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The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan: Difference between revisions

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[[File:vanishing_nagatochan_3909.jpg|frame|It's every bit as cute as it looks.]]
'''Spoilers for ''Disappearance'' lie unmarked.'''
''[[The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan]]'' (the official English title for ''Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu'')<ref>Although the dead-tree English translation renders it as "Disappearance," not "Vanishing."</ref> is a [[Spin-Off]] slice-of-life manga for the ''[[Suzumiya Haruhi]]'' series. The manga is illustrated by Puyo, creator of the original ''[[Haruhi-chan]]'' manga, and details the story of a version of the Haruhi ''Disappearance'' [[Alternate Universe]] in which Kyon wasn't transplanted from a universe run by Haruhi; instead, he's living an idle life in the Literature Club at school. Thus, everything is more "normal": Yuki is a [[Shrinking Violet]], Kyon more of a likable [[Straight Man]], and Ryoko your typical, responsible [[Class Representative]].
'''Spoilers for Disappearance lie unmarked.'''
''The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan'' (official English title for ''Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu'') is a [[Spin-Off]] slice-of-life manga for the ''[[Suzumiya Haruhi]]'' series. The manga is illustrated by Puyo, creator of the original ''[[Haruhi-chan]]'' manga, and details the story of a version of the Haruhi ''Disappearance'' [[Alternate Universe]] in which Kyon wasn't transplanted from a universe run by Haruhi; instead, he's living an idle life in the Literature Club at school. Thus, everything is more "normal": Yuki is a [[Shrinking Violet]], Kyon more of a likable [[Straight Man]], and Ryoko your typical, responsible [[Class Representative]].
However, just because Kyon is happy in his current state doesn't mean everything is perfectly fine: among other things, Yuki has feelings for Kyon (and is [[Cannot Spit It Out|completely incapable of admitting it to him]]), Ryoko tends to let her over-competitiveness get ahead of her, and even Haruhi herself can't stay away from the picture after she runs into Yuki one night. Soon, the Literature Club is almost where it was originally, with the members of the SOS Brigade once again populating the club, while Haruhi and her crazed search for strange phenomena are once again sparked - and there start to be hints of a [[Love Triangle]]...
=== ''The Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan'' provides examples of: ===
* [[Absurdly Powerful Student Council|Absurdly Powerful Class Representative]]: Ryoko uses her power as class rep to get the rules bent so Yuki can have a Christmas party (she can't, however, lift the member restriction).
* [[Alternative Character Interpretation]]: [[In -Universe]], to a very large degree.
** Instead of being the listless, indifferent version of Haruhi seen initially in ''Disappearance'', Haruhi is easily sparked back into her excitable nature (in fact she's seen already doing something mysterious in her first appearance).
*** It also counts as compared to the original series; despite not having the influence of Kyon in her life (credited most of the time with humanising her), Haruhi here is actually a lot less of a [[Jerkass]] than even late on in the series proper, being more of a slightly pushy and (of course) very independent [[Genki Girl]] and occasional [[Cloudcuckoolander]]. She even has a bit of a [[Big Brother Mentor|Big Sister Mentor]] / [[Cool Big Sis]] dynamic going on with Yuki. This is probably due to the [[Lighter and Softer]] tone of this series in comparison with the original (which wasn't exactly [[Darker and Edgier]] itself, but nevertheless).
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** [[Foreshadowing|Although she has mentioned maybe getting contacts...]]
* [[Bookworm]]: Yuki, although nowadays she's starting to put books second to her feelings for Kyon.
* [[Cannot Spit It Out]]: Yuki for Kyon. The furthest she's been able to get is thanking Kyon for helping her do whatever-was-important-to-her-life. And, as of Chapter 47, asking Kyon to walk around the school festival with her {{spoiler|(he does)}}.
* [[Chick Magnet]]: Kyon, KYON, ''KYON,'' '''''KYON!!'''''
* [[Cliff Hanger]]: Chapter 25 has a '''really''' nasty one.
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* [[Compliment Backfire]]: Haruhi can't bear for Yuki to thank her for being roped into Haruhi's scheme to capture Santa.
* [[Covert Pervert]]: Ryoko.
* [[Crash Into Hello]]: How Taniguchi, in Volume 6, meets a cute girl named ... Kuyo. (She's a [[Meganekko]] in this reality.)
* [[Cute Clumsy Girl]]: [http://www.mangareader.net/985-38763-6/nagato-yuki-chan-no-shoushitsu/chapter-1.html Yuki shows signs of this].
* [[Death Glare]]: Although Ryoko's [[Yandere]] [[Knife Nut]] tendencies are gone, she is still capable of scaring the hell out of Kyon and Yuki. Notable in that she does it ''with her eyes shut''. Somehow combines it with [[Bishie Sparkle]] [http://www.mangareader.net/985-39482-9/nagato-yuki-chan-no-shoushitsu/chapter-5.html simultaneously.]
* [[Despair Event Horizon]]: Yuki being told that her Literature Club is to be closed for not having enough members.
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]?: Chapter 24 starts off with Kyon and Yuki in the forest, face close-ups showing them both blushing, sweaty, eyes closed, and breathing heavily (even the caption goes, "'''WHAT ARE THEY DOING?!'''"). On the next page, it turns out that the two are just struggling with moving through the forest late at night, trying to find a place Tsuruya mentioned.
* [[Dragged Byby the Collar]]: Hit the club president over the head hard enough to leave a bump then drag her to the clubroom. This sort of behavior shows how much nicer Ryoko is in this series.
* [[Dynamic Entry]]: Tsuruya does this once... by throwing Mikuru, breasts-first, at Kyon's head. No one was very amused apart from her. And possibly Haruhi.
* [[Emotionless Girl]]: {{spoiler|Chapter 26 has Yuki acting like this instead of her usual self. We still have no concrete idea what this means, but this behaviour resembles her conduct in the light novels.}}
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** Chapter 22 takes place at a [[Hot Springs Episode|Hot Spring]]. You do the math.
* [[Fastball Special]]: Tsuruya throws Mikuru at Kyon in chapter 16 to give her a [[Dynamic Entry]]. The result is a [[Marshmallow Hell]].
* [[Foreshadowing]]: For the Setsubun holiday, Haruhi tells everyone '''not''' to wish [[Oni]] away, in a change from standard procedure. Itsuki explains to Kyon that she was touched by children's story ''The Red Oni That Cried''<ref>About a blue oni who helps his red friend make friends with the local humans, but then the '''way''' he helped means the blue oni has to go away [[Tear Jerker|and they'll never see each other again]].</ref>. She gives Yuki a red oni mask, and Ryoko a blue oni mask. At a key moment, Ryoko is seen only as a silhouette — with ragged clothing and clawed fingertips, as if she really '''is''' an oni. And at the end of that volume, Ryoko calls up her parents, who're in Canada, and {{spoiler|says she's ready to come live with them. Will Yuki ever see her again?}}
* [[Gamer Chick]]: Yuki, in a trait stolen from ''Haruhi-chan.''
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Haruhi, naturally, to the point of doing ominous foreshadowing over a heartwarming moment at one point.
* [[Gone Horribly Right]]: Ryoko's reaction to Kyon and Yuki's growing closeness.
* [[Harsh Word Impact]]: When the below occurs.
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* [[Mythology Gag]]: Haruhi attempts to recreate the "I am here" message to aliens on the field. Since Kyon doesn't know her, she doesn't run into him - and instead winds up getting ''Yuki'' to do it!
** Sitting in the same exact position, Kyon responds to Haruhi's question "Do you think kappas really exist?" with a "Dunno. Maybe they do." This mirrors the Haruhi and "John Smith" conversation - it also implies that John Smith did exist at some point, meaning there could be something supernatural after all.
*** The John Smith scene actually happened three years ago with the twelve-year-old Kyon rather than a time traveler (so when she did the message thing with Yuki, it was the ''second'' time she'd done this). Haruhi has recognized that it was him, but ''he'' doesn't seem to recall the incident.
*** The John Smith scene actually happened sometime with a three years younger Kyon.
** Mikuru has a star-shaped mole on her chest. Guess who knows about it? Tsuruya...wait, what?
** Like in [[Haruhi-chan]], Mori happens to be a gym teacher.
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** Haruhi dressing up in Kyon's sports uniform so as not to stand out in North High - even down to Kyon asking her to do her hair up in a ponytail.
** When Yuki gives a confusing explanation for a math problem, Ryoko says "It's like she's speaking some kind of alien language."
** Ryoko is ranting to Kyon about how wonderful chilled stew is. Yuki, eyes looking a bit glazed, recalls, "One week we had eight chilled stew days... I was like, wow, endless eight..."
** Haruhi mentions that she visited North High's last school festival and subbed for an injured band member, in an echo of the "Live Alive" episode. And when she puts together her own band (including Tsuruya, Mikuru, and Koizumi) for the current ''joint'' festival, she wears the [[Playboy Bunny]] costume.
** It comes out that Haruhi also made a movie, featuring Koizumi using psychic powers to battle giant monsters (played by Haruhi). But:
{{quote|'''Koizumi''': After we finished filming, Suzumiya-san got sick of editing it ... and it wound up being shelved, though.
'''Haruhi''' (blushing, eyes frantic): '''SHHH! YOU CAN LEAVE THAT PART OUT!}}
* [[Not What It Looks Like]]: ''Squared''. First, Yuki walks in on Haruhi giving Kyon chocolate on Valentine's Day, throws away the chocolate ''she'' had been planning to give him, and runs out of the clubroom at full speed. Turns out {{spoiler|Haruhi's is just obligation chocolate, identical to what she then gives Koizumi}}. Then it turns out that {{spoiler|Yuki left out of consideration, and meant to present hers later - she's quite alarmed to discover she ''dropped'' hers}}.
* [[Oblivious to Love]]: Kyon, who isn't all too aware of Yuki's feelings due to the fact Yuki [[Cannot Spit It Out]]. Or is he...?
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* [[Otaku]]: This ''is'' the artist of ''Haruhi-chan'', after all; it's not as extreme as the other, however. Yuki does at least sneak some video games in bed.
** And often winds up playing them into the morning hours, to Ryoko's displeasure.
* [[Right Behind Me]]: A bonus comic included in Volume 5 has Yuki and Ryoko's "childhood friend" Emiri Kimidori tell them the Student Council President, despite his overbearing appearance, is actually quite a slacker. At which point he appears and whacks her over the head with a sheaf of papers, scolding her for gossiping about him.
* [[Running Gag]]: Yuki heeding Ryoko's advice to get an early night before important days rather than playing video games, only to not be able to sleep for excitement and stay up ''all'' night playing video games by accident
* [[Running the Asylum]]: The story reads almost exactly like your typical [[Alternate Universe]] Kyon/Yuki fanfic.
* [[Serious Business]]: For Ryoko ... '''stew''', verging on [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?]] As Haruhi puts it, "Ryoko, you get crazy whenever stew or Yuki are involved."
* [[Shipper Onon Deck]]: Ryoko, who ships Yuki x Kyon. In fact most of the girls do (even Haruhi, who has some degree of affection for Kyon). Tsuruya attempted to ship Mikuru x Kyon for a while, but neither Mikuru nor Kyon [[Just Friends|shared the sentiment.]]
* [[Ship Tease]]: Tons, mostly Kyon/Yuki. However, there are a few hints that Ryoko [[Les Yay|cares more about Yuki than she lets on]].
** There's also a few moments of Ryoko/Kyon, although it might just be that she's trying to spur Yuki into being more proactive herself.
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* [[Unwanted Harem]]: While not all of them are into Kyon, once you get to the later chapters it's just a ton of girls congregating in the Literature Club room.
* [[Wham! Line]]: Chapter 26. "... I thought so. Just one more thing. {{spoiler|Who are you?}}"
** An "Extra" chapter at the end of Volume 9. Ryoko calls her mother. {{Spoiler|"I've decided to come to Canada."}}
[[Category:The Vanishing Ofof Nagato Yuki Chan-chan]]
=== ''The {{DEFAULTSORT:Vanishing of Nagato Yuki-chan'', provides examples of: ===The}}
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