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{{quote| A Subtle Social Allegory about [[Furry Fandom|Animal People Abominations]] working in a Pornography Store}}
''[http://www.murrypurry.com/ Murry Purry Fresh and Furry]'' is a furry retail comedy webcomic by Agouti-Rex. It mostly follows the adventures of Melvin, a surly, lazy janitor working in a decrepit porn shop. As you might guess, it's often [[Not Safe for Work]].
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* Filbert, hellbender projectionist.
* Magnolia, opposum stripper.
=== Tropes: ===
* [[Adorkable]]: Melvin.
* [[Ambiguous Gender]]: Sally the Dog is often referred to as male despite her name and feminine clothes.
* [[Barefoot Cartoon AnimalsAnimal]]s
* [[The Bechdel Test]]: The creator [[Word of God|gives himself]] a big F.
* [[Crapsack World]]: The strip takes place in a grimy, run-down porn store in a city called, appropriately, "Failtown".
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* [[Cool Shades]]: Cool Cat wears totally cool shades.
* [[Fat Bastard]]: Wilbur.
* [[Fat Slob]]: Subverting the usual trope, there are two rather overt female fat slobs, Princess Aurelina and Cadillac [[My SpaceMyspace]].
* [[Furry Comic]]: In roughly the same way that ''[[Don Quixote (Literature)|Don Quixote]]'' is a chivalric romance.
* [[Furry Confusion]]: Lampshaded [https://web.archive.org/web/20160305112922/http://www.murrypurry.com/?p=138 here]
* [[Humanlike Foot Anatomy]]
* [[Jerkass]]: Wilbur.
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* [[Petting Zoo People]]
* [[Pointy-Haired Boss]]: Mr. Hefferbottom frequently has big ideas that never work, such as insisting that all his employees start using Twitter or turning the porn shop into a film studio.
* [[Rimshot]]: Used [https://web.archive.org/web/20160305112918/http://www.murrypurry.com/?p=468 here]
* [[The Speechless]]: Sally the Dog can communicate only by "woofing".
* [[Take That]]: To [[The Get Along Gang]] [https://web.archive.org/web/20160305050737/http://www.murrypurry.com/?p=142 here] The fact that Montgomery Moose has a Swastika on his forehead makes it even funnier when you know about how they treated reptiles in that show.
** Also from the prison arc, [http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/angular_momentum.jpg an XKCD strip] is [https://web.archive.org/web/20160305214419/http://www.murrypurry.com/?p=143 acted out verbatim] by [[Psychopathic Manchild|the demented rapist toad Big Mac]].
{{quote| '''Author's Note:''' If you are the sort who thinks that Big Mac's behavior is romantic, you may just be functionally retarded. }}
* [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife]]: Melvin and Cloey
* [[Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?]]: Butterwort
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[[Category:Slice of Life Webcomics]]
[[Category:Murry Purry Fresh and Furry]]
[[Category:WebcomicWeb Comics]]
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