• Actor Allusion: See the Crossover entry in the main section.
    • In the noted Crossover, Michael mentions his old therapist was like a father to him and wonders how the new guy can just fill that spot. Enter Michael Gross.
    • Meredith Baxter played Mike's mother.
    • Fox's wife Tracy Pollan appeared in one episode as an old girlfriend, and then in a third season episode along with most of the other ex-girlfriends seen on the show at that point.
    • For both Fox and Christopher Lloyd when the latter guest starred in "Back to The Future IV: Judgment Day".

Mike: It's like stepping back in time.
Owen: The past is prologue, Michael. Men like us have to look to the future!
Mike: (Beat) What the hell are you talking about?

    • In "All the Mayor's Men", Mike quotes Johnny B. Goode - his signature song from Back to The Future - as a Bible passage.
    • In "The Great Debate", the Mayor goads a political opponent with clucking. When Mike is asked what the Mayor is up to, he responds knowingly that he's "doing the chicken." Marty McFly could be goaded into anything if he was called a chicken.
    • When going to a hockey game, Stuart wears a jersey that Alan Ruck wore in Ferris Buellers Day Off.
    • This carried over to Charlie Sheen, his father Martin Sheen played his father on the show, and his then-girlfriend Denise Richards played one of his girlfriends on the show.
  • The Danza: Michael J. Fox as Michael Flaherty and Charlie Sheen as Charlie Crawford.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: The Mayor is a real ASSHOLE!!