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=== Dr. Bruce Banner ===
For Bruce Banner or his various alters/hulks, please click [[The_Incredible_Hulk_(comic_book)/Characters/Bruce_Banner_and_His_Alters|here]].
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Varies on writer, from anywhere to Type I to III, with Pak playing him at a III by lying to those close to him into getting his way. not to mention putting innocent people including his own son in harms way for his personal gain. In fact, at times he's seems to be the biggest threat, however he never crosses the line into straight Villain or [[Anti-Villain]].
* [[Jekyll and Hyde]]: Jekyll
* [[Not That Kind of Doctor]]: Played with, while Bruce doesn't have a doctorate in medicine, he was originally a med student. Because of this, he is capable of providing medical care in a pinch, such as when he gave his cousin Jen that blood transfusion.
* [[Science Hero]]
* [[Self-Made Orphan]]: Although it was an accident, and self-defense, while visiting the grave of his beloved murdered mother, he did kill his own father.
* [[Split Personality]]
* [[The Drifter]]
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]
=== Savage Hulk ===
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Type II
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]:When given the chance, he is arguably the nicest of the Hulk's personalities. Too bad that he is usually not given a chance.
* [[Children Are Innocent]]
* [[Friend to All Children]]
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]
* [[Gentle Giant]]
* [[Hulking Out]]: The [[Trope Namer]]
* [[Hulk Speak]]: Also the [[Trope Namer]]
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]
* [[Martial Pacifist]]
* [[Purple Is Powerful]]: He has purple shorts
* [[Strong As They Need to Be]]: With no known limits and it being known that Banner mentally resists him thus restraining his powers, this takes completely new meaning, just look at his entry on the page.
* [[Undying Loyalty]]
* [[Unstoppable Rage]]
* [[Wide Eyed Idealist]]
=== Joe Fixit ===
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Type IV or V
* [[Anti-Villain]]: Type I
* [[Break Them By Talking]]
* [[The Casino]]
* [[Cold-Blooded Torture]]
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Jerk]]/ [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]: [[Depending On the Writer]]
* [[Noble Demon]]
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]
* [[The Mafia]]
* [[Villain Protagonist]]: He was a mafioso, a torturer, a bully, a murderer, a mercenary, a lecher, a [[Break Them By Talking]]-giver to broken people, and proud of all of it. He mellowed out during the Dale Keown run, which is why he may have a type IV rating above.
* [[Viva Las Vegas]]
* [[Weak but Skilled]]: Compared with the green Hulk.
=== Merged Hulk/The Professor. ===
* [[A Friend in Need]]: Busted out a college girlfriend who was unlawfully contained in an Amnesty International condemned US prison.
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Type II-III
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]
* [[Genius Bruiser]]
* [[Good Samaritan]]: Ran multiple charity organisations, research for cancer cures provided food for starving children, shelters and education for war-refugees, supported revolutions against tyrants of oppressed peoples through much lesser loss of lives than real world military interventions can manage, and so onwards.
* [[Split Personality Merge]]: {{spoiler|Ultimately subverted. It's just a new, more stable personality.}}
* [[Undying Loyalty]]
=== "Green Scar" ===
* [[A Hero to His Hometown]]: Planet Sakaar, Meik argues he should be considered a hero by Earth to but they shot him into space
* [[An Axe to Grind]]: Favored battle axes during his tenure as a gladiator on Sakaar.
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Originally type III, but eventually evolved to type V.
* [[Bald of Evil]]: When merged with Nul, Breaker of Worlds.
* [[Barbarian Hero]]
* [[The Berzerker]]
* [[Blood Knight]]: Far more than any other version of the Hulk.
* [[Carry a Big Stick]]: Also used maces quite frequently as a gladiator.
* [[Drop the Hammer]]: As a member of the Worthy.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: He has essentially gradually turned into one, both in terms of raw power, destructive nature, and turning even more powerful from both dark magic and nuclear explosions, as a force of pure destruction merging forces of both science and mysticism. More openly after picking up one of the hammers of "The Worthy".
** This is especially true when he goes full on "Worldbreaker". For example, he went Worldbreaker in the Dark Dimension and reduced most of the realm into floating ruble.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]
* [[Papa Wolf]]: Don't threaten his kids. Even if you are [[Captain America]].
* [[Power Glows]]: When he goes Worldbreaker.
* [[Tron Lines]]: As one of the Worthy.
* [[Villain Protagonist]]: [[Base Breaker]]. See [[Moral Event Horizon]] at the YMMV page.
* [[World's Strongest Man]]: [[Word of God]] is that [[World War Hulk]] Green Scar was "stronger than any mortal and most immortals in the Marvel universe", and as always, except the Onslaught fight, he was holding back a lot so he wouldn't risk to destroy his entire home reality. Hulk's full level of power is of a literally infinite scale going by the Beyonder, and that he overpowered a villain with the power of two Celestial-level beings.
== Supporting characters ==
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* [[Younger Than They Look]]
=== Caiera: ===
* [[Action Girl]] / [[Dark Action Girl]]
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=== Hiroim ===
* [[Badass Abnormal]]: His species natural abilities and training put him slightly above [[Captain America (comics)]]; then once Caiera died, he got the old power.
* [[Badass Preacher]]
* [[Dishing Out Dirt]]: After the death of Caiera
* [[The Heretic]]
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]
* [[Heel Realization]]: During [[World War Hulk]], he admitted that the Warbound had gone too far -- butfar—but he knew it was too late to stop.
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: He got better.
* [[The Lancer]]
* [[My Greatest Failure]]: Most people point to him breaking his oath as a shadow guard, but he stands by that. He sees his greatest failure as believing that he was the Sakaarson.
* [[New Powers Asas the Plot Demands]]: In ''[[Planet Hulk]]'' he was shown to be versed in the mystic practices of the shadow priests, but there wasn't anything to suggest those practices translated to actual magical power. In ''[[World War Hulk]]'', he's able to break through enchantments made by ''[[Doctor Strange]]'', who was weakened at the time, but still.
* [[Warrior Monk]]
* [[Wouldn't Hurt a Child]]: Broke his oath to the emperor when he refused to kill the emperor's son on his orders. Considering that son grew up to be [[The Caligula|the Red King]], that might not have been the best move, but he stands by it.
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=== Absorbing Man ===
Carl "Crusher" Creel was a professional turned ordinary criminal, until he drank a liquid provided by Loki that gave him the power to copy the properties of anything he touches. Creel's intelligence lags far behind his incredible power, leading to his defeat more than once over the years. Originally a [[The Mighty Thor|Thor]] villain, but turned into a semi-regular sparring partner for the Hulk, due to his scale of power and simple nature.
* [[All Your Powers Combined]]: Creel has demonstrated the ability to combine previously copied abilities.
* [[Alliterative Name]]
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* [[Sizeshifter]]: Creel can copy extra mass if the object he's touching is larger than himself.
* [[Superpower Lottery]]: He can duplicate virtually any power or attribute whatsoever, including energy, and the more powerful you are, the more powerful he gets.
* [[Super Strength]]: His strength level depends on what object he has copied the properties of.
=== Arm'Chedon/"Armageddon" ===
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* [[The Social Darwinist]]
* [[The Spartan Way]]
* [[Sins of Our Fathers]]: One of the laws he enforces are to slaughter the entire family of anybody who goes beyond any of his rules in the slightest, regardless if they had nothing to do with it, as it serves as a "more powerful preventative warning".
* [[Superpower Lottery]]: He is basically a more skilled, powerful, and ruthless version of the [[Silver Surfer]], with a galactic armada to back him up.
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* [[Abusive Parents]]
* [[Alcoholic Parent]]
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: Repeatedly
* [[Beard of Evil]]
* [[Mouth of Sauron]]: Becomes the host/mouthpiece for the One Below All when he's sent down to the Below Place, the deepest layer of hell.
* [[The Power of Hate]]
* [[The Power of Hate]]: After becoming the host for the One Below All, Brian Banner gains its ability to manipulate people based on their hatred and negative emotions.
* [[Offing the Offspring]]
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=== Gamma Corps ===
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]: Mess. The left half of her body is Abomination-like. She's super strong, super durable, and has a healing factor... only on her left side.
* [[Brother Chuck]]: Glenn (and Grey) technically has a nephew named Matt Talbot (which means that there is at least one missing brother or sister), who briefly hunted Hulk, but thought better of it.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Griffin.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Griffin/Clown. He guessed Stryker's plan exceedingly quickly.
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=== Juggernaut ===
Originally associated with the [[X -Men]], but similarly to Absorbing Man, he eventually turned into one of Hulk's regular opponents, due to being one of very few regular supervillains that can actually pose any threat to him.
* [[Anti-Villain]]: Type I-II
* [[Attack! Attack! Attack!]]: His default tactic.
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* [[Arch Enemy]]: Another major contender for the title.
* [[Assimilation Plot]]: More than once, his goal has been transforming most/all the world's population into gamma beings.
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]] / [[Not Quite Dead]]: He's been killed off more than once, and there's rarely an explanation as to how he's come back. It's even been theorized there's more than one Leader running around from alternate universes.
* [[Big Bad]]: Frequently, and of the ''Fall of the Hulks'' storyline in particular.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "So says the Leader" in the 90s cartoon.
* [[Charm Person]]: Can mind control any non-gamma being just by touching them.
* [[Do Not Call Me "Paul"]]: Hates being called Samuel Stearns. This is somewhat justified; after the Hulk, his gamma transformation likely caused the greatest alteration to his personality, to the point where they may well be two different people, like the Hulk and Banner.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: The Hulk is a skinny scientist who gains [[Super Strength]] from gamma rays. The Leader was an almost handicapped janitor who gains [[Super Intelligence]] from gamma rays.
* [[Evil Is Petty]]: It's been pointed out several times that many of his schemes would have worked... if he chose not to preemptively involve the Hulk, who would have in all likelihood, ignored him. But his petty grudge against the not-so-jolly green giant prevents him from leaving the Hulk out of his plans, thus shooting himself in the foot.
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=== Madman ===
The Leader's brother, but so completely unhinged that Leader wants nothing to do with him.
* [[Ax Crazy]]
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: He's even crazier than Hulk himself, and with no conscience or morality whatsoever to keep it in check.
* [[Evilutionary Biologist]]
* [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin]]
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]
* [[In Name Only]]: In the 2003 video game ''Hulk''(which served as a sequal to the Ang Lee movie), virtually nothing of his character remained from the comics. He was a [[Stalker Withwith a Crush]] to Betty, rather than the Hulk, and his obsession with the Hulk (which was rather mild) boiled down to wanting to prove he was stronger. His shape/size changing powers were also left out.
* [[Insane Troll Logic]]
* [[Mad Artist]]
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* [[Power Born of Madness]]
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]
* [[Stalker Withwith a Crush]]: Yes, romantically, in a completely unhinged [[Ax Crazy]] [[Yandere]] fashion.
* [[Super Strength]]: Even stronger than a calm Hulk, and able to grow and increase his density further still.
* [[Talkative Loon]]
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* [[Badass Grandpa]]
* [[Bad Future]]
* [[Bathe Her and Bring Her Toto Me]]
* [[The Berserker]]
* [[Brother Chuck]]
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* [[Gratuitous Rape]]: He has one of his slaves do this to a paralyzed Hulk.
* [[The Hedonist]]
* [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]]
* [[I Hate Past Me]]
* [[I Love Nuclear Power]]: Far stronger than his younger self due to absorbing the fallout of the nuclear wars. It also apparently unbalanced his mind.
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* [[Combo-Platter Powers]]
* [[Dark Chick]]
* [[Depending Onon the Writer]]: Very different assigned origins and motivations, from alien, to angel of mercy, to artificial mutate. One moment she will turn into a giant monster, and the next help a soul to the afterlife. [[Lampshaded]] in that she has mentioned that she is simply very fickle.
** [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot]]: Consequently.
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Sparkles]]
* [[Femme Fatalons]]
* [[Immortality]]
* [[Mercy Kill]]: Her shtick, usually. Sometimes it's less about people who actively want to die and more about people she feels would be better off dead, hence her battles with the Hulk.
* [[New Powers Asas the Plot Demands]]: Can apparently do virtually anything on a limited scale.
* [[Not So Harmless]]: She looks like some kind of fairy... and can still give the Hulk a good run for his money!
* [[Reality Warper]]
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=== Onslaught ===
An entity with the combined powers of [[X -Men|Professor X]], [[Magneto]], [[Fantastic Four|Franklin Richards]], and [[God Mode Sue|X-Man]]. The Hulk defeated his physical form in single combat.
* [[A God Am I]]
* [[The Corrupter]]
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=== Umar ===
Possibly the Hulk's most dangerous "adversary", Onslaught and Galaxy Master included. A billions of years old higher-dimensional energy being, and occasional ruler of her own magical universe, fully capable of beating up [[Cosmic Entity|cosmic entities]] or rewriting entire realities to suit her whims, and by far exceeding virtually any known [[Demon Lords and Archdevils|arch devils]] or [[Physical God|pantheon godheads]] in existence. Basically the most evil and powerful woman in the [[Marvel Universe]]. She finds the Hulk extremely attractive as a potential trophy husband, due to the upper limits of his raw power, destructive potential, and easily manipulated nature.
* [[Black Comedy Rape]]
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* [[Did You Just Romance Cthulhu?]]
* [[Dimension Lord]] / [[Multiversal Conqueror]]
* [[Double Standard Rape (Female Onon Male)]]: Tries to invoke this but often fails.
* [[Dystopia Justifies the Means]]
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]
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* [[Manipulative Bitch]]
* [[Nightmare Fuel]]
* [[Out Withwith a Bang]]: Most of her lovers are fortunate if that is all that happens to them...
* [[Physical God]]
* [[Reality Warper]]
* [[The Vamp]]
* [[Villainesses Want Heroes]]
* [[Your Approval Fills Me Withwith Shame]]: A being [[Even Evil Has Standards|even Mephisto considers a bit on the extreme side]] finds the Hulk attractive and his relationship with Red She-Hulk "cute".
=== Zeus ===
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* {{spoiler|[[Curb Stomp Battle]]: The Hulk only got in a single on-page hit during their last battle, and took days to recover. He has beaten far more powerful opponents on occasion, and only grows stronger from blasting him with dark magic, but needs to be extremely angry to do so.}}
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]
* [[Double Standard Rape (Divine Onon Mortal)]]
* [[Easy Road to Hell]]
* [[Jerkass Gods]]
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=== Zom ===
Possibly the most powerful known demonic entity, seeking to destroy all of reality, and occasionally used by [[Doctor Strange]] as a weapon.
* [[Cosmic Entity]]
* [[Demon Lords and Archdevils]]: But unlike other virtually omnipotent demonic entities Zom isn't very clever, and although apparently more powerful as such than any of them, he cannot use it for a lot of versatile purposes.
* [[The Dreaded]]: Scares the hell out of [[Cosmic Entity|Umar]]. [[Oh Crap|Think about that]].
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]
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* [[Omnicidal Maniac]]
* [[Physical God]]: When you require a goddamn MULTIVERSAL JUDGE to stop your rampage, you've more than earned this title.
* [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]]: [[Up to Eleven]]. It took the combined efforts of [[Anthropomorphic Personification|Eternity]], [[God of Evil|Dormammu]], and assorted other [[Eldritch Abomination|mystical entities]] to seal him up. When fighting Hulk the second time it stated that it was only due to [[Doctor Strange]] restraining its full power that allowed Hulk to win the first battle, and this was a Hulk angry enough to overcome the full multiversal-scale power of [[The Sentry]]. (Hulk later stated that he still held back though.)
=== ZZZAX ===
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* [[Shock and Awe]]: A being of pure sentient electricity.
* [[Super Strength]]: Somehow... [[Techno Babble|maybe through electromagnetism]].
* [[TechnopathyTechnopath]]
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