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Also known as the [[Legion Del Cid]] series, or by the title of its first book (used by [[The Other Wiki]])
=== This Series uses the following tropes: ===
* [[Ace Pilot]]: Absent for the first 4 four books; the Legion's air force is oriented towards transport and close air support, and deliberately discourages prima donnas and pampered pilots.
* [[Amazon Brigade]]: The focus of ''The Amazon Legion''. Also a case of [[And Now for Someone Completely Different]], as the first three books had focus on Carrera, with Ricardo Cruz as secondary protagonist.
* [[Aristocrats Are Evil]]: The holder of the title of Marchioness of Amnesty (as in Amnesty International) at the beginning of the series is very much in the "evil" category. The original Marquis of Amnesty<ref>who basically bought the title and position with gold from Terra Nova, paid by Carrera's ancestor to buy arms to fight the proto-United Earth forces</ref> and the two marchionesses who have been shown to hold the title prior to {{spoiler|Captain Wallenstein}} being made Marchioness of Amnesty in ''The Lotus Eaters'' resemble the stereotypical depiction of the [[Marquis Dede Sade]].
* [[Author Filibuster]]: the first three books end with a long afterward as Kratman elaborates on themes contained therein. Averted in the afterward for ''Amazon Legions''.
{{quote| "Nah. [[Lampshade Hanging|Sometimes a book has to speak for itself]]."}}
* [[Author Tract]]: The series is basically how Kratman thinks the War on Terror should be fought.
* [[Bad Dreams]]: Carrera is plagued by these, both over the murder of his family and, later, his {{spoiler|nuking a city}} to get the family of the leader of the terrorists he was fighting in the first half of the series.
* [[Badass Bystander]]: Reservist Private Hector Tippi, who foils a hit on Carrera with well-placed rifle fire.
* [[Badass Grandpa]]:
** Tadeo Kurita, in ''Carnifex'', is over 90 years old, but still as ready to fight for the ''Dos Lindas'', losing his life in the process. Although he's not actually engaging in ''close'' combat; he is commanding a warship from its flag bridge. Still noteworthy in that 90+ years old or not, he's still the best damn ship captain in the world.
*** Overlaps with [[Retired Badass]] - the reason he's got the job is because he is one of the only ''experienced'' warship captains in the world, the last major naval war in this planet's history having been over 40 years ago. And Admiral Kurita was a legendary badass even back then.
** Mr. Nguyen, who helps the titular characters of ''The Amazon Legion'' in their guerrilla warfare campaign against the invaders, even though he's probably<ref>his age is never really specified</ref> well into his seventies by that point.
* [[Badass Teacher]]: Professor Rafael Franco, aka Centurion Rafael Franco, ''Tercio Gorgidas''. [[Handicapped Badass]] Jorge Mendoza later becomes this.
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** The Legion's fleet, while nonetheless capable of landing assault forces and suppressing piracy, cannot stand in the line of battle against a modern fleet.
* [[Bilingual Backfire]]: In ''A Desert Called Peace'', when the main protagonist is [[Drowning My Sorrows|drowning his sorrows]] over the wife and children killed in a terrorist attack, he demonstrates to a woman insulting him in Spanish that he, too, speaks the language in spite of a conversation with the woman's friend being in English.
* [[Bling of War]]:
** [[Averted]] by the Legion, which prefers to keep decorations and medals lower key in comparison to other armies.
** Played straight by Gallic General Janier's [[Custom Uniform]], which is a reproduction of Napoleon's uniform.
* [[Book Ends]]: Almost; the opening scene of ''A Desert Called Peace'' is the start of the denouement in ''Carnifex''.
* [[The Captain]]: Two of them - Roderigo Fosa, commander of the Legion's fleet, and [[Badass Grandpa|Tadeo Kurita]], who serves as his [[The Mentor|Mentor]].
* [[Cool Tank]]: The Volgan White Eagle, renamed Jaguar in Legion service. Colonel Sitnikov's sales pitch in ''A Desert Called Peace'' makes it sound like it's the greatest tank in the world; Carrera doesn't believe half of it, but the important thing is that the new tankers believe, for self confidence.
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* [[Insistent Terminology]]: ''The Lotus Eaters'': in the Republic of Gaul's navy, "There is 'My God' and 'My ass', but there is no ''mon capitaine.''"<ref>"My captain", in case anyone was uncertain.</ref>
* [[It's Personal]]: The motivation for many members of the Legion entering the Global War On Terror [[In Space]].
* [[Kid Withwith the Leash]]: Linda, Carrera's first wife, is explicitly stated as the only thing that reins in his darker tendencies. Cue Linda's death at the hand of terrorists...
* [[Kid Hero]]: Hamilcar, Carrera's son, during his time in Pashtia.
* [[Useful Notes/The Laws and Customs of War|The Laws and Customs of War]]: Given Kratman is both a former military officer and is trained to be a lawyer, these come up fairly frequently, often addressing misconceptions regarding the actual laws of war. Those who follow them, like Sada and the Salah al-Din Brigade, get treated decently, in accordance with the Laws of War. Those who don't, like the Salafi Ikhwan... don't.
* [[Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane]]: Alena, a Pashtun girl introduced in '"Carnifex'', is described as a witch who can see the future. Nobody - including herself - is quite sure whether she's just really smart and intuitive, or an actual seer.
* [[The Messiah]]: Hamilcar is viewed as this by a tribe of Pashtun. He and his father disagree, but he's already fulfilled 5 out of 7 signs...
* [[Punctuated Pounding]]: Marta Bugatti, to a panicking civilian in a bomb shelter they were occupying:
{{quote| "Will"-slap-"you"-slap-"shut"-slap-"the"-slap-"fuck"-slap-"up?"}}
* [[No One Could Survive That]]: Cruz sets up an ambush on a guerilla camp with claymore mines and machine guns. When the smoke clears, he's surprised to find himself face to face with a surrendering guerrilla, the sole survivor.
* [[Old Master]]: Tadao Kurita again. His skill is acknowledged by the FS Navy, and his account of the war is on Ham's required reading list.
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* [[Shame If Something Happened]]: Carrera's Legion uses this trope to threaten journalists, guerrillas, and suspected supporters of guerrillas.
* [[Smug Snake]]: General Janier, the Gallic officer who plans the TU-backed coup against Carrera.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Early in the first book, Carrera is mentioned to be translating a novel by an author known to those in the setting's time only as "[[Robert A. Heinlein|RAH]]" into Spanish. From ''Carnifex'' onwards, [[Starship Troopers (Literaturenovel)|Tropas del Espacio]] is required reading throughout the legion.
** And then Jorge and Marqueli Mendoza write the text for the History and Moral Philosophy course that Franco teaches and Maria attends, in ''Amazon Legions''.
** The encyclopedia of choice referred to in the fictional documents is published by [[Baen Books]].
* [[Taking You Withwith Me]]: Hunted by four Gallic frigates, the Captain of a Legion sub decides to invoke this.
{{quote| "Friends, we're dead. But we're going to sell ourselves dear."}}
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]:
** Secondary protagonist Ricardo Cruz, who goes from [[New Meat]] in ''A Desert Called Peace'' to [[Sergeant Rock]] by the time of ''The Lotus Eaters''.
** Maria Fuentes, protagonist of ''The Amazon Legions'', who goes from runaway to [[Sergeant Rock]].
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** The [[Family-Unfriendly Aesop|Aesop]] ''is'' that torture works if you're both clever enough and ruthless enough about it.
** Both subverted and played straight throughout the series. In ''Carnifex'', a corrupt UN-Earth Admiral makes it clear that under torture a man will say anything. However, the terrorist chief who has captured him reminds him that this includes the truth, and that if he lies, they will continue to torture him until he speaks honestly.
*** Admittedly this is because of the particular situation they are in. The information they are torturing him for is the unlock codes for some Earth-UN nuclear warheads, and the warheads are apparently not programmed with a 'too many incorrect entries' failsafe. So the admiral can keep giving them false codes all day, but they can just keep torturing him until he finally gives up a code that actually works.
*** This is a general recurring principle throughout the series. Torture is shown as being not useful for obtaining new information, because the first version of the story you get is virtually never the true one. But it is shown as being useful for ''confirming'' information, because you can cross-check multiple sources against each other and keeping interrogation subjects separate so they don't have any opportunity to collaborate on a single false version of events is a basic skill for any interrogator whether torture is being used or not.
** In ''A Desert Called Peace'', the Legion tricks an Amnesty Interplanetary investigator into taping them brutally interrogating several prisoners with mock hangings and blow torches, then storming into her press conference to reveal that everyone in her tape was actually a Legionary soldier and the whole thing was one big set up.
** At the same time, the said Legion operates a ship<ref>reported, in an off-hand mental comment in ''The Lotus Eaters'', as having been sunk once its purpose was fulfilled</ref> where captured Terrorists are subjected to horrific procedures, from dental drilling, to finger breaking, to sex change operations over a period of months to get them to give information. It is mentioned repeatedly that they verify all the information gained with that other prisoners and from intercepted messages. If the captured terrorists are found to be lying their parents are brought in.
* [[Training Fromfrom Hell]]: The Legion's basic training. Cazador school, required for command track for Officers and [[Sergeant Rock|Centurions]], ramps this [[Up to Eleven]].
* [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife]]: Carrera isn't quite ugly, but both his wives are hot. Also, Sergeant Major MacNamara and Miss Balboa, Artemensia Jimenez.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Adnan Sada and the Salah al-Din Brigade, who fight courageously against the Legion in Sumer while remaining within [[The Laws and Customs of War]]. This later leads to a [[Heel Face Turn]] and [[Defeat Means Friendship]].
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