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Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''And what of the [[Our Souls Are Different|immortal soul]] in such transactions? Can this machine transmit and reattach it as well? Or is it lost forever, leaving a soulless body to wander the world in despair?''|'''Sister Miriam Godwinson''', "We must Dissent" (Accompanies completion of the Secret Project "Bulk Matter Transmitter")}}
{{quote|''Already we have turned all of our critical industries, all of our material resources, over to these...things...these lumps of silver and paste we call nanorobots. [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot|And now we propose to teach them intelligence?]] What, pray tell, will we do when these little homunculi awaken one day announce that they have no further need for us?''|'''Sister Miriam Godwinson''', "We must Dissent" (Accompanies discovery of the "Industrial Nanorobotics" tech)}}
== Spartan Federation ==
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{{quote|''[[Red Alert|The klaxon began to wail]], but [[Hope Spot|we felt the reassuring tingle of the Tachyon Field crackling to life around us]], [[Some Kind of Force Field|encasing the entire base in its impenetrable glow]].'' |'''Spartan Kel''', ''"[[Foregone Conclusion|The Fall of Sparta]]"''}}
{{quote|''I don't know but I've been told<br />
([[Sound Off|I don't know but I been told]])<br />
Deirdre's got a Network Node<br />
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(Likes to press the on-off switch)<br />
Dig that crazy Gaian witch!<br />
(Dig that crazy Gaian witch!)''|'''[[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|Spartan! Barracks! March!]]''' (Yes sir!) (Accompanies first completion of Network Node base facility)}}
{{quote|''[[Humans Are Warriors|Man has killed man from the beginning of time]], and each new frontier has brought new ways and new places to die. Why should the future be different?''|'''Col. Corazon Santiago''' "Planet: A Survivalist's Guide" (Accompanies discovery of the "Advanced Military Algorithms" tech)}}
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{{quote|''Our scientists now use fractal theory to "teach" the molecules to assume, or resume, a particular form. Substances of amazing strength become simple once the formulae are properly computed.''|'''Col. Corazon Santiago''', "The Council of War" (Accompanies discovery of the "Nanometallurgy" tech)}}
{{quote|''We shall take only [[Lamarck Was Right|the greatest minds, the finest soldiers, the most faithful servants]]. [[Send in Thethe Clones|We shall multiply them a thousandfold]] and release them to usher in a new era of glory.''|'''Col. Corazon Santiago''', "The Council of War" (Accompanies completion of the Secret Project "[[Designer Babies|Cloning Vats]]")}}
{{quote|''Until now the battle had been proceeding smoothly. The enemy was outflanked and had been driven from the reactor housing, but against the reactor itself the matter canons were strangely ineffective. Rounds simply-stopped-in mid air.''|'''Col. Corazon Santiago''', "A Tactical History of Sparta" (Would have accompanied discovery of the deleted "Inertial Damping" tech)}}
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{{quote|''Air power rests at the apex of the first triad of victory, for it combines Mobility, Flexibility, and Initiative.'')|'''Spartan Battle Manual''' (Accompanies discovery of the "Doctrine: Air Power" tech)}}
{{quote|''[[[[Ironic Nursery Tune]] Mary had a little lamb<br />
Little lamb little lamb<br />
Mary had a little lamb<br />
Whose fleece was white as snow.]]''|'''Assassins' Redoubt''', ''[[Apocalyptic Log|final transmission]]'' (Accompanies completion of the Secret Project "[[Mind Rape|The Dream Twister]]")}}
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{{quote|''In the borehole pressure mines 100km beneath Planetsurface, at the Mohorovicic Discontinuity where crust gives way to mantle, temperatures often reach levels well in excess of 1000 degrees Celsius. Exploitation of Planet's resources under such brutal conditions has require quantum advances in robotic and teleoperational technology.''|'''Morgan Industries, Ltd.''', ''"Annual Report"'' (Accompanies discovery of the "Industrial Automation" tech)}}
{{quote|''We are no longer particularly in the business of writing software to perform specific tasks. We now teach the software how to learn, and in the primary bonding process it molds itself around the task to be performed. The feedback loop never really ends, so [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot|a tenth year polysentience can be a priceless jewel or a psychotic wreck]], but it is the primary bonding process--the childhood, if you will--that has the most far-reaching repercussions.''|'''Bad'l Ron, Wakener''', Morgan Polysoft (Accompanies discovery of the "Digital Sentience" tech)}}
{{quote|''Life is merely an orderly decay of energy states, and survival requires the continual discovery of new energy to pump into the system. He who controls the sources of energy controls the means of survival.''|'''CEO Nwabudike Morgan''', "The Centauri Monopoly" (Accompanies first construction of the Energy Bank base facility)}}
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{{quote|''I believe Planet will talk to us if we are willing to listen. These fungal stalks behave as multistate relays: taken together, the neural net connectivity must be staggering. Can a planet be said to have achieved sentience?''|'''Lady Deirdre Skye''', Arguments in Council (Accompanies completion of the Secret Project "The Xenoempathy Dome")}}
{{quote|''From the delicate strands,<br />
between minds we weave out mesh:<br />
a blanket to warm the soul.''|'''Lady Deirdre Skye''', ''"The Collected Poems"'' (Accompanies completion of the Secret Project "The Telepathic Matrix")}}
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{{quote|''Eternity lies ahead of us, and behind. Have you drunk your fill?''|'''Lady Deirdre Skye''', ''"Conversations With Planet"'', Epilogue (Accompanies discovery of the "Transcendant Thought" tech)}}
{{quote|''No longer mere earthbeings and planetbeings are we, but bright children of the stars! And together we shall dance in and out of ten billion years, celebrating the gift of consciousness until the stars themselves grow cold and weary, and our thoughts turn again to the beginning.''|'''Lady Deirdre Skye''', ''"Conversations With Planet"'', Epilogue (Accompanies completion of the Secret Project "[[Ascend to Aa Higher Plane of Existence|Ascent to Transcendance]]", which ends the game)}}
{{quote|''You waited so long to heed us, earthdeidre,<br />
Almost we pruned you, as we may yet prune your branches.''|'''Lady Deirdre Skye''', ''"Conversations With Planet"'' (Accompanies discovery of the "Secrets of Alpha Centauri" tech)}}
{{quote|''We welcome you, earthdeidre and earthwheat and earthtree as<br />
honored guests, for you add great power to our ancient song--<br />
planetfungus and planetworm and planetmind sing and play<br />
here, and you are welcome among us.''|'''Lady Deirdre Skye''', ''"Conversation with Planet"'' (Accompanies completion of the Secret Project "The Pholus Mutagen")}}
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== The Free Drones ==
{{quote|''Now it's day and night the irons clang, and like poor galley slaves<br />
We toil and toil, and when we die, must fill dishonored graves<br />
But some dark night, when everything is silent in the town<br />
I'll shoot those tyrants one and all, I'll gun the flogger down<br />
I'll give the land a little shock, remember what I say,<br />
And they'll yet regret they've sent Jim Jones in chains to Botany Bay.''|'''"Jim Jones", Traditional''' (Faction "welcome to the game" quote)}}
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{{quote|''And when the hourglass has run out, the hourglass of temporality, when the noise of secular life has grown silent and its restless or ineffectual activism has come to an end, when everything around you is still, as it is in eternity, then eternity asks you and every individual in these millions and millions about only one thing: whether you have lived in despair or not.''|'''Soren Kierkegaard''', ''"The Sickness Unto Death"'', Datalinks (Accompanies discovery of the "Secrets of Creation" tech)}}
{{quote|''We are all aware that the senses can be deceived, the eyes fooled. But how can we be sure our senses are not being deceived at any particular time, or even all the time? Might I just be a [[Brain In Aa Jar|brain in a tank]] somewhere, tricked all my life into believing in the events of this world by some insane computer? And does my life gain or lose meaning based on my reaction to such solipsism?''|'''Project PYRRHO, Specimen 46, Vat 7.''' Activity recorded M.Y. 2302.22467. (TERMINATION OF SPECIMEN ADVISED) (Accompanies first construction of the Bioenhancement Center base facility)}}
{{quote|''It is not uncommon to see patients undergo permanent psychological trauma in the presence of the Sphere, before the nerve stapler has even been strapped into position. Its effect on the general consciousness of the culture is profound: husbands have seen wives go inside, and mothers their children. [[Forced to Watch|Dr. Xynan left the surface of the sphere semitranslucent for a reason.]] You can hear them in there; you can see them. It is a thing of terrible beauty.''|'''Baron Klim''', ''"The Music of the Spheres"'' (Accompanies first construction of the Punishment Sphere base facility)}}
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{{quote|''Therefore a wise prince will seek means by which [[Vetinari Job Security|his subjects will always and in every possible condition of things have need of his government]], and then they will always be faithful to him.''|'''Niccolo Machiavelli''', ''"The Prince"'' (Accompanies discovery of the "Doctrine: Loyalty" tech)}}
{{quote|''Heaven lasts long, and Earth abides<br />
What is the secret of their durability?<br />
Is it because they do not live for themselves<br />
That they endure so long?''|'''Lao Tzu''', Datalinks (Accompanies discovery of the "Quantum Power" tech)}}
{{quote|''The wicked have told me of things that delight them, but not such things as your law has to tell.''|'''Saint Augustine''', ''"Confessions"'' (Accompanies discovery of the "Cyberethics" tech)}}
{{quote|''We sit together,<br />
the mountain and I,<br />
until only the mountain remains''|'''Li Po''', from the Yang Collection (Accompanies discovery of the "Environmental Economics" tech)}}
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