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== Real Life ==
* There is a picture of [[Hillary Clinton]] shaking hands with a soldier while the soldier is flashing a downwards peace sign with his other hand. This hand gesture means "I am doing this against my will."{{verify}}
* A former student of Nicholas Murray Butler (who was then the [[wikipedia:Nicholas Murray Butler|president of Columbia University]]) was asked to contribute a piece to ''Poetry'' magazine. He obliged... with a [ poem] in which the first letter of each line spelled out the statement "Nicholas Murray Butler Is A Horse's Ass".
* [ This creative headstone.]
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** An American version could be the less offensive and somewhat insulting "If you see Kay, you tell her I said hi!" Say the first five words out loud slowly.
** There's the Irish "Whale oil beef hooked" (say it out loud, possibly with an Irish accent).
* [[Dorothy Parker]], [[Oscar Wilde]] and [[William F. Buckley]] were all masters/mistress of this.
* After a public dispute between Robert Hooke and Isaac Newton, the latter wrote an open letter of apology to the Royal Society. It contained what became a famous quote of his "If I have seen further than most it is by standing on the shoulders of giants" (''and not twisted little hunchbacks like Hooke'').
* When the USS ''Pueblo'' was captured by North Korea and its crew taken prisoner, its sailors were photographed [[Blatant Lies|to show off how well they had been taken care of.]] The sailors found a creative way to get their message through: [ many of them flipped the finger,] telling their North Korean captors that the gesture was a "Hawaiian good luck sign." Needless to say, the North Koreans were not happy with them once they found out.
** "Hawaiian Good Luck Sign" is still a popular euphemism for it in some regions.
** Pueblo's captain, Commander Lloyd Bucher, was tortured by the North Korean forces, who eventually succeeded in forcing him to confess. However, to quote [[The Other Wiki]], '' 'none of the Koreans knew enough English to write a confession, so they had Bucher write it himself. They verified the meaning of his words, but failed to catch the pun when he said "We paean (paean meaning a fervent expression of joy or praise) the DPRK. We paean the Korean people. We paean their great leader Kim Il Sung".' '' Another quote from the confession: "[We] beseech the Korean people to forgive our dastardly deeds unmatched since Attila."
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Age 102
The Good Die Young. }}
* According to an anecdote, [[Jean Harlow]] was once at dinner with Margot Asquith (wife of [[Herbert Henry Asquith]], the former British Prime Minister), and kept pronouncing Mrs. Asquith's name with the 't' at the end. Eventually Asquith said "No, Jean, the 'T' is silent, like in 'Harlow'".