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Lupin III: The Secret of Twilight Gemini: Difference between revisions

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The legendary thief hops a train, unaware that Inspector Zenagata and an army of Interpol agents are also on board to apprehend him. Plus, a [[Camp Gay]] assassin and his [[Mook|mook squad]] who are also after Lupin and the diamond in his possession. After a near miss by both parties, Lupin ditches the train and leaps into another caper.
=== The Secret of Twilight Gemini provides examples of: ===
* [[Action Girl]]: [[Ms. Fanservice|Fujiko]], as always, and [[Girl of the Week|Lara.]]
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: The Geltic Tribe's Elder. Check out the [[Laser-Guided Karma]] entry below.
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** Finally, there's Fujiko who pulls hers off, via a motorcycle slide, and mows down a couple of [[Mook|mooks]] in the process.
* [[Blush Sticker]]: Goemon invokes this when he finds [[Ms. Fanservice|Fujiko]] hanging from the rafters of {{spoiler|Jean Pierre's hideout}} in nothing but a thong! He quickly averts his gaze, out of respect, and offers to cut her down.
{{quote| '''Fujiko: (annoyed)''' "Goemon, '''how''' do you intend to cut me down '''without''' looking at me?"}}
* {{spoiler|[[Boom! Headshot!]]: How Jean Pierre meets his end, curtousey of the Elder.}}
* [[But Now I Must Go]]: Lupin to Lara at the end.
* [[Camp Gay]]: Sadachiyo. Long black hair, makeup, nail polish, overly effeminine tone of voice, you get the idea. It's even lampshaded on more than one occasion.
{{quote| '''Sadachiyo: (smug)''' "You've come all this way just to die."<br />
'''Lupin: (nonchalant)''' "Sorry I'm not in much of a dying mood. And who are you?"<br />
'''Sadachiyo:''' "It would be rude of me to kill you without an introduction. I'm [[Red Baron|Sadachiyo the Scorpion]], darling."<br />
'''Lupin: (strikes girly pose)''' "I'll bet you have a big showtunes collection, don't you?" }}
* [[The Caper]]: It's a Lupin movie, what'd you expect?
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* {{spoiler|[[Chessmaster]]: Dalune, and he does it all from his sickbed! You saw the [[Batman Gambit]] entry at the top, right?}}
* [[Chivalrous Pervert]]: Lupin, who else?
* [[City of Adventure]]: Morocco: complete with beautiful women, shady characters, and all the thrills, chases, mystery, and intrigue of an [[Indiana Jones (Franchise)|Indy flick.]]
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: Inspector Zenagata. Seriously, anyone who can keep up with Lupin for as many years, and come as close to slapping the cuffs on him as many times he has, has earned the distinction. Hell, Lupin has even said so himself!
** Special mention goes to {{spoiler|Bultokari}} for managing to stay hidden in a [[Fantastic Racism|hostile work environment]] for so long without being found out!
* {{spoiler|[[Curb Stomp Battle]]: The war between the Gelts and the Igo Tribe, who had been supplied with tanks and guns by British merchants. [[Reality Ensues|Naturally, guns and military weaponry trump swords]] so it's no surprise the Gelts lost... badly.}}
* [[Dead Person Impersonation]]: {{spoiler|Jean Pierre}} tries to uncover the secret of the Geltic treasure by posing as {{spoiler|Galoux.}}
* [[Death Byby Irony]]: A [[Camp Gay]] assassin dies by being pierced from behind by another man's sword. [[Freud Was Right|Yeah.]]
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Goemon may have his principals and all, but it seems pretty unreasonable to want to kill Sadachiyo, just because he's made a career out of his skills, rather than [[Professional Killer|HOW]] he's chosen to use those skills. Sadachiyo even calls him out on it.
{{quote| '''Goemon:''' "We used to train together, now you've sold your skills to satisfy your greed. I won't allow it."<br />
'''Sadachiyo: (smiles wryly)''' "You want to kill me [[What the Hell, Hero?|just for that?]] [[Honor Before Reason|How old fashioned. Not mention, stupid."]] }}
* [[The Dragon]]: Sadachiyo.
* [[Dynamic Entry]]: Both Goemon and [[Badass Biker|Fujiko]] during their respective [[Big Damn Heroes]] moments.
* [[Effeminate Misogynistic Guy]]: Sadachiyo in spades. On top of being [[Camp Gay]], he has neither time, respect, or patience for women. From the moment he learns of Lupin's interest in Lara, he uses her as a means to get to him. Especially during their fifth confrontation, where he holds her at swordpoint both to draw Lupin into a fight and to ensure he wouldn't flee the scene.
{{quote| '''Lupin: (angrily)''' "Let her go! She's got nothing to do with this!"<br />
'''Sadachiyo: (ominously)''' "But of course she does. She's the bait."<br />
'''presses blade against Lara's throat, drawing blood'''<br />
'''Sadachiyo:''' [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|"And we both know what happens to the bait once the fish is caught."]] }}
** Sadachiyo was just as cruel, if not moreso, where Fujiko was concerned. He initially dismissed her, after he and his assassins [[Interrupted Intimacy|crashed their hotel room.]] However, he wasn't as kind when he caught her {{spoiler|snooping around Jean Pierre's hideout, having witnessed Zora's murder. Following her capture and subsequent questioning, Jean Pierre gives Sadachiyo the go ahead to torture her.}}
{{quote| '''Sadachiyo cracks whip, exposing Fujiko's breast'''<br />
'''Fujiko: (defiant)''' "You think ripping my clothes off will get me to talk?!"<br />
'''Sadachiyo: (ominously)''' "No, darling. I'm getting it out of the way because I believe ripping through that beautiful skin will get you to talk."<br />
'''Fujiko: (incredulous)''' "You psycho!!"<br />
{{spoiler|'''Jean Pierre:'''}} "Sadachiyo, do whatever you want with her. Make her tell you EVERYTHING! Just don't kill her!"<br />
'''Sadachiyo: (wicked grin)''' "Yes sir."<br />
'''tigthens whip meanacingly'''<br />
'''Sadachiyo:''' [[A Taste of the Lash|"We're going to have SUCH a good time..."]]<br />
'''Fujiko: (deadpan)''' [[This Is Gonna Suck|"I'll bet."]] }}
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: The Igo Tribe towards the Gelts, which is a central plot point of the film.
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* [[Gainaxing]]: Lara does plenty of this during both of her chase scenes, which focus largely on her boobs. Also at the end, when {{spoiler|Bultokari}} saves her with his pick-up truck.
* [[Gentleman Thief]]: Lupin as always.
* [[Interrupted Intimacy]]: Lupin runs into Fujiko while scoping out the night-life in Morroco. After a bit of small talk, and a copious amount of flirting, they retire upstairs to finish [[My Sensors Indicate You Want to Tap That|their "conversation"]] [[LampshadedIf DoubleYou EntendreKnow What I Mean|in private.]] The scene shifts to their room, where Lupin is eagerly awaiting Fujiko, in bed. She plays hard to get for a moment longer, before joining him. Right as they're going at it, Sadachiyo and his squad, crash through the window to assassinate Lupin, forcing him to flee the scene in his undies!
* [[La Résistance]]: The Geltic Tribe, who have long been oppressed by the Igo Tribe, who have long sought to claim the Geltic treasure for themselves.
* [[Laser-Guided Karma]]: Applied [[Boom! Headshot!|directly to the forehead]], by {{spoiler|Galoux's father}}, when {{spoiler|Jean Pierre}} tries to pull his [[Villain Exit Stage Left|villainous exit.]]
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** [[Memento MacGuffin]]: Since it was {{spoiler|originally given to Dalune, by Lorre, as a keepsake.}}
* [[Master of Disguise]]: Lupin, as per usual. He goes through several of them, including impersonating an officer to infiltrate Morroco's police HQ, and passing himself off as one of the townsfolk to milk Zenagata for information.
* [[The Mole]]: There's two.
** {{spoiler|Police Commisioner Jean Pierre}} who's not only descended of the Igo Tribe, he's also {{spoiler|the [[Big Bad]].}}
** {{spoiler|Bultokari}} works for the police even though he's secretly {{spoiler|a Gelt.}}
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Fujiko, who provides two thirds of the T&A in the uncut version, with Lara making up the difference between [[Gainaxing]] and an outdoor bathing scene.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|Nice Job Breaking it Villain]]: Literally. In their final duel, Sadachiyo cuts Goemon's sword in two, sending the broken half into the air. Just as he closes in for the kill, Goemon [[Barehanded Blade Block|blocks the attack]], right as the broken shard of his sword falls and pierces Sadachiyo in the back, killing him.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: This how {{spoiler|Bultokari}} has played {{spoiler|[[The Mole]]}} for so long.
* [[Oh, Mr. Grant!|Oh Lupin!]]: See the [[Sexy Discretion Shot]] entry below.
* [[Outdoor Bath Peeping]]: After being rescued, from the desert, and finding himself alone {{spoiler|in the Elder's tent}}, Lupin steps outside to search for Lara. He soon finds her bathing in the oasis, which is when he finally sees {{spoiler|she has the other half of the Twilight.}}
* [[Plucky Girl]]: Lara. She's an active member of [[La Résistance|the Geltic Tribe]], who fights against the injustices of the Igo Tribe, in order to restore peace to her people and her homeland.
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* {{spoiler|[[Rebellious Princess]]: Upon solving the mystery of the Twilight, it's revealed that Lara is Lorre's granddaughter. Which makes her a descendant of the Geltic royal family.}}
* [[Red Baron]]: Sadachiyo "The Scorpion".
* [[Refuge in Audacity]]: Interpol's most wanted thief and his [[Friends Withwith Benefits|on-again off-again girlfriend]], who happens to be an international jewel thief herself, sneak into a busy police station to steal the same file, {{spoiler|and end up having sex in the file room!}}
* [[Retired Badass]]: We learn from the start that Dalune's an underworld kingpin. But Lupin eventually learns that {{spoiler|he used to be a member of the French foreign legion, and later, fought alongside the Gelts during the war with the Igo Tribe. Not to mention, the part about Lara being his granddaughter!}}
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: A rebel leader with royal lineage equals, {{spoiler|Lara.}}
* [[Schmuck Bait]]: How does Zenagata lure [[Chivalrous Pervert|Lupin]] into his trap at the start of the film? [[Ask a Stupid Question|With a woman, of course.]] Speaking of which....
* [[Sex Withwith the Ex]]: [[Friends Withwith Benefits|Lupin, twice with Fujiko.]] Sorta. See directly below for details.
* [[Sexy Discretion Shot]]: Two of 'em.
** The first occurs moments before Lupin and Fujiko get started in their hotel room. After she strips down, the scene shifts to the balcony outside, allowing the viewer to hear the remainder of their conversation and the sounds coming from inside once they get around to doing the deed. When Sadachiyo crashes the scene, the motion beneath the covers and [[Oh,Unconvincing Mr.Instant Grant!Ecstasy|Fujiko's moaning]] makes it fairly obvious what was going on.
** The second one occurs when Lupin sneaks into a Morrocan police station, [[Master of Disguise|disguised as an officer]], in order to dig up information on {{spoiler|Galoux.}} Fujiko was carrying out a job of her own and was after the same file. They swap notes on what they know so far, during which he accidentally spills the beans about the treasure he's after. That was music to Fujiko's ears, so she gives him [[LampshadedIf DoubleYou EntendreKnow What I Mean|her treasure.]] As she rubs herself against him, the camera pans to the wall next them.
{{quote| '''Lupin: (whispering)''' "We can't! We're in a police station!"<br />
'''Fujiko: (seductively)''' "I doubt anyone'll catch us. Now kiss me."<br />
'''smooches, followed by [[Sexophone]] as scene fades to black'''<br />
'''Lupin:''' (sighing happily)''' [[Oh,Unconvincing Mr.Instant Grant!Ecstasy|"Fujiko... Fu-ji-ko-ho..."]] }}
* [[Sissy Villain]]: Sadachiyo. As mentioned previously, this guy is [[Camp Gay|simply fabulous.]] If the long hair and makeup aren't enough to convince you, the sheer number of honeys, darlings, and big boys that permeate his speech pattern ought to do it.
* [[Star-Crossed Lovers]]: {{spoiler|Dalune}} and {{spoiler|Lorre.}} He was a former member of the foreign legion, she was a dancer at the royal palace. They met during a time when {{spoiler|there was fierce battle between the Gelts and the Igo Tribe. The day the Gelts were forced to flee their ancestral home, was the last time they saw each other.}}
* [[Strange Bedfellows]]: Zenagata with {{spoiler|Bultokari,}} who ends up being the only one to offer Zenagata genuine assisstance in tracking Lupin. Of course, his motives weren't entirely altruistic. The guy's {{spoiler|a Gelt}} after all. Since Lupin (and Lara) were headed for the Ancient Geltic City, and were opposing the Igo Tribe, it stood to reason that, by helping Zenagata, he was also helping himself.
* [[Tears of Joy]]: Dalune is overcome with such emotion when Lupin {{spoiler|tells him about his granddaughter}} that he sheds tears, and thanks him for it.
* [[Oh,Unconvincing Mr.Instant Grant!|Oh Lupin!Ecstasy]]: See the [[Sexy Discretion Shot]] entry below.
* [[The Dragon]]: Sadachiyo.
* [[The Mole]]: There's two.
** {{spoiler|Police Commisioner Jean Pierre}} who's not only descended of the Igo Tribe, he's also {{spoiler|the [[Big Bad]].}}
** {{spoiler|Bultokari}} works for the police even though he's secretly {{spoiler|a Gelt.}}
* [[Villain Exit Stage Left]]: {{spoiler|Jean Pierre}} tries pulling one, after Lupin exposes him and foils his scheme. He even takes Lara and her half of the Twilight as leverage to ensure no one got the Geltic treasure. {{spoiler|[[Boom! Headshot!|The Elder wasn't playing that shit.]]}}
* [[Whip It Good]]: Sadachiyo's method of choice, whether carrying out assassinations or torturing women. At one point, the guy even shreds a boulder Lupin was using for cover, in a matter of seconds!
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