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** In ''[[Assassin's Creed II (Video Game)|Assassin's Creed II]]'', {{spoiler|Rodrigo Borgia defeats Ezio using the Staff and takes the Apple from him, depriving him of the only way to fight against his power. Borgia then stabs Ezio and leaves him for dead. Ezio struggles but ultimately collapses in a pool of blood. The screen fades to black. However, a few seconds later it fades back, with Ezio standing and recovering slightly.}} The next game reveals that {{spoiler|Ezio's armour blunted the attack, causing only a shallow wound.}}
** Happens ''twice'' in ''[[Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Video Game)|Assassin's Creed Brotherhood]]'', first when {{spoiler|Ezio is shot by snipers on the rooftops on Monterriggioni and falls to the ground,}} then when {{spoiler|Ezio is on horseback heading for Roma after the siege, where he collapses and falls off the horse.}}
* ''[[Super Metroid]]'''s giant Metroid pops up, is unavoidable and quickly drains your life. When you're at 1 energy, it [[Androcles' Lion|remembers you're its mother]] and backs off. Health Refill station is in the next room, enjoy!
** Super Metroid does this ''again'' in the incredibly creepy final boss fight, just a few minutes after the Giant Metroid event. The boss is almost dead, and it uses its most powerful, unavoidable attack. You're left with hardly any energy left -- and Samus just sits on the ground, panting. While said unavoidable attack is being charged again...
*** If you don't have at least 300 health when Mother Brain blasts you with her "hyper beam" (which happens automatically when you've dealt enough damage to her), the beam will actually kill you.
** Similar situation for the final battle in Metroid Fusion. {{spoiler|The Omega Metroid reduces Samus' health to 1 in just one swipe and cripples her. Before it strikes again, the SA-X [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain|inadvertently saves Samus]] and when the Metroid kills it, Samus can absorb the parasite to fully restore her health and gain the Ice Beam.}}
== [[Action Game]] ==
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** Then again, there are sections that ''look'' life-threatening but won't actually kill your character if you fail. And {{spoiler|Ethan and Scott}} can't die at all before the final showdown at the old warehouse.
* In ''[[Amnesia the Dark Descent (Video Game)|Amnesia the Dark Descent]]'', most of the time when you die a short piece of advice will appear on the screen before the game reloads at a recent checkpoint. In one case, you go through a door only to run into multiple monsters and find out the door you just came through has been locked. When you die, the game tells you to "sleep" - and rather than go back in time, you wake up in a cell that you must escape.
* In the final episode of ''[[Strong Bads Cool Game for Attractive People (Video Game)|Strong Bads Cool Game for Attractive People]]'', if you walk to close to [[Scary Scorpions|Munchox]]/The King of Town, he'll knock Strong Bad away. A text pop-up will then appear, stating that you have died... but then Strong Bad stands up and says he always ignores those text boxes. Proving he has [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|no luck with scorpions]], he can also be killed if he gets too close to some scorpions while holding scorpion food. However, he had to touch a "video game checkpoint" in the area just to reach the scorpions in the first place, and it will always instantly revive him. Otherwise throughout the games, you cannot die, and you can never lose.
* "Go West" from ''[[The IGF Pirate Kart]]'' is a text adventure which you win by repeatedly going west, with any other scenario resulting in your character dying '[[Take Our Word for It|a terrible, terrible death]]'. In the last room, if you try to go west, you get the same Game Over, only at the bottom it asks "Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT, UNDO the last command, or GO WEST?" Choosing to Go West wins the game.
== [[Beat 'Em Up]] ==
* ''Maximum Carnage'' pulled exactly the same trick.
* The game ''[[X Men|X-Men]]'' for the Sega Genesis asks you to fission the mail; you need to hit the "Reset" button on the console to continue the game at one point. If you were playing the game on a Sega Nomad portable, [[Unwinnable|you got boned]] because the Nomad has no reset button. There is reputedly another way to get past this segment, but it's [[Guide Dang It|so obscure that, if it exists, almost no-one knows about it.]]
== [[First -Person Shooter]] ==
* During the last level of ''[[Call of Duty]] 4'', your squad is attacked by a Hind while escaping from an enemy base. You are given an RPG launcher and told to fire on the Hind, but {{spoiler|it [[Hopeless Boss Fight|ignores any hits you might manage to inflict on it.]] Eventually, the Hind is responsible for incapacitating most of your allies, who are then gunned down one by one when the [[Big Bad]] arrives. You cannot save your allies, and your only option is to kill the [[Big Bad]] before he and his bodyguards kill you.}}
** And then there's the {{spoiler|nuclear explosion in "Shock and Awe" that kills your character's entire unit, as well as your character.}}
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** Also played with earlier on with Shadow Rise. When she uses Supreme Insight, none of your attacks will hit her. The battle will still continue for a few more turns until you're treated to a cutscene of you and your team about to die {{spoiler|until Teddie/Kuma goes [[A Worldwide Punomenon|bearserk]] and kicks Shadow Rise's multicoloured ass.}}
== [[Shoot 'Em Up]] ==
* Done similarly in the ''Trouble Shooters'' (''Battle Mania'' in Japan) game for the Sega Genesis, where the credits begin to roll and a boss interrupts them; the game doesn't actually end until the stage after that.
* In the Azdagari string of missions in ''[[Escape Velocity]]: Override'', at one point, a Zidagar photographer takes pictures of a secret base and attempts to escape the system in a ship. The mission you're given is to destroy it before it escapes. If you succeed, you get congratulated and you eventually get the mission again. You need to fail the mission, however, for the story line and mission string to advance.
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== [[Turn Based Strategy]] ==
* The first boss battle in ''[[Disgaea]] 3'' ends in a Fission Mailed''/''[[Heads I Win, Tails You Lose]] situation, as Mao and Almaz have defeated the Overlord's hand, but it sprouts new fingers and wipes the floor with them, inducing a "Game Over (?)", while proceeding to the next chapter anyway. Because Mao [[No Fourth Wall|refuses to let the game end like that]].
== [[Turn Based Tactics]] ==
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* A ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'' adventure, ''Vecna Lives!'', has the PCs run through a dungeon playing high-level pregenerated heroes... who are promptly slaughtered by the godlike villain, whereupon the players' own low-level characters pick up the adventure.
** Likewise, in the adventure ''Death Triumphant'', the conclusion of the ''Grim Harvest'' trilogy, the party of heroes manage to infiltrate Azalin's castle with the intention of stopping him from using the energy of thousands of souls harvested throughout the trilogy to [[Sealed Evil in A Can|unseal the can he was stuck in]]. As it turns out, they don't quite make it in time. The flavor text is meant to suggest that [[Total Party Kill|everybody's dead]]. However, it turns out that the unleashed energy has turned the party, along with everybody else in a twenty-mile radius, into various forms of the undead. Which ''does'' technically make them dead, mind you, but...
*** The ''Tomb Of Horrors'' has illusions and traps galore, but the most insidious of these (serious spoilers) {{spoiler|1=is the false tomb. The players find a trinket that acts as a powerful holy weapon against a false [[Big Bad|Acererak]], and when the fake's defeated the room and, indeed, the entire tomb itself [[Load -Bearing Boss|seems to collapse]]. It's all an illusion. The text of the adventure states that if the PCs panic and leave the tomb that the DM should ''end the session''.}}
* The [[Mutants and Masterminds]] adventure "A More Perfect Union" uses this to great effect. The players are given generic police officer characters and told to investigate reports of shouting coming from a house in the suburbs {{spoiler|this is actually because the residents have been infected with a sort of mind-control virus and have slowly assimilated everyone inside into a hive mind. Next on their list? The police that come to investigate. Once the players have lost all of the police to [[The Virus]], play picks up again with their own characters.}}
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== [[Web Original]] ==
* The season 2 finale of ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!: theThe Abridged Series (Web Video)|Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series]]'' was set up as one of these.
* ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Special Edition]]'' has a few examples of this, contributing to the [[Mind Screw]].
** First, in Hill Top Zone, Docfuture successfully defeats Metal Sonic but gets a Game Over screen anyway. After getting three such Game Overs, he suddenly advances to the next level with no explanation. It's suggested that Tails was deliberately causing these, just to screw with Docfuture.
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