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* Why did the Nerd wait so long to make a significant jab at LJN? Before, all we got was a passing reference in the [[Nightmare On Elm Street]] review to "Laughing Joking Numbnuts". Heck, he even discussed Color Dreams/Wisdom Tree before LJN.
** Actually he made more jabs at LJN before that. One of them is in his Nintendo accesories review. But to answer your question, he said himself he just realized that most of the bad games he played were from LJN.
*** [[Did Not Do the Research|The Elm Street review came first]]. Besides, it was one of his early reviews.
* Wasn't the Nerd supposed to review the R.O.B. at some point?
** Irate Gamer beat him to it.
*** And that matters...why? Like James would steal jokes from Irate; he's too good for that.
*** Regardless, ever Irate Gamer fan would call him out for even reviewing the material after he did, which would proceed to more flame wars.
** No, he never planned to review R.O.B. At the end of "NES Accessories", he said "I think you know what's coming next", puts on an Indy hat, and R.O.B. pops up in the background. Some people thought that meant R.O.B. was next; in fact, it was Indiana Jones, and R.O.B. was just a joke.
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**** HE JUST REVIEWED R.O.B! http://www.gametrailers.com/video/angry-video-screwattack/711094
* Is the Nerd recording things directly from his videogame console? It sometimes becomes very noticeable when he's splicing multiple videos together at once, like in the Ghostbusters review. Wouldn't it be easier if he used emulators?
** On his [httphttps://wwwweb.archive.org/web/20100611054507/https://cinemassacre.com/faq/#question23 FAQ page], he says he just connects the console directly to a DVD recorder. Seems easier than using an emulator to me.
** No, it's not. Not when 99% of the games he endures are tolerable only with the [[Save Scumming|Save State]] function of emulators!
** Don't quite a few emulators these days have an AVI record function?
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** The AVGN persona is just that; a persona. When he does tribute pieces like this, he tends to act more like his real self, and James has said numerous times that Castlevania II is one of his favorite games. The original video he did with Simon's Quest was actually just a joke he did for some friends, where he pretended to be a raging fanboy tearing a game apart by nitpicking tiny flaws.
** He still pointed out its flaws, such as the unskippable "WHAT A HORRIBLE NIGHT TO HAVE A CURSE/THE MORNING SUN HAS VANQUISHED THE HORRIBLE NIGHT" text boxes, the useless hints given by the townspeople (Then again, [[All There in the Manual|the manual does say they're just plain liars]]), the pathetic ease of which Death and Dracula can be beaten (Death can be beaten by WALKING THROUGH THE ALREADY OPEN DOOR) and other such problems.
*** When he's talking about it in the tribute video, he's a ''lot'' less in-character.
* This one is really petty. [[It Just Bugs Me]] that the "Rolling Rock on the Rolling Rocker!" gag was stretched out to the extent that it was. Yes, I know that some extended gags cycle from hilarious to awful and back again, but this particular gag ended up squarely at the awful end of the spectrum.
** That would easily put the "Rolling Rock on the Roll N Rocker" gag in the [[Don't Explain the Joke]] category.
** I thought it was a great example of an [[Overly Long Gag]] done right.
** I thought Shit Pickle was the [[Pokémon-Speak]], Nerdy Turd only went "PPBBBBBTTTTT!"
* How come, during his CD-i three-parter with his reviews of ''[[Hotel Mario]]'' and [[The LegendofLegend of Zelda CDI Games]], he did not once mention their use in [[YoutubeYouTube Poop]]? Does he hate YouTube Poop, or was he just trying to resist referencing it?
** It's not his style? He's not trying to be some hip internet figure (he doesn't need to), he's just making some videos? The jokes had got so lame (apart from ''maybe'' the [[Little No]] from Hotel Mario) by 2008 anyway.
** Remember that the Nerd rarely mentions something recent. Back when the CD-i games came out, [[YouTube]] wasn't invented yet.
** The cutscenes of Hotel Mario and the Zelda games are really what make them [[So Bad It's Good]]. The Nerd wanted to portray the games as [[So Bad ItsIt's Horrible]], so he only focused on the gameplay, which is probably a lot more flawed than the hideous-yet-hilarious cutscenes.
* Why did they show such little actual gameplay in the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde review? Really, about 90% of that review was just him mumbling about how God-awful the game ones. He hardly said anything about gameplay, mechanics, etc. It was really more of a drunken rant than his typical style.
** His typical style didn't exist when he wrote it. He didn't even intend to make a series at that time.
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* Why exactly is Jame's "Console Wars" video only accessible on Myspace? It doesn't bug me, but I find it odd. It's not on Screw Attack, Cinemassacre, or Youtube. Just..''Myspace''.
** It's on all those sites, but its title was changed to "Wii Salute".
* After seeing his "[[Back to The Future]] and Other Games Revisited" review and hearing his soliloquy on LJN's logo, don't you think James would have learned by now that LJN didn't actually make the games they put their name on? They were just a publishing company; it was [[Rare]], Acclaim, Beam Software, Software Creations and Pack-in Video that were actually making those travesties. The only thing LJN can really be blamed for is failing to test the games out and make the developers do it over.
** [[Family-Unfriendly Aesop|If your name is on it, you can be blamed for it.]]
*** How is that a [[Family-Unfriendly Aesop]], anyway? Companies should and MUST care for the quality of the products they plaster their names on.
** I still think the ''Back to the Future'' part should've been one video, with the ''Other Games Revisited'' part as a second. More updates, more revenue, more views. Why did he combine them again?
** Rare has a lot of [[Defensive Fans]] who wouldn't believe him, btw.
* Even though most of the complaints on the first [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]] game for the NES are justified, I can't shake the feeling that in a few years, younger generations are going to see this video and, since the game costs $6 on the Wii, will wonder why they have to pay an extra buck for a shitty game. I know the Nerd has stressed exactly how big Turtles were back then, but I don't think he stressed how important that game was for the NES (one of the best-selling third party games, which is likely why they went out of their way to include it on Virtual Console).
** The point there is, criticizing games is what he is supposed to do, and since his complaints on this game can be summed up as "it's too difficult and some things are counter-intuitive", people who would listen to his arguments without thinking on their own whether the new games are good or bad are the kind of people who don't like difficult or counter-intuitive games, and thus wouldn't enjoy them. Most of "old-school gamers" don't mind the difficulty slider being a little higher and the game requiring us to spend some time knowing how to play it, but most players from the "younger generations" want their games to be easy to learn and easy to play, only being challenging when they choose the game to be. And heck, personally I always cursed at the underwater level and never got past the third stage (the one after the dam), but I think it was a pretty good game, even with its flaws, and if I had a Wii, I would buy it because of that. {{spoiler|Conclusion: problem lies with the players, and not with reviews.}}
* His Sega CD review. It's all a matter of opinion, but the add-on had quite a few good games ([[No Export for You|especially in Japan]]). Let's just hope he doesn't do a [[Sega Saturn]] review.
** He admits that '''a)''' he has to ''have'' the game before reviewing them, they have to ''work'', and '''b)''' it was deliberate [[Accentuate the Negative]]. He didn't touch ''[[Lunar]]'' at all, and said it was better than the 32X.
* Does AVGN have a "life"? He's a persona of James, but it seems the character is just a grouchy guy who plays bad games all day.
** Nope. The Nerd pretty much spends all of his time reviewing shitty games. Its all part of the "You/I Suck" routine and is lampshaded in several episodes. Of course its all just a friendly gag and is meant to be funny rather than insulting.
** He makes ''other'' stuff, too.
** Apparently, we are going to see more of his life outside his basement in the movie.
* The people who take him seriously. No, I'm not talking about his massive [[Hatedom]]. People who actually treat him as an authority on whether a game was good or bad. [[Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch|Without playing the games]]. This Troper had discussions with people who acted like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game wasn't anything but horrible based entirely off of the review. They didn't even bother to refute my points with anything other than "See the video". I even scanned an old magazine from the time period where they gave it a positive review, but nope, a comedy figure is more trusting than print media.
** People do that with any reviewer, from Nostalgia Critic to Zero Punctuation. And serious reviewers. I personally never listen to reviews when deciding whether or not to play/buy something and do some actual research instead.
** We have a trope for this: It's [[Reviews Are the Gospel]], also overlapping with [[Misaimed Fandom]]. You'll notice if he's reviewing a system or game that isn't universally seen as bad, he has more positive things to say. He even had a lot of positive stuff to say about the ''Atari Jaguar'' - you'd think he'd have ''hated'' it.
* Why do his longer episodes on Gametrailers get a glitchy band of colors in the middle of the screen near the end? [http://i77.servimg.com/u/f77/11/37/25/27/nerd_m10.jpg See] [http://i77.servimg.com/u/f77/11/37/25/27/nerd_m11.jpg some] [http://i77.servimg.com/u/f77/11/37/25/27/nerd_m12.jpg examples]. What is causing this problem? This ruined the "Back To The Future Trilogy" and "Star Wars" episode for me, and while "Action 52" at first was working fine, it got this problem too as I went to watch it again recently. Why does this happen?
** Site glitch? It might be the [[Game Trailers]] site doing it to the videos.
** In my experience, it's almost certainly a problem with Game Trailers. I've never had the same problem watching the videos on Cinemassacre.
* How come in his Independence Day review, it looks like James blue-screened the footage from the game onto the TV?
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* While we're on the subject of ''World Championships''; he takes a sledgehammer to a pair of the games (a gray cartridge and a gold cartridge, not the blue reproduction copy). Yet at the end of the credits, he and Pat are seen holding extra copies of the games. So does that mean they actually had two copies of both cartridges, or were the destroyed cartridges fake, or is it something else entirely?
** They disguised the cartridges. The gold one was most likely ''[[The Legend of Zelda]]'', since if you look closely it has a battery in it, which NCW doesn't need.
*** [https://web.archive.org/web/20131015125635/http://cinemassacre.com/2011/09/07/outtakes-nintendo-world-championships/ Confirmed], and the gray cartridge was ''Top Gun''.
** What I'm curious about is who owns which one. I know Pat was known for owning a grey version of the cartridge, where did the gold one came from? Is it Pat's too?
*** Yes it is pat's
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** That was a red herring to tease the fans, he'll be saving that game for the movie.
** At the end of the video it said "to be continued in the AVGN movie". We won't see that review until the movie is out. So, it would take some time.
*** The Movie is about the ET game? why? when i thought back then that he was going to review it i was guessing that he will say its a piece of shit for the WRONG reasons like: 1)the expectations of having ET in a video game could not live up, 2)THIS is the second game that ATARI releases in a Christmas (the one was the arcade port of Pac Man the year before) and the fact they make more cartridges than consoles means that they dint learn its lesson, 3)The fact that those games marked the Video game crash makes a post crash hate as the worst games ever existed when in reality (for the ET at least) it wasnt any diferent as the other atari games (Indiana jones for ATARI anyone?)
*** Well, he probably decided to use the ET game for the movie because is the game that everybody is asking for, he's just exploiting the fact that there's a lot of anticipation for it. In many ocassions he has commented that it's the game that most people ask him to review. And remember the movie is not a 2-hours long review or a documentary. I guess all the points you mentioned are probably going to be adressed in the movie as part of the plot. In one interview James commented that he picked it for the movie because of all the history that's behind the game, and in another interview he said the movie could be clasified as a [[Road Movie]]. I'm starting to think it has something to do with the Nerd traveling to that infamous landfill in which supposedly the unsold ET cartridges were buried, but your guess is as good as mine.
* There haven't been any new title cards since the ROB episode, not even for Board James... I wonder if Mike is just too busy.
* Exactly how in-character ''is'' James Rolfe while he's doing the AVGN episodes? I understand that some of the little sketches, like when he fights Bugs Bunny, are all AVGN, but some of his discussions of the video games themselves seem fairly normal. I don't really have a reference point, so... how much of the videos are James Rolfe and how much are the AVGN?
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*** I thought the question was how James can have a beard at the same time as the AVGN being clean shaven. This is only assuming that segments as himself and segments as the Nerd are filmed around the same time, though...
*** Well, if that was the question then, James answered this in a comment in a video :)
{{quote| '''User''': What’s with the disappearing and appearing beard on James? Do you always shave it for AVGN filming and let it grow otherwise or what? <br />
'''James''': You pretty much got it right. Lately, I’ve only been shaving the beard for AVGN and Board James. Been too busy to care much. And the videos are barely ever released in the same order that they’re shot, so you might see it going back and forth a lot. It’s like my evil bearded twin, like in the Star Trek episode. What’s the episode title, Mike?<br />
'''Mother Fucker Mike ''': Season 2 Episode 33 – “Mirror, Mirror” }}
* In his review of ''[[Milon's Secret Castle|Milons Secret Castle]]'', the Nerd begins the review by saying he fucking hates this game. So why does he react with genuine surprise much later when he finds out you have no continues without a button combination? Wouldn't he already be aware of this if he states at the top that he hates the game?
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*** It's not around anymore. Its last game was published in 2000 for dreamcast, the [[Other Wiki]] says.
[[Category:Web Original/Headscratchers]]
[[Category:The Angry Video Game Nerd]]
[[Category{{DEFAULTSORT:The Angry Video Game Nerd]], The}}
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