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{{quote| Boss: I need three volunteers... *points* You, you, and you.}}
{{quote|Voluntold – An assignment that is technically voluntary but understood to be mandatory.|Glossary of Military Terms & Slang|military.com}}
{{quote| Minion: Why don't we send a volunteer to ________?<br />
Boss: Good idea! Thanks for volunteering! }}
A dirty job needs to get done. The boss is asking volunteers to step forward. No way are you going to get mixed up in a sticky situation like that. Your mama didn't raise no fool. Suddenly you are shoved forward by some of your "friends". The boss smiles. Wait- No! You just got volunteered!
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'''There are lots of different versions of this:'''
* As above, but your friends don't even bother pushing, [[Got Volunteered|'''they just say you volunteer]]'''.
* [[The Chooser of the One|The guy in charge picks people]] and simply calls you "volunteers."
* The person who suggested the job in the first place is volunteered.
* (Usually military) Everyone is [[Line in the Sand|lined up]], and the leader/commander asks for volunteers to step forward -- andforward—and promptly everybody except our protagonist steps backwards, [[Don't Explain the Joke|making it look like the protagonist stepped forward]].
* The heroes are faced with the challenge. In unison, everyone turns to look at one person.
* When one person is out of the room for some reason, the rest have a vote and elect the unlucky absentee to the post.
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Usually played as comedy, although occasionally it's played for drama.
Commonly volunteered in this way: [[Boxed Crook|Boxed Crooks]]s, [[Condemned Contestant]], [[The Bait]], and [[Cincinnatus]]
The opposite of [[Martyr Without a Cause]]. If it's the [[Call to Adventure]], then the protagonist never got a chance at [[Refusal of the Call]] because other people accepted it for him.
== Anime and Manga ==
* Almost any anime with an [[Unwanted Harem]] is going to have the leading man be "volunteered" for an unwilling date.
** ''[[Ai Yori Aoshi]]'' for example has this happen a few times- this is particularly galling as the leading man is secretly engaged to one of the girls- resulting in her having to smile as the other girls trick him into taking them out- making it a use of this trope for both comedic and dramatic purposes at the same time.
* [[Haruhi Suzumiya]] populates her club with these. It's even Lampshaded as "voluntary arrest" is her term for kidnapping. Yuki, Mikuru, and Kyon all fit the bill.
* In ''[[Full Metal Panic!]]'', Kaname volunteers Sousuke to take out the garbage as a way of getting back at Sousuke for shadowing her. The fact that no one else wants to do it helps as well.
** He's told that it's a tradition for newcomers to handle garbage, after which he [[The Stoic|doesn't ask about it again and just does it without a word]]. Much later, he actually incorporates this into his [[Badass Boast]].
{{quote| '''Confused and or scared Mook''' Who are you?<br />
'''Sousuke''' I take out the garbage. }}
* This is how the main character of ''[[Alien Nine]]'' ended up with her job.
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* This is how the ''[[Yes! Pretty Cure 5]]'' team got formed; after Nozomi became Cure Dream, she dragged along the others, already deciding that they were to be Pretty Cure - despite the fact that Rin was scared witless of it all and Karen just didn't want any part of it! Nozomi's ''determined'' and it pays off!
* In ''[[High School DxD]]'', someone needs to be the partner for Asia in their three-legged race. [[Shipper on Deck|Kiryuu Aika]] then [[The Gadfly|tells Issei that he has a hole on his shirt in the armpit region]]. Seeing as Issei was still in deep thought, he nonchalantly raises his arm, finds that there's no hole and the realization hits him that he gets volunteered to be Asia's partner.
* Inverted in ''[[Saga of Tanya the Evil]]'' when Rerugen was told to tell Tanya that she is to do a training exercise with the Navy and then go to the Rhine. Rerugen told Tanya about the Rhine assignment, and then correctly assessed that Tanya would eagerly part take in the training exercise if offered. Rerugen then offered Tanya the assignment of being in the training exercise, instead of ordering Tanya like Rerugen was supposed to.
== Comic Books ==
== Comicbooks ==
* In ''[[Asterix]] the Gaul'', the Roman soldiers decide this by a game of [[Musical Chairs]].
* In [[Kajko And Kokosz]] Clumsy gets volunteered by the brigants every time - either everyone else takes a step back or someone kicks him foreward.
* Naturally, occurs in [[Dilbert]]
{{quote| '''[[Pointy-Haired Boss]]:''' [[Lampshade Hanging|This thankless assignment shall go to whomever asks a question or makes eye contact.]]}}
* In ''Popeye'' one of Wimpy's trademark phrases -- thatphrases—that he normally uses after wronging a big strong guy who now has come for revenge -- isrevenge—is "You want to fight? All right! [[Let's You and Him Fight]]!" Then, you guessed it, Wimpy steps aside and makes way for Popeye, who has to fight the big strong guy.
== Fanfiction ==
* In [[The Tainted Grimoire]], Luso and Villi would unwittingly be roped in as dance partners for Kanin and Adelle when they get Cheney to teach them how to dance.
== Fan Works ==
* In [[The Tainted Grimoire]], Luso and Villi would unwittingly be roped in as dance partners for Kanin and Adelle when they get Cheney to teach them how to dance.
== Films -- Live-ActionFilm ==
* ''[[The Dirty Dozen]]'' is a sterling example of this.
* "That's why he's called [[Dirty Harry]]."
* In the film version of ''Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban'', Harry is "volunteered" to approach the hippogriff as his classmates step backwards (although in the book he actually volunteers)
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* Inverted in [[The Last Chance Detectives]] video "Legend Of The Desert Bigfoot"; while contemplating on what to do in case the Bigfoot came by, Ben suggests that one of them stay behind to call for help. Mike then says that it's a great idea, {{spoiler|then promptly assigns Spence to the duty of staying behind and calling for help, much to Ben's consternation. Made even funnier that the look that Winnie has on her face after that clearly reads 'Nice try, Ben'}}.
* ''[[Star Trek Generations]]''.
{{quote| '''Chekhov:''' You, and you. You just became nurses.}}
* Played for drama in ''[[Sunshine (film)|Sunshine]]'': Mace blames Capa for the ship's solar panels being damaged (because he cast the deciding vote that sent them off course), and so "volunteers" him to go outside and help the captain fix them.
* ''[[Rat Race]]'' ended with this trope, portrayed as comeuppance.
* ''[[Mystery Team]]''. Apparently the task of sticking one's hand in a filthy toilet inside a gentleman's club restroom is a job for the Boy Genius.
== Literature ==
* Simon of Cyrene in [[The Bible]], making this [[Older Than Feudalism]].
* In [[Poul Anderson]]'s ''[[Operation Chaos]]'', the narrator notes that he never got actually asked if he volunteered.
* Used unusually in ''The Book Thief.'' The commander asked for one man who would stay out of battle that day. Nobody can volunteer without being branded a coward, but if you [[Got Volunteered]]... (and Hans Hubermann does).
* Pextel in ''[[Stationery Voyagers]]''. The Call was more complex than that, and he was largely [[Ignorant of the Call|ignorant of most of it]] for a little while. But since he saw no other way, he [[Resigned to the Call|just accepted it]].
* [[Discworld]]
* [[Discworld]]'s* Nobby Nobbs has such an intense fear of this, he once jumped out of a second story window, when the nobles attempted to "volunteer" him to be the ruler of Ankh-Morpork. This is reinforced by the fact that the only 'logical' outcome he sees is that Commander Vimes will, in Nobby's words, "go spare" and behead him for becoming a king (Vimes's ancestor being a notorious regicide).
** This has happened so often to Rincewind that in ''[[Discworld/The Last Hero|The Last Hero]]'' he volunteers ("I do not wish to volunteer", followed shortly after by "I'm volunteering. I just don't ''wish'' to.") just to get it over with.
** Inverted in ''[[Discworld/Pyramids|Pyramids]]'' when the handmaiden Ptraci refuses to drink poison so she can be interred with the recently deceased king of Djellibebi. ("It's voluntary, isn't it?" "Well, yes... but she won't do it!")
* In ''[[Ciaphas Cain]]'', after a riot gone bad, some soldiers under Cain's command are sentenced to death by "volunteering on the next suicide mission". Cain is satisfied with this judgment (he had maneuvered to avoid an execution that would be disastrous for morale) until he's himself required on a very dangerous mission, meaning he has to take ''them'' along instead of more reliable soldiers.
* Happens in the novel [[Horatio Hornblower|]] novel ''A Ship of the Line'']]. As his ship was undercrewed, Hornblower had exempted sailors from the merchant convoy he was escorting press-ganged in his crew. When the captains of the convoy protested he said his sailors had misunderstood his orders and that he had sent them to search for volunteers, and that he'd check who was a volunteer and who was pressed... And as soon as the convoy captains return to their ships, he sends the signal "All volunteers".
== Live-Action TV ==
* ''[[Band of Brothers (TV series)|Band of Brothers]]'' sort of subverts this. Maj. Winters asks for volunteers to check out a suspicious house in the forest; although he does "volunteer" two guys, Blithe ''does'' volunteer by his own volition, which is even more awesome as he had a nervous breakdown a few scenes before.
** One could also interpret Blithe's state of mind at that point to be in permanent [[Got Volunteered]]. He does not want to be in the war but he does not have a choice. Winters might have asked for volunteers but The War has already volunteered Blithe for the patrol.
* ''[[Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide]]'' had an episode called "Guide to Volunteering", in which ''no'' voluntary volunteering took place, just school-required community service.
* In the ''[[M*A*S*H (television)|Mash]]'' episode "Edwina", one nurse was so clumsy that all of the men were afraid to go out with her. The other nurses got together and refused to go out with any of the men unless one of them agreed to go on a date with her. The men drew straws and Hawkeye was chosen to "volunteer" for the job.
* Yet another variation: on ''[[Lost]]'', Hurley is looking for someone to help him jump-start the Dharma van. Everyone else walks away, except Jin, who doesn't speak English and has no idea what he just "volunteered" to do. Hurley cheerfully acknowledges this fact.
* Happened all the time to Oliver on ''[[Green Acres]]''. Typical plot: The town's residents would come up with a [[Zany Scheme]], Oliver would rise to protest and get cut off as everybody thanks him for volunteering to lead the scheme.
* In ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]'', Sisko, O'Brien, Bashir, and Worf's son Alexander are taking part in the Road to Kal'Hyah, the Klingon bachelor party equivalent. When told about the ritual shedding of blood, Worf asks for volunteers. Collectively, Sisko, O'Brien, and Alexander look to each other and step back, leaving Bashir to go first.
{{quote| '''Worf:''' I did not expect you to be the first, Doctor.<br />
'''Bashir:''' ''*looks at others*'' Neither did I. }}
* [[Myth BustersMythBusters]] Build Team method of choosing a volunteer, Ro-Sham-Bo, generally ends with Tory having two fingers pointed at him.
** Another method used is for the other two members to say "not it!" before the third even finished explaining the myth.
* On ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'', Snyder "volunteers" students to escort trick-or-treaters.
{{quote| '''Xander:''' Note his interesting take on the word "volunteer".}}
* On ''[[Drop the Dead Donkey]]'', in the season 2 episode "Baseball", Gus has to volunteer staff members, including Dave, Damien and George to play in a corporate game of baseball. Alex is offended when she ''isn't'' volunteered, being a woman.
* In ''[[Veronica Mars]]'', Logan volunteers his father to donate money to a soup kitchen. He does so publicly enough and with grand enough reception that his father can't back out without looking like an ass.
* In ''[[It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia]]'', Charlie gets third-party-volunteered so often that the things he's volunteered for are called "Charlie Work" by the other characters. They call it that to the character's face and he still does it.
* In one episode of ''[[Red Dwarf]]'', Rimmer mentions that Lister once put his name on the waiting list for experimental piles surgery.
** In another episode, they stumble upon their personnel files. Rimmer's says "There's a saying amongst the officers: if a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well. If it's not worth doing, give it to Rimmer'".
== Newspaper Comics ==
* In one ''[[Hagar the Horrible]]'' strip. "I have [[Good News, Bad News|good news and bad news]]! The good news: I just want volunteers for this mission! The bad news: I need four volunteers." (There are just four guys.)
* Also in the ''[[Beetle Bailey]]'' cartoon ''Cosmo's Naught'' it happens but even more extreme: Volunteers have to walk the distance of 50 miles. Beetle Bailey, Zero and Cosmo complains how ill they are until Sarge tell them to shut up and that if anyone of the soldiers need to see the doctor they should go. Everyone except Beetle Bailey, Zero and Cosmo immediately run away leaving the three back as the volunteers.
== Tabletop Games ==
* ''[[Paranoia (game)|Paranoia]]'' encourages PCs to throw their underlings under the bus this way, while pretending that you're doing them a favor ("Suck-R, go disarm that berserk scrubot, you'll probably get a commendation for it"). If the underling seems devious enough to actually pull it off, then you may need to pile on some complications ("oh, but leave your toolkit here, we wouldn't want it to get damaged").
* The [[Flavor Text]] of the ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'' card "Goblin Hero" reads: "To be a hero, you don't have to step forward. Everyone else just has to step back."
== Theatre ==
* According to ''[[1776]]'' Thomas Jefferson [[Got Volunteered]] to write the Declaration of Independence.
== Video Games ==
== Videogames ==
* One dialogue option in the opening of ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'' is Shepard asking the Illusive man if s/he's volunteering or being volunteered. The Illusive Man tells him/her s/he can walk away, but to check out Freedom's Progress first. Shepard wants to take out the Reaper threat too much and no one else is willing to believe and help him/her, so this is more of a case of [[Magnificent Bastard|The Illusive Man]] [[Batman Gambit|knowing]] Shepard ''won't'' not jump at the chance.
* If you pick Morrigan for [[Combat by Champion]] against {{spoiler|Loghain}} in ''[[Dragon Age]]''.
{{quote| '''Morrigan:''' Oh, I shall, shall I? Tis so kind of you to volunteer me.}}
* During a mission briefing in ''[[Wing Commander (video game)|Wing Commander]]'', Spirit volunteers herself and Maverick for a mission.
* While you were out adventuring in the [[Kingdom of Loathing]], your guild had a meeting, and decided that Gorgolok/Stella/Spaghetti Elemental/Lumpy/Spirit of New Wave/Lopez is ''your'' Nemesis, so you [[Got Volunteered]] for the single longest spanning quest in the game.
** In an interesting twist, you do have a chance to [[Refusal of the Call|refuse the call]]. It's an optional quest, in that you don't need to complete it to finish the game, so you can completely ignore it without affecting the storyline of the game.
* The story to ''[[Magi Nation]]'' kicks off when protagonist <s>Foney Bones</s>Tony Jones gets 'volunteered' to go spelunking for a cave treasure, by two guys who tried and failed to foist the task upon one of their younger brothers.
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* In ''[[Quest for Glory I]]'', none of the fairies want to give the hero any fairy dust, so they make a fairy named Mikey do it.
== Web OriginalsComics ==
* Robin in ''[[Books Don't Work Here]]''gets "volunteered" in the first page and has yet to be given the chance to back out.
== Webcomics ==
* Robin in ''[[Books Don't Work Here]]''gets "volunteered" in the first page and has yet to be given the chance to back out.
* Susan and Nanase from ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'' (especially Susan) during their trip to Paris {{spoiler|to kill an aberration}}.
** In one of the greatest [[What the Hell, Hero?]] moments in history, they got two teenagers to {{spoiler|kill someone when it would be easier and faster for them to go to the authorities, more reliable and wouldn't have put two girls in the first year of high school in mortal danger}}. To summarize how much of a jackass the Immortals where being, see [http://egscomics.com/?date=2010-05-31 here]
* In ''[[Wapsi Square]]'', Bud [http://wapsisquare.com/comic/need-just-one/ got volunteered] to recover an artifact from Ireland.
* When [[Wide-Eyed Idealist|Spoorflix]] ask [[Vexxarr]] why he thinks Spoorflix's people didn't expect him to succeed, he responds with "Let's say I know a thing or two about being volunteered for one-way missions."
* In [http://www.schlockmercenary.com:8080/2006-02-28 this strip]{{Dead link}} of ''[[Schlock Mercenary]]'', company lawyer Massey Reynstein demonstrates a knowledge of how to tackle the financial end of a mission, and is promptly volunteered to take care of it since everyone else in the company prefers a more brute-force approach.
* In ''[[Red String]]'', Miharu's cousin Karen volunteers Miharu to help at the family restaurant, causing Miharu to miss a date.
== Web Original ==
* In ''[[ThaliasThalia's Musings]]'', this happens to Apollo when he tries to get Thalia out of watching eternal adolescent Eros for the day. (She owed [[Better as Friends|Hephaestus]] a favor.) Hephaestus thinks Apollo is volunteering to help. Apollo is too nice to refuse.
== Web Originals ==
* In ''[[Thalias Musings]]'', this happens to Apollo when he tries to get Thalia out of watching eternal adolescent Eros for the day. (She owed [[Better as Friends|Hephaestus]] a favor.) Hephaestus thinks Apollo is volunteering to help. Apollo is too nice to refuse.
* [[Echo Chamber|Zack]] is only involved with Tom's show. because the camera equipment belongs to his father and Zack's dad made Tom let him tag along, and Tom put him to work.
* Done several times in ''[[AH Dot Com the Series]]'', usually with perennial [[Butt Monkey|Butt Monkeys]]s Luakel or Michael as the "volunteer".
== Western Animation ==
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* The Elephants in [[Disney Animated Canon|Disney]]'s ''[[The Jungle Book (Disney film)|The Jungle Book]]'' try the "step backwards" method, but they ''all'' end up volunteered.
* Saw the "step backwards" method used and played with in one ''[[Popeye]]'' cartoon. And used in one ''[[Tom and Jerry]]'', where Spike is a kind of drill sargeant for poor Tom.
* Disney's ''[[Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Disney film)|Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs]]'': The Dwarfs need someone to go upstairs and check for intruders. They all turn to Dopey, who looks over his shoulder before realizing he's the one being volunteered.
* ''[[Mulan]]'' features the "stepping back" variant when Yao gets "volunteered" to retrieve the arrow shot into the top of the post by Shang.
** Though, that one may have had something to do with Shang calling Yao's name, and nocking an arrow. When the guy in charge points an arrow in your general direction, it's generally a good idea to try and remove yourself from the field of fire.
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* In one episode of ''[[The Adventures Of Super Mario Bros]].3'', King Koopa has already decided which Koopalings will take part in his latest scheme, and orders them to step forward. What happens is that the rest of the Koopalings ''step back'', while the 'volunteers' remain perfectly still.
* Happens in the ''[[Scooby Doo]]'' movies, guest-starring the [[Harlem Globetrotters]]. Whenever an unpleasant task is needed to be done, the lead Globetrotter would trick the bald one into making an implicating gesture, such as asking if he would like to go ("Who, ''me?''"), or asking if he had grown hair (''Raises hand to feel head'').
{{quote| "You're a natural-born hero."<br />
"I'm a natural-born sucker!" }}
* In ''[[The Simpsons]]'' episode "New Kids on the Blecch", 'N Sync sign one of their number up to join the navy without his knowledge.
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** In another episode, Cartman volunteers Butters as a sacrifice to [[Squick|NAMBLA]] so the other boys can escape.(This sort of thing happens to [[Butt Monkey|Butters]] on a fairly regular basis.)
* On ''[[Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy]]'', the Eds need to dig something up from underneath the Kanker's trailer. Edd and Eddy take one look at how disgusting it is before deciding to make Ed dig.
* The "stepping back" variant was used in an episode of ''[[Histeria (Animation)|Histeria!]]'', with [[No Indoor Voice|Loud]] as the "volunteer".
* In an episode of ''[[Jackie Chan Adventures]]'', after Tohru is picked as [[The Chosen One]], the monks state that a great warrior will come forward to protect him until he is awakened. Jade and Uncle push Jackie forward.
* In ''[[Total Drama World Tour]]'', Team Victory does this to DJ for a very unpleasant pinball challenge.
** Later, Courtney, Heather, and Sierra do this to Gwen, and Owen and Noah do this to Tyler to have them [[It Makes Sense in Context|strip down guards.]]
** Gwen and Courtney then do this Heather for the torture rack challenge.
== Real Life ==
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* In the Cadet Corps, a call for volunteers means everyone has to raise their hands. The "volunteers" are consequently picked at random (that or they're the last ones to raise their hands).
* Supposedly George Washington wrote letters to his wife talking about how he didn't want to lead the Continental Army and how he felt completely inadequate to the task after he Got Volunteered. Of course, he never mentioned how he turned up at the meetings in full uniform every single day.
* You may have heard that Kamikaze pilots were all volunteers. That isn't entirely true.[https://youtu.be/vtiAALlxOFk?t=2m59s]
* C'mon. You know you've seen this first hand. We know.
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