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You Have Got to Be Kidding Me!: Difference between revisions

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== [[Web Comics]] ==
* This is Ginger's reaction in ''[[Collar 6]]'' when {{spoiler|Linda Knight}} shows up as her "training partner".
* ''[[Quentyn Quinn Space Ranger]]'' used this when after thoroughly mocking insane engineering of a ''[[Star Trek]]'' Federation it turned to ''[[The Cold Equations]]''. On page 126 a former crewmember of Enterprise ''[[Expy]]'' (reproduced in all the "best" details - ludicrous layout, force field airlocks, nonexistent computer security, handling of antimatter, and so on) was shown schematics of a shuttle involved in such a case, and ''[[Beyond the Impossible|even he]]'' gets... rather surprised by the [[Too_Dumb_to_Live|unusual approach to reliability]] demonstrated therein.
{{quote| '''Dweebley''': Okay, I... What the? Oh, for - BWAHAHAHAHAH!! '''''Oh you can't be serious--'''''}}
== [[Web Original]] ==
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