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A man wakes up on an island off the coast of Seattle, unsure of who or where he is, unable to see in color, and with a strange mark on his body. But he knows everything, every single scene of every single movie, the composition of bullets from all sorts of [[Rare Guns]], the full history of Jack the Ripper, etc. He makes friends and solves crimes for the police.
The'''''John seriesDoe''''' was [[Too Good to Last|canceled by FOX]] and [[Cut Short|ends on a]] [[Cliff Hanger]] revealing PHOENIX to be led by {{spoiler|Doe's bartender friend Digger, although the [[Word of God]] indicates that it's actually a person who had his face modified to look like Digger}}.
Not to be confused with [[Metal Gear|another "John Doe" who served in a military unit named FOX]], or [[Se7en|or the serial killer]], or the [[Metasyntactic Variable]].
[[Needs Wiki Magic Love]] quite badly.
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* [[Ancient Conspiracy]] (PHOENIX)
* [[Awesomeness By Analysis]]: He doesn't just know everything, he has the ability to apply that knowledge.
* [[The Bartender]]: Digger.
* [[Brain Uploading]]: A scientist experimenting in this field is killed. At the end, it is revealed that the scientist encoded his mind onto bar codes of several ordinary-looking items.
* [[Brought Down to Normal]]: In one episode, [[Lightning Can Do Anything|a lightning strike]] causes John Doe to regain his color sight and lose his [[Encyclopaedic Knowledge]] of nearly everything. The status quo is restored at the end of the episode by another electric shock.
* [[California Doubling]] (Vancouver variant)
* [[Chewing the Scenery]]: John can get a little... emotional when angsting about his amnesia and special abilities.
* [[Death in the Clouds]] ("Manifest Destiny")
* [[Do Not Pass Go]]: Doe confronting a serial killer with all his abilities (living [[Magical Database]], monochromatic vision) after faking his death and appearing behind him to tell him he has been caught. {{spoiler|The killer was faking it, by the way.}}
* [[Dropped a Bridge on Him]]: ({{spoiler|Karen Kawalski}})
* [[Encyclopaedic Knowledge]]: John Doe knows everything. Well, almost everything.
* [[Episode on a Plane]]: With the tagline "How do you solve a mystery at 30,000 feet!?" The answer being, of course, by knowing everything, as usual.
* [[How Many Fingers?]]: One of the first signs of John Doe's unusual nature. He responds to the question using medical jargon to explain why the thumb is not technically considered a "finger."
* [[I Am Who?]]?: John's reaction when someone {{spoiler|tries to con him into thinking he's this or that person.}}
* [[Instant Expert]]
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* [[Mr. Smith]]: "John Doe" is, of course, a placeholder name.
* [[No Name Given]]: His name remains unknown (up to the point that the producers of the show never made one).
* [[Omnidisciplinary Scientist]]: (Justified by the premise).
* [[Omniglot]]: Due to his [[Magical Database]] nature.
* [[Put on a Bus]]: John's girlfriend. The series was cancelled before it became clear whether or not it was a [[Long Bus Trip]].
* [[Quest for Identity]]
* [[Retired Badass]]: Digger.
* [[Space Madness]]: A metal dome in the forest turns out to be a simulated space vessel, in which astronauts have been confined for months to test the mechanisms and psychological hazards of a manned trip to Mars. Initial investigation suggests the crew have killed each other due to Space Madness from prolonged isolation {{spoiler|but it turns out their air-circulation system was sabotaged, causing a gas imbalance that impaired their reason.}}
* [[Stalker Shrine]]: The protagonist has one about himself, as he tries to find clues about who he is. Upon discovering it, Karen comments that it looks like a serial killer's shrine.
* [[TheVancouver BartenderDoubling]]: Digger.
* [[Word of God]] (explaining a lot of things due to cancellation)
==== Spoiler tropes: (Kept separate to avoid [[Self -Fulfilling Spoiler|self-fulfilling spoilers]].) ====
* {{spoiler|[[Amnesiac God]]}}: {{spoiler|John's access to almost all the worlds current collected knowledge pretty much makes him this.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Death Amnesia]]}}: {{spoiler|With a twist! John lost the memeory of his past life and ''gained'' knowledge about every thing else. After he came back of course.}}
* {{spoiler|[[First-Episode Resurrection]]}}: ({{spoiler|The main character is the way he is because he was killed and resurrected, under the recollection theory that all knowledge is granted to a person when they die.)}}
* {{spoiler|[[Fetal Position Rebirth]]}}: The pilot episode.
[[Category:American Series]]
[[Category:JohnNoughties DoeDrama Series]]
[[Category:TV Series]]
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