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Stealth Pun/Recorded and Stand Up Comedy

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Examples of Stealth Puns in Recorded and Stand Up Comedy include:

  • Dane Cook: Rough Around the Edges gives us this gem: "You know what'd suck? Being the guy who played the flute. That had to blow."
  • A somewhat well-known joke concerns a pair of hikers who die while rock-climbing. As their souls ascend to heaven, they see a pair of eagles and exclaim, "Ah, eagles!" The eagles, to be polite, say nothing.
    • "Ah, souls!" (Say it out loud. Works best with a British accent.)
    • Another variation involves a flounder and a sole who bump into each other on the bottom of the ocean. Same punchline.
  • In Crazy with a Capital F, Dan Cummins talks about an ant infestation he once had and says he imagines that all ants speak with a British accent. It's because they colonize. Well, it was a stealth pun until he explained it.

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