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Star Wars/Characters/New Jedi Order and Legacy Eras: Difference between revisions

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This page is for characters in the [[Star Wars Expanded Universe]] [[New Jedi Order]], [[Dark Nest Trilogy]], [[Legacy of the Force]], and [[FateoftheFate of the Jedi]] book series, as well as the standalone novels [[Millennium Falcon]], [[Crosscurrent]], and Riptide. The comic series [[Star Wars Legacy]] has its own [[Star Wars Legacy/Characters|page]].
== Jedi Masters ==
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* [[Cain and Abel]]
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[Distressed Damsel]]: All too often. She manages to make it out of [[FateoftheFate of the Jedi]] without this happening to her.
* [[Flat Character]]: Often accused of this.
* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]]: With Zekk.
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** [[Romantic Plot Tumor]]: Finally resolved in Apocalypse, when she marries Jag.
* [[Master Swordswoman]]
* [[Mentor Archetype]]: Much to Ben's surprise ([[Out-of-Character Moment|and fans]]), she is this for Vestara in [[FateoftheFate of the Jedi|Ascension]]. Subverted in Apocalypse, {{spoiler|as she and everyone thinks Vestara is a Sith spy following her being seen leading an attack on Allana. She's not, but did lead the attack to make the Sith think she was still with them in an effort to stay alive}}.
* [[Mentor Ship]]: With Kyp.
* [[Strong Family Resemblance]]: She's basically Han, but a girl: amazing pilot, awesome mechanic, [[Deadpan Snarker]], got her own Wookiee sidekick in Lowie.
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* [[Bishonen]]: Remarked upon by ''everyone''.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: Has become this.
* [[Deal Withwith the Devil]]: Exar Kun.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]
* [[Expy]]: Of [[X -Men|Magneto]].
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: Until about half-way through the [[New Jedi Order]]. He's mellowed out a lot since then.
* [[Karma Houdini]]: At least in the [[Jedi Academy Trilogy]]. He's harangued about this by ''everyone'' in non-Anderson works.
* [[Mentor Ship]]: With Jaina: they end up good friends, and he leads the Jedi honor guard at her wedding.
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* [[Green Eyes]]: He's mentioned as having them several times.
* [[Happily Married]]
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: He spends most of [[FateoftheFate of the Jedi]] in this state after both his children go insane.
* [[Papa Wolf]]
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* [[Badass Grandpa]]
** [[Colonel Badass]]: When he was in the military.
* {{spoiler|[[Defiant to Thethe End]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Dropped a Bridge Onon Him]]}}
* [[Honor Before Reason]]
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]}}
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=== Saba Sebatyne ===
A Barabel Jedi Master who was trained outside of the Order by Master Eelysa. She served with distinction during the [[New Jedi Order|Yuuzhan Vong War]], and trained Leia following the [[Dark Nest Trilogy|Swarm War]]. She continued to serve as a major voice on the Jedi Council, often favoring more aggresive solutions to problems, [[FateoftheFate of the Jedi|which led her into direct conflict]] with acting Grand Master Kenth Hamner following Luke's exile by Chief of State Natasi Daala.
* [[Ace Pilot]]
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{{quote| '''Harfard''': "Now get out of my way, [[Fantastic Racism|fish-head]]."<br />
'''Cilghal''': "Two things. First, my name is not Fish-Head. It is Master Cilghal. Second, I am not in your way. That is a logistical impossibility. I am less than a meter wide. The entryway where we stand and the doorway behind me are several meters wide. I now leave it as an exercise of your alleged intelligence to find a way into the Temple. If you do a very good job, perhaps we will name the test after you." }}
* [[Hidden Badass]]: Before ''[[FateoftheFate of the Jedi|Backlash]]'', we had never seen Cilghal in a fight. When she is confronted by Jedi Knight Sothias Saar, who had just succumbed to Force psychosis, she [[Curb Stomp Battle|squashes him in about five seconds]]. Chief of State Daala is surprised when she sees the footage, but realizes that Cilghal is a Jedi Master for a reason.
* [[The Medic]]
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* [[Brother-Sister Team]]
* [[Dead Guy, Junior]]
* [[Dropped a Bridge Onon Him]]: Killed off because of [[George Lucas]] thinking fans wouldn't be able to tell the difference between him and his granddad. Unlike Jacen, he at least gets to go out with a…
* [[Heroic RROD]]
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]
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* [[Holy Hand Grenade]]: Uses an attack described like this, {{spoiler|to [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|punch a hole in Abeloth]]}}, in ''Apocalypse''. Notable, in that he pulls this off very close to a [[Made of Evil]] [[Power Source]].
* [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness]]: In spades. Even after being [[The Dragon|trained in the dark side]], [[Being Tortured Makes You Evil|tortured by Caedus]], and [[Squick|molested by Tahiri]], in addition to his mother's death, the worst thing he's done is snark about his father.
** Until ''[[FateoftheFate of the Jedi|Ascension]]'', even if the author forgot that [[Domestic Abuse|what he did]] was wrong.
* [[Lamarck Was Right|Inheritance Of Acquired Traits]]: he's inherited not only his mother's quick wit, but also her skill in just about everything related to combat and weapons-handling…
* [[Jade-Colored Glasses]]
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** Also, when putting up the facade of being angry at Vestara in ''Apocalypse'', he [[The Dog Bites Back|can't figure out]] why she is ''[[Domestic Abuse|actually]]'' [[What the Hell, Hero?|angry at him]].
* [[Redheaded Hero]]
* [[Screw Destiny]]: He has torn down at least one prophecy about his future. {{spoiler|[[The End - Oror Is It?|Only time will tell]]}}
* [[Shotacon]]: At the very end of Legacy of the Force.
* [[Strong Family Resemblance]]: Nearly all of his mannerisms and physical traits he inherited from Mara, and this is repeated several times throughout the novels, although official art is completely hellbent on throwing such similarities out the window…
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* [[Aborted Arc]]: Anakin has a vision in ''Conquest'' of her as a half-Yuuzhan Vong [[Dark Messiah]], and following the events of that book she pretty much has the "half-Yuuzhan Vong" part down, and it's pretty heavily hinted in ''The Final Prophecy'' that this is still a possible future. It never comes up again after that book, even when she goes dark, and her Yuuzhan Vong nature gets a few cursory mentions in ''Dark Nest'' before being dropped nearly altogether in ''Legacy of the Force'' and ''Fate of the Jedi'', despite being a ''very'' prominent aspect of her personality before that.
* [[The Atoner]]: She becomes this by [[FateoftheFate of the Jedi|Fate of the Jedi: Ascension]].
* [[Berserk Button]]: Meta: She kills a head of state ''and'' tortures a 14-year-old boy. She also molests that same 14-year-old boy. Guess which one fans complain about.
* [[Does Not Like Shoes]]
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* [[Love Makes You Evil]]: She joins Jacen because of Anakin's death. Specifically because he claims he can bring Anakin back or something stupid like that.
* [[Necromantic]]: See [[Love Makes You Evil]].
* [[Raised Byby Natives]]: Well, Tusken Raiders.
* [[Split Personality]]: After the failed brainwashing in ''Conquest'', leading to:
** [[Enemy Within]]: Riina Kwaad
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* [[The Big Guy]]
* [[Doomed Byby Canon]]: The Zekk/Jaina ship, as of ''Legacy''.
* [[Expy]]: See [[Sixth Ranger]] below.
* [[Hair Color Dissonance|Skin Color Dissonance]]: Described as pale in [[Young Jedi Knights]], but looks vaguely Asian in the official art.
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=== Valin Horn ===
* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: By Abeloth from ''[[FateoftheFate of the Jedi|Outcast]]'' until ''Conviction''.
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: He is extremely good at use the force to control and influence animals.
* [[Sealed Good in Aa Can]]: He was frozen in carbonite after going insane, but freed in ''Conviction''.
=== Jysella Horn ===
* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: By Abeloth from ''[[FateoftheFate of the Jedi|Omen]]'' until ''Conviction''.
* [[Sealed Good in Aa Can]]: She was frozen in carbonite after going insane, but freed in ''Conviction''.
=== Bazel Warv ===
* [[The Big Guy]]
* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: By Abeloth from ''[[FateoftheFate of the Jedi|Abyss]]'' until ''Vortex''.
* [[Determinator]]
* [[Gentle Giant]]
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* [[The Apprentice]]
* [[Good Withwith Numbers]]: He is capable of calculating perfect hyperspace jumps with minimal aid form the nav-computer.
* [[My Brain Is Big]]
* [[Rubber Forehead Aliens]]
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* [[Big Bad]]: Of [[Legacy of the Force]].
* [[Cain and Abel]]
* [[Dropped a Bridge Onon Him]]
* [[Face Heel Turn]]
* [[Fan Nickname]]: JINO (Jacen In Name Only) when he goes to the dark side.
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* [[The Hero]]: In [[Young Jedi Knights]]
* [[Idiot Ball]]: The only explanation for his [[Face Heel Turn]].
* [[Kick the Son of Aa Bitch]]: Does this to Ta'a Chume. Normally [[Mind Rape]] would be bad except Ta'a Chume was a total bitch who had a list of crimes a mile wide.
* [[Knight Templar]]
* [[Love Makes You Evil]]
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* [[Foe Yay]]: She and Ben hadn't even met yet before fans started pairing them off, just because they're the same age but opposite genders. After they finally meet, [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]] and [[Dating Catwoman]] ensue.
* [[Hannibal Lecture]]: Noted here, because it's practically her hobby. Extends to her [[Inner Monologue|Inner Monologue's]].
* [[Heel Face Revolving Door]]: Over the course of the [[Fateofthe Jedi|Fate of the Jedi]] books, she betrays both Sith and Jedi, several times over. [[Discussed]] by Luke and Jaina:
{{quote| '''Luke''': ''You want me to take a Sith who's trustworthiness seems to depend on the time of day, the season, and the phases of whatever moons happen to be nearby, on'' ''{{spoiler|a potentially dangerous mission to the Sith homeworld?}}''}}
** She ultimately settles on {{spoiler|Heel}}.
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* [[Four-Star Badass]]
* [[Military Maverick]]
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: One of the few military commanders who fully supported the Jedi and realized the threat the Yuuzhan Vong posed in the begining of the [[New Jedi Order]] series.
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* [[Desk Jockey]]: It's noted this was his specialty: keeping the military organized and running smoothly. While he is a very competent commander, he was unprepared for the Yuuzhan Vong and relied on others like Kre'fey and Wedge to come up with the winning tactics.
* {{spoiler|[[Dropped a Bridge Onon Him]]}}
* [[Four-Star Badass]]
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]
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=== Gavin Darklighter ===
Related to Biggs Darklighter, Luke's [[Mauve Shirt]] friend from [[A New Hope]]. He debuted in the [[X Wing Series]] as a member of Rogue Squadron, and worked his way up to leader of Rogue squadron during the [[New Jedi Order]]. He became a fleet commander by the time of the [[Dark Nest Trilogy]], and in [[FateoftheFate of the Jedi]] he became the leader of the Galactic Alliance Space Marines as an Admiral.
* [[Ace Pilot]]
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=== Cal Omas ===
* {{spoiler|[[Face Death Withwith Dignity]]}}
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: During the [[New Jedi Order]]. Afterwards, not so much, but he still had his moments.
* [[Took a Level In Jerkass]]: Between the [[New Jedi Order]] and the [[Dark Nest Trilogy]].
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* [[Beauty Is Never Tarnished]]: Averted when she loses her arm.
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Princesses]]
* [[Gray Eyes]]
* [[Handicapped Badass]]: Do you really want to piss off the one-armed force-wielding amazon?
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* [[The Chosen One]]
* [[Little Miss Badass]]: Is pressed into combat [[Sarcasm Mode|at the wizened age]] of nine.
* [[Small Girl, Big Gun]]: For her first combat experience, in [[FateoftheFate of the Jedi|Apocalypse]]. She gets a smaller weapon later on.
=== Taryn Zel ===
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* [[Ace Pilot]]
* [[Officer and Aa Gentleman]]
* [[You Can't Go Home Again]]: He gets exiled from Chiss society following the events of the [[Dark Nest Trilogy]].
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* [[Evil Overlord]]: His title is "Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong".
* [[Large and In Charge]]: Huge, even by Yuuzhan Vong standards.
* {{spoiler|[[Off Withwith His Head]]}}
=== Onimi ===
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* {{spoiler|[[Big Bad]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Dog Was the Mastermind]]}}
* [[Expy]]: Of [[Final Fantasy VI (Video Game)|Kefka Palazzo]], and to a lesser extent, the Mule.
* [[The Jester]]: Somewhat subverted.
* {{spoiler|[[Karmic Death]]: He gets eaten alive by the very poisons he generates to use against Jacen Solo. Also a case of [[Cruel and Unusual Death]].}}
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* [[Bad Boss]]: Though by Vong standards he's almost cuddly, even ''sparing the lives'' of subordinates he could have killed. Not that that says a whole lot, mind you…
* [[Body Horror]]: His "uniform" is a suit of armor scales that has basically been ''grafted to his skin''.
* [[The Chessmaster]]: [[Depending Onon the Writer|Sometimes]]. Authors varied ''a lot'' about how competent they made him- at his best he was about on level with Admiral Ackbar, Garm Bel Iblis, or Pellaeon; at his worst he's a raving animal. It's certainly difficult to see the canny Warmaster of ''Star by Star'' falling into the trap that kills him in ''Destiny's Way''.
* [[Combat Sadomasochist]]: It's a requirment for Yuuzhan Vong warriors.
* [[The Dragon]]
* [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard]]: He becomes obsessed with hunting Jedi, so of course this ends up [[Karmic Death|getting him killed]].
* [[Knight Templar]]
* [[Pet the Dog]]: His relationship with his father.
* [[We Have Reserves]]: Standard Yuuzhan Vong combat doctrine. Except that after three years of war, he ends up ''running out of reserves'', and is chewed out by Supreme Overlord Shimrra for it.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Sometimes- [[Depending Onon the Writer|it depends on the author]]. Denning in particular has said that Lah could have been a great hero if he hadn't been a [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens|Scary Dogmatic Alien]].
=== Nen Yim ===
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* [[Assimilation Plot]]
* {{spoiler|[[Belated Backstory]]: She was the "Mother" to The Ones from The Clone Wars series, bordering into [[Retcon]] since she was introduced to the [[Star Wars]] storyline before they were.}}
* [[Big Bad]]: Of [[FateoftheFate of the Jedi]].
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]
* [[Enemy to All Living Things]]: Death follows her everywhere.
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* [[Omnicidal Maniac]]: {{spoiler|If the title of the last book in the series, not to mention the Thuruht queen's statement about the end times arriving as soon as she learns about Abeloth's unsealment, it is implied that she's pretty much going to attempt to destroy existence.}}
* [[Physical God]]: Although that seems like a bit of [[Informed Ability]], since the heroes have been basically kicking her ass. Abeloth is just hard to kill.
* [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]]
* {{spoiler|[[Was Once a Man]]: She didn't become an [[Eldritch Abomination]] until she tampered with the Font of Power and Pool of Knowledge.}}
* [[Yandere]]: She inherited her, ah, interest in Luke from assimilating Callista.
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