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* Spiritual Predecessors
** ''Codename Eagle''
* Main Series:
** ''[[Battlefield 1942]]''
*** ''Road To Rome''
*** ''Secret Weapons Of World War Two''
** ''Battlefield Vietnam''
** ''[[Battlefield 2]]''
*** ''Special Forces''
*** ''Euro Forces''
*** ''Armoured Fury''
** ''[[Battlefield 2142]]''
*** ''Northern Strike''
** ''Battlefield 1943''
** ''[[Battlefield 3 (Video Game)|Battlefield 3]]''
** ''[[Battlefield 4]]''
** ''[[Battlefield 1]]''
** ''[[Battlefield V]]''
** ''[[Battlefield 2042]]''
* ''Bad Company'' Series:
** ''[[Battlefield Bad Company (Video Game)|Battlefield: Bad Company]]''
** ''Battlefield: Bad Company 2''
*** ''Battlefield Bad Company Vietnam''
* ''[[Battlefield Heroes]]''
* ''[[Battlefield Play 4 FreePlay4Free]]''
* ''Battlefield Online''
* ''[[Battlefield Hardline]]''
<small>{{quote|''"Honor. Faith. Land. Oil. Wars are fought for any number of reasons. But on the [[Title Drop|battlefield]], every soldier has to find his own. As things turned out, [[The Squad|me and my buddies]] found a pretty interesting one..."''</small>
<small>|'''-- Preston Marlowe''', ''Battlefield: Bad Company''</small>}}
A series of [[First Person Shooter]] games by DICE (Digital Illusions Creative Entertainment, based out of Sweden), with help from [[Electronic Arts]] and other associated studios. It is DICE's major franchise. Apart from this series, the only other games DICE has released recently are [[MirrorsMirror's Edge (Video Game)|Mirrors Edge]], and the multi-player aspect of the recent modern set [[Medal of Honor]] reboot.
These games are notable for being [[Trope Codifier|among the first]] to make a large-scale use of mobile vehicles in an FPS game, as well as using large maps. The games are designed to be played in multi-player mode. The earlier games had no 'single-player' campaign, only multi-player missions with bots. For games set in 'reality' these maps and missions recreated important battles in ''1942'' and ''Vietnam''.''Bad Company'', however, changed this, coming with not only a cohesive, new storyline, but a group of notable characters that stuck with you the entire game, with their own distinct personalities and voices.
TheAfter latesta gamemulti-year gap in the franchisemain isseries, ''[[Battlefield 3 (Video Game)|Battlefield 3]]'', released in October 2011 for PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. It expands the multi-player aspect of the game from ''[[Battlefield: Bad Company (Video Game)|Battlefield Bad Company 2]]'' by taking it back towards the Battlefield 2 style with large open conquest maps featuring up to 64 players and including jet fighters once again. It also includes a [[Darker and Edgier]] single-player campaign storyline, and a co-op mode. It has deep persistence using the Battlelog website and is launched via EA's Origin download and digital distribution manager.
<!-- %%Comment: Any new additions for ''VideoGame/{{Battlefield 3}}'' should go onto its specific page. -->
* [[World War I]]
* [[World War II]]
* [[The Vietnam War]]
* [[Next Sunday ADA.D.]] / [[World War III]]
* [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future]]
* [[The Future]]
'''Please add any examples for'' [[Battlefield: Bad Company (Video Game)|Bad Company 1 & 2]] and, [[Battlefield 3]]'' (Videoand Game)|''[[Battlefield 31]]'' on their respective pages.'''
{{tropelist|These games provide examples of:}}
* [[Abnormal Ammo]]: ''Battlefield 2142'' has a shotgun that shoots C4!
* [[Airborne Aircraft Carrier]]: The Titans in ''Battlefield 2142.'' In the hands of a competent team, its ground attack guns could be devastating. However, due to performance issues, most servers would disable Titan movement.
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* [[After the End]]: The setting in ''Battlefield 2142'', where the world is devastated by a new ice age.
* [[An Adventurer Is You|An Infantryman Is You!]]: The game uses a class-based system, generally basing the classes off effectiveness at certain ranges against infantry as well as vehicles, and other supportive abilities such as repairing, healing allies, laying traps or spotting enemies.
** [[Universal DriversDriver's License|All of them can drive all of the vehicles]], [[Crew of One|and alone]].
* [[Attack Drone]]: The squad sentry and recon drones in ''Battlefield 2142'', and the EOD Bot and MAV from ''Battlefield 3''.
* [[Anti Poop Socking-Poopsocking]]: ''Battlefield 2142''.
* [[Awesome but Impractical]]: The sniper rifle unlock for ''2142'', when fired at the body, docked off 90% of a player health who had heavy body armor on (or a one hit kill if they had light armor if shot at the upper torso), opposed to 70% for the default rifles. The rifle could also destroy player-set explosives. However, the rifle only had three shots, took longer to reload than the default rifles, had a red hue on the scope which make it hard to see on weaker computers, and had a loud report. Both the default rifles and the unlock rifle dealt an insta-kill at the head, but the default rifles had two more rounds, and reloaded faster, not to mention 70% damage, even when compared to 90% damage, is still pretty good, especially against enemies in a firefight. If a player was decent enough to score head shots, the extra power wasn't necessary.
** The hovering attack drone in ''2142'' was far less effective than its stationary cousin, the sentry gun. Unlike the sentry gun, which would kill anyone that would wander in its kill zone, the attack drone would only nail enemies that were spotted, or had a red indicator diamond on them. While it could be quite effective with a good squad, players in your typical squad in a typical game were just in it for an extra spawn point and a possible field upgrade.
*** Although the clever support user could plop an IDS onto the thing to give the squad the equivalent of a perpetual mobile UAV, turning the equally impractical (to non-campers) infantry sonar into a [[Game Breaker]].
** Mobile Artillery in ''1942'' and ''Vietnam''. If one player mounted the artillery piece, another player with the sniper class could use the binoculars to designate a point on the map. This would show the first player exactly where to aim in order to drop a shell right on that spot. But most of the vehicles you'd want to fire at moved too quickly to be hit by artillery, the shells seemed to do minimal damage to structures, and nobody worked as a team in public games anyway.
* [[BFG]]: Many of the vehicle-mounted guns and shoulder-fired rocket launchers certainly count, but the M95 large-calibrecaliber sniper rifle deserves special mention. In ''Battlefield 2'' and ''Bad Company 1&2'' it's easily the biggest and loudest firearm in the game and deals extra damage to lightly armouredarmored vehicles and helicopters. In ''Battlefield 2'', it was also the only gun capable of shooting through bullet-proof glass, allowing players to shoot a pilot out of the cockpit.
* [[Black Screen of Death]]: In the ''Battlefield 2'' mod "Project Reality," you get a black screen if you are killed or critically wounded. Some varieties of surprise attack will therefore cause true examples of the trope.
* [[Blinded Byby the Light]]: Flashlights in ''Battlefield 3'' act like open nuclear fusion reactors strapped to the bottom of guns. Waving it around wildly in a room will blind anyone; it's even blinding in the middle of the day.
** Ever looked into a Surefire Gunlight? [[Truth in Television|They blind, alota lot.]]
* [[Bloodless Carnage]]: There is no gore whatsoever, although little sprays of blood do appear with some mods. ''Battlefield: Vietnam'' has blood (without modifications).
* [[Boom! Headshot!]]: Played straight. Sniper rifles are a one-hit kill, and other small arms deal more damage when fired at the noggin.
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** In ''Battlefield 3'', various flavors of Colonel are the highest rank one can attain, and basically signify that the player has earned most of the unlockable items.
* [[Combat Medic]]: Everyone in the game with healing abilities can still try to kill you just as hard [[Shoot the Medic First|as you try to kill them]], including with their [[Magical Defibrillator]] in ''Battlefield 2'' and subsequent games.
** ''[[Battlefield Bad Company (Video Game)|Battlefield: Bad Company]]'' takes this to its logical extreme by giving medics ''light machine guns'' as their default armament, and are able to get a tool to call down mortar fire. The sequel just gives them the LMGs on the combat side, with the mortar strikes given to the Recon class.
** ''Battlefield 2142'' and ''Battlefield 3'' combined the previous Assault and Medic classes into an Assault class armed with the usual assault rifle, and a medical kit consisting of health packs plus a defibrillator. Several DICE employees have even referred to this combination as a [[Combat Medic]] in interviews. The main difference here is that the ''2142'' Assault troopers always have their medkit handy, while ''BF3'' Assault troopers always have their defibrillator (once unlocked).
* [[Cool Mask]]: Several games in the series have these as available clothing customization options for the player-character; ranges from a simple bandanna, to ski masks, even gas masks.
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** ''BF3'' added ''Nimitz''-class aircraft carriers in the single-player mission "Going Hunting" as Shark 4-6 and Shark 4-2's mothership.
* [[Crapsack World]]: The first game trailer, promotional, manual, and map descriptions describe that the ice age in ''2142'' is dwindling resources, thus pushing billions of people to the last remaining fertile land around the equator. One promotional states "Few will live, most will die."
* [[Crew of One]]: [[Universal DriversDriver's License|Everyone]] can at least drive or fly any vehicle, though some vehicles require another player to fire their weapons, some vehicles can have more than one gunner, and some vehicles can carry passengers (every game in the series so far).
** Of course, any player can also man any portion of the vehicle - just hotswap, and you can gun down people pestering your humvee or tank (though you're vulnerable to more rocket fire, due to the vehicle stopping because of a lack of a driver). This also leads to certain gunship pilots swapping seats in midair in order to launch the gunner's TV-guided missiles.
*** ''[[Project Reality]]'' averts this. The driver no longer mans the main gun on heavy attack vehicles. In order for a vehicle to be fully combat effective, one player must drive while another must gun. Of course, a person could simply just switch positions from driver to gunner, but this would give the enemy a time advantage. All vehicles, except for cars and FAVs, now require a crewman kit (or pilot for air vehicles) to be driven.
* [[Crippling Overspecialization]]: The "anti-tank" class in ''Battlefield 1942'' and ''Battlefield 2'' suffers from this. The ability to attack vehicles from afar comes at the price of being horrible at fighting off infantry.
** This is somewhat averted by the vanilla unlock for the AT class in ''[[BF 2]]'', the DAO. As a semi-auto shotgun with 12 rounds is it absolutely devastating at close range. Beyond approximately six inches it is pretty useless though. Another example?
** Also unexpectedly suffered by the Assault class in Battlefield 2, which is meant to be the game's plain combat-oriented rifleman class, only to end up relatively less-played because it's ''only'' good at combat. Several other classes can do that while also having additional useful abilities (especially the Medic, which is almost identical minus body armor and plus a longer sprint and the ability to heal/revive), while the Assault's only unique perk is the grenade launcher, which isn't terribly useful especially after it was [[Nerf|Nerfed]] in a patch. Unsurprisingly later games in the series made sure to give the Assault more useful and unique abilities and equipment.
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* [[Death From Above]]: Artillery and air vehicles. Also, [[Improvised Weapon|supply- and vehicle drops]].
* [[Difficult but Awesome]]: The Baur in ''2142'' and by lesser extent, the Scar.
* [[Do Not Run Withwith a Gun]]: Present in all games of the series (except ''Heroes''), but the amount of spread largely depends on the size and weight of the gun. Generally speaking, pistols and SMGs are the least affected, while light machine guns and sniper rifles suffer the most.
* [[Drives Like Crazy]]: Everyone, especially in ''Battlefield 2'', where you can control fighter jets.
** Taken to its logical extreme with ''[[BF 2]]'''s scout helicopters. Flying a littlebird sideways full throttle through a maze of trees with barely enough space to fly and being only inches from the ground, while simultaneously taking out a squad of enemy infantry? All the time.
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** Or why Russia is going apeshit on the entire world in ''Bad Company 2''.
** [[Wild Mass Guessing|It's probably]] [[Phlebotinum War|being fought over oil]].
** That being said, the ''Bad Company'' games had an actual reasonable singleplayer campaign with an actual plot. The multiplayermulti-player was more unexplained for the first.
* [[Fake Longevity]]: The requirements for ''Battlefield 2'' ranks were changed when it was pointed out that the #1 player in the world (who was really a team of guys sharing an account), would take over 2 ''years'' to even reach the General's ranks, let alone progress through them.
* [[Goggles Do Nothing]]: Averted in ''BF2'''s ''Special Forces'' [[Expansion Pack]], wherein part of the player's standard equipment includes night-vision goggles which can be of great benefit on pitch-dark night time maps.
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* [[Gaia's Lament]] / [[Gaia's Vengeance]]: Earth in ''2142.'' The Northern Hemisphere was left uninhabitable because of a new ice age, which was caused by human-caused global <s>warming</s> climate change.
* [[Grappling Hook Pistol]]: More like zipline crossbow, for some classes in ''BF2: [[Expansion Pack|Special Forces]]''. Other classes have a thrown grappling hook used to climb up onto the roof of buildings.
* [[Grenade Spam]]: There's a video for [[Modern Warfare]] that decries the use of Grenade Spam in the game, Fight Against Grenade Spam. Yeah, [[Fun Withwith Acronyms|FAGS]]. Not wanting to be outdone, Battlefield came up with its own video pointing out that this tactic won't work and called it FRAGS: Friends Really Against Grenade Spam.
* [[Griefer]]: Because both killing and reviving were worth a point, farmers would work in pairs, one on each team. They would find a schmuck who was off by himself (usually a sniper) and stab him, revive him, and stab him again. Because the interface would keep resetting, it was nearly impossible for the victim to escape.
** With all other forms of teamkilling disabled, griefers can still rely on empty moving vehicles.
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** In ''Bad Company 2'' some players encourage the use of Tracer Darts on their fellow Recons that tend to camp during objective based game types (usually when the Recon in question is on Attacker). Players on both sides can see the glow of the dart, giving the opposing team an easy kill.
* [[Guns Do Not Work That Way]]: Several accounts, but the most notable are RPG-7s with homing warheads and an MG-3 with an ammo box that blocks the ejection port, and magically ejects brass to the right instead of downward.
* [[Historical in In-Joke]]: During the "Battle of Hue" on ''Battlefield: Vietnam'', you can hear the infamous Hanoi Hannah.
** The designers are also fond of taking sound bytes from military-related videos. "I'll get you ice cream for dinner" was stripped from a [https://web.archive.org/web/20130422094301/http://www.break.com/usercontent/2007/6/10/gunship-strafing-run-310145 helicopter gun camera recording] and mixed into the UAV walla in ''BFBC2''.
* [[Hit Scan]]: Averted, from a distance, you have to follow your target.
* [[Humongous Mecha]]: The [[A Mech Byby Any Other Name|Battlewalkers]] in ''Battlefield 2142''
* [[Improvised Weapon]]: Some supposedly benign abilities of commanders in ''Battlefield 2'' and ''Battlefield 2142''
** The defibrillators through ''2'' to ''Bad Company 2''. Its ability is hinted at in the description in 2. One lame thing about in 2142, is that it wouldn't give you the dogtags that a knife kill would.
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** Ramming ships with larger ships generally works well in ''Battlefield 1942'', especially when you ram a submarine with a destroyer, or a destroyer with a carrier or a carrier with a battleship.
** Up to ''2142'', parachutes—slightly known for their ability to help players stomp infantry—prove quite implacable to air vehicles or freefallers above you.
* [[Insurmountable Waist High Fence]]: The games goes more for the [[Invisible Wall]] as described below, but your character is able to jump over lots of stuff, though there's no 'climb' option.
* [[Invaded States of America]]: The Armored Fury Booster Pack has maps set in the Eastern US and Alaska.
* [[Invisible Wall]]: ''Battlefield 1942'' makes you take damage when leaving the map, while playing a radio message telling you that deserters will be shot. In the later ''Battlefield'' titles, leaving the field for too long is an instant suicide.
* [[It's Raining Men]]: That [[Universal DriversDriver's License]] comes with a parachute; there are transport aircraft and some spawn points are set ''in the air'' (most obviously in the Operation Market Garden level of ''1942''); ''2142'' adds landing pods to the mix.
** It can also be raining [[FA Vs]], Humvees, and Vodniks, if a hacker gets into the server and hacks the vehicle drop feature.
** ''1943'' also gives the achievement and an in-game Stamp 'Parachutist' for spending 2 seconds using one. ''2142'' gives you a HALO award after spending ten seconds in parachute.
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* [[Obvious Beta]]: DICE has a notorious reputation for crash bugs and balance issues out of the box. This is counter-balanced by their generally good support for their products post-launch.
* [[Obvious Rule Patch]]: The first patch to ''Battlefield: Vietnam'' fixed some ''serious'' balance issues; ''Battlefield 2142'' patches are a litany of attempts to fix level geometry to stop people glitching their way inside Titans.
* [[Oddly -Named Sequel 2: Electric Boogaloo]]: Just look at the top of the page! The [[Numbered Sequels|numbers]] don't indicate a proper order at all, and just try to not mix up ''Battlefield: Vietnam'' (standalone game, second in the series) with ''Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Vietnam'' ([[Expansion Pack]]), among other things. And God help you if you mix up ''Bad Company 2'' or ''Battlefield 2: Modern Combat'' ([[PSPlayStation 2]] and Xbox [[Spin -Off]]) with the PC ''Battlefield 2'' in front of a very picky ''Battlefield'' fan...
* [[Oh Crap]]: ''[[BF 2]]'' is simply one moment after another. The roar of incoming jet engines, and the sight of an F-18 emptying its entire bomb payload on top of you; the screech of incoming artillery; the rat tat tat of an Mi-28's main cannon... death is imminent.
** Also, the horrifying, whizzing sound of a billion incoming artillery shells. You have less than a second before your body flies through the air.
** The various vehicle alarms and missile warnings; the *s-snikt* of a knife being drawn from behind you; [[Improvised Weapon|that car racing towards you]] in plain sight…
* [[One Bullet Clips]]: [[Averted Trope|Averted]] everywhere except ''Heroes'' titles and ''Play4Free''.
* [[One -Hit Kill]]: The laser designator in ''Battlefield: Bad Company'' will destroy any vehicle or enemy on a direct hit - though it can only be initiated on an enemy vehicle, you control the missile that comes down yourself, so it can be targeted towards enemy players.
** If a knife hits you as an infantryman in ''2142'' or ''Bad Company 2'', you are dead. Certain other games take a few slices to kill, with the exception of ''[[BF 1942]]: Secret Weapons of WWII'''s throwing knives.
** [[Boom! Headshot!]] by most sniper rifles, unless it's a Barrett, in which case any part of the body works.
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** Don't be in a vehicle when it [[Every Car Is a Pinto|blows up.]]
** What we're saying is be very careful in this game.
* [[One -Man Army]]: [[Averted Trope|Averted]] throughout the series. Pretending to be [[Arnold Schwarzenegger]] and trying to win the war by yourself WILL get you killed in very short order, not to mention pissing off your teammates in multiplayermulti-player mode.
** ''Project Reality'' reinforces this by requiring a minimum two-man team to capture a control point, making it impossible for a ''[[Commando (Filmfilm)|Commando]]'' wannabe to capture a control point alone.
** It ''is'' possible to work effectively while alone, but the key is not to be in this mindset. Skilled players, especially Recons, can be very effective at harassing enemy spawn points through careful use of hit and run tactics, and can also make themselves useful by spotting enemy vehicles.
* [[The Power of Friendship]]: Do stuff together with your squadmates, makes winning easier and even gives more points in the later games of the series.
* [[PVP-Balanced]]: ''Battlefield Heroes'' has been claimed to eschew realism very far for balance - all vehicles are supposed to be fun options and easily countered by all players. Also, the standard grenade launcher for Assault class in ''Battlefield: Bad Company'' does very little damage to enemy players and exists for utilizing the game's environment destruction system. (Indeed, it will give you a [[Cosmetic Award]] for killing, or rather, finish off, 3 players in one match with it.) That is, blow holes in stuff that are enemy players, or blow up stuff that aren't enemy players.
** This also results in the A-10 and Su-39 being fairly poor aircraft in ''Battlefield 2''.
** Throughout the entire series, rocket launchers have always had almost no splash damage. This is to prevent players from pulling a [[Macross Missile Massacre]] on infantry, because rocket launchers frequently come with about 5 rockets.
* [[Qurac]]: Many of the locations shown in ''BF2'' and the ''Bad Company'' series are set in generic middle-eastern locations, such as the notorious Karkand map from ''BF2''.
** Karkand is making a return as downloadable content for ''Battlefield 3''.
** ''BF3'' averts this somewhat: the cities and countries are all named and nonfictional.
* [[Revolvers Are Just Better]]: The strongest handgun in ''Battlefield 2142'' is a revolver with 8 shots that can be upgraded to hold 10. It also reloads by removing the entire cylinder. This is really a moot point though, as there are only two handguns in the game, and the EU just has higher power, lower ammo capacity weapons than the PAC in general.
** Played straight in ''Bad Company 2'' with the [[MP 412]] Rex, which can drop an enemy in just a couple of shots. The flip side is the slow rate of fire and low ammo capacity.
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* [[Selective Historical Armoury]]: See the trope page for details.
* [[Sprint Meter]]: Used in ''2'' and ''2142''.
* [[Shoot the Medic First]]: The medical abilities of players in the ''[[Battlefield (Video Gameseries)|Battlefield]]'' series follow the reason why you should invoke this trope to the letter. [[Combat Medic|But watch out while trying to.]]
** Averted in ''1943'', where the health systems was switched to ''[[Call of Duty]]''-style [[Regenerating Health]] and the Medic class was removed as a result.
** More often averted in public matches, where eager medics revive teammates only for those players to be immediately re-killed.
* [[Shout-Out]]: You can hear broadcasts from [[Good Morning Vietnam]] in certain spawning points of some maps of Battlefield: Vietnam.
** As noted under [[Theme Music Power -Up]], several of the song choices on ''Vietnam's'' soundtrack were inspired by war movies.
** One of the trailers for ''Bad Company'' was a parody of a ''[[Gears of War]]'' trailer, including the song Sweetwater sings.
* [[Shown Their Work]]: Well, whoever worked on [http://www.offdutygamers.com/wp-content/uploads/BF3-TacticalBreakdown.jpg?utm_source=wordtwit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=wordtwit this piece of artwork] for ''[[Battlefield 3 (Video Game)|Battlefield 3]]'' apparently did, considering what off-duty soldiers found in it.
* [[Soft Water]]: Sort of. While you'll take less damage falling into water, you'll still die (or go into "critically wounded" mode if you hit water at a high enough height). In ''2'' and ''2142'', if you hit the water from a high height, you'll go into this state, but you'll never be out right killed like if you hit land.
* [[Stop Helping Me!]]: ''Battlefield 2'''s revive ability for the medics. Some players would revive at bad times, such as when a person is trying to respawn with a different class, or at a more important location.
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* [[Suicide Mission]]: The whole point of B Company.
** Also, {{spoiler|Operation Aurora}}
* [[Tactical Rock -Paper -Scissors]]: In theory, at least. [[Game Breaker|In practice, air vehicles typically lay waste to everything when away from AA guns.]]
* [[Take That]]: [https://web.archive.org/web/20100328044756/http://www.battlefieldheroes.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=82163 The Ballad of Dedicated Servers] asks if the phasing out of [[Leaning Onon the Fourth Wall|dedicated servers]] ([[It Makes Sense in Context]].) is [[Modern Warfare|modern way of making warfare']]?
* [[Theme Music Power -Up]]: ''Battlefield Vietnam'' included the rather awesome feature that every vehicle was equipped with a radio, allowing you to play soundtrack songs for the other players to hear as you drove around. (Including, obviously, "[[Apocalypse Now|The Ride of the Valkyries]]" and "[[Full Metal Jacket|Surfin' Bird]]") This was then [[Subverted Trope|subverted]] as actually doing so was a great way to get yourself shot.
* [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill]]: Killing infantry with an anti-tank weapon will prevent them from being revived by a medic.
* [[The Power of Friendship]]: Do stuff together with your squadmates, makes winning easier and even gives more points in the later games of the series.
* [[Those Wacky Nazis]]: The National Army in ''Battlefield Heroes'' is a collection of various Nazi and generally German stereotypes. It even references the trope, by naming one of the weapons "The Wacky Machine Gun"
* [[Tie -in Novel]]: ''Battlefield 3: The Russian'', a continuation of said game's single-player campaign written by military writer/former SAS operator Andy McNab.
* [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill]]: Killing infantry with an anti-tank weapon will prevent them from being revived by a medic.
* [[Tie in Novel]]: ''Battlefield 3: The Russian'', a continuation of said game's single-player campaign written by military writer/former SAS operator Andy McNab.
* [[Title Drop]]: "I belong to Bad Company. I don't wanna end up in some ''good'' company!" Also, the page quote. To be fair, it's kinda hard to go through a military shooter and ''not'' legitimately say "battlefield" anyway.
* [[Translation Convention]]: The player has the option to have non-English-speaking armies speak in their native language or have their speech "translated" into perfect English.
** In ''Battlefield 2'', toggling the switch would simply make every character sound like an American Marine, which was actually a gameplay disadvantage because you couldn't use all the audio cues any more. ''Bad Company 2'' averts this by making the Russians speak accented English.
* [[Unbreakable Weapons]]: All of them, though kits players can drop can be destroyed by explosives or bullets. [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] with its weapon entry on the knife in ''Bad Company 2'', saying it is designed to stay sharp indefinitely and is guaranteed to not rust, bend or break.
* [[Universal DriversDriver's License]]: Every game in the series.
* [[Unwinnable]]: Particularly coordinated teams tend to block off the road leading out of enemy bases with a ring of tanks, engineers, and AA vehicles once they've captured all the spawn points. This makes it pretty much impossible for the opposing team to gain any ground, ''especially'' if they're being bombed at the same time. ''Heroes'' and ''Play4free'' spawn players close to idle points when their team have no ground specifically to prevent this from happening.
* [[Urban Warfare]]: Strike at Karkand is considered to be one of the best urban maps in modern [[FP Ses]].
* [[Walk It Off]]: Averted for most of the series, but present in ''1943'', ''Bad Company 2'', and ''Battlefield 3''. While health regen for ''1943'' and the single player portion of ''Bad Company 2'' is quick, it's nerfed in ''Bad Company 2'' multiplayermulti-player and outright removed in hardcore mode as to not render medkits useless.
* [[Unwinnable]]: Particularly coordinated teams tend to block off the road leading out of enemy bases with a ring of tanks, engineers, and AA vehicles once they've captured all the spawn points. This makes it pretty much impossible for the opposing team to gain any ground, ''especially'' if they're being bombed at the same time. ''Heroes'' and ''Play4free'' spawn players close to idle points when their team have no ground specifically to prevent this from happening.
* [[Walk It Off]]: Averted for most of the series, but present in ''1943'', ''Bad Company 2'', and ''Battlefield 3''. While health regen for ''1943'' and the single player portion of ''Bad Company 2'' is quick, it's nerfed in ''Bad Company 2'' multiplayer and outright removed in hardcore mode as to not render medkits useless.
* [[Weaponized Car]]: ''Project Reality'', the Special Forces expansion pack of ''Battlefield 2'', and ''Battlefield 3'' all include "technicals"; pickup trucks fitted with machine guns or SPG-9 recoilless rifles.
* [[We Are Not the Wehrmacht]]: ''Project Reality'' includes the Bundeswehr as of version 0.95.
* [[What the Hell, Player?]]: Friendly fire will be quickly met with unhappy responses.
* [[What Could Have Been]]: Early reports for ''2'' included the Russian army, more people on a server (for a game that already has ''64-player'' servers), and even some reports of fast roping. In the ''2142'' beta, the titans could airdrop walkers.
* [[What the Hell Player]]: Friendly fire will be quickly met with unhappy responses.
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** In the single-player mode of ''i cant see reason for this'', the player will occasionally have the AI bots engage in grenade spamming too. Most notably when an opposing tank or APC shows up.
* [[World War Two]]: Obviously the ones with ''1942'' or ''1943'' in the title.
* [[World War Three]]: In ''Battlefield 2'', ''[[Battlefield Bad Company (Video Game)|Battlefield: Bad Company]]'', and ''[[Battlefield 3 (Video Game)|Battlefield 3]]''. They probably aren't the exact same war, either.
* [[Yanks With Tanks]]: Most of the games feature the United States Armed Forces in some capacity. ''Project Reality'' doubles this by having both the [[Semper Fi|US Marine Corps]] from ''BF2'' and adding in the US Army for good measure.
* [[You All Look Familiar]]: The ''Battlefield'' games typically only had 3 different faces for each side.
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[[Category:BattlefieldElectronic (series)Arts]]
[[Category:PlayOrigin Station 2(EA)]]
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