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* [[Breather Boss]]: The Hind D.
* [[Crowning Music of Awesome]]: Some hold the ''Twin Snakes'' soundtrack to be superior to the original one. It's certainly ''longer''. Unfortunately, it's not available by retail, though you can find it pretty easily for download.
** Severl of its tracks can be found [[Metal Gear (Video Game)/Awesome Music|here]].
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]: Sniper Wolf
* [[Funny Aneurysm Moment]]: Taking into account Snake's physical state by ''[[Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots]]'', there's this bit from Campbell just after you reach the helipad, provided you clear the Dock without much hassle,
{{quote| '''Campbell''': Excellent Snake! Age hasn't slowed you down one bit!}}
** Also, Liquid Snake desired to murder Big Boss in revenge for either allegedly being knowingly given the inferior genes by Big Boss or being told by Big Boss repeatedly that he was inferior, and hated Snake partially for stealing that chance. Liquid Snake's VA, [[Cam Clarke]], later voices [[The Lion King|a character]] who attempts to avenge his father after discovering that he was murdered by his uncle in [[Kingdom Hearts II (Video Game)|Kingdom Hearts II]].
* [[Hilarious in Hindsight]]: Remember the Yoshi doll in ''The Twin Snakes'', the one that, unlike the Mario doll, doesn't actually do much for you when you shoot it other than having it cry its name? Well, with ''Snake Eater 3D'', the Yoshi doll will have a bit more use this time.
* [[It's Easy, So It Sucks]]: ''Twin Snakes'' included many features originally introduced in ''[[Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty]]'', but the level design was hardly changed at all to match the new features, leading many players to complain about how much easier the game is when you can aim in first-person view and guards attack in finite amounts - as opposed to the endless waves that would swarm you until you ran out of ammo or died in the PS1 original, not to mention the fact that Snake starts out with ''full health'' instead of gaining health incrementally after beating each boss.
** Worth noting, however, is the fact that the enemy AI in ''Twin Snakes'' is vastly improved over the original, making them much more difficult to run from, hide from, and fight.
* [[It's Short, So It Sucks]]: The most common criticism of the game. A typical player will finish the game in about 10-11 hours, well over half of which is cutscenes and CODEC conversations.
* [[It Was His Sled]]: The one scene described in great detail whenever anyone tells someone who hasn't played it is Psycho Mantis' boss fight and the trick to beat him.
* [[Recycled Script]]: Several plot elements and set pieces used in ''[[Metal Gear 1987 (Video Game)|Metal Gear 1987]]'' and ''[[Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake (Video Game)|Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake]]'' reappear in ''Metal Gear Solid'' with no comment from anybody.
* [[Seinfeld Is Unfunny]]: The Psycho Mantis fight was ground breaking and full of [[HSQ]] at the time, most new players now a days don't get what was so mindblowing.
** More broadly, the stealth gameplay may seem rather crude and simplistic compared to later entries in the genre, especially to players who have only played the likes of ''[[Video Game]]/Hitman'' or ''[[SplinterTom CellClancy's (VideoSplinter Game)Cell|Splinter Cell]]''.
* [[That One Boss]]: Sniper Wolf , since the sniper rifle is so annoying to control. Though the second battle can be easy if you use the Nikita.
* [[Vocal Evolution]]: [[David Hayter]] seems to portray Solid Snake as being very distant and cold through his speaking. In later games, while still very gruff, Snake's voice is warmer and more comforting.
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