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** Note that {{spoiler|she was only slightly unhinged until she accidentally killed Sue Dibny, at which point she completely lost it.}}
* ''[[Batman]]'' villain [[Villainous Harlequin|Harley Quinn]] may seem cute, but anybody who gets between her and "Mistah Jay" will regret it... if they live long enough.
** An episode of ''[[Batman: theThe Animated Series]]'' had Harley getting closer than anyone else to killing Batman because Joker was spending all his time obsessing over him instead of her.
** And an issue of the BTAS comic book switched the roles. Joker is rendered sane and gentle by intense electroshock therapy, and actually starts treating Harley with affection. She can't stand it and tries to get him to return to his old personality, but he has no interest in violence and mayhem anymore. But when Batman shows up and Joker refuses to fight him, Harley announces that she loves Batman. Wherepon Joker says that he'll "'''just have to rip Batman's lungs out'''" to keep her, and immediately returns to his old self.
** This trait is carried over in the DC Reboot even though Harley and Joker are in ''different series''. Harley is first seen hunting down and murdering the lawyers who put Joker away over the years in a desperate bid to get his attention after he left her.
* Rosy the Rascal, the [[Mirror Universe|Anti]]-Amy Rose from the ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog|Sonic]]'' [[Archie Comics]]. Amy's a [[Ingenue]] compared to her!
* ''[[Spider-Man]]'', quite a few:.
** The Venom Symbiote is athis totaltowards [[Yandere]] for ''[[Spider Man]]''him. Its thought process can be summed up as "That bastard! How dare he kick me out! Didn't he realize how awesome I was?! Well screw him! I hate him, I hate him, I want him to die! He deserves to suffer for hurting me! But then... I won't have him! I know, I'll kill off everything he loves and then force him to take me back! Then it will just be us together ''forever''..."
*** It's even been lampshaded, once in Marvel Age Spider-man and in ''[[The Spectacular Spider -Man]]'', both times Peter pretends to apologise and asking if it wants him to be its host again which it does, and both times Peter mentions it's acting like a jealous ex-girlfriend.
*** Also take a look at the ''What If?'' take on ''The Other'' storyline. Peter doesn't come back to life and the symbiote ''immediately'' abandons its current host to merge with Peter's body, becoming a new monstrosity called "Poison". It wants Peter so badly it doesn't even mind that Peter is ''[[Necromantic|dead]]''.
*** On the flip side, Brock is this to the symbiote itself. Or rather, was. As Anti-Venom, he's now dedicated himself to [[The Atoner|destroying it]].
* Played with in [[Yoko Tsuno]]'s story ''The Pray And The Shadow''. The Yandere is actually an adult man in his late 40's, Mac Nab, who as a youngster was spurned by his crush Lady Mary and showed up at her wedding to curse her and her new husband, Brian, and predict that they'd never be happy. Brian died within the year, Mary [[The Ophelia|almost fell into madness]] and some years later died in an accident, and everyone blamed Mac Nab, who was barely able to clear his name yet was ostracized by the community, living alone in a small house and keeping a mannequin that looks exactly like Mary and wears her wedding dress. {{spoiler|The truth? William, Brian's brother and Mary's second husband, set up poor Mary for death and made it look like an accident, then brewed a [[Xanatos Gambit]] to kill Mary and Brian's daughter Cecilia so he could get her huge inheritance. Mac Nab was still a [[Yandere]] for Mary, but once he learned the truth he remained focused enough to join Yoko's plans to rescue Cecilia (as well as her [[Body Double]] Margaret) and use the mannequin as a [[Spanner in The Works]].}}
** Peter's former wife Mary Jane was actually plagued by ''two'' Yandere, which were oddly enough, connected. The first, and more obvious one, was her wealthy and [[Axe Crazy]] landlord Jonathan Caesar, an [[Entitled Bastard]] who ''hated'' being denied anything he wanted. His first attempt to kidnap her failed, leading to his arrest and imprisonment, but even while behind bars, he was able to use his money and influence to make her life miserable, blacklisting her among the modeling profession until she managed to gain a role in the Secret Hospital soap opera.
* [[Green Lantern|The Star Sapphires]] represent [[The Power of Love|love]] -- a dark, dark take on it. The original, parasitic Star Sapphire crystal specifically empowered [[Woman Scorned|females who had been unlucky in love]]. As a result, every Sapphire was some unholy combination of [[Clingy Jealous Girl]], [[Stalker With a Crush]], and [[Yandere]]. Not surprisingly they also indulged in [[If I Can't Have You]] and [[Murder the Hypotenuse]] behavior. [[Oh Crap|And they all had superpowers]]. And the embodiment of love (a being that serves the same function as [[Big Creepy Crawlies|Parallax]], [[Space Whale|Ion]], and [[The Grim Reaper|Nekron]] to the Sinestro Corps, Green Lantern Corps, and Black Lantern Corps respectively)? It's called [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|the Predator]].
** The second one was much more subtle. After Caesar was paroled, a few folks who abused Mary Jane (including a deluded fan of the soap opera and her angry director) were either murdered or assaulted. Mary Jane suspected it was Caesar's doing, especially when Peter himself was almost a victim, but Peter tended to doubt it, claiming [[Out of Character Alert| that the attacks didn't fit his MO]]. Peter turned out to be right. The true culprit was the second Yandere (known only by his last name, Goldman) who had claimed to be a policeman, but was really only a clerk working for the NYPD. When Caesar made a second attempt to kidnap Mary Jane, Goldman murdered him in cold blood, and when Mary Jane rejected him, tried to shoot her too. But she tricked him into to getting close by offering to reveal the future plot of the soap (saying they'd have to change it if she were dead) and was able to knock him out with her purse.
** Fortunately, once the Sapphires organized into a Corps, their matrons, the alien Zamarons, externalized their power, swapping out the parasitic crystal for a ring and power battery like the Green Lanterns, allowing the Star Sapphires to maintain more of their normal personality. The Violet Light of Love still alters their behavior more than all of the other lights except Red do, however.
** One of the worst involved with Spider-Man's life is possibly Miles Warren, the orchestrator of everything that went down in ''[[The Clone Saga]]'' [[Norman Osborn|(Or so it seemed.)]] . He has always had one motivation for everything, and that is his unhealthy crush on Gwen Stacy. He seeks revenge on Peter not only for her death, but for having loved her when he couldn't. Ben Reiley seriously calls him out on this during the [[Final Battle]], telling him, "Get this through your sick head, ''the Green Goblin killed her'', Peter did not!" and Peter himself, during the ''Dead Man's Hand'' one shot, tells him, "Still hung up on Gwen, huh? Some things never change." The biggest irony is, Gwen's clone eventually fell in love with and ''married'' a far-more lucid clone of Warren (which the real one had abandoned as a failed experiment) so it's possible if Warren had not been such a lustful madman, the real Gwen might have been more accepting, or maybe turned him down in a way he could have accepted.
* Played with in [[Yoko Tsuno]]'s story ''The Pray And The Shadow''. The Yandere is actually an adult man in his late 40's, Mac Nab, who as a youngster was spurned by his crush Lady Mary and showed up at her wedding to curse her and her new husband, Brian, and predict that they'd never be happy. Brian died within the year, Mary [[The Ophelia|almost fell into madness]] and some years later died in an accident, and everyone blamed Mac Nab, who was barely able to clear his name yet was ostracized by the community, living alone in a small house and keeping a mannequin that looks exactly like Mary and wears her wedding dress. {{spoiler|The truth? William, Brian's brother and Mary's second husband, set up poor Mary for death and made it look like an accident, then brewed a [[Xanatos Gambit]] to kill Mary and Brian's daughter Cecilia so he could get her huge inheritance. Mac Nab was still a [[Yandere]] for Mary, but once he learned the truth he remained focused enough to join Yoko's plans to rescue Cecilia (as well as her [[Body Double]] Margaret) and use the mannequin as a [[Spanner in Thethe Works]].}}
* [[Green Lantern|The Star Sapphires]] represent [[The Power of Love|love]] -- a dark, dark take on it. The original, parasitic Star Sapphire crystal specifically empowered [[Woman Scorned|females who had been unlucky in love]]. As a result, every Sapphire was some unholy combination of [[Clingy Jealous Girl]], [[Stalker Withwith a Crush]], and [[Yandere]]. Not surprisingly they also indulged in [[If I Can't Have You]] and [[Murder the Hypotenuse]] behavior. [[Oh Crap|And they all had superpowers]]. And the embodiment of love (a being that serves the same function as [[Big Creepy -Crawlies|Parallax]], [[Space Whale|Ion]], and [[The Grim Reaper|Nekron]] to the Sinestro Corps, Green Lantern Corps, and Black Lantern Corps respectively)? It's called [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|the Predator]].
** Fortunately, once the Sapphires organized into a Corps, their matrons, the alien Zamarons, externalized their power, swapping out the parasitic crystal for a ring and power battery like the Green Lanterns, allowing the Star Sapphires to maintain more of their normal personality. The Violet Light of Love still alters their behavior more than all of the other lights except Red do, however.
* Veronica Pace in ''[[Strangers in Paradise]]''. After the [[Big Bad]]'s "suicide", her former chauffeur Veronica takes over the remains of her organisation, gives herself an [[Evil Makeover]] and begins to show signs of [[Ax Crazy|Ax Craziness]]. Before her defeat, she [[Just Between You and Me|reveals]] that she did it all because she was obsessed with Katchoo.
* During Chuck Austen's run on ''[[X-Men (Comic Book)|Uncanny X-Men]]'', the already unstable Lorna aka Polaris got [[Derailing Love Interests|turned into this]] over her boyfriend Alex aka Havok, going so far as to threaten the other girl ([[Relationship Sue|Nurse Annie]]) with magnetically controlled scalpels ''the day'' she arrived in the mansion. Then, when it turned out Annie and Havok [[Aliens Made Them Do It|had been having a psychic affair]] during Alex's time in a coma, and poor Polaris got dumped at the altar by him, she went the [[If I Can't Have You]] route and tried to kill them both ''in the wedding party''; Lorna then got locked up and put into therapy, while Annie and Alex ran away from the country. Austen later attempted to [[Author's Saving Throw|justify]] [[Ass Pull|this]] by claiming that Polaris [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation|had already been driven insane]] by [[Mind Rape|being forced to watch the genocide caused by Cassandra Nova's Sentinels]], but pretty much nobody bought it, and once he was off the title, later writers made ''big'' efforts towards putting Lorna back together, [[Put Onon a Bus|driving Annie and her telepathic son David as far away as possible]] and ignoring the whole relationship fuckery as much as they could.
* Power Boy became a [[Yandere]] for [[Supergirl]] [[Love At First Sight|the moment he laid eyes on her on Apokolips]]. He was so obsessed with her that he couldn't even eat or sleep after she left. He traveled to Earth and played the role of a superhero hoping he could get her to fall for him. His act was so good that Supergirl actually dated him for a few issues. Then his [[Clingy Jealous Girl|jealousy]] over Supergirl's friendship with Captain Boomerang Jr. reached a peak and drove him to [[Domestic Abuser|assault and imprison her]]. Supergirl, understandably upset, promptly broke free of her restraints and ended their relationship -- with a [[Groin Attack]]. In his latest appearance he's shown regularly having sex with women who look like Supergirl - and at his insistence, wear the costume the whole time.
** This was all intended as a parody/deconstruction of the way your average [[Distaff Counterpart]] is often introduced or portrayed, as it happens.
* In ''[[Secret Six]]'' Black Alice goes Yandere for Ragdoll. Calling him beautiful, inviting herself over to his place, declaring that Ragdoll is her boyfriend, turning into a demon and attacking his lesbian teammate Scandal because she thought Scandal was making a move on Ragdoll...as Ragdoll himself puts it: "I'm not the one being creepy here."
* [[Superman]] has had not one, but TWO Yanderes after him:
** The first and most prominent was Maxima, Queen of the planet Almerac. Maxima learned about Superman after viewing a transmission of outer-space gladiator games that Superman was forced to take part in, and set out to make the Man of Steel her mate. Since Superman rejected her advances, Max periodically attempted to wreak revenge, including an alliance with his nemesis Brainiac. She had also been known to set her sights on other heroes, sometimes in less violent ways (her attempted romance with Amazing Man during the period she was a reformed heroine), sometimes much more so (kidnapping [[Aquaman (Comic Book)|Aquaman]]).
*** Curiously, in [[The New 52]], Maxima is a lesbian - and is instead after [[Supergirl]]!
** The second was an Earth woman named Dana Dearden. She always fascinated by the legends of ancient gods. Since the Man of Steel is more-or-less a modern-day god, she transferred her interest to him, filling her room with various news clippings and other memorabilia of him. After stealing some ancient coins at the local museum, she gained superpowers and donned a hero costume of her own, insisting that she was Kal-El's Super-Woman. But not only did Superman deny her the love she sought, she was quickly given the somewhat irritating name "Obsession". In her fury, she destroyed an oil tanker, and disappeared for awhile. And when Obsession resurfaced during [[Dork Age|Superman's split into Red and Blue versions]], she [[Psychotic Love Triangle|ran up against Maxima]], who wasn't interested in Dana's suggestion that there was now one Supes for each of them. In the end, though, Obsession's love for Superman proved 100% true, when she sacrificed herself to save him from a magical attack.
* In Anya's Ghost, it's part of the twist ending that {{spoiler|Emily lied about her past, having in fact killed her would-be boyfriend and his actual girlfriend out of jealousy}}.
* Kriss de Valnor from [[Thorgal]] proves to be one in Shaigan story arc. She has a crush on Thorgal and just cannot take that he loves Aaricia and won't return her feelings and tried to murder her at least once. {{spoiler|After Thorgal suffers complete amnesia thanks to the gods, she convinces him he is Shaigan the Merciless, ruthless pirate and her lover}}. That is understable, if evil. However {{spoiler|convincing him to attack vikings from his home village, knowing very well that it will result in Aaricia's and her children being exiled, then kidnaping Aaricia and her daughter and, by holding the latter hostage, forcing the former to serve her and amnesiac Thorgal, who doesn't even recognize his own wife, as a slave and be forced to watch them making love every night, all just so Kriss can rub in her face that she had stolen her man}} - that's full yandere. It's a little wonder that French collected edition of the Shaigan arc is titled ''In the Claws of Kriss''.
* [[Doctor Strange]] villain Umar (sister and occasional accomplice to his [[Arch Enemy]] Dormamu) is this to [[The Incredible Hulk| the Hulk]], though seducing him to use as her servant is also a big part of the motive.
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