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Bully (video game)/WMG: Difference between revisions

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== BULLY takes place in the mid-to-late 80's. ==
All the nerds are addicted to Dungeons and Dragons, Arcade machines are still common as dirt in more than a few public places, and even the cars plus the personalities imply that this game goes pretty far back.
* There are a few available shirts that have the number "68" on it. The arcade games could just be an anachronism, judging by the old-timey police officers and focus on the "cosmonaut" type of astronaut (height of the space race with the cosmonaut being quite more notable until the moon landing in '69)
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* The entire game is simply an exaggerated retelling of the legend of Jimmy Hopkins, possibly as 'remembered' by Pete Kowalski or Jimmy himself. This would explain how Jimmy is capable of superhuman feats at times and why some of the missions get away with being so outlandish. The last two deserve special mention here. While Jimmy was no doubt reinstated as a Bullworth student, as was Zoe, and Mr. Burton was still fired and Gary expelled, it's highly improbable that the actual events of Complete Mayhem and the Final Showdown are the epic ending that was played through ingame. That kind of damage would have shut the Academy down for months, the riot police would have been called, and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|no principal is going to fire a teacher based on a student's unverified claim]]. It would also explain Gary's [[Idiot Ball]] distribution capabilities, as he's being made to look a lot more [[Obviously Evil]] than he really might have been. Something similar may have happened with Jimmy at Bullworth, but it's been hyped up over the years to resemble the awesome tale we play as the game.
== Jimmy is dead, and Bullworth Academy and its environs are a purgatory-like state of afterlife. ==
* Bullworth and the surrounding city are completely cut off from the outside world, and the student body is made up of kids from different time periods (which is why the 80's-themed Nerd clique can co-exist with the 50's-era Greaser clique) because, being dead, they really exist outside normal time. The goal is to graduate after gaining the approval and respect of the school and thus having a satisfying, meaningful youth. This is why the rules are easy to break, the punishments are light, the class schedule is easy, the prefects don't attend class, and the staff can be so oblivious. It also explains how the Head Boy can have so much power: it means gaining a position of authority under the divinely-empowered upper-echelons of the staff.
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Just like Danny Lamb not being David Joiner's real name Leo Kasper might not be possible future Gary Smith's real name. It's possible the project organically programmed killer instincts in Gary's mind and erased his memories also. That's probably why Leo's(Gary) early life isn't mention despite him being renouned.Other besides that who else believes Gary and Leo Kasper look alike. Sometime in the future Gary could of did something so bad he had to leave london and move to San Andreas.
== ''Bully'' is a spiritual successor to ''[[The Confusions of Young TorlessTörless]]'' ==
* Musil, the author of the latter, was a wrestler and a boxer as a student; presumably so is Torless, as an [[Author Avatar]]. Jimmy is himself a fairly accomplished pugilist -- they're both not very tall, but built. Gary, with his megalomania, pretensions to being a scheming [[Magnificent Bastard]], SS uniform on Halloween and general creepily-predatory air, is Beineberg ''and'' Reiting. Petey -- slight, awkward, mildly femme, and with a whiff of homosexuality about him not so much from his own proclivities as from his friends' -- is Basini.
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[[Category:Wild Mass Guessing/Video Games]]
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