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{{quote| Also known as "[[Fan Nickname|Doomguy]]". In the original ''Doom'', he's a nameless marine sent to do grunt work on Mars after an incident over not wanting to kill innocent people on Earth causes him to lash out against his commanding officer. During his [[Nothing Exciting Ever Happens Here|dull-as-dirt assignment]], it seems the scientists of the Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC) are conducting experiments with teleporters when everything falls to pieces. One of Mars' moons and a UAC outpost, Deimos, completely vanishes into the ether while another, Phobos, is immediately overrun by [[The Legions of Hell]]. Everyone is either slaughtered or converted into minions of the invaders. The marine dispatches to Phobos, where he proceeds to clean up the situation as brutally as possible. During his one-man war against the forces of Hell, he discovers what became of Deimos (ended up floating above Hell itself) and then treks down to the surface of Hell to finish the job.}}
{{quote| When the sequel, ''Doom II: [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|Hell on Earth]]'', rolls around, the marine had just finished kicking Hell a new one when a distress signal alerts him that the armies that invaded the Mars moon bases have now breached their way to Earth. The humans who are able to escape the genocide decide their only recourse is to escape the planet but their exit route is barricaded by the invaders and obstructed by a force field they set up. The marine is called to break the line of defense and deactivate the force field on behalf of the other humans so they may escape, which he does and remains as the last human on Earth. However, further communication from the escaped humans reveals that the epicenter of the invasion is still on Earth, allowing the marine to finally push back against the invaders. After fighting their forces he decides to cross back into Hell yet again, this time with the intent of making sure they can never invade anywhere ever again. After this trek through Hell, he manages to essentially ''destroy'' it, literally leaving no place for the damned to go once they die.}}
* [[Action Hero]]: In Original Games.
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* [[Badass]]: Seriously, how is he not one if he {{spoiler|practically destroys [[Hell]]}} by the end of the second one.
** [[Badass Normal]]: With emphasis on Badass.
** [[Badass Abnormal]]: When he grabs [[Powered Byby a Forsaken Child|soul-powered powerups]] in original games or the Soul Cube in ''Doom 3''.
** [[Charles Atlas Superpower]]: There's nothing supernatural behind his Berserk Punch and ability to withstand direct hits from a rocket launcher.
** [[Like a Badass Out of Hell]]: Twice. In the first game he ends up in Hell after discovering where Deimos had teleported to and wanting to teach the demons a lesson on messing with him. He makes it out in one piece but in the second game, he voluntarily returns to Hell and completely wrecks the joint, to the point that he is left to wonder what would become of the evil men in the world when they die.
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* [[Bare Your Midriff]]: At least according to the box art of the first Doom. Male example, courtesy of [[Clothing Damage]].
* [[Chronic Hero Syndrome]]: After returning from Hell at the end of the first game, he volunteers to lead the strike force to recapture Earth's last spaceport and evacuate the last surviving humans. Then after ''that'' he volunteers to go '''back into Hell''' to reverse the invasion.
* [[Guest Fighter|Guest Skater]]: Doomguy is a secret character in the PC version of ''[[Tony Hawks Pro Skater (Video Game)|Tony Hawks Pro Skater]] 3'', due Gearbox Software being the one who ported the Windows version of the game.
* [[Heroic Mime]]
* [[No Name Given|No Official Name Given]]: While he has plenty of fanon names (and a couple arguably canonical), the Doomguy really has no official, cemented name. Romero stated that he wanted the players to feel like THEY were the marine and to invent their own personality.
** [[I Have Many Names]]: Current [[Fanon]] candidates so far are Extermination Warrior<ref>His Chinese name, also the Chinese name of the Doom game.</ref>, Doom Marine<ref>As he is the marine of Doom.</ref>, Buddy Dacote<ref>The only named character from the original script; he was a [[Mission Control|support character]] who, like the finalized Doom marine, died at the end of episode 1.</ref>, Flynn Taggart<ref>The name of the character in the Doom novels.</ref>, Stan Blazkowicz<ref>The name given in the Doom II RPG for iPhone, descendant of B.J. Blazkowicz.</ref>, John "Reaper" Grimm<ref>The name from the Doom movie.</ref>, Doom<ref>The name given to him in Quake III Arena, likely an alias.</ref>, John Kane <ref>The name given in the Doom 3 novel.</ref>, and John Stalvern<ref>From [[Doom Repercussions of Evil (Fanfic)|Doom: Repercussions of Evil]], [[Mind Screw|possibly]]</ref>.
* [[Palette Swap]]: In multiplayer other marines become this.
* [[Slasher Smile]]: Whenever he picks up a new weapon, he gets a very psychotic grin.
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{{quote| These were the soldiers on Mars (and then Earth) who were "conscripted" into the armies of Hell as front line defenders. They are essentially zombies and increase progressively in toughness (Grunts go down in a few shots while Commandos are armed with a chaingun and will take some punishment).}}
* [[Everything's Deader Withwith Zombies]]
* [[Gatling Good]]: Former Commando's weapon of choice.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: Former Commandos.
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{{quote| A smaller version of the Spider Mastermind, they are strange beings mounted on four metallic legs with a plasma gun bolted to the front.}}
* [[Brain In Aa Jar]]: And by "jar" we mean a cybernetic weapons platform.
* [[Giant Spider]]: Not as big as Spider Mastermind, but still quite big.
* [[Kaleidoscope Eyes]]: Normally its eyes are blue, but when attacking the eyes turn red.
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* [[Boss in Mook Clothing]]
* [[Evil Laugh]]: [[Hell Is That Noise|The way he lets you know]] [[Oh Crap|how much you are screwed]].
* [[Heal It Withwith Fire]]: The way he resurrects his fellows.
* [[Kill It Withwith Fire]]: How he deals with you. The fire doesn't hurt you, it only marks the place for the explosion he'll cause.
* [[Moral Myopia]]: Screams "why?!" upon death because he is Hell's "[[Shoot the Medic First|evil healer]]". He doesn't understand why anyone would want to kill him since he's only doing good by resurrecting his fellow demons. [[Hypocritical Humor|And then burning you to death.]]
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{{quote| The final boss of episode 3 of ''Doom''. A gigantic version of the Arachnotrons, it too is a creature mounted upon four titanic metal legs and a chaingun for defense.}}
* [[Brain In Aa Jar]]: And by "jar" we mean a cybernetic weapons platform.
* [[Contractual Boss Immunity]]: To splash damage. This effectively gives it nearly 70 percent resistance to rockets.
* [[Gatling Good]]
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* [[Big Bad]]
* [[Death Byby Cameo]]: The Icon of Sin is actually a big wall with a hole. The actual entity that takes damage is {{spoiler|the head of John Romero impaled on a spike}}.
* [[Mook Maker]]
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=== Hell Hunters ===
{{quote| A trio of elite demons sent to retrieve The Artifact and spearhead the second invasion of the Mars base in ''Resurrection of Evil''. The team consists of the [[Bullet Time|Helltime]] Hunter, [[Super Strength|Berserk]] Hunter, and [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|Invulnerability]] Hunter, which you fight in that order.}}
* [[Attack Its Weak Point]]: The Berserk Hunter. Shoot its "heart".
* [[Burning Withwith Anger]]: The Berserk Hunter.
* [[Flash Step]]: The Helltime Hunter.
* [[Mega Manning]]: After death, their powers are absorbed into the Artifact for the player to use against the next one.
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