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* ''[[Blaz Blue Continuum Shift (Video Game)|Blaz Blue Continuum Shift]]'' (including its expansions, ''Continuum Shift II'' and ''Extend'')
A [[D Si WareDSiWare]] side game named ''[[Blaz Blue]]: Battle X Battle'' has also been released in Japan featuring [[Super -Deformed]] characters and gameplay similar to ''[[Power Stone]]''. A North American version was released under the title ''Blayze Bloo: Super Melee Brawlers Battle Royale''.
A light novel entitled ''[[Blaz Blue]] Phase 0'' written by Komao Mako, illustrated by ''[[Blaz Blue]]'''s lead artist Katou Yuuki and based on a story from ''[[Blaz Blue]]'' creator Mori Tochimichi was published by Fujimi Shobo on August 20, 2010 [http://www.arcsystemworks.jp/official/blog/index.cgi?eid=43\]. The story begins when Ragna has a chance encounter with Caelica, a young lady harboring a mysterious power, and involves the mysteries of the ''[[Blaz Blue]]'' world.
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* [[Ascended Fanboy]]: Apparently, [[Tomokazu Sugita]] and [[Yuuichi Nakamura]] also play [[Blaz Blue]] on their free time.
* [[Ascended Meme]] / [[Sure Why Not]]: The vocalist for [[Ear Worm|Okkusenman]] posted a vocal version of Bang's theme on Nico Nico Douga. It was recently revealed that on the ''Continuum Shift'' OST, Bang's voice actor is singing a vocal version of the theme with ''the very same lyrics as the original version''.
** ''Continuum Shift'''s English translation has an achievement called [[Bee -Bee Gun|BEES]], referencing the "BEEEEEEEEEEEEEES" meme.
* [[Autobots Rock Out]]: Daisuke Ishiwatari did the soundtrack, are you surprised in the slightest? It's actually subverted a bit; when the [[Theme Music Power-Up]] kicks in, the music goes from the rest of the soundtrack's metal to Kotoko's vocal J-Pop.
* [[Awesome but Impractical]]: Most Astral Heats.
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** Iron Tager is mostly a nice guy as long as you have nothing to do with his mission, (as in, it doesn't require him to pummel you to death,) his biggest problem being that he is loyal to a fault to Kokonoe, the earlier mentioned vengeanceful scientist with plans to [[Nuke Em All]] if things don't go as she wants them to, who apparently keep Sector Seven's dirty laundry from being known by him. He does have a justification that Kokonoe programmed him to be all loyal to the tee, he can argue with her amoral decisions, but he always would obey, and no plans for fixing that no matter how called out he is.
** Hakumen is the legendary hero who defeated the Black Beast. Like Bang, he fights for [[For Great Justice|justice]], and ''unlike'' Bang, the story doesn't treat him as a joke. And when he learns of Kokonoe's [[Nuke'Em|backup plan]], his reaction is nothing but horror and disgust. ...Unfortunately, he's also got an ego the size of Kagutsuchi and his brand of justice involves killing [[The Hero]], and if his [[Badass Boast]] and words at the end of CS, 'cleaning up the world from humans and restart it anew' is part of the brand. [[Knight Templar|He is not open to alternative solutions.]]
** [[The Good, theThe Bad, And The Evil]]: When it boils down to it, even when The Good is [[Black and Gray Morality|pretty gray]], it's still based on this:
*** The Good: Anyone opposing the NOL (Sector Seven included).
*** The Bad: The NOL.
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* [[Combo Breaker]]: Barrier/Break Burst. Every character also has a counter command usable while blocking, but it uses up 50 Heat.
* [[Conservation of Ninjutsu]]: The explanation of how seithr works means this is literally a fundamental law of the universe in ''[[Blaz Blue]]''; there's only so much in a given area for anyone to use.
* [[Damn You, Muscle Memory!]]: If you came here from ''[[Guilty Gear (Video Game)|Guilty Gear]]'', pressing all four face buttons sets up an Instant Kill. Try that here and you get the defence-lowering (at least in ''Calamity Trigger'') Barrier Burst instead.
* [[Devil but No God]]: Terumi is the closest you can get for a [[Satan]] [[Expy]] who's pretty active in ruining everyone's lives. A benevolent God? Don't even think about it (Takamagahara is quite the [[Jerkass God]]).
* [[Divine Chessboard]]: Everyone seems controlled by Jubei, and Rachel on the protagonists' side. Just about everything else in the story is being controlled by {{spoiler|Hazama and Relius}}.
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* [[Dramatic Irony]]: Goes a lot, especially in Continuum Shift. For instance, {{spoiler|Carl gets calmed down and regained his trust on adults thanks to Litchi... not knowing that Litchi is on NOL's side and sided with Relius... WITHOUT knowing the reasons of her doing so. And on the other hand, Litchi didn't know there's a certain Boundary-rending Nox Nyctores called "Phoenix Rettenjou" which may be the key to her problems... and it's in Bang's possession, and he wasn't even aware at first. Bang was at least told about its function by Platinum eventually... and then he doesn't even know Litchi's problems.}} All these informations were known by the audience, leading to things from speculations, assumptions, etc.
* [[Dysfunction Junction]]: Easily one of the most screwed up casts of fighters ever.
** Let's see... Jin's either a sociopath or a [[Yandere]]. Carl's walking around with the living corpse of his sister and is scarred for life; his father ''murdered'' his wife and daughter. Tao's hyperactive and is, well, an idiot. Litchi's got a ''severe'' case of [[Guilt Complex]]. Arakune lost his mind. Kokonoe comes off as mad at the world. Hazama's a [[Complete Monster]]. Platinum has [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissociative_identity_disorderDissociative identity disorder|DID.]] Hakumen's an entirely '''different''' level of sociopath. ''And this is just the top of the barrel!''
{{quote| '''Ragna:''' Dear god, why me? Why do I always seem to attract the who's who of mental illness...?}}
* [[Engrish]]: For whatever reason, none of the announcers, default or DLC, were dubbed into English. This gives us gems such as "LOOK AT TIME"<ref>When the timer reaches 10 seconds</ref>, "Caruru Crowbar"<ref>Carl Clover</ref>, "Air-a-koo-nay"<ref>Arakune</ref>, "REEBOO"<ref>Rebel</ref> and many, many more.
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*** [[Sixth Ranger Traitor]] and [[Token Evil Teammate]]: Yuuki Terumi.
<!-- %% Moving tropes. This page will be slim when the work is finished. Some of the past tropes were moved to the character sheets or the game pages. -->
* [[Fixed -Floor Fighting]]
* [[Flawless Victory]]: "Perfect!"
* [[Foregone Conclusion]]: The prequel novel Blazblue Phase 0. {{spoiler|If you've played the games you already know whats going to happen. The Black Beast will be unleashed and nearly cause the end of the world. A group of people whom will be known as the Six Heroes will rise up and lead the remnants of humanity to challenge and eventually slay the beast. Hakumen is Jin. Bloodedge will sacrifice himself to save Jubei. Caelica will watch over the Black Beast's remains, but while we know what will happen, we don't know how it happened, which the novel will explain.}}
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** Continuum Shift II Extend downsizes the escalation by merely adding one additional character as well as adding more moves to the already-broken Unlimited characters.
* [[Sequel Hook]]: The true ending, and by extension the rest of story mode, is almost nothing but a sequel hook, up to including obvious picks for future playable characters. And little more than a year later, a sequel was indeed announced. The sequel itself also ends in one, with {{spoiler|everyone going to Ikaruga as the next stage of the eventual battle}}.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Has its [[Blaz Blue (Video Game)/Shout Out|own page]].
* [[Significant Birth Date]]: ''Noel'''s birthday is on Dec 25 (Christmas). [[Irony|Ragna's birthday is Mar 3 (Girl's Day)]]. [[Official Couple|Jin's birthday is Feb 14 (Valentine's Day), coupled with Tsubaki being born on March 14 (White Day)]]. Rachel the ''vampire'' is Oct 31 (Halloween). [[Idiot Hero]] Taokaka is Feb 22 (World Thinking Day and Cat's day in Japan). [[Anime Chinese Girl]] Litchi is [[Tanabata|Jul 7 (Chinese Valentine's Day)]]. Cute little boy Carl is May 5 (Children's Day). Kokonoe the ''scientist'' is Apr 18 (Invention Day). Hazama is Apr 29 (International Dance Day). Nu was born on ''New'' Year's Eve. Finally, Bang was born on New Year's Day, though whether or not this is symbolic is debatable.
** Makoto's birthday is The International Children Book Day. See the [[Blaz Blue (Video Game)/Fridge|Fridge Page]] for more details.
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* [[Spontaneous Weapon Creation]]: It's implied that the Kaka Clan's claws are of this nature; that is, they have the ability to produce them, rather than them being retractable. Taokaka (the only playable example of the species so far) seems to be able to produce them in a number of shapes.
* [[Sprite Polygon Mix]]: As stated above.
* [[Stealth Parody]]: An [[Rule of Cool|over-the-top]] [[Shout -Out|reference-laden]] fighting game with copious [[Engrish]] and a byzantine plot through which we discover {{spoiler|most every character is [[Trauma -Induced Amnesia|an amnesiac]], [[Cloning Blues|a clone]], [[My Future Self and Me|a time-displaced version of another character]] or [[Big Screwed-Up Family|in the same family]]}}? [[Sarcasm Mode|Which one?]]
* [[Story -Breaker Power]]: Many characters have broken powers that never show up in their gameplay. Terumi can [[Mind Rape]] anyone hit by his chain. Mu can create anything (including time and space) out of thin air. Hakumen and Jin can erase anything they want. Be glad they limit themselves most of the time.
* [[Stripperific]]: First, we had Litchi, who always took the time to move the upper half of half of her dress out of the way so we could see her [[Buxom Is Better|ample chest]] and legs better, as well as Noel (they're both [[Fetish Fuel Station Attendant]]). Then we got Mu-12, [http://ps3media.ign.com/ps3/image/article/106/1068285/blazblue-continuum-shift-20100210115844717.jpg whose outfit] consists of a metal thong, some shoulder pads, and a sort of [[Breast Plate]] that still allows for a [[Bare Your Midriff|bare midriff]]. Then there's Makoto, whose outfit is... well, just [http://www.videogamer.com/videos/blazblue_continuum_shift_makoto_dlc_trailer.html take a look.] Really, if you're going to go that far, why bother putting clothes on the girl? And dear lord, let's not start on fighting, miniskirts, and lolicons...
* [[Super -Deformed]]: ''Teach Me, Ms. Litchi!'' and ''Help Me, Professor Kokonoe!''
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: {{spoiler|Mu-12, the console exclusive character for ''Continuum Shift'' is Noel after being turned back into her original Murakamo form by Terumi.}}
* [[Super Mode]]: Unlimited Mode for everyone.
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* [[Too Awesome to Use]]: It is possible to fall into this trap with Barrier Burst.
* [[Token Evil Teammate]] and [[Token Good Teammate]]: Just to make sure this doesn't fall into [[Black and White Morality]], you'll find these at the end of the series. {{spoiler|On the good guys, Jin and Kokonoe are still colossal self-serving assholes despite opposing Terumi, with Jin possibly getting a bit better to stop being a Token Evil one (thanks to Jubei) while Kokonoe gets even worse... On the bad guys, there's Litchi who still retained her sanity, her motivation being [[Forced Into Evil]] as well as still capable of (and will) acting kind and motherly.}}
* [[Trauma -Induced Amnesia]]: Jin Kisaragi and Noel Vermillion share this. Both cannot remember certain events before the Civil War which causes some issues.
** Justified in Noel's case. {{spoiler|She was only five years old.}}
** And in Jin's case. {{spoiler|Terumi ate his memories.}}
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** Rachel gives an accurate, but [[Lemony Narrator|Extremely Lemony]] account of Hakumen's history in his Arcade mode ending. She also teaches the Tutorial of Continuum Shift, never being afraid to mock you as a player or Ragna or Bang... Especially Bang, since he's used as the training dummy.
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: {{spoiler|Poor, poor Tsubaki. And Litchi.}}
* [[Wham! Episode]]: ''Continuum Shift'''s True Ending is nothing but a non-stop marathon of Whams. Probably the biggest one is the revelation of the Imperator Librarius. It's {{spoiler|Saya}} in case you were wondering.
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?]]: Noel's and Tsubaki's seiyuu [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQflzsRomOs fighting using their respective characters.] Epic button mashing ensues.
* [[Widget Series]]: The game simply doesn't have the following and lineage [[Street Fighter]] does. It's also a popular reason that the game is more popular on Playstation 3 than Xbox 360.
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