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[[File:commjaredfish350_675.jpg|frame|Left to right: [[Colonel Badass|Commander Badass]], [[Cloudcuckoolander|Jared]] and [[Fluffy the Terrible|Mr. Fish]].]]
{{quote|''"Lady, you have no idea how hard it is for guys like [[God of War (Video Gameseries)|Kratos]] to reintegrate into everyday society."''|'''Commander Badass'''}}
|'''Commander Badass'''}}
Created as an entry for a webcomic contest in 2010 for [[The Escapist]], '''''Manly Guys Doing Manly Things''''' (MGDMT) is a comic about a temp agency to help [[Testosterone Poisoning|"ludicrously macho guys"]] find work in the real world when they no longer have work as popular fiction characters. How well they actually integrate has... [[Hilarity Ensues|mixed results]].
Sadly, the comic lost out, but was by far a favorite among those paying attention to the contest, making it popular enough for its creator, Coelasquid, to keep it going from 2010 to 2018. It can now be viewed at [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/ here] in all its MANLY''manly'' glory.
=== Manly Guys Doing Manly Things makes MANLY use of the following Tropes: ===
* [[Abnormal Ammo]]: An action figure's gun accessory that shoots smaller guns. Which possibly shoot little deep-fried beer cans.
{{quote| '''Jared:''' ''Where are they coming from?''}}
* [[Achievements in Ignorance]]: Only someone as clueless about Pokemon Training as Jared would start with Magikarp but only someone who doesn't even understand simply battle mechanic could make it work. See [[Shamu Fu]].
* [[Adult Fear]]: Commander becoming a bishonen carries the disturbing subtext of a parent becoming unrecognizable and frightening to their kids.
* [[Affectionate Parody]]: While it does take shots at the concept thereof, [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/331 this strip] is a parody of the classic Charles Atlas cartoon ad.
* [[American Kirby Is Hardcore]]: In -Universe example, this happens to Ryu of ''[[Breath of Fire II]]'', turning a fairly normal (if [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|blue-haired]]) sixteen year old kid into a muscle bound roid raging hulk. This is meant to be a [[Take That]] by the author at the trope, which happened to the game in [[Real Life]].
* [[Amicable Exes]]: Commander gets along reasonably well with his ex-wife Maddy. They even had a barbecue together.
* [[Anything That Moves]]: The comic's version of [[Dragon Age|The Warden]] is this.
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** Coelasquid hates [[Chuck Norris]] and '''LOVES''' [[Marlon Brando]].
** Coelasquid also hates the [[Ukefication|bishification]] (going on an [[Author Tract]] on how she really dislikes bishification in fanart, since the result does not resemble the original design) of characters and the [[American Kirby Is Hardcore|flipside]] of the trope.
{{quote| [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/1102 "Ghat damn, nobody out there content t' just let people like ya fer who y'are"]}}
** She had a special brand of venom for [[Nie RNieR]]'s Japanese design and motivation, saying it was far weaker and much more prissy than American NieR trying to find his daughter.
* [[Awesome McCoolname]]: Commander Badass. Not that he uses the second part much.
* [[Badass]]: Most of the characters. Usually parodied (often in a deconstructive fashion) - the premise of the comic is to show how this character trait isn't exactly the best way to deal with [[Real Life]].
* [[Baby Talk]]: Jared, whenever talking to Mr. Fish. Most apparent in [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/388 this page]:
{{quote| '''Jared:''' Roll over! Roll over, Mr. Fish! Mr. Rolly Fish! Mr. Rolly Polly Fish!}}
* [[Berserk Button]]: Commander Badass worships [[Marlon Brando]]. No, we mean ''literally'' worships Marlon Brando. Do '''''not''''' mention [[Chuck Norris]] in his earshot.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: It turns out that Canada's niceness as a whole [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass|is just an act to throw people off]]. According to Coelasquid, Canadian Guy is a [[Palette Swap]] for Commander Badass, which has the unexpected result making him look like her dad.
* [[Big Bad]]: {{spoiler|[[Gackt (Musicband)|Gackt]]}} is shaping up to be the [[Big Bad]] of the [[Bishonen|Nomura Syndrome]] arc.
* [[Bishonen]]:
** [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/899 They are not welcome in this comic.]
** Nier spread [[The Virus|Nomura Syndrome]] that turned everyone into a bishōnen. In the case of [[The Bouncer|Volt]] he's been living with it his entire life, but when told that he'd never be able to bench-press his own weight [[Dare to Be Badass|he took it as a challenge]]. And then there's [[Gackt (Musicband)|Gackt]], who secretly is every single [[Square Enix]] protagonist.
* [[Body Horror]]: [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/1121 Say hello to our guests, Simon!]
* [[A Boy and His X]]: Jared and [[Pokémon|Mr. Fish (his Gyarados)]].
* [[Brick Joke]]:
{{quote| ''[http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/529 Consensus on the debut of this game was that Spartan Gay Chicken] ends in [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/910 a 30 year committed relationship complete with bickering over when to open a joint bank account and where to place the ottoman.]''}}
* [[Cerebus Retcon]]: A minor one. Turns out soldiers like Commander Badass aren't cloned from American soil and steak, they're just regular soldiers who get randomly chosen to become badass as the army can make them out to be, undergoing painful procedures, fighting pointless wars, and wearing ridiculous outfits to become 'badass'.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Canadian Guy. To Commander's chagrin.
* [[Colonel Badass]]: Commander Badass, more specifically.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Commander Badass, as seen [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/1088 here].
{{quote| '''Commander:''' Import'nt t' draw that fine line between fightin' dirty an' fightin' stupid. }}
* [[Compensating for Something]]: Used as an insult at [[Devil May Cry|Dante]] and his [[BFS]].
* [[Cool Car]]: The Commander has a red one which we occasionally see.
* [[Crowning Music of Awesome]]: [[Discussed Trope|Discussed]] when Jared puts on "Any Way You Want It" as the soundtrack for the first fight of an arc.
{{quote| '''Commander:''' That's a straight-up end credits song, gotta hang ont' it for th' victory lap. Do something like "Wheel in the' Sky."}}
* [[Crying Little Kid]]: [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/1027 Commander's kids do not take the transformation well.]
* [[Darkskinned Blonde]]: Commander Badass.
* [[Deconstructive Parody]]: Of many video game tropes.
* [[Designer Babies]]: Commander Badass mentions that in the future, soldiers are synthesized [[Testosterone Poisoning|from steak and American soil]].
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: Commander Badass actually got AM from ''[[I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream]]'' to leave [[Portal (Video Gameseries)|GLaDOS]] alone [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/804 after they broke up].
* [[Doting Parent]]: Commander Badass ''adores'' his two kids.
* [[Double Standard]]: [[Duke Nukem]] (of all people) has a problem with it when he's not allowed to play "Capture The Babe" ([http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/777 here]). He points out he's allowed to hit [[Gears of War|Marcus Fenix]] without a problem but people get angry when women get slapped. The Commander shows that there isn't really a double standard when dressing Fenix up as the Babe would cause people to complain as well.
* [[Dude Looks Like a Lady]]: The bishonen versions of [[Dragon Age|Sten]], [[The Legend of Zelda (Franchise)|Ganondorf]], and [[A Song of Ice and Fire|Sandor Clegane]] are very effeminent and almost appear to be dressed in drag.
* [[Dumbass Has a Point]]: Commander Badass admits that a [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/905 Room Filled with Bubbles does sound pretty fun.]
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: The main character Commander, full name/rank being Commander Badass. He says soldiers can be made from American soil and triple-A steak in the future, so are named by rank, but it's quite possible he was joking. {{spoiler|He was.}}
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* [[Friend to All Children]]:
** [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/81 Mr. Bubbles] who got on very well with the kids at the school. Unfortunately, not so much to their parents (who he tried to kill when they came to take their children home).
** [[God of War (Video Gameseries)|Kratos]] plays Street Sharks with [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/images/guests/2010-11-13-crush.png Commander Badass's kids]. And Jared and Mr. Fish, who were ''supposed'' to be babysitting.
* [[Goggles Do Nothing]]:
** [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/454 Lampshaded], when Commander Badass wears sunglasses and then puts his goggles over them.
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* [[Going Commando]]: The Commander, [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/345 appropriately].
* [[Good Parents]]: Any strip in which Commander Badass spends time with his kids is bound to elicit gratuitous [[Squee]] in the comments. He even indulges his daughter in making the [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/811 world's most ludicrous muffins.]
* [[Grievous Harm Withwith a Body]]: Mr. Fish's (or rather, Jared's) primary attack before Mr. Fish evolved [[Magikarp Power|from Magikarp to Gyarados]]. Now that he's too big to be swung as a blunt weapon, Mr. Fish mostly just eats his enemies.
* [[Heroes Want Redheads]]: Commander Badass' ex wife had red hair, and his new girlfriend Sarah has auburn hair.
* [[Hitler's Time Travel Exemption Act]]: Commander Badass is actually a member of the Navy TIALS (TIme Air Land Sea), an elite group of time travelers founded in the future to hop through time righting wrongs, some of which aren't righted, for whatever reason. While they haven't done anything to Hitler (besides punching him in the face), Commander Badass ''was'' once sent to Vietnam twice. Once to try and win it for America, and a second time to stop himself from succeeding, because a world without the [[Rambo]] movies is just too bizarre to contemplate.
* [[Ho Yay]]:
** Invoked when Kratos and [[Three Hundred300|Leonidas]] play [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/529 Gay] [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/910 Chicken].
** One strip had Krauser from the ''[[Resident Evil]]'' franchise admit that Chris in ''[[Resident Evil 5 (Video Game)|Resident Evil 5]]'' was him in disguise. He did this just to get Wesker's attention.
* [[I Know Mortal Kombat]]: Jared insists his high [[Call of Duty]] scores make him an expert marksman. [[Subverted Trope|He doesn't know anything about how to actually hold a gun.]]
* [[Involuntary Shapeshifter]]: [[Nie RNieR]], who unwillingly shapeshifts from his gruff old [[Papa Wolf]] form seen in the [[American Kirby Is Hardcore|western version]] of his game to the Bishonen version seen in the Japanese version.
* [[I Regret Nothing]]: Jared, after The Commander regrets trusting him with a power washer.
* [[Just Eat Him]]: Jared's approach to Pokemon battling after Mr. Fish evolved. This got him kicked out of Pokemon League.
* [[Kid Withwith the Leash]]: Jared.
* [[Kleptomaniac Hero]]: Link, natch.
* [[Know When to Fold'Em]]: The "Gay Chicken" contest between Kratos and Leonidas [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/938 ends] when {{spoiler|Leonidas surrenders so he can go back to his wife and son.}}
* [[Limited Wardrobe]]: Averted with Jared.
{{quote| '''Coelasquid:''' Jared has a new t-shirt every day, he may be a teenage boy, but at least he changes his shirt.}}
* [[Literary Allusion Title]]: Coelasquid recently confirmed that the title is an allusion to ''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1tzr0n_Usk Soccer Practice]''.
* [[Magic Pants]]: Everyone who gets infected with the bishonen virus changes their outfit to fit.
* [[Magikarp Power]]: Mr. Fish is a Magikarp. This obviously occurs. Although while Mr. Fish is devastating as a Gyarados, Jared still was able to defeat trainers when it was only a Magikarp. [[When All You Have Is a Hammer|By beating their Pokemon to death with it]].
* [[Man in Aa Bikini]]: [[Gears of War|Marcus Fenix]], believe it or not, though not by his own [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/777 choice].
* [[Man in Aa Kilt]]: The Commander, [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/345 here].
* [[Manly Tears]]: [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/495 It's open mic night, and] [[Red Dead Redemption|John Marston]] [[Tear Jerker|teach us badasses have feelings too]].
* [[Marlon Brando]]:
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* [[My Eyes Are Up Here]]: Between Coelasquid's [[Dragon Age|Grey Warden]] [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/571 character and Sten].
* [[My Future Self and Me]]: See [[Stable Time Loop]] below.
* [[My Little Panzer]]: [[Robo CopRoboCop|ED-209s]]. [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/353 They come in] "Authorized to use physical force" or "Loyal as a puppy" versions.
* [[Never Live It Down]]:
** In universe with [[Dragon Age|Sten]] and [[Sweet Tooth|cookies]]. He gets a little irate when it's brought up, to Commander Badass' misfortune.
** Commander Badass was originally conceived as an attempt to troll a manly contest on [[Deviant ART]] by admission of [[Word of God]] [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/578 here]. A [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/images/guests/gueststripmattlebrun.jpg reader's comic ran away with this].
* [[No Sense of Personal Space]]: [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/1006 Jared, by the author's own words.]
* [[Not What I Signed Onon For]]: When [[BioBioShock Shock(series)|Mr. Bubbles]] realizes he actually has to give the children BACK to their parents when daycare is over. [[Hilarity Ensues]].
* [[OOC Is Serious Business]]: When the Commander stops dropping his g's, [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/323 you know you're in trouble].
* [[One of Us]]: In-universe:
** '''''[[Duke Nukem]]''''', [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/448 if you think about it...] due to his constant [[Shout-Out|Shout Outs]] and references from obscure places is shown to be a huge nerd.
** Also [[Lobo]], [[Team Fortress 2 (Video Game)|The Heavy]], and [[Dragon Age|Sten]] join Duke and The Commander for [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/551 a game of] [[Dungeons and Dragons]]. However, since all of them insist on being fighters and barbarians despite the Commander voicing that he has reservations about how will work out that work, it can be assumed the Commander is the only one who really gets the game.
{{quote| '''Heavy:''' ROGUE IS COWARD.<br />
'''Sten:''' Where I come from, we cut the tongues out of sorcerers. }}
* [[Original Generation]]: Commander Badass, Jones, Canadian Guy and Jared (sort of).
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** Mr. Fish is never seen with anything other than a massive frown. Of course, [[Justified Trope|it's a Gyarados]]. Can ''ANY'' of those things smile? It's also Coelasquid's attempt at drawing a Gyarados with its mouth closed, [http://i51.tinypic.com/rsetch.jpg which almost never happens]. The one time it did, [http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/File:Gyarados_Mouth_Closed.png it looked like this], so Coelasquid was right on the money.
** And, of course, Commander Badass most of the time.
* [[Poe's Law]]: The very first question on the comic's About page is about which game Commander Badass is from. Despite being a blatant parody of this style of character, it's still easy to mistake him for the genuine article, noting particular similarities to characters like [[Mad WorldMadWorld|Jack]] and [[Captain N|Simon Belmont]].
* [[The Power of Rock]]: The fellows from ''[[Dragon Age]]'' [[Invoked|know]] that there's only [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/images/dragonmetal.jpg one way] to win after all else has failed...
* [[Pyrrhic Victory]]: {{spoiler|Kratos wins at Gay Chicken... because Leonidas wanted to go back to his family. This reminds Kratos that he doesn't have a family anymore, making the victory less than appreciated.}}
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* [[Shout-Out]]:
** One comic basically equates Kratos's motives with the prom scene in ''[[Carrie]]''.
{{quote| '''Kratos:''' That's not how it went...<br />
'''Commander Badass:''' That's pretty much ''exactly'' how it went. }}
** In [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/164 this comic], Jared talks about how his parents still have his Xbox, making a reference to the [http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/xbox-360-kid Xbox 360 kid meme]:
{{quote| '''Jared:''' They still have my Xbox! With my save files! And all of my achievements! How am I supposed to show everyone online that I'm beating games without it?}}
** The Halloween strip is basically a huge [[Shout-Out]] to ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]'', with Canadian Guy showing up to work dressed as Robert Baratheon "because he's Canadian Guy."
** Jared got obsessed with [[Hatoful Boyfriend]] at one point.
** While infected with the Nomura virus, the Commander sports [[Gurren Lagann|Kamina's]] sunglasses.
* [[Sitcom Arch Nemesis]]: Commander Badass does not like Canadian Guy.
{{quote| '''Commander Badass:''' ''Whadda ya mean, "don't fight Canadian Guy to death on the front lawn"? Why else would I invite Canadian Guy over?''}}
* [[Small Reference Pools]]: Referenced as the reason that the Commander didn't go as [[A Song of Ice and Fire|Tywin Lannister]] for Halloween.
* [[Stable Time Loop]]: The Commander is attacked by himself while he's having coffee. His future self steals his coffee, then disappears. The Commander then proceeds to travel back in time to beat himself up and get his coffee back... Which means he beat himself up for no reason. Although since the comic is titled "We all peacock in our own way," it's pretty obvious why he did it: [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|he was trying to impress Jonesy]]. That and keeping himself on his toes ("Watch your back and maybe this won't happen, candy-ass!").
* [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys]]: [[In -Universe]], Jared's parents consider Pokemon training such [[Serious Business]] that they yell at him for being proud of his Gyarados, because Gyarados sucks in the metagame.
* [[Stop Helping Me!]]: In the author's opinion, [[The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Video Game)|Fi]] is worse than Navi.
* [[The Swear Jar]]: Not for swearing, but [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/435 for saying the word "Epic"]. According to the that strip's description, there are seperate jars for saying "WIN" and "FAIL" as well. Commander's not a big fan of Internet slang.
* [[Take That]]:
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* [[Talking Is a Free Action]]: The Commander and Jonesy [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/1107 forget that it isn't.]
* [[Testosterone Poisoning]]: The point of the comic.
* [[Throw the Dog Aa Bone]]: [[Sin City|Marv]] is the only one enthusiastic about being a bishonen. But then again, he had the luck to turn into a more muscular [[Marlon Brando]] whereas everyone else turned into overly feminine pretty-boys.
* [[Title Drop]]: [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/images/kratosbarstory.jpg Sort of, it's more of a URL-drop].
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: [[Defied]]. Sten gets tired of the cookie jokes ''real'' fast.
* [[Uncanny Valley]]: Discussed [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/730 here.]
* [[Unflinching Walk]]: Commander Badass [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/957 got to experience one of these with his friends and got it on camera...] just before they were [[Reality Ensues|blown away]] by the explosion and were hospitalized for it. He thought [[Rule of Cool|it was]] [[Worth It]].
* [[Unreliable Narrator]]: [http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/328 Commander Badass admits you can't be sure that any of what he says is true].
* [[Unsettling Gender Reveal]]: [[Street Fighter|Poison]] to Jared. Commander's more amazed that Jared ''honestly'' thought he had a chance with her, male or not.
* [[The Virus]]: [[Tetsuya Nomura|Nomura]] Syndrome. Patient zero was [[Nie RNieR]]. There's also an inverse version of this that Ryu of ''[[Breath of Fire II (Video Game)|Breath of Fire II]]'' suffers from, as well as a poison that turns [[The Big Lebowski (Film)|Walter]] into a [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|pony]].
* [[The Voiceless]]: Pyramid Head. He plays charades with [[Halloween (Filmfilm)|Michael Myers]] and [[Friday the 13th (Filmfilm)|Jason Voorhees]] every Wednesday, but nobody ever makes a guess. This bugs the hell out of Commander Badass:
{{quote| ''"For chrissakes, it's [[Pride and Prejudice]]!"''}}
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]: Bishonen Marv.
* [[Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?]]:
** Averted by Commander Badass gunning down a [[Dragon Quest|Slime]] rather than turn based battling it.
{{quote| '''Jared''': Well that doesn't seem sporting...}}
** And against the Frankenstienish mess of Simon Belmont and Light Yagami
{{quote| '''Commander''': Nice call, Indiana Jonesy.}}
* [[Wimpification]]: Parodied with the "bishonen" virus, but it doesn't appear to affect the victim's personality.
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[[Category:Web Comics of the 2010s]]
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