invulnerable to any attack or use the strongest attacks in the game, neither of which he can do with which {{spoiler|Izanagi no Ookami}}, and while the Reaper weapons do have the strongest attack power in the game, this is largely irrelevant - the damage you deal with skills is completely based upon the Strength or Magic Stats of your weapon. A weapon that boosts attributes or gives you nice perks are generally superior to the Reaper Weapons, [[Your Mileage May Vary|although one could argue Kanji's and the Protagonist's are still fairly useful]].
* [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]]: The calendar in your room is an ad for ''[[Persona 3]]''.
* [[Breather Episode]]: Pretty much everything that happens that isn't related to the murder plot, but especially the end of August and the whole month of October.
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* [[But Now I Must Go]]: {{spoiler|At the end of the game, the protagonist leaves Inaba to return home}} (see [[Parental Abandonment]] example below).
* [[But Thou Must]]: Somewhat improved from the previous game, but still there.
* [[But Wait! There's More!|But Wait, There's More!]]: If you watch Tanaka's Amazing Commodities, you'll know that Tanaka does this without fail.
* [[Call Back]] / [[Continuity Nod]]:
** The class trip, which is basically a long list of locations from and references to ''[[Persona 3]]'', some of them very obvious (Hi, Chihiro!) some of them not so obvious (They even reuse the ''background music'' for most locations, and the song playing in the nightclub should sound very familiar to anyone who watched the opening movie for FES...).
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* [[Deconstruction]]: Pretty much every team member's [[Shadow Archetype|Shadow]] does this for that character's given [[Archetypal Character|archetype]]. The team member's social links meanwhile go about the business of [[Reconstruction|reconstructing]] them.
** [[Butt Monkey]]: Shadow Yosuke {{spoiler|blames his family, the town and pretty much everyone else for his failures and lack of popularity, and in fact is a [[The Sociopath|complete sociopath]] who's only motivation for doing anything is not to be bored.}}
** [[Tomboy]]: Shadow Chie {{spoiler|hates that [[Green -Eyed Monster|no one sees her as a girl]], and secretly loves that fact that [[Tomboy and Girly Girl|girly girl Yukiko]] continues to be [[The Quiet One|shy]] and [[ItsIt's All About Me|dependent on Chie]] for [[Extreme Doormat|any confidence in herself.]]}}
** [[Yamato Nadeshiko]]: Shadow Yukiko {{spoiler|secretly despises being expected to take over the family business, and wishes someone, ''anyone'' [[Extreme Doormat|would take her away from her responsibility.]]}}
** [[Delinquents]]: Shadow Kanji {{spoiler|believes Kanji only acts ridiculously tough because he's deeply insecure about his [[Ambiguously Gay|feminine traits]], and all he really wants is for people to accept him.}}
** [[Team Pet]]: Shadow Teddie {{spoiler|points out Teddie's pretty much nothing ''but'' the [[Team Pet]], to the point that he has memories of absolutely nothing else, and his life is completely empty.}}
** [[Idol Singer]]: Shadow Rise {{spoiler|hates pretending to constantly be [[Kawaisa|cute]] and [[Genki Girl|happy]] and wishes people would [[What Measure Is a Non -Cute?|see that she's not her idol persona at all.]]}}
** [[Kid Detective|Boy Detective]]: Shadow Naoto {{spoiler|reveals Naoto only looks like a young boy [[Sweet Polly Oliver|because she's a girl]], and only tries to prove her skills because she wants some [[Parental Abandonment|parental praise.]]}}
* [[Defeat Means Friendship]]: In some cases, defeating ''[[Enemy Without|yourself]]'' means befriending ''yourself''.
* [[Defictionalization]]: There is a fanmade recipe [http://www.gourmetgaming.co.uk/post/17289036615/request-persona-4-aiya-rainy-day-special-mega for the Aiya Rainy Day Special Mega Beef Bowl]. Comes with a vegetarian option.
* [[Deliberate Values Dissonance]]: Many of Yosuke's views on gender roles and sexuality don't endear him to western audiences (See [[Dude, Not Funny]]). Given that he consistently suffers [[Laser -Guided Karma]] it's likely that the writers meant for Yosuke's attitude to be a character flaw [[Character Development|that he largely overcomes by the end of the game]].
* [[Demonic Invaders]]: The Shadows.
* [[Demonic Spider]]: Any monster in the game can become this if it happens to have skills your main character is weak against. Can also become such if they have status effects that strip control of the Protagonist if you like to keep your party automated. Some are very, very specifically annoying, such as those that drain SP or use instant death attacks. Considering this is ''[[Shin Megami Tensei]]'', this is about par for the course.
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{{quote| ''First we save Kanji, then we crush the killer! Finally, we crush the killer and send him to hell!! Got it!?''}}
* [[Dialogue Tree]]: But of course!
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: The True Ending, where you use the [[Power of Friendship]] to defeat {{spoiler|Izanami, Shinto mother goddess turned deity of death. ''Yes, you win a fight against Japan's co-creator and vengeful embodiment of death,'' granted, by manifesting her husband and speaking the word that strips all lies away...}}
** {{spoiler|From the Megaten Wiki trivia section on Izanagi: In Japanese the skill ''Myriad Truths'' is literally translated as ''Ten Thousand Words of Truths'', and Izanami's skill ''Thousand Curses'' is actually ''Thousand Words of Curses''. The two skills most likely parallel Izanami's curse and Izanagi's vow in the original Japanese myths, where Izanami swore to kill 1,000 mortals a day and Izanagi countered by vowing to give life to 1,500 mortals a day.}}
* [[Dirty Old Man]]: Morooka/King Moron is implied to be a [[Covert Pervert]] example through his [[Suspiciously Specific Denial|exaggerated disgust at the perversity of his students]] and a dialogue segment where a fellow student tells you that he caught the teacher looking at a pinup book of Rise.
* [[Disc One Final Boss]]:
** {{spoiler|Namatame. Not only is he found in the [[The Very Definitely Final Dungeon]] (if you don't get the Good Ending, at least), but he has semi-unique boss music too (reused for Adachi). Oh, and you get an animated cutscene during his [[One -Winged Angel]] transformation right before you fight him.}}
** Also {{spoiler|Mitsuo and Adachi. But the fact that the game's still running after you beat Mitsuo is kinda a giveaway.}} Bonus points to {{spoiler|Adachi}} for the game going to great lengths to convince you he is the true final boss of the game.
* [[Disc One Final Dungeon]]: Once early in the game (though it isn't quite revealed until some time later), then ''twice in a row'' near the end (but it's a subversion if you fall for the [[Red Herring|Red Herrings]]).
* [[Disc One Nuke]]: Fusing Kaiwan on a Skill Change Fusion Forecast day can net you Victory Cry as early as level 24. For reference, Victory Cry fully restores your HP and SP after every battle, and is normally only available by {{spoiler|fusing Lucifer on the final day and grinding him up to level 99.}}
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]:
** At one point in the game, Yosuke and Chie tail Kanji and Naoto, and hide themselves behind a tree. Yosuke is standing above Chie, who is on all-fours. Lampshaded (along with a lot of other stuff) in [http://hiimdaisy.livejournal.com/26484.html#cutid1 hiimdaisy's legendary comic.]
* [[Double Entendre]]:
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* [[Elaborate Underground Base]]: Naoto's dungeon
* [[Eldritch Location]]: The TV World, somewhat subverted in the True Ending.
* [[Eleventh Hour Superpower]]: The Protagonist's "ultimate" Persona, which is attained through the strength of the Social Links formed up until that point {{spoiler|and used to [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|defeat Izanami]]}}.
* [[Enemy Scan]]: One of [[Mission Control|Rise's]] abilities. Teddie doesn't do an actual scan - he just remembers what attacks worked and what didn't. Rise's is slightly better, and gets more useful if you max out her S. Link.
* [[Enemy Without]]: People's "shadows" (until they're defeated, at which point they become a sort of [[Defeat Means Friendship|Ally Without]]).
* [[Epic Fail]]: Human Teddie coming in and getting all the girls as his dates during the shrine festival, leaving the boys all alone, is appropriately described by Yosuke as this. Also a bit of an [[Ascended Meme]].
* [[Everybody Do the Endless Loop]]: Within a dozen or so seconds of the [[P 4 G]] opening.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Penguins]]: During the school campout, Kanji berates Yosuke for eating his animal crackers, during which the following exchange takes place:
{{quote| '''Kanji:''' Dammit, I was so pumped about finding the penguin today...<br />
'''Yosuke:''' Penguin?<br />
'''Kanji:''' The secret animal cracker! You were eating them and didn't know that!? }}
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Spinning]]:
** Yosuke's follow up attack, where he'll spin with both weapons in hand.
** Teddie's follow up attack might also count.
** Averted with some of the Shadows - both mooks and regular bosses. Shadow Naoto particularly comes to mind with Brave Blade
* [[EverythingsEverything's Worse With Bears]]: Shadow Teddie.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]:
** Anyone who goes inside the world inside the TV will eventually face their Shadow, which is a personification of their darkest thoughts and fears. The Shadow will kill its source when enraged, either by the victim provoking it or when the fog appears in the real world. {{spoiler|The only exceptions are Nanako, who is too young to generate a Shadow, and the main character, who was given the power of Persona by Izanami directly and was already protected from the effects of the TV world.}}
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* [[Fantasy Gun Control]]: Subverted. Most of the characters don't use guns, but that's because they're civilian teenagers in a country with tight gun control laws, so they aren't trained to use them regardless. Naoto, however, has a license to carry, being a detective and all, and uses various kinds of pistols in combat. Thing is, as both a minor and ''private'' investigator (not a police detective), it would be incredibly unlikely for Naoto to be able to get a gun in real-life Japan.
* [[Fast Forward Mechanic]]: There are time periods (i.e Evening, Afternoon) that can be skipped to.
* [[Father, I Want to Marry My Brother]]: See [[Childhood Marriage Promise]] above.
* [[Feminine Women Can Cook]]: Inverted; while the feminine Rise and Yukiko and the slightly tomboyish Chie are horrible chefs, the male protagonist and Naoto are actually good chefs.
* [[Fetch Quest]]: Most sidequests fall under this category. They usually demand X number of some item found from specific enemies. It's needed to complete Fox's Social Link.
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** Perhaps the most delicate foreshadowing is reserved for {{spoiler|Izanami.}} Honestly, were you paying attention to anything the {{spoiler|gas station attendant}} said throughout the year? {{spoiler|Her [[Motive Rant]] at the end is practically distilled from the attendant's script, if you condense it a couple of months.}} Additionally, you can only speak to her on rainy days. Also, she's the only 'minor' character with a Voice Actress..
* [[Four Is Death]]: When {{spoiler|Nanako}} is hospitalized, the number on her room is 404.
* [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]: One of {{spoiler|Ameno-no-Sagiri's}} powerful attacks. Even more powerful when he boosts his stats while hiding in fog. Hope you have Debilitate handy!
* [[Friedrich Nietzsche]]: Much of the game's philosophical core seems to be Nietzschean in nature - ''actually'' Nietzschean, [[Nietzsche Wannabe|not the stuff people try to pin on him]]. (In fact, several of the ''villains'' are prominently [[Nietzsche Wannabe|Nietzsche Wannabes]].) The concept of the "fog of deception around humanity" and the way it is explained seems lifted almost wholesale from Nietzsche's ''On Truth And Lies In A Nonmoral Sense''; the concept of the truth being something that a person must look past themselves to truly grasp (a process that is often painful and requires critical self-reflection) is central to his thesis and is the core message of the game.
* [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]:
** Even if you max Dojima's social link, it still leads to his [[What an Idiot!]] moment stated near the end of this page.
** When you max out any of your party members, they never treat you differently than if you had remained rank 1 with them. If you reverse any of their links, they are pissed off at you until you make things right. During story sequences though, they are all smiles and your best friend.
** {{spoiler|After the final battle against Izanami, where she used "Thousand Curses" to kill your entire party and drag their bodies off who knows where, the camera pulls out to show...everyone standing there perfectly fine, with no mention of how any of them got back. Of course Izanami ''is'' a [[Master of Illusion]] [[Justified Trope|so it may very well have all been in the team's minds.]]}}
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* [[Genius Ditz]]: Yukiko consistently aces school exams, and yet manages to [[Running Gag|get the wrong end of the stick on more than one occasion]] - for example, when the group discusses a biker gang: Yosuke mentions that a student from their school, rumoured to be a member of said gang, is considered a legend. Yukiko immediately assumes he means ''[[Knight in Shining Armor|that]]'' kind of legend.
* [[Genre Busting]]: It's an RPG [[Urban Fantasy]] about saving the world and the true self and romance and horror and psychology and resolutions and with dating sim mechanics.
* [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]]: Once their Social Links get high enough, your party members can actually do this to each other to "cure" certain status effects.
* [[Ghibli Hills]]: {{spoiler|The true form of the TV world, revealed after you defeat Izanami.}}
* [[Giant Mook]]: The miniboss Shadows are essentially "upgraded" versions of the normal enemy Shadows.
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** Mitsuo and his fish eyes.
** Morooka would probably fit the trope as well. That guy is in serious need of a dentist.
* [[Good Morning, Crono]]: More like "good evening" in this case. Every time you return home after a long day at school, Nanako will greet you in adorable, borderline [[Tastes Like Diabetes]] fashion. {{spoiler|You'll learn to miss it.}}
* [[Gratuitous English]]: In the Japanese version.
{{quote| LOAD GAME: Former game data is read.<br />
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* [[Hannibal Lecture]]:
** The raison d'etre of the [[Shadow Archetype|Shadow Archetypes]]. Their existence is entirely based around deconstructing and showcasing the darker sides of their owners' personality. Unusually, the way to finally defeat them involves admitting that they're right, and not trying to deny them.
** The [[Big Bad]] also tries to give you one at the end of his dungeon. [[Shut UP, Hannibal|Naoto, Yukiko, and Yosuke turn it back on him.]]
* [[Hard Gay]]: Kanji's Shadow boss has a pair of these flanking it, as well as a embedding itself in a torso based on this, and surrounded by [[Bara|roses]]. The various Gigas enemies may count, especially the ones that resemble Hulk Hogan in rainbow tights.
* [[Hard Work Hardly Works]]: Averted when it comes to increasing your character's non-combat statistics. Before exams you'll need to have studied quite regularly to get the most out of it.
* [[Headphones Equal Isolation]]: Yosuke, although he wears them around his neck to show that he's not totally cut off from the world.
* [[Heads I Win, Tails You Lose]]: Lose to Shadow Rise and it's [[Game Over]], but once you get its HP down to a certain amount, it does an [[Enemy Scan]] on your party and goes to a [[Cutscene]] where it blasts the crap out of you. Just when it's looking dire for the group, {{spoiler|Teddie rushes in and saves the day, and Rise does the usual thing}}. So everyone turns around to leave... But [[Your Princess Is in Another Castle|not so fast]]! {{spoiler|Teddie decides to take that moment to pay attention to your own ability to tell two different people two different things about life, and ''his'' Shadow manifests.}} Cue a [[Boss Battle]] with {{spoiler|Rise taking over as [[Mission Control]]}} (and a party at full HP and SP, [[Suspicious Videogame Generosity|suspiciously enough]]).
* [[The Heartless]]: The Shadows.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]:
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** {{spoiler|In the True Ending, [[Big Bad|Adachi]] (after getting throughly trounced by the main characters) sends a letter to the protagonist and gives the team the clues they need to completely solve the mystery, along with some friendly encouragement).}}
* [[He Knows About Timed Hits]]: Lampshaded, it is implied that people think an [[NPC]] who mentions the square button is strange.
* [[Hello, Insert Name Here]]: The Protagonist is officially nameless, and has to be provided with one by you. During voiced cutscenes, other characters [[Only Known By Their Nickname|refer to him as "Senpai" (mentor), or sometimes "Leader"]]. The manga calls him Souji Seta while the anime and fighting game call him Yu Narukami.
* [[Heroic Second Wind]]: The S-Link flashbacks sequence during the battle with {{spoiler|Izanami}}.
<!-- %% Hey, It's That Voice is Trivia and is already on that subpage -->
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* [[Holding Hands]]: Probably unintentional, but the MC and Yosuke when the Magician link first starts.
* [[Honorifics]]
** [[Sempai -Kohai]]
* [[Hopeless Boss Fight]]: A dream sequence near the beginning of the game has you fighting someone (presumed to be the [[Big Bad]]); it lasts all of six turns before you wake up, the last three not even letting you hit the boss.
** Also occurs against {{spoiler|Shadow Rise}} and in the final battle.
* [[Hope Spot]]: {{spoiler|The [[True Final Boss]]. You're in the last leg of the fight, Izanami is at her last sliver of health, and an epic [[Theme Music Power -Up]] is playing in the background. Then Izanami goes "oh fuck this" and starts spamming an unavoidable [[One -Hit Kill]] attack.}}
* [[Hospital Hottie]]: [[Hello Nurse|Hello]], Sayoko!
* [[Hot Blooded]]: If Kanji ever bled, it would eat through metal. '''''"BRING IT ON!"'''''
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** {{spoiler|Naoto}}: {{spoiler|[[Last Girl Wins]] & [[Beautiful All Along]]}}
* [[HP to One]]: The Death Arcana Chance does this to the party along with fully restoring the party's SP. The reversed card does the exact opposite. Either one teleports you out of the dungeon and resets the floors.
* [[Humanity On Trial]]: As revealed in {{spoiler|The True Ending, Izanami gave the power of Persona to people representing emptiness, despair and hope in order to ascertain what humanity truly desired. Thanks to Adachi, she thinks humanity wants oblivion and it's up to you to [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|beat the crap out of her]] in order to prevent her from doing so.}}
* [[Hyperactive Metabolism]]: Played straight, but with minimal effectiveness: food items do restore HP, but the restoration is so little (i.e. 25 HP from a Steak Croquette) that you're better off using medicinal items for that purpose.
** Played straight with the rare Tater Longs item, which restores all of a character's HP. However, it still can't be eaten during combat.
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* [[Idiot Ball]]: Dojima and [[Plot Induced Stupidity|the protagonist]] pass it back and forth a few times in one scene, which directly leads to {{spoiler|Nanako getting kidnapped}}.
* [[Improbable Age]]: Nanako is ''six years old''. Yes, the girl who's home alone more often than not, AND does all the laundry, AND does all the grocery shopping. [[Parental Abandonment]] really does wonders for one's independance.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: Most of the weapons in the game are fairly realistic: the Protagonist favors "two-handed weapons", which are usually swords (although early in the game can be slightly more esoteric things like [[Golf Clubbing|golf clubs]] or [[Batter Up|baseball bats]]); Yosuke [[Dual -Wielding|dual-wields]] [[Knife Nut|knives]]; Chie using [[Armed Legs|"shoes and shinguards"]] may seem odd at first but given that she's an accomplished martial artist it makes sense; Teddie uses [[Wolverine Claws|claws]] built into his suit; Naoto favors pistols. Yukiko and Kanji, however...
** Yukiko uses ''[[Paper Fan of Doom|hand-fans]]'', of the traditional [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand_fan hiogi] type, exclusively as her weapons; most of these aren't even of the "iron fan" variety (one early one you can get for her is basically made out of ''peacock feathers''<ref> And you will likely keep this one as it adds 50 SP for your main healer, a wonderful deal</ref>), and yet they have as much base damage as any other weapon type. Only her fairly abysmal strength score prevents Yukiko from hitting as hard as melee heavies like Kanji or Chie, despite her weapon typically being made from '''''wood and paper'''''. (Even more unusually, she doesn't use them as a melee weapon; she ''throws them''.)<ref> Of course, it hardly makes a difference seeing as you probably [[Playing With Fire|won't be doing]] [[The Medic|a lot of physical attacking]] with Yukiko.</ref>
** Speaking of Kanji, his weapon of choice is a "[[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me|shield]]", or a large, wide, blunt weapon. This is already fairly unusual (using a shield as a weapon isn't totally unheard of, but using it as a ''primary'' weapon is), but early on... metal shields aren't available. This means that Kanji will use whatever large and flat objects he can lay hold of as a weapon... including ''folding chairs'' and ''desks at his school''. This gets particularly hilarious in light of the fact that, technically, the heroes are supposed to be using their school uniforms to conceal the weapons and armor that would otherwise get them arrested... so how is Kanji concealing a ''desk''?
** Honorable mention also goes out to Teddie's ''initial Persona''. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kintoki Kintoki-douji] is traditionally depicted as using a tomahawk. Wellllll... Teddie's Persona has one too, [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BGM-109_Tomahawk but we don't mean the hand-held hatchet variety, either.] Sadly, once upgraded the Persona simply uses the same claws Teddie himself does.
* [[Improvised Weapon]]: Except for Naoto, everyone's starting weapon is this (Kanji's entire fighting style revolves around this). Some of the later weapons are this as well (such as a titanium golf club for the protagonist).
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* [[Invocation]]: The protagonists will sometimes call the names of their Personas before Evoking them complete with an [[Eyedscreen]] [[Super Move Portrait Attack|cut-in]]: when this happens, you know you hit the weakness of or landed a critical hit on at least one enemy.
* [[It Makes Sense in Context]]: ''Reach Out to the Truth''
* [[ItsIt's a Wonderful Failure]]: Can get some fairly interesting ones by not saving victims before the fog rolls in. Not catching the killer leads to a particularly disturbing one, where Naoto calls you to warn Shadows are invading the real world, only to stop mid sentence and start screaming.
** All of the Bad Endings have [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rk5DpIgpJO4 this sequence] (spoilers!). They also play "Corridor", a [[The Lonely Piano|somber piano theme]] which plays during the Credits sequence and {{spoiler|Izanami's dungeon}}. If you have the latter happening, you're already at the True Ending.
* [[ItsIt's Personal]]: Oh boy, ''where'' do we start? The best example is {{spoiler|Nanako's kidnapping}}.
** Yosuke makes a big deal about his beloved Saki-senpai and why she had to die whenever the murders come up.
* [[It Was a Dark And Stormy Night]]: The Midnight Channel only comes on these. So do the murders. {{spoiler|And the gas station attendant only shows up in the rain.}} Hmm...
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* [[Lestrade]]: Adachi is responsible for much of your knowledge about the police investigation of the case {{spoiler|and he's the guy who did it, using this information to mislead you}}. Ryoutarou Dojima is in a position this would be expected from, but is not an example.
* [[Let's Play]]:
** Watch in wonder at the [http://www.giantbomb.com/endurance-run-persona-4-part-01/17-219/ people of] [[Giant Bomb]] in [[Hello, Insert Name Here|Charlie Tunoku's]] journey to the truth (and the [[Epic Fail|various ways they manage to screw up]]).
** For a more traditional Screenshot [[Let's Play]], there's [http://lparchive.org/Persona-4/ The Road to Yomi is Paved with Good Intentions], by [[Something Awful]] Member Feinne. Very similar in style to [[My Life Is a Goddamn Mess (Fanfic)|My Life Is a Goddamn Mess]].
** For those with a [[Nico Nico Douga|Nico Nico]] account, There's にきろちゃん's<ref>Nikiro-chan</ref> [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm10247606 Let's Play] of ''Persona 4''. Obviously in Japanese, listening to a Japanese girl read through all the unvoiced dialogue in the game, together with great editing for running through fights, make this a fun one to watch.
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* [[Lighter and Softer]]: Compared to the rest of the SMT series, hell compared to P3 which had {{spoiler|Personas threatening to and killing people among other things}}. Compared to the rest of the series, ''Persona 4'' is incredibly cheerful and upbeat, and the true ending is {{spoiler|completely happy. No catch}}.
* [[Life Imitates Art]]: [http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2011/03/09/one-of-japan-39-s-weirdest-game-stories-becomes-reality-sort-of.aspx This Report] about a man who was found dead, with no signs of trauma, Hanging Upside down from a Telephone Pole.
** Shouldn't that be [[Incredibly Lame Pun|death]] [[Dude, Not Funny|imitates art?]]
* [[Limit Break]]: The supporting characters' follow-up attacks:
** Yosuke, Yukiko, and Teddie only target and critical a single non-downed enemy, or kill it if low on health.
** Kanji and Naoto multi-target 1-3 enemies to critical hit.
** Chie just [[A Twinkle in The Sky|kicks them]] [[One -Hit Kill|out of the battle]], which works on any non-boss enemy.
* [[Limited Wardrobe]]: Subverted in town, where PCs wear a variety of seasonal clothing, but played straight in battle. The latter is [[Hand Wave|supposedly explained]] by the need to conceal their equipment under their school uniforms.
* [[Lonely Rich Kid]]: Yukiko was this until she became friends with Chie. Naoto also has elements of this, but gets better after joining the investigation squad, especially if you complete the Fortune social link. Ai has elements of it tied into her also being the [[Alpha Bitch]].
Line 433:
* [[Male Gaze]]: When Shadow Rise first appears on the Midnight Channel, the camera focuses on her chest and thighs, with the game commenting that you can't even see her face. Could also apply to Shadow Yukiko's intro. This point gets driven home later, when you learn that in the absence of a victim, {{spoiler|the Midnight Channel simply shows whatever the public consciousness is thinking of, with the clarity tailored to each viewer. Not only is her figure apparently of immense interest to the folks of Inaba, but they're even exaggerated. At first, Rise doesn't think it's her because her breasts really aren't that big.}}
* [[Man Behind the Man]]: {{spoiler|Namatame is being manipulated by Adachi, who was being manipulated by Ameno-Sagiri, the lord of fog, who was in turn nothing but an fragment of the ''real'' mastermind, Izanami-no-Okami.}}
* [[Masochists Meal|Masochist's Meal]]:
** Mystery Food X and pretty much anything the girls cook {{spoiler|until the end of the game.}}
** The Protagonist can also eat Nanako's science project, [[I Ate What?|which is a pot of grass.]] The game ''rewards'' you for doing so.
** There is a bag of wasabi in the fridge. ... Lick it?
* [[Mega Corp]]: The Junes Department Store.
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* [[Multiple Endings]]: The are a few Bad Endings, a Good Ending, and an even better True Ending.
* [[My Name Is Inigo Montoya]]: {{spoiler|In the final battle, it looks like Izanami has delivered the final blow to the Protagonist and the investigation team with Thousand Curses. But just when all seems lost, the Protagonist gets an [[Eleventh Hour Superpower]] through the [[Power of Friendship]], is revived, and disposes of the goddess with one attack, [[Combined Energy Attack|Myriad Truths]].}}
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: {{spoiler|Namatame}} does this after realizing that his efforts to "save" the victims actually put them in a mortal danger. On a smaller scale, Rise does this after {{spoiler|Naoto deliberately gets herself kidnapped by Namatame, in the hopes of proving that the killer is still out there. Rise is upset because the last thing Naoto said to the group before enacting this plan was "This is not a game for me either", answering Rise's earlier accusation that Naoto was only working the case for her own vain enjoyment.}}
* [[Mythology Gag]]: One of Teddie's weapons is the "[[Persona 3 (Video Game)|Strega]] Claw," described as a weapon for an "agent of revenge."
* [[New Age Retro Hippie]]: {{spoiler|Kunino-sagiri}} wears a shirt with a heart and the peace sign on it, and is supported in the air by a gigantic peace sign wrapped around its head. Doesn't help that he looks a thousand bloody years old.
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* [[Next Sunday AD]]: The game was released in 2008 (or 2009 if you're European) and takes place in 2011-12.
* [[Nice Hat]]: Naoto is rarely ever seen without a blue policeman/cabbie hat. Fans have theorized that it´s a keepsake from Naoto´s parents.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: {{spoiler|Choose to throw Namatame into the TV as revenge for Nanako? Congratulations, ''you just killed her.'' Oh, and Izanami gets to destroy the world unopposed.}}
** Generally speaking, Shadows want to be accepted by their owners. At the same time it's part of their nature to expose their owners' faults for all to see, which leads to their owners violently rejecting them and their going berserk, ultimately killing the person in question if left unchecked.
* [[Nintendo Hard]]: A hallmark of the series. ''Persona 3'' was difficult, moreso in the updated re-release, but complaints about some easier parts of it lead the developers to jack the difficulty of ''Persona 4'' [[Up to Eleven|up to]] '''[[Up to Eleven|12]]'''. Of course, they also gave you a bunch of tools to make it easier, too. Party members are now directly controllable, the [[Nonstandard Game Over]] condition is much more forgiving than ''Persona 3'''s (if you weren't ready for a Full Moon Shadow, you were roadblocked if you saved over your file - if you fail the rescue, you can flash back a week and try again).
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* [[Older Than They Look]]: Ayane Matsunaga, one of the two options for the Sun social link. Despite being only a year younger than the protagonist, if he chooses to bring her as his date to the Summer Festival, the man handing out prizes will mistake her for an ''elementary school student''.
* [[Ominous Fog]]: When the fog comes, someone's going to show up dead, unless you intervene. {{spoiler|And even then, it's a crapshoot. Later becomes permanent, with your characters realizing it's the fog from the TV world.}}
* [[One -Hit Kill]]: Hama and Mudo series. Of course, they are capable of missing like many others in RPGs. However, if an enemy is ''weak'' to light or darkness, Hama and Mudo will almost always hit it.
** And note that your protagonist can have such a weakness, creating a [[We Cannot Go On Without You|risk of instant game over.]]
* [[One Steve Limit]]: Averted with a character and a ''place'' -- Kanji Tatsumi and Tatsumi Port Island (the location of ''[[Persona 3]]'', which is visited during the game).
** In Japanese they're spelled with different characters, but their readings are the same, so they appear the same in the English version.
* [[One -Winged Angel]]: {{spoiler|Adachi}} and {{spoiler|Namatame}} both do this. {{spoiler|Izanami also does this when you reveal her true form--a skeletal, maggot and filth-ridden corpse, just like in the legend that Edogawa told you during the class trip.}}
* [[Optional Sexual Encounter]]: At the end of the Christmas date, your girlfriend decides to spend the night and the screen fades to black. Followed by suggestive text. You could also make an argument that maxing any of the social links with a girl you've chosen to date leads to this. She asks to come to your bedroom, the two of you exchange words, and then it fades to black with the words 'You spent a long time with '''Insert Girl Here''''. The thing is, most of these conversations end with your arms wrapped around the girl in question while you're sitting alone together in your bedroom, so one is forced to wonder what you spent such a long time doing...
* [[Panty Shot]]: Ishtar, the last persona of the lovers arcana looks [http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080926225037/megamitensei/images/thumb/b/b2/Ishtar.JPG/250px-Ishtar.JPG like this]. No wonder then that she flashes whenever you summon her, though it’s still not that prominent. Chie on the other hand, despite being a [[Kick Chick]] with plenty of chances for this, manages to avert the trope by wearing [http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090307082829/megamitensei/images/f/fe/MangaSatonaka.jpg shorts under her skirt].
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* [[Psychological Torment Zone]]: The TV world.
* [[Ramen Slurp]]: Really loudly, whenever the characters are in ramen shops.
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Every Arch-Shadow gives one of these, overlaps with a [[Hannibal Lecture]].
* [[Red Herring]]:
** It wouldn't be a proper murder mystery without 'em. {{spoiler|Hell, the non-True Endings come from following the Red Herrings instead of continuing to search. The game makes a big deal about finding the truth and not accepting the easy answer.}}
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* [[Ridiculously Cute Critter]]: [[Your Mileage May Vary|For some]], Teddie is the definition of this! Just READ the trope page, it's like it's describing him on purpose.
* [[Relationship Values]]: Cultivating your Social Links allows you to make better Personas.
* [[Romantic Two -Girl Friendship]]: Chie and Yukiko could count, given the whole "Chie is my prince" scenario and their (perceived) dependence on each other.
* [[Room Full of Crazy]]: When the characters first enter the TV world, they run into one. Near the end of the game, it's revealed that {{spoiler|the room was created by Mayumi's thoughts and acts as the (second to) last dungeon.}}
* [[Running Gag]]:
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** The protagonist has '[[Only Sane Man|Calm down]].' show up more than anything else in his [[Dialogue Tree|dialogue trees]]. 'Calm the hell down!' is a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]].
* [[Sacrificial Lamb]]: Saki Konishi, whom Yosuke has a crush on; she ends up becoming the second murder victim, which makes it [[ItsIt's Personal|quite personal]] for him.
* [[Sadist Teacher]]: Kinshiro "King Moron" Morooka, the brutally conservative [[Jerkass]] who is convinced that kids are all horny troublemakers and that the New Kid (you) is nothing but trouble as someone from the city. He also goes so far as to state that the deaths of the first two victims were their own fault. In front of a class of teenagers who probably knew one of the victims. Why exactly did it take so long for {{spoiler|someone to kill him}}?
* [[Sarashi]]: You can make an argument for Chie when she trains. But this trope is awarded to {{spoiler|Naoto. Of course you see evidence of this in Kanji x Naoto fanart.}}
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** Especially unconvincing since not a single main character wears the uniform properly, biggest culprits being Yukiko wearing a red jacket over her uniform and, ironically, Chie herself, with a huge green jacket over any top she may be wearing. (Though she is also the martal artist of the team, and her "weapons" are various leg and foot protectors)
** It's not that hard of a stretch because most of the team wield weapons that ''could'' be easily hidden under their clothes (small knives/wrenches, fans, guns, and footwear),and Teddie could simply hide his gloves/claws in his suit. The only oddballs are Kanji (shields, folding chairs, and ''a school desk'') Narukami, who wields 2-handed swords.
* [[SchrodingersSchrodinger's Gun]]: All the little differences between the game's [[Multiple Endings]], but perhaps the most prominent of which is {{spoiler|the fact that the doctors were able to revive Nanako isn't revealed until after you decide what to do about Namatame. Should you choose to throw him in the TV, Nanako remains dead. [[You Bastard]].}}
* [[Scripted Battle]]: The end of the battles with {{spoiler|Shadow Rise}} and {{spoiler|Izanami-no-Okami}}.
* [[Sexophone]]: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sjupBpazbQ Muscle Blues.]
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* [[Show Within a Show]]: [[Persona 2|Phoenix Ranger Featherman R]] returns [[Persona 2|yet]] [[Persona 3|again]]! You will often find Nanako watching it downstairs --[[Continuity Nod|when else?]]-- on Sundays. Yuuta also becomes a fan during the Temperance social link.
** Witch Detective Loveline, one of the books you can get in the game, becomes a show in Persona 4 The Animation and is Nanako's favorite.
* [[Shut UP, Hannibal]]:
** "''You're not me!''" [[One -Winged Angel|It never ends well]].
** "'Favored by the world' my ass, I'm gonna say it flat out. '''You're just a worthless criminal!'''" - Yosuke {{spoiler|on Adachi.}}
*** Also in the same scene:
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* [[That One Case]]: The Hierophant social link (and to a lesser degree, the Justice social link, where it is mentioned in passing) reveal that Ryoutarou Dojima's [[That One Case]] is {{spoiler|the hit and run that killed his wife}}.
<!-- %% There are plenty of other characters that have no social link or plot relevance but still have voice work; most notably the random students in school or Hanako. The gas station attendant doesn't have a name, portrait, and only has voicework at the verrrrrrrry beginning. -->
* [[Theme Music Power -Up]]: During the final battle with {{spoiler|Izanami-no-Okami}}, the music starts out sounding hopeless. After a few minutes, a piece of the recurring theme "I'll Face Myself" plays, and shortly afterwards the song builds into an amazing instrumental of the main battle theme, "Reach Out to the Truth."
* [[There Are No Therapists]]: Inaba ''seriously'' needs a psychiatrist because it's gotten to the point where people are being killed by the [[Anthropomorphic Personification]] of their repressed feelings. But [[ItsIt's Up to You|at least they have you]]....
* [[This Loser Is You]]: Mitsuo could be construed as a [[Take That]] to players, being a creepy and ugly guy who hides behind video games. Also, giant floating baby.
* [[Those Two Guys]]: Daisuke and Kou, who are grouped together as the "Fellow Athletes" Social Link.
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** Mamudoon and Mahamaon combined with their respective boost skills are [[Awesome Yet Practical]]. Enjoy killing anywhere from one to [[Total Party Kill|everybody]] in enemy parties with a single spell, provided they don't have any resistance. It may be useless against bosses, but dungeon crawling suddenly gets a lot easier. However have fun trying to keep your SP up.
* [[Vendor Trash]]: You get paid in Yen at the end of each fight with the Shadows, but the Shadows also drop stuff that you can sell to the blacksmith. Not only will he pay you, but you need to sell him this stuff in order to expand his inventory.
* [[VideogameVideo Game Caring Potential]]: Raise your hand if you rescued {{spoiler|Nanako}} on the first day possible just because, 'I can't leave {{spoiler|Little Sis}} in there!'
** Caring ''too much,'' however, leads to the worst ending and an extremely painful instance of [[Player Punch]]. {{spoiler|Throw Namatame into the TV on Nanako's behalf... and ''she dies.''}}
* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]:
Line 634:
** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdtJYmDAZPI Fanon took this idea and ran with it. Just check the comments section.]
** Occasionally when you go to the bathroom at school, you can get Rancid Gravy. It recovers SP like any other food item, but casts Silence on the one who eats it.
* [[Violence Is the Only Option]]: Whenever you meet an important character and their Shadow, that person ''will'' deny the Shadow being a part of them, and the Shadow ''will'' try and [[Kill 'Em All|kill everyone in sight]]. The party's attempts to [[Defied Trope|defy]] this don't work either; after they've kicked some ass though, the character faces up to themselves. {{spoiler|Well, most of the time anyway.}}
** [[Lampshaded]] when Kanji interrupts the traditional "No! Don't deny it!" thing that your party does and says something to the effect of "Why bother talking? We're gonna end up fighting it anyway."
{{quote| '''Shadow Naoto:''' So, you think you can kick my ass?!}}
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* [[Vomiting Cop]]: This is how Adachi is introduced (though you only [[Vomit Discretion Shot|hear it, not see it]]. {{spoiler|And you find out later it was probably an act, given that he was vomiting over his ''own handiwork''}}.)
* [[Wake Up Call Boss]]: Shadow Yukiko is a very early-game boss, and has a wicked habit of tripping players up. No weakness, and summons a very annoying minion who will heal the boss if it's not dizzied or killed off. The boss itself, once it's down to low health, [[Turns Red]] and begins to spam an attack-all fire spell that is quite painful, topping it off on the fact that one of your party members is weak to fire if she doesn't guard, and she can't be removed from the battle team (but has the element the minion is weak against).
* [[Wake Up, Go to School, Save The World]]: The game's main premise in a nutshell.
* [[Warmup Boss]]: Shadow Yosuke. If you were paying attention during the tutorial and listen to what Teddie says, you'll do fine. If not, he'll probably kill you. Because you were dumb.
* [[Washtub Throw]]: when the male characters stumble upon the female characters in the hot springs, the latter continuously throw a ridiculously amount of wooden buckets at the former. [[Failure Is the Only Option|No amount of Courage the main character can have allows the boys to be able to "hold the line"]].
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: Although they don't state it outright like in 3, the heroes of ''[[Persona 4]]'' use weapons that reflect their personality. [[The Hero]] uses broadswords, Kung-Fu loving [[Action Girl]] Chie has leg greaves, [[Yamato Nadeshiko]] Yukiko uses [[Paper Fan of Doom|fans]], delinquent Kanji just hits monsters with a heavy blunt object, be it a shield or a school desk, Teddie the 'bear' has claws, and Naoto has a gun due to being a detective. Yosuke's dual knives are the only odd man out, but then again knowing him he might be [[Dual -Wielding]] just for [[Rule of Cool]].
** Actually, one gets the feeling that the characters just sort of grabbed whatever they thought they could use. It's also implied that no one in the party (possibly save for Naoto and the protagonist) has had any weapon/fighting training and are either self taught, or learning as they go along.
* [[We Cannot Go On Without You]]: If the Protagonist kicks the bucket, the game is over. However, depending on your relationship is with the other party members, an ally will actually jump in front of you and take the damage from attacks if you're close to dying. Doesn't work for attacks that hit everyone, and only works for a given character once per battle. Justified in that {{spoiler|The protagonist represents Hope in Izanami's "test", with the other two participants representing Despair and Emptiness. If he is defeated, like the other two, he is removed from the game in some fashion, and then Ameno-Sagiri and Izanami are free to carry out their plan of flooding Inaba - and then the world - with fog and [[Instrumentality|transforming everyone into mindless Shadows,]] as Emptiness/Adachi wants.}}
* [[Wham Episode]]: The events on December 3rd basically cover this, although the rainy days after saving Rise are just as big, if not nearly as emotional.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: You can call out most of the party (particularly Yosuke) for attempting to {{spoiler|kill Namatame}} in the paths for the Normal/True Endings.
** Worth noting that choosing this option involves a [[Precision F -Strike]] and the protagonist SHOUTING while getting visibly angry (using the "anger" animation that the other characters use) for the only time during the entire game.
* [[What the Hell, Player?]]/[[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]: In the first scene of the Strength S-Link, if you join the basketball club, your choices at one point are "Help out" or "Be an ass and leave".
** You can [[You Lose At Zero Trust|reverse]] {{spoiler|Naoto}}'s [[You Lose At Zero Trust|Social Link]] by refusing to help her {{spoiler|at Level 5}}, causing her to run off in tears.
* [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Awesome?]]:
** [[The Dragon]], and the Shadow possessing psycho [[For the Evulz]] {{spoiler|Adachi}} is {{spoiler|a disco eyeball. A DISCO EYEBALL!}}
** {{spoiler|You defeat the [[True Final Boss]] starting with what looks like a dance move, and ending by ''[[Crowning Moment of Awesome|defeating a physical god.]]''}}
* [[When You Coming Home Dad|When You Coming Home, Dad?]]: Nanako asks Dojima the titular question over the phone more than once.
* [[Where It All Began]]:
** Sort of. For the normal ending, the entrance to {{spoiler|Adachi's dungeon, Magatsu Inaba}}, is in the same [[Room Full of Crazy]] area where the protagonist and his friends first head to in the Midnight Channel.
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