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[[Going Native]] is not restricted to known traditional cultures. It might involve characters involved with aliens, orcs, mobsters,... you name it. Overlaps may occur with [[Becoming the Mask]]. Oddly, it is almost never used in cases where it is the audience's group being joined by a more advanced figure, such as the Fifth Column in ''[[V]]''.
If the character becomes more successful in his new culture than he could have ever been back home, it's [[Like a Fish Takes Toto Water]].
Compare: [[Raised Byby Natives]], [[Raised Byby Orcs]], [[Raised Byby Wolves]], [[Mighty Whitey]], [[Becoming the Mask]], [[Foreign Correspondent]] and [[Lost in Character]]. See also [[Of the People]].
For the 2010 [[Romantic Comedy]] film: ''[[When in Rome (Filmfilm)|When in Rome]]''
== Anime & Manga ==
* ''[[Jyu -Oh -Sei]]'' draws heavily from this, with the very much civilized lead eventually outdoing the natives of Chimera.
** But then, he was {{spoiler|genetically engineered to be so, which}} brings up a lot of nature vs. nurture questions.
* Manly [[Chivalrous Pervert]] Sanji of ''[[One Piece]]'' runs into this problem when he lands on an island full of transvestites. He resists best he can but he's briefly put into a dress and running along the shoreline with all the other 'girls.' He breaks free, but the whole thing is just a little traumatic again.
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== Comicbooks ==
* Blueberry (a french cowboy comic) goes to live with the indians who rescue him after an accident, tries to marry the chief's daughter, and helps the tribe escape from the U. S. Army. It is worth noting that it was hard for him to get back to his people, since he was (falsely) accused of stealing $ 500.000 and trying to kill President Grant.
* In the ''[[Tintin (Comic Book)]]'' comics ''The Broken Ear'' and ''Tintin and the Picaros'', the titular reporter comes across Ridgewell, an English explorer who ended up living with natives in the South American rain forest.
* ''Down'' features two police officers who both go undercover in the drug trade and find themselves becoming part of the criminal underworld.
* ''[[Sleeper (Comic Book)|Sleeper]]'' is about an undercover secret intelligence agent working to bring down a massive super villain cartel - unfortunately, the bad life seems to agree with him...
* The early ''[[Aliens vs. Predator]]'' comics featured a woman who ended up becoming a Predator warrior. And sucked horribly at it, to the comics' credit.
* ''[[Ultimate X Men|Ultimate X-Men]]'' had the "cop infiltrates gang" variant played in reverse -- Wolverine joined the X-Men to assassinate Professor X, but [[Becoming the Mask|found himself seduced by Xavier's visions]] (and Jean Grey's barely legal charms) and [[Heel Face Turn|ended up joining the team]].
* Swedish comic ''Johan Vilde'' (Johan Savage), is about a Swedish boy in 17th century west Africa, who is raised as the son of a prominent merchant from one of the larger tribes/nations in the region.
* Nolan, [[Invincible (Comic Book)|Invincible]]'s father, originally came to Earth to blend in and {{spoiler|slowly take over. He hated his assignment at first but found himself actually liking Earth}} and ended up with a wife and son.
* Shuna in ''[[Elf Quest]]'' is a human girl who decides to become part of the elf tribe. A few years later, puberty really kicks in and she goes looking for a husband in nearby indigenous human tribes - a whole new world compared to her previous medieval city life.
* Many, ''many'' examples in ''[[Elf Quest]]''. Leetah becoming a Wolfrider to be with Cutter is the most prominent one. Any of the Sunfolk or Gliders that join the Wolfriders, the Jackwolfriders or the Forevergreen group count; Suntop taking on a Wavedancer appearance to be with Brill; Shuna (a medieval human) being adopted by Wolfriders; Little Patch, Winnowill and later Mender exploring human society (since the elves consider humans savages, and vice versa); Lehrigen becoming a woodland stalker to hunt elves; Rayek living as a Go-Back for a while; and last but not least, the Jackwolves living around Sorrow's End mating with the Wolfriders' wolves.
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== Film ==
* ''[[Dances Withwith Wolves]]'', in which a Union officer joins the Sioux and ultimately fights with them against the Union army.
* ''[[A Man Called Horse]]'', in which a white man joins the Sioux. It's considerably more honest about less pleasant aspects of Sioux traditional life, such as the torture of captives and ritual self-mutilation, than ''Dances With Wolves''.
* In ''[[The Last Samurai]]'', an American Civil and Indian War veteran is taken captive by samurai and goes native during the Meiji Restoration.
* The protagonist of ''[[Atlantis: theThe Lost Empire]]'' does this at the end of the film and chooses not to go to the surface with his companions. His teammates actually all had to fake his death by telling the papers that he actually drowned when the submarine exploded, and that none of them actually found his body, in order to explain his absence (for the two villains, they were both declared "missing").
** He also became their new leader as well, since [[Leonard Nimoy|their old one]] was murdered by one of said villains, and he ends up marrying [[The High Queen|his daughter,]] who was next in line for the throne.
* At the end of ''[[Stargate (Filmfilm)|Stargate]]'', Daniel Jackson settles down with Sha'ri happily.
* ''[[Apocalypse Now]]''. The previous guy sent to kill Kurtz, played by Scott Glenn. {{spoiler|Although he actually goes through with the mission}}, it's also implied that Willard is seduced as well.
{{quote| '''Willard:''' They were gonna make me a Major for this, and I wasn't even in their fuckin' army anymore.}}
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* The movie ''[[Battle for Terra]]''.
* Wikus in ''[[District 9]]'' had this problem, although in his case it was due to a [[Baleful Polymorph]] and not a crashed ship.
* ''[[Avatar (Filmfilm)|Avatar]]'' does this -- [[Half-Human Hybrid|in a more futuristic way]]: the researchers interact with the Na'vi indirectly, via the remote-mind-controlled [[Cloning Blues|"]]Avatar[[Incredibly Lame Pun|"]] [[Lego Genetics|bodies.]] One of them literally goes native after transferring his brain into the Na'vi body. Another attempts to upload her brain entirely into her Avatar after being shot, but dies before it can happen.
* ''[[Outlander (Filmfilm)|Outlander]]'' ends with {{spoiler|Kainan choosing to destroy his rescue beacon in favor of remaining on Earth}}.
* In ''[[The Searchers]]'', when the kidnapped girl is found she has completely assimilated into the society of her captors.
* Averted in ''[[Pocahontas]]'' where John Smith actually ends up going back to England due to a severe injury he received while protecting the Indian chief from being assassinated by the villain. Played straight with Percy the pug, however.
** Invoked with John Rolfe at the end of the sequell.
** Of course in Real Life it was Pocahontas who 'went native' as an English gentlewoman.
* ''[[The Thirteenth13th Warrior]]'', like the book, features an Arab who goes native amongst Vikings.
* In ''Farewell to the King'', Nick Nolte stars as a [[WW 2]] deserter who becomes adopted by a tribe of Dayaks in Borneo, who consider him divine because of his [[Mighty Whitey|blue eyes]].
* How [[John Carter (Filmfilm)|John Carter]] becomes "John Carter of Mars".
== Literature ==
* The trope codifier, ''[[A Man Called Horse]]'' is about a white man captured by Native Americans who eventually assimilates into their culture. It is mandatory reading in most grade school literature classes in the US.
* In Dan Abnett's ''His Last Command'' from the series [[GauntsGaunt's Ghosts]], {{spoiler|Gaunt's 'forced' Junior Commissar Ludd betrays his trust by reporting him in the eve of battle}} even though Gaunt fully expects him to do so.
* [[Marion Zimmer Bradley]]'s ''[[Darkover]]'' novels are full of Terran citizens going native on Darkover; Andrew Carr and Magdalen Lorne are notable examples. There are also Darkovans who try to go Terran.
* In ''[[Heart of Darkness]]'' by Joseph Conrad, Kurtz goes into Africa and after a spectacular back story breakdown, goes native in horrifying ways, inverting the European life he came from. This book would later have its ultimate adaptation in the Vietnam movie ''[[Apocalypse Now]]''.
* Stanislaus Grummann from ''[[His Dark Materials|The Subtle Knife]]'' spent the rest of his days as a Siberian shaman.
* In the [[Liaden Universe]] books by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, this is an occupational hazard for the Scouts, whose task of exploring new worlds often results in them spending long periods immersed in alien cultures. Many an experienced scout, even among those who resisted the temptation, has retained traits from a culture where he or she felt particularly at home.
* ''[[[[Animorphs (Literature)|Animorphs]]
** In ''The Andalite Chronicles'', Elfangor {{spoiler|1=flees to Earth, permanently becomes a human, marries Loren, and fathers a son before the Ellimist returns him to his Andalite form and the ''StarSword''.}}
** In ''The Hork-Bajir Chronicles'', Aldrea {{spoiler|permanently morphs into a Hork-Bajir, marries Dak Hamee, and has Hork-Bajir children. When she "appears" in the main series (as a kind of psychic back-up-disk downloaded into Cassie's brain), this is the source of a lot of friction between her and Andalite team-member Ax.}}
* In [[Stephenie Meyer]]'s adult novel ''[[The Host (Literaturenovel)|The Host]]'', the alien invaders, the so-called Souls, are physically inserted into a host body and eradicate the host's mind. Except in the titular character's case, in which the host's mind is still present and they both think inside Melanie's body. Later, the ragtag group of human survivors finally finds another group of survivors with their own dual-minded alien/human, who literally refers to the situation as "going native."
* In [[JRRJ. TolkienR. (Creator)R. Tolkien|JRR Tolkien]]'s ''[[Lord of the Rings]]'' [[Backstory]], the Black Numenoreans who escaped the destruction of the island-realm often ended up living in cultures loyal to Mordor, and becoming their leaders. At least some of the Nazgûl belonged to this group of people, as did the Mouth of Sauron. <ref>Black is used in the [[Black Magic]] sense, not a racial sense.</ref>
** Also in the back story, one of the Kings of Gondor does this when sent as a prince to the ancestors of the Rohirrim. His son's ascension to the throne leads to civil war, and the death of most of the royal line (hastening the end of the line).
** The Elven-Kings of Mirkwood (Oropher and later Thranduil) were originally Sindarin elves who came to the Woodland Realm after the sinking of the sub-continent Beleriand, and ended up adopting the more 'earthy' customs of the Sylvan elves, to the point that Thranduil's son Legolas identifies himself purely as a Sylvan elf.
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* In [[George Orwell]]'s early novel, ''Burmese Days'', Flory admires Burmese culture more than he does his own, and despises the British Empire. It looks like he might be going this route, but the trope is subverted when {{spoiler|he takes command of the police and breaks up a riot intent on destroying the Club and killing Ellis}}.
** The liteary critic V. S. Pritchett once described the period Orwell spent living as a tramp as "going native in his own country."
* In ''[[Good Omens (Literature)|Good Omens]]'', Aziraphale and Crowley, an angel and a demon respectively, go native with humans in general.
* Amusingly inverted in [[Neil Gaiman]]'s [[Sherlock Holmes]] pastiche, ''[[A Study in Emerald]]'', where the [[Eldritch Abomination|Great Old Ones]] returned to Earth centuries ago, but instead of wiping out the humanity, or forcing us to adapt their ways instead assumed leadership in human terms, resulting in a pseudo-Victorian world where most people lead entirely normal lives despite of that most of the crowned heads of Europe have an unpleasant number of tentacles under them, and even consider their existence a blessing that makes the civilization possible at all.
* Jacob Wheeler does this in ''[[Into the West]]'' after marrying a Lakota woman. They and their children shift between Native and white society as the series progresses. Jacob's cousin, Naomi, also goes native when she marries a Cheyenne chief, Prairie Fire.
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* In ''[[Years of Rice and Salt|The Years Of Rice And Salt]]'', a Japanese ronin ends up with a Native American tribe and assimilates into their culture.
* In ''Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong'' from ''The Things They Carried'', Mary Anne Bell is the girlfriend of a young medic who falls in love with Vietnam and eventually crosses over to the other side, becoming part of the land.
* In [[CJC. J. Cherryh]]'s ''The Faded Sun: Shon'jir'', Niun and Melein give Sten Duncan a choice: Go Native or die. And in her ''[[Foreigner (Literaturenovel)|Foreigner]]'' novels, protagonist Bren Cameron essentially does this. Which is not taken too well at first by the (human) government he was supposedly representing, or the people close to him he now is not able to see except very occasionally.
* Marat Lon in ''[[Star Trek Mere Anarchy]]''. A human scientist assigned to help restore the devastated planet Mestiko, he remains when a reactionary coup forces the Federation and other aliens off the planet. He disguises himself as a native, but doesn't do a very good job of blending in. Fortunately, he is discovered by native factions sympathetic to his cause, who instruct him in how to pass as a Mestiko resident. He transforms over time from an arrogant, somewhat patronizing outsider to someone with a deep concern for the Mestiko peoples. He takes a native name and the woman who helped educate him in the local culture becomes his wife.
* {{spoiler|Erika Hernandez}} in ''[[Star Trek Destiny]]''.
* In Rosemary Sutcliff's ''The Lantern Bearers'', a young Roman's sister is kidnapped by the Saxons. Years later, he's captured in turn and finds her married to her kidnapper and mother to his son. She helps him escape, but refuses to go with him.
* Basil Fotherington-Thomas (from the ''[[Molesworth]]'' books) fills the Kurtz role in ''Teddy Bear's Picnic'', a bizarre [[Alternate History]] retelling of ''[[Apocalypse Now]]'' by [[Kim Newman]]. [[Just William]] also fits as the soldier sent to kill Fotherington-Thomas who ends up joining him.
* In the [[Ursula K. Le Guin]] short story "Solitude," Ren, the daughter of a Hainish anthropologist doing fieldwork on the planet Eleven-Soro goes spectacularly native after living for years in Sorovian society, [[After the End|such as it is]]. She chooses to remain there even after her mother and brother return to Hain, meaning that [[Time Dilation|she'll never see them again]].
* In the [[Belisarius Series]] Damodara begins to adopt Rajput ways in the realization that they were the best warriors that the Malwa Empire could field (except for the Kushans with whom they were roughly equal) and flattering them was a way to gain military success and not coincidentally gain the throne.
* ''[[EatersThe of13th the DeadWarrior]]'' features an Arab going native amongst Vikings. It's a rare example of an Eastern character going native amongst Westerners.
* One of the characters in [[The Laundry Series]] {{spoiler|is actually an [[Eldritch Abomination]] known as the Eater of Souls who was stuck in a human body and trained to pass as an Englishman. The ones doing the training ended up doing too good a job of it.}}
* In ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire (Literature)|A Song of Ice and Fire]]'', Daenerys Targaryen, originally a native of the main continent of Westeros, is married off to Khal Drogo, a warlord of the nomadic Dothraki people. Throughout the course of the first book, she learns the customs of the Dothraki people, begins to dress in their style, learns the Dothraki language, and generally starts to come out of her shell. Her brother Viserys doesn't fare as well, continuing to dress in silks and he is offended by Dany's attempts to dress him in Dothraki clothing.
** Jon Snow is forced to do this to the wildlings, becoming a [[Fake Defector]]. Ultimately subverted, as he never [[Becoming the Mask|becomes the mask]], and run off when he needs to kill an innocent civilian.
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== Live-Action TV ==
* Helo/Athena from ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined]]'' fits.
* Gabriel/Trickster from ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]'' fits this. He ran away and 'joined the Pagans', only to eventually go up against Lucifer because he actually quite likes humans and doesn't particularly want them to die. He's also shown to understand sarcasm, have conversations with people and blink regularly (Castiel had difficulty with those at first).
* In the later series of ''[[Northern Exposure]]'', Joel ends up living with native villagers on the banks of the river.
* Happens multiple times in ''[[Stargate SG-1 (TV)|Stargate SG-1]]'':
** In ''A Hundred Days'', Jack O'Neill gets trapped on a planet after a meteor hits the Stargate and buries it. He gets a quick [[Time Skip]] montage wherein he gets married and settles down, only to get rescued by the end of the episode.
** In ''Fallen'', Daniel Jackson wakes up on a strange planet with no memory of his previous life (before or after he [[Ascend to Aa Higher Plane of Existence|Ascended To A Higher Plane Of Existence]]) and becomes a part of the local tribe. The [[Status Quo Is God|status quo]] is returned, along with his memory, by the end of the episode ... again.
** Also happens with Ba'al to a lesser extent. After the Goa'uld are no longer the threat they once were, he hides out on Earth, developing a fondness for the culture. He's still evil, of course, but he actually picks up enough human traits that he becomes a better villain than the rest of the Goa'uld combined.
** Long time SG-1 antagonist Harry Maybourne eventually gets marooned on a low tech planet, where he uses his knowledge to make himself king. He finds that he ''likes'' being the king, and that he's ''good'' at it, so much so that he is very popular among the people he's ruling because he has done so much to make their lives better. When he gets the opportunity to return to civilization, he opts to stay.
* In the second season of ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]'', Mohinder works with Mr. Bennet to take down the Company from within, but eventually becomes convinced that the Company is really the heroic organization and Bennet was misleading him.
* In an episode of the revived ''[[Doctor Who]]'', a stranded alien has been covertly living as a Welsh politician, and, even as she plots to {{spoiler|blow up the entire Earth to facilitate her escape}}, grumbles that the London-based government wouldn't notice if Wales slid into the sea. She then immediately labels the moment as an example of this trope.
** You might even consider the Doctor a minor variation of the trope. In all his 1100-odd years, he sure has grown fond of us humans. He still loves to travel, and it a little too alien to really be considered a 'native', but he loved everything about our culture, clothes, food and people.
* ''[[Lost (TV)|Lost]]'': Locke "goes native" by leaving the 815 camp to join the Others. Also, in season 5, {{spoiler|several of the 815ers join the Dharma Initiative and lead happy lives in the 1970s.}}
* Zeb Macahan from ''[[How the West Was Won (Film)|How the West Was Won]]''.
* Thanks to [[Phlebotinum]]-induced [[Laser-Guided Amnesia|amnesia]], Captain Kirk winds up accidentally going native in the ''[[Star Trek: theThe Original Series (TV)|ST:TOS]]'' episode "The Paradise Syndrome". Being original [[Star Trek (Franchise)|Star Trek]], this of course is [[Reset Button|reversed by the end of the episode]].
** Captain Kirk does this again in "A Piece Of The Action" when he adopts the [[The Mafia|natives ways]] by making himself the biggest [[The Don|don]] on the planet. Nobody's gonna put the bag over him any more!
* Data does the same in ''[[Star Trek: theThe Next Generation (TV)|Star Trek the Next Generation]]'' when he walks into a pre-industrial village with damage-induced amnesia.
* Even though it is done through a [[Lotus Eater Machine]] (a small alien probe), in ''[[Star Trek: theThe Next Generation (TV)|Star Trek the Next Generation]]'', Captain Picard does this in "The Inner Light". He lives out a long, full life in the span of an episode (and approximately 15 minutes in-universe).
* An episode of ''[[Tales From the Darkside (TV)|Tales Fromfrom the Darkside]]'' was called "Going Native", and involved an alien woman settling down on Earth.
* [[Played for Laughs]] on ''[[Mad TV]]'' when an Arab terrorist sleeper agent ([[Casting Gag|played by the Jewish Ike Barinholtz]]) becomes completely Americanized to the point of becoming Jewish, speaking with a perfect "Goofy White Guy" American accent and basically living the [[American Dream]] as just another suburbanite. He's called out on this by his contact...who then [[Heel Face Turn|becomes mesmerized by the vibrating chair, built-in remote and TiVo,]] promptly adopting the same accent and turning his turban into a fruit bowl to become the agent's "old friend."
* In ''[[Rome (TV)|Rome]]'', Lucius Vorenus is complimented by a high-class Roman visiting Egypt for averting this. He stays true Roman while other officials in Cleopatra's court, including the triumvir Mark Antony, go native, a sacrilegious offense to roman eyes. See Real Life below for more info on Antony's fate.
* The Tams in ''[[Firefly (TV)|Firefly]]''.
** Nandi, former [[High Class Call Girl|Companion]] turned tough-talking [[Miss Kitty|madam]] of a rim-world brothel. Certain episodes suggest this may have slowly been happening to [[Silk Hiding Steel|Inara]], the show's other companion.
** More sinister is the sole survivor of a Reaver attack on a ship. He begins to act as a Reaver because he can't mentally handle the things he saw, so he becomes the horror he witnessed.
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*** Although Delenn's relationship with the human John Sheridan is part of what gets her accused of this, in the end he's the one who ends up moving to Minbar with her where they raise their son - who presumably ends up culturally Minbari despite being biologically mostly human.
** In the other direction was Sinclair, a "Minbari not born of Minbari" and less dramatically Marcus Cole.
** Accusations of going native from extremists are common in ''[[Babylon Five5]]''.
* [[wikipedia:Sleepers (TV series)|Sleepers]], a BBC comedy-drama originally shown in 1991, tells the story of two Soviet 'sleeper' agents sent to Britain in the 1960s but all but forgotten about until 1991. Meanwhile the two agents have Gone Native and now consider themselves British, and the series depicts their attempts to evade the KGB who want to bring them back to the Soviet Union.
* In one episode of ''[[Burn Notice (TV)|Burn Notice]]'', Michael jokingly accuses the security chief for the Pakistani consulate of going native after finding him in an Indian restaurant. {{quote| '''Waseem:''' Oh, I like the chicken tikka.}}
* In ''[[Vikings (TV series)|Vikings]]'', Athelstan goes full Norse after being captured by Ragnar, going from a quiet monk in season 1 to a Viking raider in season 2.
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* In ''[[Splinter Cell|Splinter Cell: Double Agent]]'', the NSA constantly worries about Sam Fisher going native and actively joining John Brown's Army. In the bad ending, that's exactly what he does. In the neutral ending, that's what everyone ''thinks'' he does.
* In ''[[Dragon Quest|Dragon Warrior VII]]'', Kiefer abandons your party to join the Deja tribe of the past. {{spoiler|It is strongly hinted that Aira of the Deja tribe of the present (who joins your party) is a descendant of Kiefer.}}
* ''[[Mass Effect 2 (Video Game)|Mass Effect 2]]'' has a rare inversion of this: {{spoiler|A yahg, a race kept in tribal conditions on a locked down planet manages to escape and become the foremost information broker in the galaxy.}}
== Webcomics ==
* ''[[The Noob (Webcomic)|The Noob]]'' featured a strip where a mod is trying to reason with a player who was camping a named creature for so long, he believed he was one of the zone's monsters.
== Western Animation ==
* In the ''[[Futurama (Animation)|Futurama]]'' episode "Obsoletely Fabulous," Bender is stranded on an island with outdated robots and goes native by replacing his metal exterior with wood. He then launches a guerrilla war against civilization. {{spoiler|But it turns out to be all a dream induced by the upgrade procedure he is undergoing.}}
* Somewhat parodied on ''[[Recess (Animation)|Recess]]'' when TJ gets captured by the kindergartners for the afternoon and becomes assimilated into their primitive kindergartner society.
* The Maximals in ''[[Beast Wars (Animation)|Beast Wars]]'' are [[Mechanical Lifeforms]] who recently evolved the ability to copy organic life. But by the end of the show, one teammate ''prefers'' Earth's organic nature and wants to stay there as a tiger. Also, in ''[[Beast Machines (Animation)|Beast Machines]]'', the premise becomes changing Cybertron to ''model Earth'', which both [[Big Bad|Megatron]] and [[Face Heel Turn|Rhi]][[The Starscream|nox]] are vehemently against.
* ''[[The Road to El Dorado]]'' is about two Spaniards who wind up discovering El Dorado and masquerade as [[A God Am I|gods]]. One is only in it for the gold, but the other grows attached to the people, and ultimately protect them from the Cortez's expedition.
* A common plot element on ''[[American Dad (Animation)|American Dad]]'', where Stan would go full-throttle on various cultures or lifestyles. [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] by Francine in "Stan of Arabia".
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