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{{Multiple Works Need Separate Pages}}This page needs to be split into at least four separate works pages.
[[File:lidenbrock_sea_9403.jpg|frame|Beautiful beachfront property for sale, great plesiosaur fishing. Call today!]]
{{Infobox book
| title = Journey to the Center of the Earth
| original title = Voyage au centre de la Terre
| image = lidenbrock_sea_9403.jpg
[[File:lidenbrock_sea_9403.jpg|frame | caption = Beautiful beachfront property for sale, great plesiosaur fishing. Call today!]]
| author = Jules Verne
| central theme =
| elevator pitch = An expedition to the center of the earth discovers a prehistoric world underground.
| genre = Subterranean fiction
| publication date = November 25, 1864
| source page exists = yes
| wiki URL =
| wiki name =
First, an 1864 [[Jules Verne]] [[Science Fiction]] novel (the French original being titled ''Voyage au centre de la Terre'') about a German professor and his nephew, who, inspired by a message left by a 16th-century alchemist named Arne Saknussemm, travel down volcanic tubes in an extinct Icelandic volcano. They then discover prehistoric animals and all sorts of danger as they go down farther. Verne was inspired by Charles Lyell's ''Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man'' to write it, although the science has not aged very well compared to his other books (at least, science as Professor Lidenbrock describes it).
Then were the numerous adaptations, including the 1959 film starring Pat Boone, with added characters such as Gertrude the duck and Count Saknussem, notable in its day for the special effects. In 2008 a [[3D Movie]] starring Brendan Fraser was made, which spawned a [[Sequel]] and loose adaptation of ''[[The Mysterious Island]]'' which is, apparently, [[Atlantis]].
There was also an [[Animated Adaptation]] by [[Filmation]] in the late 60's, and let's not forget the [[Concept Album]] by Rick Wakeman.
First, an 1864 [[Jules Verne]] [[Science Fiction]] novel (the French original being titled ''Voyage au centre de la Terre'') about a German professor and his nephew, who travel down volcanic tubes in an extinct Icelandic volcano. They then discover prehistoric animals and all sorts of danger as they go down farther. Verne was inspired by Charles Lyell's ''Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man'' to write it, although the science has not aged very well compared to his other books (at least, science as Professor Lidenbrock describes it).
The 1980s-vintage [[B-Movie]] ''[[Alien From L.A.]]'' tips its hat to the original book by giving its main character the last name "Saknussemm".
Then were the numerous adaptations, including the 1959 film starring Pat Boone, with added characters such as Gertrude the duck and Count Saknussem, notable in its day for the special effects. In 2008 a [[3D Movie]] starring Brendan Fraser was made, which spawned a [[Sequel]] and loose adaptation of [[The Mysterious Island]] which is, apparently, [[Atlantis]].
There was also an [[Animated Adaptation]] by [[Filmation]] in the late 60's, and let's not forget the [[Concept Album]] by Rick Wakeman.
=== Tropes related to the book: ===
* [[Attack of the Fifty 50-Foot Whatever]]: [[The Narrator]] is attacked by a giant crocodile and Ape Gigantius, but it's [[All Just a Dream]]. The plesiosaur and icthyosaur are real, though.
* [[Attack of the Fifty Foot Whatever]]: [[The Narrator]] is attacked by a giant crocodile and Ape Gigantius, but it's [[All Just a Dream]]. The plesiosaur and icthyosaur are real, though.
* [[Beneath the Earth]]
* [[Comic Trio]]: notably lampshaded, proving that this trope is [[Older Than Radio|older than the Three Stooges]]. Axel sees himself as the [[Only Sane Man]], with Professor Lidenbrock as the idiotic leader and Hans as the even more idiotic follower. [[Smarter Than You Look|He later changes his mind...]]
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* [[Dub Name Change]]: Some editions of the novel change Axel's name to "Harry Lawson" and Lindenbrock's name to "Von Hardwigg."
* [[Eccentric Mentor]]: Professor Lidenbrock.
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Dinosaurs]]: Everything's better with ancient marine reptiles.
* [[Fee Fi Faux Pas]]: At the beginning of the book.
* [[Fungus Humongous]]: The explorers find giant mushrooms in a huge underground cave.
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* [[Indy Escape]]: A huge boulder inconveniently gets dislodged by an earth tremor and starts thundering down the tunnel our heroes happen to be in.
* [[It's the Journey That Counts]]: The heroes don't get anywhere near the center of the Earth, but they become world famous anyway since the discoveries they've made are plenty revolutionary on their own.
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: Professor Lindenbrock has shades of this.
* [[The Load]]: Axel, dear Axel. He spends the entire book moaning about going on the trip, trying to stop them from going. Always trying to get everybody to turn back. Is constantly fainting, getting lost, oh and it was his idea to use the gun-cotton near the end.
** [[The Millstone]]: Though arguably he functions as professor Lindenbrock's [[Morality Pet]].
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* [[Mad Scientist]]: Professor Lindenbrock; at least of the one-track mind type.
* [[My Girl Back Home]]: Grauben
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Axel's idea to use the gun-cotton not only nearly kills them and puts and end to the expedition, but also destroyesdestroys the way downwards.
* [[No Endor Holocaust]]: What happened to the Lindenbrock Sea and its unique flora and fauna after the explosion?
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Lindenbrock becomes quite sympathetic when he thinks his quest will result in Axel's death, but then reverts back to his usual behaviourbehavior as soon as they're safe again.
* [[The Quiet One]]: Hans, professor Lindenbrock's and Axel's Icelandic guide.
* [[Redheaded Hero]]: Hans.
* [[Stay in Thethe Kitchen]]: It could have been a good idea for Grauben to join the expedition instead of Axel. Even if she had been no more useful than Axel was, at least she wouldn't have been whining all the time, as she at least ''wanted'' to join (but though she cannot because she's a girl.)
* [[Science Marches On]] / [[You Fail Geology Forever]]: Completely subverted. The science in the novel is not cockeyed because of the time period it was written in, but rather because Verne was guided by [[Rule of Cool]]. He knew that the "science" was laughable, and continually lampshades it, with Axel explaining ''why'' what they're doing should be completely impossible while his uncle refuses to listen. Axel's explanations are based on the latest 19th century theories of geology, and they actually stand up pretty well; indeed, in the final chapter, he states that he sees no reason to consider the stuff they find anything but localized exceptions.
* [[Stay in The Kitchen]]: It could have been a good idea for Grauben to join the expedition instead of Axel. Even if she had been no more useful than Axel was, at least she wouldn't have been whining all the time, as she at least ''wanted'' to join (but though she cannot because she's a girl.)
* [[The Stoic]]: Hans
* [[Sundial Waypoint]]: How they locate the cave entrance.
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=== Tropes related to the 1959 movie: ===
* [[Absent-Minded Professor]]: Sir Oliver walks through the marching band of a Highland regiment because he's wrapped up in reading his newspaper.
* [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]]: Sir Oliver Lindenbrook and Carla Göteborg.
* [[Canon Foreigner]]: Professor Göteberg and his wife Carla, Gertrude the duck, and Count Saknussem.
* [[Determined Widow]]: Carla Göteborg falls into this role before her husband is even in the ground.
* [[Disney Villain Death]]: {{spoiler|Count Saknussem}}
* [[Fungus Humongous]]
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* [[Team Pet]]: Gertrude the surprisingly useful duck.
* [[Token Evil Teammate]]: Count Saknussem.
=== Tropes related to the 2008 movie: ===
* [[Abandoned Mine]]: shortly after taking refuge in a cave on the side of an Icelandic volcano, the crew discovers a lava tube that leads to an abandoned mine shaft.
* [[Beauty Is Never Tarnished]]: Come the end of the film, Hannah looks as fresh faced and blemish free as she does when we first meet her, despite the rough and tumble of their journey.
* [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]]: Between Trevor and Hannah.
* [[Can You Hear Me Now?]]: Getting a signal after walking into a cave and after a landside: impossible. Traversing an ocean miles underneath the surface of the Earth, in a thunderstorm: lousy reception.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]
** The magnesium ore being easily inflamed by distress flares.
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* [[Rollercoaster Mine]]: Complete set with a jump a point where the track splits into three, follows the same route, finally meeting up at the same point.
* [[Shoot the Money]]: Lots of point in the film show off the 3D... unless you're watching it in 2D of course, then it just looks a bit odd.
* [[Soft Water]]: The heroes fall easily thousands of feet down a rock shaft and hit water with little more than a few gasps after they surface. They ''try'' to subvert this by using the walls as a "water slide" to slow their descent.
* [[Tyrannosaurus Rex]]: Naturally chasing the protagonists. And a ''T. rex'' skull is later used as raft.
** Actually, it's a Giganotosaurus
=== Tropes related to the 2012 movie: ===
* [[Artifact Title]]: A mild case. The title would have made more sense if they had left off the "Journey 2" part, but there is ''technically'' a journey (just not to the center of the earth and it's not particularly long as they spend most of the movie trying to get ''off'' [[The Mysterious Island]]).
* [[Canon Welding]]: This movie makes least the settings of Journey To The Center of The Earth and The Mysterious both equally real in-universe.
* [[Do Not Call Me "Paul"]]: Henry... er, I mean Hank. Actually, it's not made clear if Henry really is Hank's name, or if Hank isn't really a nickname, but all the same, Hank doesn't like being called Henry.
* [[Fan Service]]: [[Vanessa Hudgens]] wearing a tank top and short shorts for almost the entire movie. Also, did any male viewers who saw it in 3D regret paying extra in the scene where she crawls out of a collapsing tunnel with the camera [[Male Gaze|on her from behind]]? Thought not.
* [[Genre Blindness]]: Hank. Lampshaded at one point.
{{quote| '''Sean:''' "You didn't expect mysterious things from a place called''The Mysterious Island''? [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|It's right there in the title."]]}}
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: Hank is a genuinely caring person, and does worry about Sean. But, the way he insults Sean's grandfather, ''in front of Sean'', is just a tad mean-spirited. He gets better though.
** Alexander, for mainly the same reasons. He and Hank pretty much take terms insulting and undermining each other for the first half of the movie before beginning to respect each other.
* [[Male Gaze]]: Practically the moment Kaulani appears, in a tank top, the camera goes straight to her breasts.
* [[Non-Singing Voice]]: Averted; that really is Dwayne Johnson singing "What A Wonderful World" with new lyrics (and again over the end credits, with the proper ones).
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* [[Pec Flex]]: Hank's "Pec Pop of Love"
* [[Shout-Out]]: The giant iguana is a huge [[Shout-Out]] towards monster movies in the 50s [[Slurpasaur|when they used iguanas and gators for dinosaurs]].
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|Why Did It Have To Be Lizards?]] [[Indiana Jones (Franchise)|Why couldn't it be snakes?]]
[[Category:Nineteenth Century Literature{{PAGENAME}}]]
[[Category:Journey to The Center of The EarthLiterature]]
[[Category:French Literature]]
[[Category:Literature of the 19th century]]
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