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A Song of Ice and Fire/Characters/House Stark: Difference between revisions

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* [[Heroic Bastard]]
* [[If You're So Evil Eat This Kitten]]: When Jon fakes his defection to the wildlings, they make him execute the [[Colonel Badass]] he's serving under. Unfortunately for the wildlings, the man figured this would happen and warned Jon beforehand, since the information Jon could gather was more important than the life of one ranger. Jon still feels guilty about killing him, though.
** The wildlings try it again later, but this time with an innocent old man they happened to capture south of the Wall. {{spoiler|This time Jon refuses, by killing several of the wildlings and escaping.}}
* [[Jade-Colored Glasses]]: Gains them when he arrives at the Night's Watch.
* [[Kid Hero]]
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* [[The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask]]: Male example naturally {{spoiler|as once he becomes Lord Commander, he feels it's necessary to adopt a reserved personality and put the good of the Watch first. This doesn't go over well with all of his friends there, some of whom think it's a case of [[Acquired Situational Narcissism]].}}
* [[The Unfavorite]]: To Catelyn, because he's not her son - but Eddard insists on raising him at home, in defiance of custom, and refuses to even discuss the matter of who his mother is.
** Though Catelyn notes it's mostly in defiance of ''Southron'' custom, and that it's a "peculiarity" of the Northmen that they tend to keep their bastards close by and actively participate in their upbringing. See also Jon's [[Shadow Archetype]] Ramsay Snow.
* [[Wide Eyed Idealist]]: At first. Once he joins the Night's Watch, he quickly wises up however.
** Made explicit with the Maester's advice upon his promotion: "Kill the boy (within you)."
* [[You Are in Command Now]]: Has to take charge of the defense of Castle Black when all the Night's Watch men who outrank him are dead or somewhere else.
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