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* '''Oblina''', who resembled a black candy cane with big red lips and eye stalks. Could pull her insides out at will; naturally, this made her the best at scaring, and she was considered the Gromble's best student. Came from a rich family, and had a [[What the Hell Is That Accent?|strange accent]]. Often fought with Ickis over his bad habits, and had a tendency to lecture, which... never really helped her make her case.
* '''The Gromble''', the [[Sadist Teacher]] and Headmaster who constantly belittled and punished his students for poor scares. Was particularly hard on Ickis (who admittedly brought a lot of it onto himself), but also occasionally showed [[Pet the Dog|fondness for him and his other students]].
* '''The Snorch''', [[The Unintelligible]] monster in charge of punishing students who broke the rules. His punishments tended to be [[Cool and Unusual Punishment|oddly unthreatening]], such as listening to classical music or performing opera -- thoughopera—though, of course, the students were ''terrified'' of such things. Was actually very intelligent, though the communication barrier generally prevented him from demonstrating this.
=== Tropes present: ===
* [[Absurdly Spacious Sewer]]: Large enough they can hold surfing contests inside. Not to mention how they normally use toilets to get into different houses and such...
** With the using pipes to infiltrate buildings, that's less because the pipes are large and more because monsters can ''squeeze''... Ickis is shown moving effortlessly through a pipe maybe a centimeter wide in one episode.
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* [[A Boy and His X]]: "Puppy Ciao" involved Ickis trying to keep a puppy, Fungus, and hiding it from the Gromble.
* [[Braces of Orthodontic Overkill]]: Oblina ended up with these once, because her teeth were ''straight'' (due to her youthful indiscretion of brushing her teeth once). This actually caught the attention of the [[Romantic False Lead]], who admired his reflection in the massive things.
* [[Call a Rabbit Aa Smeerp]]: Monsters have their own names for certain 'human' things; for instance, dogs are called 'barknbites'.
* [[Camp Straight]]: The Gromble was expressive and melodramatic, and wore bright red high heels on all four of his feet.
* [[Cool and Unusual Punishment]]: The Snorch punishes students through such horrors as square dancing.
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: Bradley first appeared in "Monsters, Get Real!". At the end of the first season, he reappeared in "Simon Strikes Back" as a key figure, and wound up becoming Ickis' [[Secret Keeper]] and a recurring character.
* [[Cool and Unusual Punishment]]: The Snorch punishes students through such horrors as square dancing.
* [[Couch Gag]]: The different phrases shouted by the Gromble during the opening credits.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Ickis. At times appears to overlap with [[Brilliant but Lazy]] -- he—he appeared to have the talent to pull off some amazing scares, just not the discipline, not to mention all his other issues...
* [[Curse]]: "Curse of the Krumm" reveals that Krumm's species ([[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"|which are all called 'krumm']]) are cursed to {{spoiler|eventually lose their stench}}. With his friends' help, he manages to break it.
** No, this was his family specifically. It usually skips a generation which was why his father never told him.
* [[Cute but Cacophonic]]: Ickis had a ''very'' shrill voice at times. And when he tried '''singing'''...
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: While they take great delight in scaring humans half to death, none of the Monsters hurt anyone, and are quite nice if you get to know them on a first name basis.
** The monsters of this series are of the 'only exist if people are scared of them' variety. They have to scare humans to stay alive.
* [[Dean Bitterman]]: The Gromble and Blook.
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: When Ickis comes down with a case of spontaneous combustibility, the other monsters shun and avoid him, afraid they'll catch it if they touch or come anywhere near him. <ref> For those who don't get it, when this episode aired, the outbreak of transfusion-contracted HIV cases was causing public concern, which resulted in many cases of prejudice against HIV positive children.</ref>
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: Krumm's species is simply known as 'the Krumm'. Interestingly, his father had a name: Horvak.
* [[Everyone Meets Everyone]]: Used in "Rookie Monsters" to show [[Character Development|how different the cast acted when they first met]] -- for—for instance, Oblina was a [[Lonely Rich Kid]] [[Shrinking Violet]], and Ickis was acting like a [[Jerk Jock]] and exploiting his father's reputation.
* [[Eyepatch of Power]]: Krumm's father, Horvak, lost one of his eyes and wore a black glove on that hand afterwards.
** He lost it because [[Eye Scream|it was used as the bullet in the Shot Heard 'Round The World]].
* [[Eyes Are Unbreakable]]: Played straight with Krumm and Horvak, save for the above incident. Which is good, considering how many times Krumm lost or misplaced one or ''both'' of his...
* [[Eyes Do Not Belong There]]: Eyes should not be free-rolling!
* [[For Halloween I Am Going Asas Myself]]: In "The Switching Hour", we learn monsters are actually ''forbidden'' from doing this, as it runs the risk of exposing the [[Masquerade]]. Naturally, the main trio does it anyway, and runs into trouble when Oblina and Krumm accidentally bring back a boy in a red rabbit costume instead of Ickis...
* [[Forbidden Fruit]]: Ickis's fascination with human culture partly stemmed from the Gromble forbidding everything to do with it.
* [[PowerFreudian Trio]]: Ickis (Id), Krumm (Ego), and Oblina (Superego).
* [[G-Rated Sex]]: "Dancing."
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: "Eeny meeny slimy guts, catch a monster by the..." Also the allusion in a reference to "scare-us interruptus."
* [[Gods Need Prayer Badly]]: Or rather Monsters Need Scares Badly. In "Where Have All The Monsters Gone?" it's shown that, if humans stop being afraid of monsters, then monsters will start disappearing, one body part at a time.
* [[GrossG-OutRated ShowSex]]: "Dancing."
* [[Gross Up Close-Up]]
* [[Gross-Out Show]]
* [[Halloween Episode]]: "The Switching Hour", which also served as the first episode.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: In "Simon Strikes Back", Ickis convinces Bradley to abandon his monster hunter apprenticeship and help them escape.
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* [[The Hunter]]: Simon the Monster Hunter.
* [[I Warned You]]:
{{quote| '''Oblina:''' I hate to say I told you so, but... actually, I don't hate it at all! [laughs, singsongs] I told you so, I told you so, I told you so~!}}
* [[The Informant]]: The Gromble's spy Zimbo.
* [[Insufferable Genius]]: When it came to scaring, Oblina usually knew what she was talking about, and gave her roommates good advice (like doing their scaring homework on time instead of putting it off). Unfortunately, she came off as extremely overbearing and a smarmy know-it-all. Didn't help that she loved rubbing it in Ickis' face when she was proven right.
* [[Is That What He Told You?]]: When Krumm learns {{spoiler|Horvak didn't willingly drop out of the Academy; he flunked out.}}
* [[It's Personal]]: The first time they met, Simon was just trying to prove monsters existed. After Ickis and the others thwarted and humiliated him, however, he developed a personal vendetta against Ickis and went out of his way to target ''him''.
* [[Jerkass]]: Zimbo. The Gromble was a [[Sadist Teacher]], but often showed that he ''did'' care about his students; The Snorch handled their [[Cool and Unusual Punishment|Cool And Unusual Punishments]], but was actually pretty nice overall. Zimbo, meanwhile, was just a flat-out ''creep'' who enjoyed making the students' lives miserable, and would go out of his way to get them in trouble and torment them. And all the while, he relied on The Snorch's reputation to keep him safe.
* [[Keet]]: Ickis again; he could get... very hyperactive at times.
* [[Killer Rabbit]]: Aww, lookit the little bunny-eared thing! Isn't it just the [[Ugly Cute|strangely]] '''[[Ugly Cute|cutest]]''' thing you've ever... [[Sizeshifter|Uh]]. [[One-Winged Angel|Why is it growing]]...?
* [[Klasky -Csupo]]
* [[Let's Get Dangerous]]: Ickis managed to be cocky and insecure at the same time, along with being a cowardly slacker who only took his scaring seriously when he was in trouble. Yet when serious threats came along and he found himself forced into the hero role, he wasn't half bad at [[Indy Ploy|Indy Ploys]]s or going [[One-Winged Angel]] to help his friends.
* [[Lighter and Softer]]: In-universe example: an amusement park ran a "Monsters Aren't Scary" Tunnel for a while. Ickis took advantage of this to score some easy scares and undermine the intended message. This [[Gone Horribly Right|works TOO well]], as the ride operator figures out people ''prefer'' the scarier version and sets a trap, intending to make Ickis scare people for ''his'' fiscal gain.
* [[Loud of War]]: The Snorch punishes students by making them listen to opera and bagpipe music.
* [[The Masquerade]]: Humankind is unaware that monsters are real, and the monsters want to keep it that way, because [[Humans Are the Real Monsters|Humans Are Bastards]]. Several episodes revolved around the risk of exposure, such as getting 'flashed' by a photographer or caught by Simon.
* [[Mickey Mousing]]
* [[Mood Swinger]]: '''Ickis''', whose emotional state swept from cocky [[Jerkass]] to [[Wide -Eyed Idealist|wide-eyed eagerness to learn more about human culture]] to [[Deadpan Snarker|bitterly sarcastic]] to panicky and insecure [[The Woobie|woobie]].
* [[The Movie]]: It was in the works but went splat.
* [[Mr. Vice Guy]]: Ickis was both horribly insecure ''and'' [[Pride|incredibly arrogant]].
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* [[Not So Different]]: It's repeatedly implied the Gromble had a lot of the same problems when ''he'' was a young monster that Ickis has now.
* [[Not-So-Harmless Villain]]: Simon was crazy, sure... Unfortunately, he was also frighteningly devoted to getting his revenge and proving to the world he was right all along. A few times it came down to Ickis having to stop him solo because everyone else had been captured or was otherwise unable to help out.
* [[Opening Shout-Out]]: During the opening titles when Ickis frightens a baby, a pull toy styled after [[Duckman]] (another cartoon by Klasky Csupo) and a Potty Chair styled after Fluffy and Uranus (also from Duckman) can be seen.
* [[Our Monsters Are Weird]]
* [[Parental Issues]]: Ickis had a whole slew of emotional issues thanks to his famous father; Oblina's mother was an [[My Beloved Smother|overbearing control freak]]; The Gromble's mother still treated him like a child... Krumm got along okay with his father, though. {{spoiler|Aside from learning that he'd flunked out of the Academy after losing his stench.}}
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* [[Peek a Bogey Man]]
* [[Pet the Dog]]: The Gromble got these now and then to show [[Hidden Heart of Gold|that he really does care about his students]].
* [[Pilot]]: "Monsters, Get Real!", the second episode, is actually a [[R EmakeRemake]] of the pilot with updated animation and an extended plot.
* [[Ping-Pong Naivete]]: Ickis.
* [[Power Trio]]: Ickis (Id), Krumm (Ego), and Oblina (Superego).
* [[Pride]]: All three of the monsters suffer from this. Oblina because she's a know-it-all, Krumm because he smells so awful, and Ickis because it's the only way he can step out of his father's shadow.
* [[Prison Episode]]: When Ickis gets put in jail because he was mistaken for a fugitive.
* [[Rashomon Style]]: In an episode titled, appropriately enough, "Rosh-O-Monster". The viewfinder the Gromble uses to view the students' assignments breaks down so the trio tells the class how their scare went. Ickis tells his story in a [[Film Noir]] style with him as the hero, while Oblina's account portrays her as a superheroine who has to rescue Krumm and Ickis from humans. The less-egotistical Krumm's retelling (which is [[Art Shift|animated in]] [[Stylistic Suck|a childish scrawl]]) only indicates that Oblina and Ickis spent most of the assignment arguing. Of course in the end the viewfinder is repaired and we see what ''really'' happened. {{spoiler|Turned out that they kept screwing up and the scare was a total accident.}} Of course, the Gromble wasn't pleased and punishes them by having them shine his massive collection of shoes.
* [[Real After All]]: One episode had the [[Power Trio]] trapped in a severely haunted house, the rub being that while monsters exist, ghosts do not (this is repeatedly stated by <s>Hermione</s> Oblina). It turned out that the house was the bunker/battle ground for a soldier monster who caused all of the strange happenings - except one. All four monsters quickly leave, and the house resumes all of its disturbing behavior.
* [[Really 700 Years Old]]: The monsters evidently live very, very long lives.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: Happens to Ickis when using his [[Sizeshifter|size-augmenting ability]].
* [[The Renaissance Age of Animation]]
* [[Real After All]]: One episode had the [[Power Trio]] trapped in a severely haunted house, the rub being that while monsters exist, ghosts do not (this is repeatedly stated by <s>Hermione</s> Oblina). It turned out that the house was the bunker/battle ground for a soldier monster who caused all of the strange happenings - except one. All four monsters quickly leave, and the house resumes all of its disturbing behavior.
* [[Really 700 Years Old]]: The monsters evidently live very, very long lives.
* [[The Renaissance Age of Animation]]
* [[Sadist Teacher]]/[[Stern Teacher]]: The Gromble managed to be both. He genuinely enjoys tormenting his students but does also genuinely want to teach them.
** Taken [[Up to Eleven|Up To Eleven]] when the Gromble actually ''physically inhales Ickis'', leaves him in there for a few moments, and then [[Humiliation Conga|spits him back out]] in full view of the ''entire class''.
* [[Shaming the Mob|Shaming The Cowards]]: The Gromble berates the entire student body for spreading rumors about Ickis' spontaneous combustibility and their trepidation around him because of it. Basically they were acting like everything they hate: {{spoiler|[[Humans Are Bastards|humans]]}}.
{{quote| '''The Gromble:''' IS THAT WHAT YOU WANNA ACT LIKE!? A BUNCH OF {{spoiler|HUMANS}}!?}}
* [[Secret Keeper]]: Bradley, Ickis's human friend.
* [[Shaming the Mob|Shaming The Cowards]]: The Gromble berates the entire student body for spreading rumors about Ickis' spontaneous combustibility and their trepidation around him because of it. Basically they were acting like everything they hate: {{spoiler|[[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|humans]]}}.
* [[The Short Guy With Glasses]]: In the pilot, Ickis has a pair of glasses. They don't appear in the actual series, however.
{{quote| '''The Gromble:''' IS THAT WHAT YOU WANNA ACT LIKE!? A BUNCH OF {{spoiler|HUMANS}}!?}}
* [[The Short Guy Withwith Glasses]]: In the pilot, Ickis has a pair of glasses. They don't appear in the actual series, however.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Sublima, Oblina's mother, made her call her "[[Mommy Dearest|Mumsy dearest]]" and was a [[My Beloved Smother|complete control freak]].
* [[Sizeshifter]]: Ickis.
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* [[The Stool Pigeon]]: Zimbo.
* [[Strong Family Resemblance]]: Ickis and Krumm looked a ''lot'' like their fathers, Slickis and Horvak. The Gromble also strongly resembled his mother. Oblina, on the other hand, took traits from both of her parents, as revealed when they finally showed up. She was also one of the only characters who ''had'' both parents appear.
* [[Taken for Granite]]: A trio of monsters who were run through the cement mixer and turned into gargoyles for seventy-five years. {{spoiler|Later, when they attempted to do the same thing to Ickis, The Gromble had one of his own [[Big Damn Heroes]] moments and [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard|returned them to their former imprisonment]].}}
* [[TeachersTeacher's Pet]]: Oblina
* [[They Called Me Mad]]: Simon, who took the typical [[Mad Scientist]]-style route.
* [[They Would Cut You Up]]: Monsters are taught that if humans ever learned of their existance, they'd be hunted down, experimented on, and slaughtered.
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