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=== Going Forward! ===
* Usually, in a [[Super Sentai]] series, there's one main writer, and about 3 secondary writers, average. And while the main apparently handles the overall plotline, they take turns writing episodes. But not for Shinkenger, no. A look at the episode table for the series (where the writer and director of each episode are also displayed) on Wikipedia Japan reveals that Shinkenger had only 2 sub-writers, and both of them wrote only 7 episodes in total, all of them side-episodes. In other words, [[Yasuko Kobayashi]] wrote 42 Acts, and managed the plot, characters and all the twists of this whole damn thing. Give the head writer a well deserved Crown.<ref>Put it beside the one for [[Kamen Rider Den -O]], for which she wrote all but ''four'' of the 49 episodes.</ref>
* As a general note... if you hear [https://web.archive.org/web/20100501213401/http://www.esnips.com/doc/e8acd05f-b01b-4186-a291-223ab1d02c8c/Bushido-Icchokusen-%28Part(Part-1%29) that little tune]... pay attention-- a crowning moment of some variety is likely in the offing. And if the henshin theme or the series opening/ action themes follow suit, butts will be kicked.
* How can you instantly tell a [[Super Sentai]] series is off to a good start? When the first episode is well-loaded with CMoAs, of course!
** The first time we see Takeru fight, ''while the opening song plays'' is Act 1. Takes on a group of the mooks alone, and then has a nice drink brought to him. Right where they fought. [[Badass]].
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* Act 03: Chaiki makes the Ayakashi punch itself in the face. And tie its extensible arms in knots.
** Don't forget that Takeru later avoided its punches hidden underground in ShinkenOh, ''literally with its eyes closed'', and immediately cut off both. [[Humongous Mecha]]-scale awesomeness.
* Act 05: Takeru's [[Training Fromfrom Hell]], in and of itself, is awesome. And when he finally cuts loose with Kabuto Origami's Hiden disk, we get a seemingly undefeatable Ayakashi facing the [[BFG]] [[Beam Spam]].
** A brief but affecting one: The Ayakashi Yanasudare has the four vassals down for the count. He has Ryunosuke at point blank range, and all their attacks have failed. What does Shinken Blue do? {{spoiler|Simply ''bows his head, ready for death''. He's only saved by his tono pulling a [[Big Damn Heroes]].}} Least you forget the man was raised samurai.
** Also to note that, unlike other team-weilded [[BFG|BFGs]], the vast majority of the time, the four vassals don't aid in holding it. Instead, they ''kneel down behind him.'' You know you're boned when you only need one person to hold a BFG, unless said person asks the others to do so. <ref>Specifically in Act 14, with Ryuunosuke holding it, the others kneel, but Takeru doesn't. Ryuuonske then asks Richard Brown, that episode's joke character, to hold it with him. Later, in Act 43, Genta uses it with everyone else holding it, sans Takeru using the other bazooka weapon.</ref>
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** Takeru's Origami fetches Mako's confiscated Shodophone right out of Dayu's hands.
** The battle with Dayu, leading up to {{spoiler|Juzo}}'s [[Badass]] appearance by cutting the GoRinDan with his own sword. Appropriately for his debut.
* Any of the unique [[In the Name of Thethe Moon|roll calls]] starting with Act 8. Most of these roll calls have the Shinkengers dramatically entering the scene as they surround the [[Monster of the Week]]. Particularly in Act 8 against Dayu;
** Takeru calmly strides into the scene.
** Ryunosuke pops up from under a Shiba Clan banner.
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** Chiaki sits on a flight of stone steps and yawns before joining in.
** Kotoha walks in from the side.
** Finally, all five of them slowly surround Dayu with their Shinkenmaru drawn as they finish the role call.
* Act 09. Showing his [[The Determinator|determinator]] side in full force, Takeru strikes a blow that embeds the "''Resist''" Kanji into Ryunosuke, freeing him from Hitomidama's control. {{spoiler|Note: His sword goes right through Ryu-san's stomach. Had he screwed up, it would have been a killing blow. And the amount of power might have killed Ryunosuke.}}
* In Act 10, Chiaki, after [[Took a Level Inin Badass|connecting to what his elemental Kanji means to him]] after a CMoH with Jii, uses his Wood Spear to '''pole vault''' up to the flying monster of the week, switches his weapon to Katana mode, and slashes his Kanji into it, sending it to the ground several city blocks away, and ending its first life. Did we mention said Ayakashi is at skyscraper level, at least? {{spoiler|1=His new found control gains him the right to pilot the Kabuto Origami, and help control the new Gattai; DaiTenku.}}
** And on a minor but cool note for Act 10; the first time we see [[Badass Biker|Jii on a motorbike]].
* The [[Melee a Trois]] mentioned on the main page between Takeru, {{spoiler|Juzo}}, and the Monster of the Week in [[Wham! Episode|Act 11]]. A stunningly well choreographed and paced example of the trope, with the three fighting each other about evenly, so a CMoA for the crew of the show as a whole.
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** Their shift from [[Large Ham]] to [[Badass]] Mode with a [[Let's Get Dangerous]] henshin.
** Freeing the nine hostage women {{spoiler|slated as a [[Human Sacrifice]] to open a well as a path to the Sanzu}}. Do remember that Shitari ''himself'' is there, and the old wizard is no pushover.
** When the oil-using [[Monster of the Week]] isn't savvy enough to realize that [[Playing Withwith Fire|Takeru really isn't a good opponent for him]].
** Genta and Ryunosuke's [[Combination Attack]]: ''Suiryu Hyakumai Oroshi''<ref>100-Waterfall Drop</ref>.
* Act 20 is the biggest example of the Shinkengers' [[Nakama|camaraderie]]. The Ayakashi of the week ''just'' happened to {{spoiler|steal Kotoha's soul and left her to die in 24 hours ''on her birthday which everyone has been secretly preparing for''}}. As if that hasn't pissed them off enough, he stalled further by not coming up from the River, [[Smug Snake|and bragged about doing so as he retreated]]. When the Shinkengers<ref>Each one willing to {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice|sacrifice their humanity]] to follow it to Sanzu.}}</ref> finally got their hands on him thanks to Genta's [[Xanatos Speed Chess|quick thinking]], what ensued would most appropriately be described as a [[Curb Stomp Battle|one-sided slaughterfest]] featuring every single weapon in their arsenal, each active Samurai getting a piece of the bastard, and {{spoiler|the newly finished Ebi Origami}}. ''Don't'' touch anyone on the team unless you're up for suicide...
** And one goes to the production crew, too. Watch the initial battle again. {{spoiler|The moment that Genta plants Ebizou's character on the Ayakashi actually happens in the fight, such that when they reveal the plan, they simply add the planted character in.}} The series, as a whole, has been rather good with its [[Chekhov's Gun|Chekhov's Guns]] and other [[The Reveal|Reveals]].
* In Act 21, Chiaki creates a bamboo stalk and slides down into the restaurant where a possessed man and Nanashi are holding several people, including his father and Mako hostage. It's like Act 10's [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] except going down instead of up, but it's just as awesome.
** And to make it even more awesome, when the Nanashi get back up, Chiaki's father grabs a nearby Nanashi sword and takes the remaining Nanashi down. This after playing [[Obfuscating Stupidity|the happy-go-lucky let's-have-fun dad]], who [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass|doesn't look like a former Shinkenger]], most of the episode. The Act is called "''[[Badass Family|The Bear Father-and-Son]]''"<ref>The Japanese word, "''Oyago''", is a compound collective noun of "''Oyaji''"/"Father" and "''Ko''"/"Child".</ref> for a reason.
*** Keep in mind, {{spoiler|he's likely the Shinken Green that was struck down in the same events that crippled Mako's mother and cost Takeru his father, so he might still be a bit "shellshocked", so to speak}}.
* Act 22, in which Kotoha slaps Takeru. {{spoiler|She's trying to act the part of a selfish lady, as part of a ruse to remove an Ayakashi who feeds on a wealthy man's love for Kotoha.}} Committing herself to it that much really troubles her considering how polite and formal she usually is, especially toward her Lord.
** Following a CMoH between Takeru and Kotoha, the two transform and take on the Ayakashi. When Kotoha is knocked back, [[Ship Tease|Takeru catches her in a gentleman-like way with one hand]] and lands several blows on the Ayakashi with his Shinkenmaru grasped in his other hand. Then after helping his lady up, Takeru lets Kotoha land the next blow, and she introduces the Ayakashi to her newest attack: [[Spin Attack|Sarumawashi]].
* [[The Movie]]: The [[Whip Sword|Kyoryumaru]], just the Kyoryumaru.
** Takeru realizing how to active it, getting a badass coat in the process and then pretty much wiping out the enemy army with it, then the Shinkengers, after hearing the original ShinkenRed's [[Rousing Speech]] essentially [[One-Hit Kill]] the villain with it.
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** Over in the secondary plot, Ryunosuke continues to show that under the [[Large Ham]] is one [[Badass]] Samurai and a worthy second-in-command; from his [[Super Mode]] with blade strikes like breaking waves to his simple-yet-effective rallying of the troops against the dream-eater Ayakashi's second life. Challenging someone who trained all his life to be a top-notch Samurai is a bad idea.
* Chiaki's [[Batman Gambit]] in Act 27; {{spoiler|cornering the [[Freaky Friday Flip|soul-swapping]] Ayakashi into reverting everyone back to normal ''without noticeable violence''}}. He's the team's [[The Smart Guy|smart guy]] for a reason.
** That's not to say there wasn't a battle between the Ayakashi and Chiaki. {{spoiler|Right after having all the souls return to their proper bodies}} Chiaki turns into his [[Super Mode]]. What follows is probably one of the best displays of [[Super Mode]]'s power as he quickly lands blow after blow while parrying some of the Ayakashi's attacks without any stop in motion.
* Act 28. Yeah, sure, every Shinkenger being badass enough to face down their fears is awesome. Yes, first appearance of our favorite living lantern. But the real crown goes to Jii. {{spoiler|Sometimes, you just gotta force a phobic samurai to eat a piece of sushi so he can get over a [[Heroic BSOD|temporary, but serious, phobia.]]}} This is why they need the old man.
* Act 29. After a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] <ref>featuring a talking lantern, no less!</ref>, we get the awesome back lit roll call leading to DaiGoyo and Shinken Gold finally shutting up the self aggrandizing Ayakashi long enough for Neesan to lay the Shin Tenkuu No Mai on him as Super Shinken Pink.
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** Then as he turns to the other side, Ryunosuke, who was sitting down the entire time, rises up and uses his Water Arrow to knock Genta's Sushi Changer out of the Ayakashi's hand.
** Kotoha then leaps up and catches the [[Transformation Trinket]] and tosses it to Genta, who then proceeds to transform.
** The Ayakashi then attempts to retreat and come up with a new plan...only to stumble at the sight of Takeru and his Kyoryumaru.
** The roll call ends with the Ayakashi surrounded by the six Shinkengers as he realizes that his plan has fallen apart. He thought he had the advantage at the beginning of the Act, but he was dead wrong.
* In Act 34, we got... Mako obliterating a group of Nanashi Renjuu with just human form, striking the "''Heaven''" Kanji to morph to ShinkenPink... {{spoiler|''while blocking all of Akumaro's blasts'', and then fought against him evenly before being given the Inroumaru and beating him. ALONE. Do remember that Akumaro debuted by kicking the Shinkengers' asses without a sweat, and he currently also had the rest of the team in a tight corner.}} Awesome girl is awesome.
* Chiaki calling Ryunosuke's ShodoPhone swallowed by the [[Monster of the Week]] in Act 35, so that they can know which part to cut open. Though not a big one, it's still pretty clever. (Also funny. The monster thinks ''it's for him''.)
** And {{spoiler|1=[[Badass]] SamuraiHaOh's debut with its grand [[Leitmotif]]}}. Can't forget that.
* They made even [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?|Genta's career decision]] in Act 36 a CMoA: Snowballing from the one exception he took to make curry rice for Kotoha in his stall, his curry got famous overnight, pressuring him into curry business by customers and risking his sushi<ref>Which isn't exactly remarkable.</ref> to be overshadowed by his curry. He finally made up his mind after Kotoha talked to him, realizing that he's a ''sushi'' seller, and replied ''[[Chewing the Scenery|strongly]]'' against an offer to make him a famous curry tycoon. It even has [http://www.esnips.com/doc/e8acd05f-b01b-4186-a291-223ab1d02c8c/Bushido-Icchokusen-(Part-1) that little tune]<ref>Usually for whenever a character is at the ''zenith'' of seriousness, mind you.</ref> playing in the background!
** Kotoha manages to snag quite a bit of focus this week considering it's Genta's storyline. Sure, she manages to talk Genta round, which we've come to expect. Then she meekly asks to borrow the Inroumaru; all still in character. After ''that'', she goes and takes on the spin-happy MotW [[Everything's Better Withwith Spinning|with even MORE spinning, finally matching its speed and delivering the kill blow.]] The same monster that practically curb-stomped our heroes a while ago.
* Say what you will about Act 37, full of Narm and [[Ho Yay]] moments between Chiaki and Ryunosuke; beating the snot out of an Ayakashi right down to the end of its first life ''while basically handcuffed together'' deserves to be acknowledged as a CMoA not just for their characters, but also for their stuntmen.
* Act 38: The Crowning Episode of Awesome, full of one CMoA after another for both sides.
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** Also for {{spoiler|becoming the ''first'' non-Red Shinkenger to ever wield the Mogyu Bazooka. Oh, and her self-action also becomes the key to victory in the battle against that Ayakashi's second life, is congratulated by the others with the Clap of Victory.}}
** Finally the real crowning moment: Witnessing her newfound spirit, Takeru stops trying to be an [[Innefectual Loner]] he's been trying to become since two acts ago. Although... [[Tsundere|he still won't openly admit it]].
* Act 43, the conclusion of Akumaro's arc. When {{spoiler|he undergoes a [[Villainous Breakdown]] and starts rampaging after Juzo denies him his centuries long desire for [[Hell Onon Earth]]}}, the Shinkengers get out the big guns: ''Genta'' wielding Rekka Daizantou's Ozutsu Mode using Ika Origami's disc as the focus for the Gorindan, and Takeru as Super Shinken Red armed with the Super Mogyu Bazooka's Gedou Fukumetsu attack, while under heavy fire from Akumaro.
** Throwing down the 4 basic mecha at the same time against Akumaro and his two Kirigami; sometimes, you just gotta go for numbers.
** And then... When SamuraiHaOh's Mojikara Dai Dan En proves not enough to take out Akumaro's second life <ref>Reflected by Akumaro's [[Catch and Return]].</ref>, Genta realizes the team isn't really using ALL the origami. Kyoryu Origami's mecha sword mode, charged with the power of their combined mojikara, allows them to use a new attack--Twelve-Oragami Dai Samurai Giri-- letting the living sword split Akumaro in half and finally granting the pain of Hell he was so keen on.
** That's the Christmas episode...
** In that case, a toast to SamuraiHaOh; for ''[[Foregone Conclusion|finally]]'' catching up to [[Engine Sentai GoongerGo-onger|EngineO G12]] in terms of component number.
* Act 44: So the latest Ayakashi is blasting everyone left and right and {{spoiler|pulling a [[Mana Drain]] on Takeru}}. With no other options, Takeru goes into [[Super Mode]] and brings out the Mogyu Bazooka, but it's no use as the Ayakashi quickly teleports and blasts him from behind. However, Takeru was [[Deliberate Injury Gambit|expecting that]] and as his Shinken Red suit comes off, he turns and fires Mogyu Bazooka's Gedou Fukumetsu, ending the Ayakashi's first life. He might not be the true head of the Shiba Clan, but that doesn't disqualify him from being [[Badass]].
** Speaking of the head of the Shiba Clan, Kaoru certainly shows that being a [[Badass]] runs in the Shiba Clan bloodline. In her debut, she takes out the latest Ayakashi's second life ''with just Shishi Origami''. And this is after DaiKaiShinkenOh ''failed'' to defeat the Ayakashi.
* Act 45: Kaoru goes into battle with the others for the first time, the Kuroko actually preparing her Shinkenmaru for her. The ensuing battle shows Kaoru utilizing all of her given gear except for the Kyouryuu Origami in good fashion.
* Act 46: Part 1 of Takeru and Juzo's final [[Duel to Thethe Death]], which contains possibly the most ferocious swordplay in <s>the entire series</s> [[Super Sentai]] history. The Crowning Moment comes at the end of the Act in which both Takeru and Juzo fight on horseback before transforming and clashing with each in the air as the Act ends.
** What made the scenes more intense is that they first started fighting out of their transformations, and we actually get to see the intensity and pressure on their faces. And of course, the credit goes to their actors too.
** Kaoru shutting up Tanba first by tossing a [[Paper Fan of Doom]] at Tanba's head and then ordering the Kuroko to have his mouth gagged. For the many who hated Tanba and his [[Jerkass]] tendencies, this was definitely a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] for Kaoru.
* Act 47: Kobayashi-san does not waste characters, as {{spoiler|the reappearance of Ryunosuke's fisherman friend}} shows. And he gives Ryu-san the exact wake-up call needed to end a [[Heroic BSOD]].
** Part 2 of Takeru and Juzo's final [[Duel to Thethe Death]], which contains possibly the most ferocious swordplay in the entire series as well as one of the most spectacular deaths of any Sentai villain.
** Ryunosuke slicing a path [[Out of the Inferno]].
** On a much less serious note, Kaoru throws her [[Paper Fan of Doom]] at Tanba to shut him up, but this time he manages to dodge it. Then while Tanba is rejoicing, Komatsu Sakutaro, the fisherman who returned to being a Kuroko after helping Ryunosuke all the way back in Act 7, comes in and gives Kaoru an ''even bigger'' [[Paper Fan of Doom]].
** Takeru slicing through a Nanashi mob ''without henshin'', after {{spoiler|recovering from his [[Heroic BSOD|breakdown]] for good}}.
* Act 48: {{spoiler|The Seal is useless.}} Karou has been struck down, her henshin form disrupted. The others are down and injured. Who will save her from Dokouku's attack? Why, [[Big Damn Heroes|her shadow and the Kuroko, of course]]. And note... Takeru is STILL without henshin.
** Mainly a CMOA for Kaoru but it doubles as an [[Awesome Moment of Crowning]] for Takeru. {{spoiler|When Takeru tries to sit in the position reserved for the head of the Shiba Clan Tanba tries to have him removed, calling him a mere [[Body Double|kage]] in the process. However, Kaoru tells everyone that she had adopted Takeru in order to legally allow him to inherit the title of lord even going so far as to have a Kuroko show Tanba that Takeru is now in the line of lordship along with Kaoru and his 17 other predecessors. When Tanba still insists that he can't be the lord, Kaoru shouts him down for being rude to her son and the new lord and commands everyone to bow down to Takeru. Everyone rejoices and obeys her command...except for Tanba who reluctantly complies.}}
** The six samurai on a cliff. Legions of Nanashi before them. {{spoiler|Their boss in his junk ready to take the human world. Cue Badass charge.}}
** Dokoku gets one, for a perfectly executed [[Evil Plan]] courtesy of a [[Chekhov's Gun]]. Remember about 25-30 episodes back, when {{spoiler|Juzo was able to break Dokoku's seal thanks to being part human}}? You might not, but he did - and through emotional manipulation of Dayu made her willing to allow him to absorb her, making him part human - and thus partially immune to the sealing character. There's a reason he's the [[Big Bad]].
* As expected of a finale, Act 49 is filled with CMOAs.
** Jii's [[Badass Grandpa]] status is further solidified when he {{spoiler|goes into battle with the Nanashi again...''wearing samurai armor and armed with a [[Blade Onon a Stick|naginata]] and a [[Katanas Are Just Better|katana]]''}}.
** The Shinkengers spend a good portion of the Act fighting without transforming, the roll call, the main fight, even the mecha battle.
** Takeru [[Dual-Wielding]] ''{{spoiler|two [[BFS|Rekka Daizanto]]}}''. Just as badass as you'd imagine.
*** Why was Takeru able to do it? Tanba created a disc that allows him to {{spoiler|duplicate his [[BFS]]}}. That's right! The same [[Jerkass]] who had been calling Takeru a [[Body Double|fake]] and yelled at the other Shinkengers for the past several Acts [[Rescued Fromfrom the Scrappy Heap|just aided Takeru in pulling off a CrowningMomentOfAwesome]]!
*** {{spoiler|Ryuunosuke}} dealing the killing strike on Dokoku, and not Takeru. That's pretty rare.
** In a move similar to the finale of {{spoiler|[[Gurren Lagann]]}}, the Shinkengers have the auxiliary origami detach as SamuraiHaoh moves in towards Dokoku - (The cockpit getting noticably damaged in the process - leaving just ShinkenOh. As they close in, Dokoku stabs ShinkenOh, but ''[[Deliberate Injury Gambit|that's exactly what they were going for]]''. With Dokoku in place, they unleash all their Mojikara into one final Daishinken Samurai Giri, bringing an end to Dokoku forever.
* The ''Samurai Sentai Shinkenger vs Go-Onger'' movie has quite a few which include:
** When Nanashi try to overwhelm Takeru and Sosuke by having the Ugatz transform into motorcycles, Takeru responds by using his Mojikara to summon a red sports car and has Sosuke drive it while he slices oncoming Nanashi from the back.
** Takeru tossing the Kyoryu disc to Sosuke, who attaches it to his Mantan Gun to become Hyper Go-On Red, while he transforms into [[Super Mode]] with the Inroumaru.
** The [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvNkPQQ68Uk Shinkengers and Go-Onger combining their attacks] to defeat the Ayakashi's first life. It involves all Go-Ongers (Minus Sosuke) blasting the Ayakashi with their Mantan Guns followed by each of the Shinkengers charging in and slicing the Ayakashi and finally ends with Takeru and Sosuke dealing the finishing blow.
** The [[Tensou Sentai Goseiger|Goseiger's]] guest appearance in which they easily prevent Akumaro, Juzo, and Dayu from interfering with the Shinkenger and Go-Onger's battle.
** And once again: ''<big>Jii</big>''! While not as epic as what he would be doing in the Final Act<ref>Since the crossover takes place well before Act 40, wherein Dokoku gets a [[Phlebotinum Breakdown]] and [[Put Onon a Bus|a bus ticket]], after which Akumaro takes over command.</ref>, the movie accentuates his [[Badass Grandpa]] status a lot; whenever he and the Nanashi share the same screen, he's beating them down. ''Barehanded''.
*** Minus the part where he's captured. Then again, he lost only when the [[Monster of the Week]] started using fire... So, yeah.
** The ''entire'' [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvba9sLeeN4 Henshin and Rollcall], especially since the whole thing is done with Shinkengers' henshin theme.
* Although the Special Act as a whole was more a [[Funny Moments (Sugar Wiki)|Funny Moment]] than a [[Moment of Awesome]], the [[Jidai Geki]] opening scene had several moments of win:
** Ryuunosuke ''quintuple wielding'' swords <ref>Two in each hand and one [[Cutlass Between the Teeth|in his mouth]].</ref> like a cross between [[Sengoku Basara|Masamune Date]] and [[One Piece|Zoro]].
** Mako as a [[Badass]] geisha
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