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Super Robot Wars Alpha/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Four Gods]]
* [[Katanas Are Just Better]] (For his Grungust Type-3 and Shin KoRyuOh)
* [[Kiai]] (Like Sanger, he also got his own "CHESTOOO!!!"). Especially fitting when you drop in a Grungust Type-3 equipped with a {{[[BFS |gigantic Shisioh Blade}}]].
* [[Kid Samurai]] (Not to Sanger's level yet, but he's getting there. Interestingly lampshaded by Master Rishu that Bullet may avert this one day, as he's got more potential than Sanger and himself)
** In ''Alpha 3'', it's from Sanger he directly receives training to improve his techniques.
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* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]] (Only in the Alpha series with Irui, and the original one in the franchise)
* [[I Am Not Left-Handed]] (You're so damn wrong if you think knocking off his Colossal Blade will destroy him)
** This happens in Original Generation Gaiden, and through the power of ''SHEER BADASSERY'', he activates Dygenguard's default OS, giving him access to his [[Rocket Punch|Dynamic Knuckle]], shoulder-based [[Chest Blaster|General Blaster]], and the Guardian Sword, a blade that is a toothpick compared to the {{[[BFS |Zankantou}}]] but gets the job done.
* [[Kiai]] ('''"CHEESTOOOOOO!!!!"''')
* [[Large Ham]] (Just shut up and listen to his epic hamminess)
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