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{{quote|{{color|royalblue|''Seriously, your [[Bash Brothers|soul-bro]] always made fun of you for such a [[Awesome McCoolname|ridiculous name]] for such a [[Beware the Silly Ones|boring]] [[Non-Action Guy|dude]], but now you have [[Puberty Superpower|kickass superpowers]] and shit so I guess it kinda fits, haha.''}}|Leviathan Alexander, [[Teleporters and Transporters|portal master]].}}
An original work by [[Tropers/Eilios|Eilios]] on the Heuxe site, ''[[Unregistered]]'' is an [[Evo RP]] (numerous characters are controlled via a text environment, wherein visitors can directly contribute to the actions of the characters but have no control over the characters themselves) starring three main characters, who are all superpowered people known as "Carriers" in a very video-game inspired world. Carriers must choose whether they want to take the workload and be registered, or [[Title Drop|succumb to fear and remain Unregistered.]]
The series is regarded among it'sits fandom for having an engaging storyline, comedic elements to it as well, exciting action scenes, and just being generally [[Beyond the Impossible|ludicrous in everything it does]]. Despite being rather short into its [[Myth Arc]], it already has a great deal of [[Character Development]] and engaging relationships. The game features a very original battle system for a forum-based text adventure, allowing people to choose their method of attack, and having the characters act in a manner that would be considered applicable to that way. You are also allowed to specify additional things to do in the fight, like "throw rock at head".
The series follows the characters as they discover their abilities and [[Level Up|level to higher standards]]. Very [[Leaning Onon the Fourth Wall|meta]], and not the most [[Cluster F-Bomb|cleanly written thing out there]], but if you're into silly comedies and ridiculous fight scenes, check it out [http://heuxe.com/forum/threads/577-Unregistered-EvoRP here]{{Dead link}}.
'''This series provides examples of: '''
* [[Abusive Parents]] - Ashley's father is not a very nice person.
* [[Adults Are Useless]] - Not exactly, but you sure don't see a lot of parents in this series!
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* [[Badass Adorable]] - Leviathan is described by Lance as his goofy best friend.
* [[Badass Boast]] - Lance engages in this behaviour quite a bit.
{{quote| "Oh, [[You and What Army?]]?" the [[Too Dumb to Live|one with]] the shoemarked face replied.<br />
"I'm a [[Precision F-Strike|motherfuckin']] one man army." }}
* [[Badass Bookworm]] - [[Drop the Hammer|Hammer nut]] Lance Lenin takes all sorts of extra classes, some related to hammers.
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* [[Batman Gambit]] - Ashley and Lance {{spoiler|knew all along that Leviathan was a Carrier using foresight and [[Genre Savvy|Genre Savviness]]. They all got Registered together.}}
* [[Big Damn Heroes]] - Not for the protagonists, though. The {{spoiler|rival army was losing terribly, when reinforcements were called in to save the day.}}
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]] - {{spoiler|Hey, Leviathan gets to start out as a Prestige Class! That's awesome! [[Fridge Horror|But wait, Lance has a bunch of extra civilian abilities that make him very adaptable. Leviathan missed an entire class worth of foundation techs!]]}}
** Lance {{spoiler|has a Trueself power that makes him a [[Physical God]]. That's awesome... except if there's no airflow, he becomes weaker and weaker, until he becomes absolutely useless because he ties his entire strength to the wind, and his melee weapons don't work when he's in Windform.}}
* [[Blood Knight]] - [[Justified]], the world is practically a living video game! Still, there are others who don't like fighting as much.
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* [[Easily-Conquered World]] - Humanity was looking to be this, as the Sentinels were completely ahead of them in almost all aspects. Part of {{spoiler|The Principal's}} narration says that the Spacewarriors (considered the strongest force of Humanity) would celebrate even the most minor of victories.
* [[Easily-Thwarted Alien Invasion]] - ...then they just gave up. {{spoiler|This is because behind-the-scenes, another party came to power and they didn't want the war. It wasn't so much as they were thwarted as they just didn't care.}}
* [[Education Mama]] - [[Gender FlippedFlip]]ped with Ashley's dad - he wants Ashley to become as smart as she can, forcing her through college at an incredibly young age, making her a college graduate at the age of 13.
* [[The Empire]] - The Empire of {{spoiler|Usenterr was this. Former home of The Sentinels}}, the Empire spanned an entire galaxy, and was a very advanced civilisation, as it ended up teaching humanity several things, including how to make Battledexes. {{spoiler|Then it was nearly destroyed by the Culling, leaving one planet, and they went berserk in an attempt to gain back what they used to have.}} Recently, though, they have became far more benevolent, as the {{spoiler|Hafos}} who came to power were far more peaceful.
* {{spoiler|[[EndoftheThe End of the World Asas We Know It]] - Implied with ''The Culling''.}}
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]] - Characters not yet to be named are referred to as nicknames, such as ''that girl''.
** Her name was chosen to be Ashley Totora, which she doesn't like because [[I Just Want to Be Special|it's boring]].
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* [[Good Bad Bugs]] - Literally a mechanic of the series with "Shenanigans", which are when you take a standard power(such as the ability to make a miniature whirlwind with magic) and abuse it's effects on physics to do ridiculously high amounts of damage.
* [[Heel Realization]] - In the Intermission, {{spoiler|Napoleon realises he's been taking Butch's service for granted, as well as realising how much Butch has done compared to him}}.
* [[Hello, Insert Name Here]] - Characters have to be named by players, for the most part. Stupid names are usually ignored, or joked on by the characters themselves [[Leaning Onon the Fourth Wall|as a stupid idea they shouldn't have came up with]].
* [[Heroic Self-Deprecation]] - Butch does not think very kindly of himself.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]] - Lance and Leviathan.
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** Done somewhat differently in [[S 1 A 5]], when(among other additions to the gameplay) as the new leader of the {{spoiler|Unreg Alliance, Ashley}}'s gameplay adds a part where players attempt to buy supplies for use in [[Item Crafting|making items for the team]]. This is done by trying to balance out what would be the best deal as well as giving you a decent repository of raw materials.
* [[It Was a Gift]] - After Lance's birthday party, he gets a bunch of cool stuff, including a [[Dark Is Not Evil|Apocalypse Hammer]] and a [[Steampunk|Steampunk Hammer]].
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]] - Butch isn't just [[Dumb Muscle|a hired sword]], he's a pretty intelligent person. The reason he acts like a jerk is unknown, but he has been shown to [[Nice to Thethe Waiter|be an incredibly pleasant person when not around his master]].
* [[Jet Pack]] - Ashley has one of these.
* [[Katanas Are Just Better]] - [[Discussed Trope|Discussed]] by Ashley to Leviathan, who is having trouble coming up with a sword choice. It's a huge step up from his prior weapons, but considering before all he had was his fists and a [[Insistent Terminology|deceptively sharp bar of metal]], any sword would be a huge step up.
* [[Knight of Cerebus]] - The Seer is like this. {{spoiler|He's the first Sentinel ever seen by the team. When he shows up, he [[Curb Stomp Battle|effortlessly restrains Lance]], telling him that he's incredibly weak as far as Sentinels go, and that some of them want to destroy the trio altogether and be done with it. He then commits suicide so that the trio can gain the XP to speed up their levelling.}} This whole event leaves Lance of all people stunned.
* [[Kuudere]] - Lance tries to act cool and uncaring all of the time. He's also an incredibly caring friend to Leviathan.
* [[Leaning Onon the Fourth Wall]] - '''ALL THE TIME.'''
* [[Legacy of Service]] - Butch has been working for Napoleon his whole life. He doesn't seem to care, though.
* [[Level Scaling]] - When up against higher level opponents, Lance (after jumping in power significantly) ends up doing about the same damage he did.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]] - Lance is most definitely one of these. He's fast(not nearly at Leviathan's level though, even without portals), he can take a ''hell'' of a beating if he wants to, and he can dish it out in return. He's also a rather adept Area of Effect mage. His weakness, though, is that his attacks are not that quick, and they're not as devastating as Leviathan's.
* [[Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards]] - It's stated that the ascension of many melee focused classes leaves a lot to be desired.
* [[Limited Social Circle]] - Lance is not good with people, and Ashley was [[Kids Are Mean|very un-popular]]. The trio, however, were very close. Leviathan is depicted as the most social person in the trio, but for the most part, they mainly stick together.
* [[Lonely Rich Kid]] - Ashley's first year of regular schooling was like this, until she met Leviathan and Lance.
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* [[Non-Lethal KO]] - Battle via Battledex results in this. Implied that without Battledexes, battles would result in permanent death.
** Said straight out when {{spoiler|Baristasis killed the spider}}. It was alive, just beaten, and then it was attacked once the Battledex stopped protecting him.
* [[Non -Player Character]] - {{spoiler|Your ASSOCIATES cannot directly be controlled by you, but issuing commands is essential to the game.}} It is worth noting that these characters can occasionally get the POV, but you will be unable to control them with it.
* [[No Sneak Attacks]] - [[Averted Trope|Averted]] in the final battle in [[C 1 A 2]]. A mook tripped Leviathan and attacked him while he was trying to pass by. [[Badass|Not that it did much good to stop him.]]
* [[No Social Skills]] - Lance is not very good with people, at all. Especially apparent in the beginning of [[C 1 A 5]].
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* [[Power Limiters]] - Used by all of the auditors for good reason - a bunch of level 1s would be slaughtered in seconds by level 20+ staff members at the Academy.
* [[Prestige Class]] - Of course, this is a very video-game inspired place! Hell, classes are part of the game's mechanics!
* [[Random Power Ranking]] - The levels don't appear to mean that much, as Level 4 Leviathan is more than a match for incredibly powerful seeming sorcerers. Whether this is a case of [[Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards]] is yet to be explained.
* [[Rank Inflation]] - However [[Game Breaker|absurdly overpowered]] the main characters are, the more experience teachers could mop the floor with them if they really tried. And then there are the {{spoiler|Sentinels, who were capable of beating humanity to submission easily. And even they are afraid of The Culling.}}
* [[Restraining Bolt]] - Tiberius, when given a job as {{spoiler|The Principal}} and ambassador for the Hales was not allowed to take many of his weapons with him, and is constantly checked to make sure he doesn't plan anything.
* [[Sadist Teacher]] - Ashley's auditor is a little... [[Hot -Blooded|engaged about]] auditing her fighting abilities, and has no problem with using incredibly high level techniques against a beginner.
* [[Science Hero]] - Ashley.
* [[Screwy Squirrel]] - Leviathan trolls people on occasion.
* [[Second -Hour Superpower]] - Carrier powers! There's also Third Hour Superpowers with Trueself abilities, which act as an ultimate extension of your Chosentag, and are stable throughout.
* [[Second Person Narration]] - Everywhere. Despite having multiple viewpoints, this is handled by every character [[Color Coded for Your Convenience|having their own text colour]].
* [[Self-Imposed Challenge]] - As part of a [[Power Limiter]], Leviathan only fought using martial arts for awhile. This did wonders to help his manoeuvrability, as in this world hand-to-hand combat ties directly into athletic feats.
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* [[Skeleton Government]] - Averted with the Usenterrs. Part of {{spoiler|The Principal's}} [[Day in The Limelight]] was devoted to explaining how their politics work. Basically, there are two groups in opposition, the {{spoiler|Hafos and the Hales}}. The former is more optimistic, and believes in trying to integrate humanity into their empire to work against The Culling, but the latter believes that humanity is inherently useless and that wiping them out would save trouble.
* [[So Last Season]] - [[C 1 A 1]] Lance and [[C 1 A 5]] Lance are miles apart in power. And they still have a ''long'' way to go from there to hit their cap.
* [[Spanner in Thethe Works]] - {{spoiler|Sophia's}} plan fell to pieces as {{spoiler|she}} had no idea that Ashley could summon an [[Complete Monster|incredibly powerful demon]].
* [[Squishy Wizard]] - [[Discussed Trope|Mentioned]]. [[Blood Knight|Butch Altar]] didn't believe that Lance was a mage, because most mages are this trope.
* [[Stalker Withwith a Crush]] - Ashley is a milder version of this to [[Celibate Hero|Leviathan]].
** Sophia shows up constantly around Leviathan at random locations. And ''only'' in Leviathan's narration. Other characters are aware of her, but she never shows up to anyone else ''except'' Leviathan.
* [[Summon Magic]] - Ashley uses this.
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* [[Time Travel]] - Leviathan's Trueself power is this.
* [[Tome of Eldritch Lore]] - {{spoiler|The Book of Aqadi}}.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]] - [[Playing Withwith a Trope|Played with]]. To characters not-in-the-know, it seems like Leviathan took a level in badass. In reality, he had these powers long before, he was just afraid of showing them.
* [[Troll]] - Leviathan messed with Napoleon for giggles.
* [[Turn -Based Strategy]] - Elements of this begin popping up near the end of Chapter 1.
* [[Two Scenes, One Dialogue]] - At the [[The Climax|climax]] of [[C 1 A 4]], Ashley is talking to the Principal about {{spoiler|why they're forced into a mock-war situation. The Principal explains it's to prepare them for a war with the Sentinels - and that the war was started because the Sentinels were preparing for a war with something bigger.}} As he explains why the things are happening, it cuts to Leviathan asking questions in class that are somewhat pertinent to understanding the conflict. {{spoiler|It ends with a rather large wham line - somehow, Leviathan is connected to it.}}
* [[Unexpected Gameplay Change]] - While the series has been constantly evolving into more complex forms as users adapt to the unusual circumstances of the [[Evo RP]], a major game changer in [[S 1 A 4]] adds a new mechanic to the series which completely throws off how people play the game. {{spoiler|This change means that in each act there's a possibility of [[Heel Face Turn|converting characters to your side]], but if you mess it up, they're [[Lost Forever|gone forever.]]}} This update takes over all "free time" at the mall, giving you total freedom over which of the characters to use when the plot isn't taking over, and how to use them. You can still mess around in the mall, but you have to make sure you don't screw too much up.
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* [[Weirdness Censor]] - Roving gangs of demons and monsters from realms nobody has heard of lead by powerful sorcerers attack pizza vans. People are more distraught over the lack of pizza than the whole "army of otherworldly monsters".
* {{spoiler|[[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] - Implied that the Sentinels are this, as they started the war to prevent something called ''The Culling'', which has been said to be related to humanity in some way.}}
* [[Wham! Line]] - {{spoiler|"Don't be silly, the prestige classes are on the second page."}}
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Didactic?]] - Used in-universe, due to shenanigans. Leviathan decides to randomly spout out [[Insane Clown Posse (Music)|Insane Clown Posse]] lyrics. This is misinterpreted as Leviathan trying to tell Napoleon that he needs to pay more attention to his team and be a more present leader.
* [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?]] - {{spoiler|Sophia}} has yet to use her Trueself Power, but there doesn't really seem to be a use for something, considering her Chosentag is {{spoiler|the Displacer of Logic}}.
* [[Wisdom Fromfrom the Gutter]] - [[Subverted]], see "What Do You Mean It's Not Didactic?"
* [[You Are Better Than You Think You Are]] - Lance to Butch after he laments that he keeps training but never seems to get to Lance's level.
{{quote| {{color|orange|"Maybe you should stop trying to be me and [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|start trying to be you]]."}}}}
* [[Zerg Rush]] - End of Chapter 1 Act 2's battle. A ton of [[Mooks|weak]] low-level enemies rob a [[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?|pizza delivery van]]
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