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''[[The Legend of Huma]]'' was the first ''[[Dragonlance]]'' novel, published in 1988, which did not involve any of the original companions. It tells the story Huma, the man who won of the Third Dragon War and saved the world through the aid of Paladine and the other gods of light.
By the time ''Legend'' starts, things are [[Understatement|not going well]] for the Knights of Solamnia or their allies. Takhisis' hordes have overrun most of the world, Solamnia's last strongholds are under siege and there are rumors that the Dark Queen is about to manifest herself in the flesh. It's up to Huma, his friends Kaz the minotaur (who has defected from the Dragonarmies), the mysterious magic-user and childhood friend of Huma Magius and Huma's mysterious lover Gwyneth to save Krynn from total destruction.
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It's notable that this book is quite possibly the only source of information you can use to read the history of the Third Dragon War...even the Dragonlance Lexicon Wiki barely mentions it.
Now has aA Graphic Novel adaptation was published in 2006 by Brian Augustyn and Sean Jordan. Sadly, it only coverscovered the events of the novel up to the arrival at Magius' tower.
=== This novel provides examples of: ===
* [[Air Jousting]]: Oh yes.
* [[Artifact of Doom]]: The Sword of Tears. An elegant sword with an emerald worked into it, it constantly whispers promises of power, happiness and wealth to its user, while slowly corrupting their soul to evil. According to Paladine, it was what corrupted the ogres into a race of cruel tyrants and will be used on the "last day" by the final champion of darkness to lead the charge against the forces of the light when the final apocalyptic battle for Krynn is fought. (It should be noted that this is the only work that has so far mentioned this "Armadgeddon" doomsday that will end Krynn's history)
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* [[The Faceless]]: Morgion, as his Aspect appear to Huma, is an invisible face in darkness with sinister red eyes beneath a bronze crown.
* [[Handicapped Badass]]: {{spoiler|Wyrmfather, who despite being blinded and imprisoned by Kiri-Jolith for five millenia is still nearly more than a match for Huma.}}
* [[My Species Doth Protest Too Much]]: Kaz shows the Knights that minotaurs are not [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]], though even good virtuous ones like Kaz are still very aggressive at first. According to Kaz, the minotaurs have a warlike culture but are slaves in everything but name to the ogres who are holding their homelands on Ansalon's eastern coast hostage.
* [[Near Villain VictoryEucatastrophe]]: By the time ''Legend'' starts, most of the world has fallen to Takhisis' armies and the regions that haven't have been devastated by the omnipresent cult of Morgion's plagues. Hylo and northern Ergoth fall during the course of the novel and Solamnia is on its last legs, having already lost major territories such as Eldor, Huma's birthplace, nearly a generation ago. Even most of Ansalon's forests have been burned by Takhisis' scorched-earth tactics. If Huma hadn't found the Dragonlance, the war wouldn't have lasted longer, it would have been ''over.''
** When Astinus writes in the prologue that he was worried that the Third Dragon War would be the event that ended Krynn's history for good, you know you're dealing with a [[Near Villain VictoryEucatastrophe]].
* [[Plaguemaster]]: Morgion. Subverted in that, while he's most associated with diseases, he's a god of all types of decay. His portfolio includes rust, aging and madness too.
* [[Precursors]]: {{spoiler|Wyrmfather, the first dragon. He's described as long, grey and worm-like, as well as being the largest dragon in Krynn's history.}} It's unclear how he fits into the history the original five chromatic dragons that inhabited primeval Krynn in "Aurora's Eggs" but he may have served as the ëarly "prototype upon which Takhisis later improved upon, given his radically different anatomy.
** The ogres, which are still around and leading Takhisis' armies but only at a fraction of their once-powerful empire's strength.
* [[Physical God]]: {{spoiler|Wyrmfather, who was only defeated and imprisoned after Kiri-Jolith (yes, ''that'' Kiri-Jolith) fought him in a battle that lasted an entire year.}}
* [[Right Hand Versus Left Hand]]: Even in the [[Time of Myths]], the forces of good's clerics and mages won't have anything to do with each other, setting up shop on opposite sides of the Solamnic Knights'camp.
* [[Sand Worm]]: {{spoiler|Wyrmfather}} definitely has this vibe going.
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