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{{quote| '''"[http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~lcrew/quotes/picnicba.html The Little Girl And The Wolf]"''', ''by [[James Thurber]]''}}
In her original fairytale incarnation, [[Little Red Riding Hood (Literature)|Little Red Riding Hood]] was a naive, helpless little girl who was at the mercy of [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|a vicious predator]]. The story has become so ingrained into Western culture that any time we see a little girl dressed in a red hooded coat on television, [[Little Dead Riding Hood|it is reasonable to expect that something terrible is going to happen to her]].
However, given the popularity of the [[Fractured Fairy Tale]], it was inevitable that this story would recieve modern updates. Modern versions of "[[Little Red Riding Hood (Literature)|Little Red Riding Hood]]" tend to have a feminist vibe, making her tough, streetwise, and able to take care of herself, thank you very much. This updated version will almost always be named "Red".
A popular, [[Grimmification|Grimmified]] variant is to give her a gun and have her hunt down the "wolf" (Who [[Our Werewolves Are Different|may]] or [[Animal Motif|may not]] be a literal wolf) herself. This variant will feature a teenage or adult Red, who will naturally be [[Hotter and Sexier]], making her double as a [[Lady in Red]]. ([[Bonus Points]]- can anyone find a version that has her say "What big eyes you have." [[Pre -Mortem One -Liner|just before she shoots someone?]])
A more subtle version simply has a young woman entering a dangerous sitiuation dressed in a red jacket, seemingly to invoke [[Little Dead Riding Hood]], only to then subvert it by revealing her toughness. This lacks the [[Narm|Narmy]] vibes of the other works, as the [[Fairy Tale Motifs|Fairytale Motif]] is limited to the coat only.
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See also: [[Lady in Red]], [[Fairy Tale Motifs]], [[Fractured Fairy Tale]], [[Grimmification]], [[Little Dead Riding Hood]], [[Bring My Red Jacket]].
== [[Anime and Manga]] ==
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She whips a pistol from her knickers. }}
* The very earliest versions of the folktale didn't include the hunter, killed the grandmother off for real, but had Red Riding Hood escape the wolf by herself. Perhaps we have a [[Cyclic Trope]] on our hands?
* [[Angela Carter (Creator)|Angela Carter]], known for making updated, modernized versions of fairy tales (many of them collected in ''[[The Bloody Chamber (Literature)|The Bloody Chamber]]''), has two short stories involving this to varying degrees. In Werewolf, the little heroine is attacked by a werewolf on her way to her grandmother's place and [[Little Miss Badass|cuts off its paw with a knife]]. Upon arrival, she finds her grandmother delirious and missing her hand. The grandmother is subsequently stoned to death and the little girl inherits her things. In the other story, The Company of Wolves, the girl meets a charming young man on the way. When she arrives at the house, she finds that the young man is actually [[Paper -Thin Disguise|a wolf in disguise]], who has already killed her grandmother. Her reaction is to [[Dissonant Laughter|laugh at the standard "What big eyes you have"]] routine and promptly hop into bed with him.
* In ''[[The Princess Series]]'', Roudette, the Lady of the Red Hood, was a well-known and feared assassin. Her cloak either protected her from magic or turned her into the Big Bad Wolf, depending on whether she wore it fur in or fur out. {{spoiler|After her death at the hands of one of Talia(Sleeping Beauty)'s Fairy Godmothers, the cloak is claimed by Talia (herself a talented fighter thanks to applying the gift of grace to martial arts), who actually ''prefers'' being thought of as Little Red Riding Hood than being recognized as Sleeping Beauty.}}
* The entire point of ''Sisters Red'' by Jackson Pearce. One of the two main characters, [[Meaningful Name|Scarlett]], obsessively hunts [[Our Werewolves Are Different|Fenris]] down and kills them. Her grudge against them comes from being attacked by one as a small child; she managed to [[Little Miss Badass|kill it]] in order to defend her sister, but not before the wolf killed their grandmother and ripped off half of her face and her [[Eye Scream|right eye]], leaving her [[Scars Are Forever|horrifically scarred]].
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* Bulleta (dub name Baby Bonnie "B.B." Hood) from ''[[Darkstalkers (Video Game)|Darkstalkers]]'', the resident [[Little Miss Badass]] [[Badass Normal|Normal]], [[Ax Crazy]], [[Bounty Hunter]], [[Creepy Child]], [[Evilly Affable]] and [[Dark Action Girl]] [[Girl With Psycho Weapon|With Psycho Weapon]]. [[He Who Fights Monsters|And she's noted in canon as being "a human with such darkness in her heart that even lower level Makai monsters shake in fear from meeting her gaze".]]
* The video game ''[[Fairytale Fights]]''.
* ''[[Little Red Riding Hoods Zombie BBQ]]''. [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Awesome?|Yes, really.]]
* Red is portrayed this way whenever she's a playable character in a [[Shrek]] video game. Namely Shrek 2: The Video Game, Shrek Super Slam, and Shrek: Smash n Crash Racing.
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