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{{quote|''"I have my own destiny – I will be [[Title Drop|Queen of All Oni]]!"''|'''Jade'''}}
[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5899910/1/Queen_of_All_Oni Queen of All Oni] is a ''[[Jackie Chan Adventures (Animation)|Jackie Chan Adventures]]'' fanfiction by [http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1645311/Eduard_Kassel Eduard Kassel].
The story is an [[Alternate Universe Fic]] story diverging from canon at the start of Season 4. The basic question is, [[What If]], instead of releasing [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can|Tarakudo]], Daolon Wong's botched spell instead reawakened Jade's [[Super-Powered Evil Side]], the Queen of the Shadowkhan?
From there, the story follows as such: Jade, like Tarakudo in canon, seeks out the masks of the Oni Generals, while at the same time seeking to increase her own powers. Meanwhile, Jackie, Uncle and Tohru, with the help of their allies, seek to not only stop Jade, but ultimately save her from the darkness before it consumes her completely.
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* [[Abusive Parents]]: It seems that when Drago was sealed away by Lo Pei, Shendu intentionally left him that way in order to "build character".
* [[Achilles' Heel]]: After absorbing the first mask, Jade gains the Oni [[Weaksauce Weakness|weakness]] to onions.
* [[Affably Evil]]: Tarakudo. Jade, meanwhile, straddles the line between this and [[Faux Affably Evil]].
** Monsieur Verde is also pretty affable. Though considering he's loosely based on [[The Princess and Thethe Frog (Disney)|Dr. Facilier]], that's to be expected.
* [[Air Vent Passageway]]: Drago apparently did this to break into Section 13. He lampshades the fact that it's a cliche.
* [[All Your Base Are Belong to Us]]: When Captain Black ends up masked, Jade infiltrates Section 13 via his shadow, and then uses her magic to awaken General Ozeki (the Oni of the mask), who fully possesses Black and proceeds to attack the base as a diversion so Jade can steal the other masks in the Vault. Fortunately, intervention by Uncle and Agent Wisker just narrowly averts this from succeeding.
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* [[Ancient Tradition]]: The Brothers of the Three Shades, three monks following in the footsteps of the Sages who sealed the Shadowkhan and Oni away originally.
* [[Animal Motifs]]: Jade definitely has a snake theme going on by this point.
* [[Anthropomorphic Personification]]: When Tohru [[Journey to Thethe Center of Thethe Mind|enters Jade's mind]], he meets Hero (a flamboyant adventurer representing Jade's brash, heroic nature), and Mother (a faceless woman representing Jade's resentment towards her parents). Hero also mentions several other personifications, the most prominent being The Queen (the representation of Jade's dark side).
** Hero also mentions [[Ambition Is Evil|Ambition]], [[Green-Eyed Monster|Envy]], and [[The Resenter|Resentment]] as having joined with the Queen, but we've yet to meet them.
*** Ambition is represented by an adult Jade wearing traditional Chinese armor (according to Hero, she used to wear a knockoff of Captain Black's outfit).
** We've also met Prissiness (Jade is a pink princess outfit), Frugality (Jade in business ware and glasses), and Punk (a teenage [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|punk]] Jade who presumably represents Jade's rebellious nature).
** The Queen is eventually revealed to be an adult Jade wearing an adult version of Jade's canon Queen dress and a crown of shadows.
** Greed (who claims the proper title is Desire) is an adult Jade who's literally half-human and half-Shadowkhan -- one half is human and dressed in a copy of Captain Black's clothes, while the other is Shadowkhan and wearing white robes (the clothes join in the middle seamlessly).
** Hero's First Mate is a steampunk-cyborg named Science who, [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|presumably]], represents Jade's scientific knowledge. And we at one point see him fighting Fury, represented by a Jade wearing a straightjacket.
* [[Apologetic Attacker]]: Jackie, Tohru and Viper (though not as often) are this towards Jade, seeing as they care about her and are only reluctantly attacking her.
* [[Arch Enemy]]: Jade views Tohru as hers.
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* [[Bastard Understudy]]: This is played with in an interesting way when Jade recruits the Bat General; she tells him that if he sides with her against Tarakudo, then he's free to try and take the throne from her if she doesn't work out as ruler, terms the General agrees to. In other words, ''they're agreeing that he'll be her Bastard Understudy.''
** Jade herself, following the below-mentioned [[Break the Haughty]], decides that it might be wiser to play this role to Tarakudo, as she realizes she may not be in a position to outright overthrow him yet.
** Lung was Daolon Wong's apprentice, and tried to kill him when he had learned enough. [[Doomed Byby Canon|That obviously failed]], and he went into hiding, waiting for Wong to die so that he could replace him. Jade calls him out on this, and calls him pathetic for it.
** It seems Drago was this to Future Jade. After she freed him from Verde, he learned as much from her as he could, then went back in time in order to eliminate her at her weakest and become the [[Big Bad]] himself.
* [[Batman Gambit]]: {{spoiler|Uncle knows that Wong knows how to summon Tarakudo (who the heroes need to interrogate), but that he won't unless there's something in it for him, and also that he'll just double cross him the first chance he gets. So, Uncle and Captain Black stage a jailbreak in order to get Wong out and lure him into a false sense of security, then set an ambush for him for when he inevitably betrays Uncle during the summoning.}}
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* [[Battle Butler]]: Jade's two bodyguard Shadowkhan, Left and Right.
** Blankman also has shades of this -- he's basically Jade's accountant, but he's able to go toe-to-toe with Drago in a fight.
* [[Battle in Thethe Center of Thethe Mind]]: While Jade is being tortured by Lung, Hero gathers together as many of the uncorrupted Aspects of her mind as he can and launches an attack on the ''Jade'' (the ship that represents Jade's consciousness) so that he can retake control from the Queen. Their crews beat each other senseless, but before they can fight each other personally, Jade's mind literally cracks as she's driven crazy, and the ship nearly capsizes into a maelstrom. {{spoiler|When Jade's mind is stablized, the Queen resumes control and captures Hero.}}
* [[Benevolent Boss]]: Jade, surprisingly, treats the Enforcers very well. To the point that they help take down Ikazuki when he usurps her, because he treats them like slaves.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Threatening and/or insulting Jade is one for Left, Right, and Ozeki.
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** Which is nothing compared to when she ''compresses her entire body'' into a snake shape in order to escape Section 13.
* [[Boke and Tsukkomi Routine]]: Right and Left have a very, very subdued moment like this with the dynamite.
* [[Break the Haughty]]: The incident mentioned below under [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard]], combined with the total failure of her plan in that chapter and {{spoiler|Scruffy's betrayal}}, breaks Jade rather thoroughly, and she decides to scale down her plans a bit.
* [[Brick Joke]]: When trying to shatter the Dog Talisman, Left resorts to using dynamite, but is stopped before he blows up the whole room. In a later chapter, when trying to free Jade from an enchanted dog carrier (see [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard]] below), he whips out a stick of dynamite; Right snatches it from him before he can use it.
** That's more of a [[Running Gag]] by now. The chainsaw, meanwhile, is closer to this.
** When asked what she did with Wong, Jade says "he's in the closet" (which Ratso takes to mean [[Ambiguously Gay|something else]]) and doesn't elaborate. The following chapter, it turns out she literally locked him in a closet.
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* [[Chainsaw Good]]: According to Finn, this is one of the things Left tried using to break the Dog Talisman. Sadly, we don't get to see it.
** We ''do'' get to see him use it during the fight in Lung's fortress, however.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: Jade buys a magic dog carrier from Verde, with no explanation as to what she plans to do with it. It's a couple of chapters before we find out what she plans on doing with it (see [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard]] below).
** The carrier comes up again, as Tohru uses the engravings on it to create a sutra scroll that can neutralize Shadowkhan magic. This is first used to bind a possessed Captain Black, and then Jade.
** The hair Lung gets from Verde is used by him in his attempt to bind Jade to his will.
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** When Left and Right attack Lung's fortress to save Jade, he puts up all sorts of defenses -- [[Mooks]], monster guardians, a supposedly invincible gateway, and [[Death Trap|Death Traps]] -- and they completely mow them down.
* [[Curse Cut Short]]: Happens to Drago a couple of times.
* [[Cut His Heart Out Withwith a Spoon]]: When Viper mentions using an onion on Jade, Ozeki goes into a blind rage and screams the following threat: "I will rip out your arms and gouge your eyes out, with your own thumbs!"
* [[Cutting the Knot]]: When faced with a gateway that apparently can't be broken with magic, Left opts to blow it up with dynamite.
* [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]: All of Jade's [[Genre Savvy]] is now working for the other side. For example, when she leaves Valmont behind to be arrested, she immediately clears out her lair (though she does make the mistake of {{spoiler|leaving Daolon Wong behind to be captured}}).
** Ratso is also surprisingly [[Genre Savvy]] -- when Valmont double crosses Jade, he stays loyal to her, knowing that "these minion coups never work".
** Jade is also being careful to avoid classic [[World Domination]] plots, as she knows that that's a fast track towards someone making her [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]].
* [[Dark Action Girl]]: Jade wants to be one, but even with her new [[Super Strength]], her age and size are a hinderance.
* [[Dark Fic]]: To an extent; the violence level is slightly above that of the canon, and it does contain some language.
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** When Jade contorts herself into a snake shape without knowing how to change back, she commands one of the nearby Enforcers to squeeze her until she shifts back to normal. Finn immediately backs away, as he finds the idea of putting his hands on a kid like that just a bit too discomforting, even if she isn't human.
** Tarakudo considers it, but simply can't bring himself to simply abandon one of his own kind to torture and death, even though he knows her goal is to overthrow him.
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Samurai]]: Or worse, considering we're talking about Ikazuki and his tribe. Incidentally, he considers his tribe superior to all others... and considering how they wipe the floor with Jade's ninja, he may be right.
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: Uncle calls Wong out on this at one point, saying that trust and teamwork are things that he knows exist, but can't understand.
* [[Evil Costume Switch]]: Naturally, first chance she gets, Jade trades in her normal outfit for something more evil. Specifically, she starts wearing a smaller sized version of one of her Shadowkhan's ninja clothes, along with a [[Black Cloak]] and a circlet crown (though she ditches the latter after Ikazuki's coup, until she can prove to herself she deserves to wear it).
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** Specifically, it seems the Oni used to be ruled by a Matriarchy until Tarakudo overthrew them.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: Tohru, of course, with the "genius" part being his talent at magic.
* [[Ghost in Thethe Machine]]: Jade's mind is represented as a sea of clouds (literally; the clouds act like water) filled with islands of bizarre landscapes that represent her memories and views of the world, and is inhabited by beings who represent different aspects of Jade's personality (see [[Anthropomorphic Personification]]). There's also a pirate ship (known as the ''Jade'') that sails it, which seems to represent her consciousness, as whatever aspect controls it appears to be dominant; when Jade was good, Hero (her inherent goodness) was captain, whereas following her [[Face Heel Turn]], the Queen (her [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]) seized control.
** There's also the center of the mindscape, which Hero describes as "Home", which is represented by a grander version of Uncle's shop with light pouring out of it. Hero isn't sure, but seems to think it represents Jade's soul.
*** It's also, fittingly enough, an [[Empathic Environment]] -- according to Hero, when the Queen took control, it shifted from perpetual day to permanent twilight. Then, when Jade is driven insane by Lung's torture, there's a storm, followed by the sky cracking open and the sea turning into a maelstrom. After she recovers {{spoiler|and the Queen assumes complete control}}, the sky repairs itself, and it becomes night fully.
* [[God Save Us From the Queen]]: Jade, naturally. Of course, she isn't really the queen of anything; however, she insists on being referred to as such, and her minions -- the Shadowkhan ones, at least -- do so.
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* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Jackie and Tohru, following Jade's transformation. Uncle, not so much, though he does go BSOD when he thinks that he's holding the team back, and when Tohru is captured by Ikazuki.
* [[Hidden Villain]]: Tarakudo's first few appearances are as a mysterious voice that guides Jade in the astral realm (though it's pretty obvious to the reader who it is).
* [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard]]: Jade commissions Monsieur Verde to construct her a dog carrier that suppresses shadow magic, so that {{spoiler|she can contain an Oni mask possessed Scruffy long enough to negotiate with the General}}. At the end of the relevant chapter, {{spoiler|Tohru captures her in it}}. She escapes, but it's not a humiliation she soon forgets.
* [[How Do I Shot Web?]]: Ratso gets the Razor Khan mask, and is initially unable to summon any Shadowkhan, due to no one in the Shadow Hand (even Jade) knowing about the whole "darkness within" thing. It takes a brief meeting with Tarakudo in the astral realm to clear that up.
* [[Humanoid Abomination]]: Future Jade has shades of this; she's not shown in detail, but it's implied she's taken the form of a naga (a snake-human hybrid).
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** Daolon Wong fails to restore his power, gets beat up by Jade's Shadowkhan, locked in a closet, sent back to prison, {{spoiler|tricked into helping his enemies, sent back to prison ''again'', and then dies of old age}}. You almost feel sorry for the old bastard.
** Drago's attempt to steal the Talismans is thwarted by Karasu, his bank robbery attempt is interrupted by Blankman, to whom he loses the subsequent fight, Karasu prevents him from stealing the immortality power from Scruffy, {{spoiler|and he gets sent back to the future, where Future Jade has him beaten with metal baseball bats}}.
* [[Hybrid Monster]]: One of the things protecting Lung's fortress is a "squid-wolf", which appears to be [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin]]. [[Cool Versus Awesome|Left kills it with a chainsaw.]]
* [[Informed Ability]]: Blankman's magic skills; they were one of the reasons Jade hired him, but aside from a reference to protective wards he's placed over Jade's mansion, he's yet to be shown actually performing any magic.
** We get to see some magic from him in chapter 10.
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* [[Jaw Drop]]: The Enforcers' collective reaction when Jade orders Left to break the Dog talisman.
** Jade's reaction to finding out about {{spoiler|Daolon Wong's death}}.
* [[Journey to Thethe Center of Thethe Mind]]: Tohru astral projects into Jade's mind in an attempt to gather information, and meets Hero, the representation of Jade's [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|heroic nature]].
** This trip seems to have mostly been to introduce Jade's mindscape as a recurring subplot.
** Jade takes a more traditional journey when she's being tortured by Lung and meets the Aspect representing her desires -- who's quick to point out that the fact that they're communicating means that she's going insane.
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** When Ikazuki temporarily takes control of the Shadow Hand from Jade, he slashes her across the forehead for failing to retrieve both Tohru and the appropriate mask removal potion. He then {{spoiler|places a spell on her that keeps her from summoning any Shadowkhan other than Left and Right}}.
*** In that same chapter, Jade threatens to burn down Uncle's shop in order to get the heroes to fight her, which even she admits is a low blow.
* [[Kick the Son of Aa Bitch]]: Jade killing Kaito (the Ninja General) and absorbing his essence. Considering this is an ''[[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil|Oni]]'' we're talking about, and that his last acts were to lie to Jade, help Valmont betray her, and then mock her when it looks like the heroes are going to capture her, no one was complaining.
** Nor was anyone complaining when {{spoiler|Right brutally killed [[Smug Snake|Lung]]}}. In fact, at least one reviewer ''applauded'' this and referred to it as "justice".
* [[Klingon Promotion]]: Seems to be standard practice for the Oni. See also [[You Kill It, You Bought It]] below.
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** This is also how she managed to find the first tablet of the Teachings, which is also a [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]] moment -- if it weren't for them, she wouldn't have learned about the tablets, which in turn means she wouldn't be getting as powerful as she is.
* [[Mad Bomber]]: Left, surprisingly, comes off as this.
{{quote| '''Right''': What is it with you and dynamite?<br />
'''Left''': I like the boom. }}
* [[Madness Mantra]]: "Gotta get away, gotta get away, gotta get away, gotta get away, gotta get away, getaway, getaway, getawaygetaway..." Jade's thoughts as the pain of Lung's torture slowly drives her crazy.
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** The first thing Jade is seen doing once she learns about her contortionist abilities is using them to win a bet against the Enforcers (unhooking her jaw in a snake-like matter in order to swallow a massive sandwich whole).
** Jade gets this a lot -- her magic fans were created to serve as [[Magic Wand|Magic Wands]], which they do. But at one point she uses one to, well, fan herself with.
* [[My Card]]: Blankman gives Jade his business card when she hires him. As you might expect from his name, it's [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|blank]].
* [[My Greatest Failure]]: Uncle blames himself for Jade's return to evil; apparently, the last time Jade became the Queen, it left behind a scar on her chi. He didn't pay it any attention because he didn't think it was a threat. Unfortunately, this scar is what allowed Daolon Wong's spell to reawaken the Queen persona.
* [[My Significance Sense Is Tingling]]: Uncle and Tohru's "willies", naturally.
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* [[Predecessor Villain]]: What Tarakudo's been reduced to in regards to Jade, what with her being [[Big Bad]] in his place (though he's plotting on retaking the position).
* [[Prehensile Hair]]: Future Jade appears to have it.
* [[Punctuated! forFor! Emphasis!]]: When Uncle beats her in their first [[Wizard Duel]], Jade is so angry she can't even say a threat in one breath:
{{quote| "You will pay! For this!"}}
* [[Punny Name]]: Well, not really, but everyone thinks that Agent Wisker's (who has large sideburns) name is "Whisker".
** The Gray Sage's real name is [[Alliterative Name|Gin Grey]]; it's pointed out in the narration how fitting that is.
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** Agent Wisker commenting that prisoners should be knocked out upon capture so they don't escape.
** People closing the blast door on Shendu's alcove in order to shut him up.
* [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]]: Tarakudo is still sealed away in the Shadow Realm, but seems convinced he'll be out soon. Meanwhile, Jade is taking great pains to ensure that this doesn't happen to her.
** Shendu has had a few cameos, still sealed in [[Taken for Granite|statue form]] and locked away in a Section 13 vault, as per the Season 3 finale.
** Jade spends most of chapter 10 with her astral form trapped in a sphere.
** Apparently, Drago was sealed inside a sword by Lo Pei centuries ago, and wasn't released until some point in the future, where Verde forced him into servitude before Future Jade liberated him and earned his loyalty (until he betrayed her).
* [[Sherlock Scan]]: During their fight, Blankman deduces that Drago is from the future, based on multiple but mostly unconnected clues.
* [[Shipper Onon Deck]]: Farmer MacDonald gives Jackie advice on trying to pick up Viper. This leaves Jackie flustered, and Viper amused.
* [[Shout-Out]]: When Farmer MacDonald learns about Jade's [[Face Heel Turn]], he comments that she's "gone all [[Star Wars|Darth Vader]]".
** In the same chapter, when he learns about the Hana Fuda cards, he makes what might be a reference to ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]]''
** At one point, when the Enforcers are entering the mansion headquarters, one of the house ghouls [[A Christmas Carol|appears on the front door's knocker; Finn refers to him as "Marley".]]
** When Ratso is trying to figure out how to use his mask's powers, he at one point blurts out "[[Shazam]]!"
*** In the same chapter, Jade compares taking advice from a mysterious voice (Tarakudo) to ''[[CharliesCharlie's Angels]]".
** The [[Dream Sequence]] in the third Interlude chapter is partially inspired by the ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender (Animation)|Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' episode "Nightmares and Daydreams", according to [[Word of God]]. Also, when his attempts to communicate with Jade via the dream fail, Tarakudo comments that "[[Star Wars|Obi-Wan Kenobi]] never had this problem."
** Speaking of ''Avatar'', Left's use of a pair of broadswords is apparently based on Zuko's [[Weapon of Choice]].
** Ozeki's obsessive, fanatical loyalty to Jade (including referring to her as "the Royalty") and Jade's unease about it is meant to mirror [[Beast Wars (Animation)|Inferno's relationship with Megatron]]. Though one could argue there's a bit of [[Transformers Animated (Animation)|Lugnut]] in there as well.
*** Another ''Transformers'' reference -- during a flashback to Tarakudo's coup, he begins a duel with a loyalist General by stating that "[[Transformers: theThe Movie|One shall rise,]] [[Transformers (Filmfilm)|one shall fall.]]"
** When he senses {{spoiler|Wong's death}}, Verde compliments that it was a "good performance", but then states "[[Batman (Filmfilm)|wait till they get a load o' me.]]"
*** And for another [[Batman]] shout out, during Jade's [[Journey to Thethe Center of Thethe Mind]], when she meets Greed/Desire, she compares her appearance to Harvey "Two-Face" Dent.
** During Lung's first appearance, Verde describes him as looking like "[[Flash Gordon (Comiccomic Stripstrip)|Ming the Merciless']] Goth cousin."
** Speaking of Verde, the description given for him sounds an awful lot like [[The Princess and Thethe Frog (Disney)|Dr. Facilier]].
*** [[Word of God|According to the author]], however, this was purely a coincidence. Though he has admitted that his enjoyment of the movie is his reason for expanding on Verde's role in the story.
** Drago comments "[[Star Wars|Boring conversation anyway,]]" when shutting a blast door on Shendu.
** Karasu tells Tohru that he [[Heroes (TV series)|looks different without his scars]].
*** In another possible ''Heroes'' shout out, Future Jade has a pet snake named Mohinder.
** The scary doctor auditioning to be Jade's new foreman seems [[The Venture Brothers|awfully]] [[No Celebrities Were Harmed|familiar...]]
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* [[Smug Snake]]: Lung, who views himself as the next Daolon Wong, and tries to force Jade to serve him. He is so certain about his abilities that when his plan backfires and nearly kills Jade, he actually ''blames'' her for it. And when her minions show up to save her, he completely [[Villainous Breakdown|breaks down]], showing just how pathetic he really was.
** Drago somewhat comes across as this, considering how easily his plans fall apart.
* [[Spanner in Thethe Works]]: Wisker manages to keep Jade from successfully completing Operation Steel Lightning by fighting her, keeping her busy long enough for Uncle to show up and beat her with magic.
** Karasu was this to Drago; without his interference, Drago would have succeeded in his plans to alter history.
* [[Squishy Wizard]]: Lung may be a powerful wizard (though not as powerful as he [[Smug Snake|thinks he is]]), but he has absolutely no combat skills.
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** Jade herself becomes the Starscream to Ikazuki when he usurps her position as leader of the Shadow Hand; she refuses to help him fight Jackie, leaving him to his defeat.
* [[Start of Darkness]]: The story is one for Jade.
** A series of flashbacks document Tarakudo's own SoD -- he was a human warrior who [[Deal Withwith the Devil|sold his soul to the Oni]] for a chance at revenge against the enemies who wiped out his family. After his death, he became an Oni himself, was made a General, and eventually overthrew the Oni Elders and their Matriarchy system.
* [[Stealth Hi Bye]]: Jade, naturally.
* [[The Stoic]]: Blankman rarely shows any emotion.
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* [[There Was a Door]]: After being tossed through the shrine walls by Brother Light a few times, Jade gives up coming back in through the door and smashes through a wall.
** In Jade's dream in the third interlude, she blasts open the door to Shendu's palace in order to make a dramatic entrance while challenging him.
{{quote| '''Dream!Shendu''': I ''have'' a door gong.}}
* [[Tome of Eldritch Lore]]: The Teachings of Eternal Shadow, containing all the dark magic of the Shadowkhan. The tablets they're written on serve as the story's secondary set of [[Plot Coupons]].
* [[Torture Chamber Episode]]: Jade spends most of chapter 10 being tortured by Lung.
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