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List of the many residents of Cape Suzette in the animated series ''[[Tale SpinTaleSpin]]''.
== Higher for Hire ==
=== Baloo ===
A slovenly middle aged bear and a top notch pilot, Baloo's key goal is to buy back his beloved plane the Sea Duck from Rebecca Cunningham, who has bought his dying cargo service. Baloo is naturally swiped (and anthropomorphized) from Disney's [[Animated Adaptation]] of ''[[The Jungle Book (Disney film)|The Jungle Book]]''.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Baloo include:}}
* [[Ace Pilot]]: Baloo is a situational bushwhacker/plugger; in open sky, he bushwhacks like a mofo via [[Improbable Piloting Skills|ridiculous aerial acrobatics]], in mountains and cities he plugs like a bastard through [[Try and Follow|terrain manipulation]], both supplemented by occasional usage of [[Abnormal Ammo]] - pretty much the only option available to him, as he takes on waves of fightercraft with a ''cargo plane.''
** Unfortunately, he's about as business-savvy as the idiots who caused [[The Great Video Game Crash of 1983]]. [[Perpetual Poverty]] to the hilt, followed by a buy-out he wasn't even ''aware of'' until the new owner unlocked his door with her own set of keys.
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* [[The Slacker]]: As true to his Jungle Book incarnation as possible.
* [[Stubborn Mule]]: He's more likely to back down than Rebecca, but he definitely embodies this in some of their feuds.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: The [[Anthropomorphic Shift]] from ''The Jungle Book'' turns Baloo from a normal Indian bear to a highly competant [[Ace Pilot]].
* [[Took a Level Inin Jerkass]]: While still a very sympathetic character, ''Talespin's'' rendition of Baloo can also often be more self serving, bad tempered and egotistical than his ''Jungle Book'' rendition, albeit nearly all [[Depending on the Writer]].
=== Kit Cloudkicker ===
Baloo's right hand bear and semi-adopted son. OrignallyOriginally an air pirate, before stealing a treasure from Karnage and making friends with Baloo.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Kit include:}}
Baloo's right hand bear and semi-adopted son. Orignally an air pirate, before stealing a treasure from Karnage and making friends with Baloo.
* [[Adorably Precocious Child]]: He's only 12, but he already knows more about planes (if not flying) than Baloo.
* [[Badass Adorable]]
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* [[Innocent Prodigy]]: Kit is often rather intelligent, and sometimes shown to have more common sense than his peers, his occasional childlike naivete or rambunctiousness shows at times however.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: While he does have [[Idiot Ball]] moments, he more consistently plays the voice of reason between Baloo and Rebecca when they are at each other's throats.
{{quote| '''Kit:''' You're ''both'' nuts!}}
* [[Sky Surfing]]: Kit's favorite mode of transport.
=== Rebecca Cunningham ===
A young entrepeneurentrepreneur woman bear that bought Baloo's cargo service (and as a result his plane the Sea Duck) and reinnovated it into Higher For Hire. Often butts heads with her employees, especially Baloo, in early episodes, but she softens up as the series progresses.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Rebecca include:}}
A young entrepeneur woman bear that bought Baloo's cargo service (and as a result his plane the Sea Duck) and reinnovated it into Higher For Hire. Often butts heads with her employees, especially Baloo, in early episodes, but she softens up as the series progresses.
* [[Affectionate Nickname]]: Refered to as "Becky" by Baloo. Rebecca seems to treat it as such, only accepting the name whenever she is in a good mood with him.
* [[Benevolent Boss]]/[[Mean Boss]]/[[Pointy-Haired Boss]]: Rebecca can be considered an unusual mix of all three tropes in one. While she mostly leans towards the first due to her protagonist role and viewing her employees more as her friends, her occasional temperament, [[Control Freak|superiority complex]] and [[Cloudcuckoolander|outright quirkiness]] leads to her being less than pleasant to work with [[Depending on the Writer|on occasion]], especially in early episodes.
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* [[Expy]]: Of Rebecca Howe in ''[[Cheers]]'', her role and rivalry with Baloo is also very similar.
* [[Hero Antagonist]]: Often acts as such in some of Baloo's [[Loveable Rogue]] moments. While she can be [[Mean Boss|rather overbearing]] about it ([[Not So Above It All|and not above playing up herself]]) she usually just wants Baloo to do an honest job of things. A lot of times when she gets the larger [[Sympathetic POV]], Baloo is actually painted as something of a [[Jerkass]].
* [[Inferiority Superiority Complex]]: Rebecca is something of a [[TedSmall BaxterName, Big Ego|pompous]] [[Know-Nothing Know-It-All|know-it-all]] who has nothing against [[Because I Said So|pushing her weight around]] to get Baloo to follow orders. Whenever Baloo is taken out of the picture, however, [[Can't Stand Them Can't Live Without Them|things often fall apart]] due to Rebecca's physical and emotional dependance on him to help run the company. Some obvious dents left from being a single mother are also apparent.
* [[Lovable Alpha Bitch]]: Something of a grown up variant. Rebecca is extremely snobbish and self important at times, and often looks down on those lower on the chain than her, but is a loving mother and ultimately devoted to her employees. Not to mention her huge showings of humility whenever she realises she's taken things too far.
* [[Mama Bear]]: Friend or foe alike, you're in ''big'' trouble if something happens to Molly. She also happens to be a literal bear.
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* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: She knows a lot more about running the company than Baloo, but a lot of her money making schemes are terrible and she has a very high opinion of her business thinking. As she once insisted, she's never wrong.
* [[Stubborn Mule]]: To occasionally insane lengths. She will never admit she is wrong.
{{quote| '''Rebecca:''' Would so! [[Comically Missing the Point|I'm just never wrong!]]}}
* [[Took a Level In Kindness]]: Subtle example. While she still has rather arrogant moments on occasion, Rebecca is more consistantly gentler in many later episodes. A lot of her later appearances also focus on her friendship and devotion to Baloo getting stronger ([[Ship Tease|the hints to it going beyond that also become stronger]]), at least in comparison to earlier episodes, where she was often at Baloo's throat and could act like an all out Jerkass at times.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: As often as she clashes with Baloo, she is often shown to be rather devoted and caring towards him whenever problems occur (at least once she outright tried to [[Heroic Sacrifice|sacrifice her life]] to save him). She even openly refers to Baloo as her best friend.
=== Molly Cunningham ===
Bubbly six -year -old daughter of Rebecca. Occasionally rambunctious and fond of sneaking into some of Baloo's travels. Sometimes pretends to be her favorite superheroine, Danger Woman, complete with a homemade costume.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Molly include:}}
Bubbly six year old daughter of Rebecca. Occasionally rambunctious and fond of sneaking into some of Baloo's travels. Sometimes pretends to be her favorite superheroine, Danger Woman, complete with a homemade costume.
* [[Badass Adorable]]: Not nearly as profound as Kit, but has her moments.
* [[Cheerful Child]]: Albeit with the occasional [[Bratty Half-Pint]] moment.
* [[Evil -Detecting Baby]]: Okay, Molly is actually six, but she's still a very young kid, and is often shown to smell a rat, especially if it's hanging around her mother.
* [[Little Miss Snarker]]: [[Depending on the Writer]], Molly can have a surprisingly dry wit about her.
* [[Morality Pet]]: [[Word of God]] claims Molly was created to bring out Rebecca's softer side and motherly instincts to balance her more arrogant bouts with Baloo.
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=== Wildcat ===
Eccentric mechanic for Higher For Hire. Spacey and not too bright, but kind-hearted and extremely competent at his job.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Wildcat include:}}
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer|Bunny Ears Mechanic]]: A cheerful [[Cloudcuckoolander]] and generally unaware of social niceties, true. But he was also a genius mechanic, a competent pilot ([[Captain Crash|albeit with few directional skills]]), and on occasion, surprisingly perceptive regarding matters of the heart.
* [[Cats Are Mean]]: Utterly [[Averted]]; he's the nicest character in the series.
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* [[Man Child]]
== Other residents of Cape Suzette ==
=== Don Karnage ===
Spanish-accented captain of the Air Pirates, intent on getting past Cape Suzette's security and plundering the town. Somewhat clownish villain that usually serves as the show's main antagonist.
* [[Affably Evil]]
* [[Berserk Button]]: Do NOT call him "crazy".
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: While Karnage thrives on being seen as ruthless and fearsome as possible, he refuses to [[Kick Them While They Are Down]]. He even saved Baloo's life in a scuffle between them, so he could beat him on fair grounds.
* [[Large Ham]]: Thanks largely to [[Jim Cummings]]' voice acting.
* [[Laughably Evil]]: In spades.
* [[Loveable Rogue]]: Charming despite his own self-absorption.
* [[Not So Harmless]]: Something of a narcisistic oaf, and prone to [[Poke the Poodle]] on many occasions, however he is a genuine menace to those flying in his realms.
* [[Surrounded by Idiots]]: Much more intelligent than his crew for the most part. Given his own cluelessness at times however, it can invert into [[The Blind Leading the Blind]].
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Conveys this treatment towards Baloo at times. On at least one occasion he attacked Baloo without any cargo, seemingly just wanting to spar with him.
=== Shere Khan ===
A stoic and highly powerful businessman, implied to have enormous power over Cape Suzette's economy. Like Baloo and Louie, Khan is swiped and anthropomorphized from ''[[The Jungle Book (Disney film)|The Jungle Book]]''.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Shere Khan include:}}
* [[Affably Evil]]
* [[Anti-Villain]]: His villainous roles in the show are actually outweighed by the times he assists Baloo.
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=== Louie ===
Jiving orangutan and owner of the [[Local Hangout]] for air pilots, Louie is Baloo's best friend and occasional comrade in adventures and [[Zany Scheme|Zany Schemes]]. Similarly anthropomorphized from ''[[The Jungle Book (Disney film)|The Jungle Book]]''.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Louie include:}}
Jiving orangutan and owner of [[Local Hangout]] for air pilots, Louie is Baloo's best friend and occasional comrade in adventures and [[Zany Scheme|Zany Schemes]]. Similarly anthropomorphized from ''[[The Jungle Book (Disney film)|The Jungle Book]]''.
* [[Chivalrous Pervert]]: To many one -off girls, as well as Rebecca. She is less than flattered.
* [[Chivalrous Pervert]]: To many one off girls, as well as Rebecca. She is less than flattered.
* [[Jive Turkey]]: Ya dig, cuz?
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: With Baloo.
== The Air Pirates ==
=== Don Karnage ===
Spanish-accented captain of the Air Pirates, intent on getting past Cape Suzette's security and plundering the town. Somewhat clownish villain that usually serves as the show's main [[antagonist]].
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Don Karnage include:}}
* [[Affably Evil]]
* [[Berserk Button]]: Do NOT call him "crazy".
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: While Karnage thrives on being seen as ruthless and fearsome as possible, he refuses to [[Kick Them While They Are Down]]. He even saved Baloo's life in a scuffle between them, so he could beat him on fair grounds.
* [[Large Ham]]: Thanks largely to [[Jim Cummings]]' voice acting.
* [[Laughably Evil]]: In spades.
* [[LoveableLovable Rogue]]: Charming despite his own self-absorption.
* [[Not -So-Harmless HarmlessVillain]]: Something of a narcisisticnarcissistic oaf, and prone to [[Poke the Poodle]] on many occasions, however he is a genuine menace to those flying in his realms.
* [[Surrounded by Idiots]]: Much more intelligent than his crew for the most part. Given his own cluelessness at times however, it can invert into [[The Blind Leading the Blind]].
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Conveys this treatment towards Baloo at times. On at least one occasion he attacked Baloo without any cargo, seemingly just wanting to spar with him.
=== Mad Dog ===
The whiny, brownnosing, but ultimately disloyal [[Elite Mook|lackey pirate]] of [[Terrible Trio|Don Karnage]]. He is nearly always [[Evil Duo|paired with Dumptruck]]. He has a very nasally voicetone. While he follows Karnage out of a sense of greed and fear, he'd turn on him in a moment flat if he thought he could get away with it, and stab him [[In the Back]] (episodes: Stuck on You, A Baloo Switcheroo).
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Mad Dog include:}}
* [[Dirty Coward]]: "Me? Oh, why me? Send Dumptruck! Send Hacksaw!"
* [[Lazy Bum]]: "Can I help it if I have a hangnail?"
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=== Dumptruck ===
He's another [[Elite Mook|lackey pirate]], definitely the muscle of [[Terrible Trio|Don Karnage]]. He is nearly always [[Evil Duo|paired with Mad Dog]]. His gruff side comes out when he's all business, but when he's not on the job or angry, he actually reveals a rather jovial, good-natured side. He is, sadly, not the brightest star in the sky. He speaks with a Swedish accent.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Dumptruck include:}}
* [[The Brute]]: "It's clobberin' time!"
* [[The Ditz]]: "Oh boy! Vee're goin' fishin'! I love worms. Especially vit' french fries!"
=== Gibber ===
Another of Don Karnage's [[Elite Mook|pirates]]. Gibber is often not far from Karnage, ready to whisper some idea or observation to his captain. He seems to be an advisor of sorts.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Gibber include:}}
* [[The Unintelligible]]
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