Steins;Gate/Tear Jerker

Revision as of 20:51, 19 February 2022 by ThunderKat (talk | contribs)

  • The second half of episode 16 delivers them one after another:
    • In a heartwarming example, Mayuri realizes who Suzuha's father is: Daru. Daru and Suzuha share a moment before Suzuha departs in her time machine to set aside an IBN 5100 from 1975 for the lab to use.
    • The lab receives a letter from Suzuha a few hours later thanks to The Slow Path. The time machine hadn't been fixed properly; Suzuha suffered a concussion upon arriving in 1975 and didn't remember her mission until 2000. In the letter Suzuha begs Rintaro to prevent the damage to the time machine from happening, so that she can go to 1975 earlier. Rintaro finds out a few moments later that after writing the letter, Suzuha committed suicide out of Amnesiac Dissonance. Rintaro sends a d-mail to the past as Suzuha requests, but as Mayuri points out, this will totally negate the dear friendship they had all formed with Suzuha.
      • Shippai shita, Shippai shita, Shippai shita, Shippai shita! And the line scrawled down the page at the end. That got this troper good.
      • Despite undoing their friendship, it turns out that the d-mail worked.
  • How about a few episodes later when Okabe realises that to save Mayuri, he has to undo the D-mail that prevented Kurisu from dying? He spends the next couple of episodes (and a few more time loops where Mayuri dies) trying to Take a Third Option - and ultimately failing. The ultimate Tear Jerker comes when, having during this spilled the entire story to Kurisu herself, the two of them conclude that the only way to save Mayuri is to delete the D-mail; before contacting Daru to crack SERN's database and do just that, Okabe finally confess that he loves Kurisu, who responds by kissing him. Kurisu then apparently leaves on the train so as to avoid having to say goodbye to any of the others... only to run back to the lab and confess that she loves Okabe in return just as they are deleting the D-mail. Manly Tears all round.
    • It's even worse since she was interrupted. All she managed to get out was "I'm also in -" before he time travels. It's pretty obvious what she's about to say, but it's just a killer that she wasn't even allowed to say it properly.
  • Basically most of the later half of the show.
    • Episode 13. You won't be able to hold all your emotions.
    • Episode 17 when we find out just what Rumiho (Faris) sent in her D-mail. Normally, Faris is playful and energetic, but here we get to see a more vulnerable side of her. This episode also leaves Okabe conflicted because while reversing the D-mail will delay Mayuri's death by an extra day, he also knows he'll rob Faris of happiness with her father.
    • Episode 21 where Rinatro tries to prevent Mayuri's death without returning to the original timeline only for her to die again when she prevents his death. As she dies in his arms yet again, she reaches up to the stars and says she's glad she was able to be useful to him.
      • Also, while at her grandmother's grave, when it is revealed she can hazily recall each time she's been killed.
  • Episode 22: after Okabe tries to take a third option to save Mayuri's life without undoing the first D-mail, Kurisu insists that he goes ahead with it, even if it means she will die as she did at the beginning. Realising this is his only option, what does Okabe do? He hugs her while having an internal monologue about how he never told her what was in his heart, how he truly felt about her. All this knowing he is about to lose her.
  • Episode 23: the revelation that Okabe was the one responsible for Kurisu's death in the first place. It's a harrowing scene for both of them: she's bleeding to death, he's horrified that the girl he loves died in the first place because of him. It's a heart breaking scene to say the least.
    • What if he just gave up after the first attempt to save Kurisu's life and he didn't get support from Mayuri, or a pep talk from his Future self? Well, Episode 23 beta (the catalyst that kicks off Steins;Gate 0) shows us exactly how that plays out. The result: Okabe becomes so distraught, that he abandons his quest for time travel, ditching the Hououin Kyouma persona, and spends the majority of Steins;Gate 0 mourning Kurisu's death.
  • Another example overlapping with a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming is the last scene of episode 25. "Close your eyes". Cut to black.
  • In the film, a drunk Kurisu starts ranting and raving about some things Okabe told her while he was in the US, and is upset that despite telling her that he loved her, he didn't even send her a text message. Or even as little as an emoji. Again, the alcohol might have an influence here, but from her perspective, that must really sting a bit as she feels like he doesn't care about her.
    • In retrospect, some drama CD's explore this a little; as funny as it is at points, one particular part of Sekimen Hissi no Gossip has Kurisu going off about how cold-hearted Okabe is for not keeping contact with her for nearly a year. She believes he still keeps up the chuunibyou nonsense without caring about her feelings at all. It becomes clear to Moeka and Faris that she is indeed in love, despite her repeated denials. It's actually quite sad when you break it down.
  • After Suzuha explains the circumstances surrounding Okabe's disappearance, the latter is shocked to learn that Kurisu time leapt. Learning from his own experience, he becomes majorly concerned about the potential mental damage she'll suffer from just trying to save him, to the point where he practically begs her not to do so for her sake. Kurisu defiantly tries to persuade him to accept her help, going so far as saying his disappearance will be like he never lived to begin with; to her, this is worse than not remembering him. You can feel the desperation in her voice as she pleads with him, even stating that she can't live without him.
    • Also, notice how Suzuha becomes completely silent during this scene? Once Okabe realises that Kurisu had time leapt, she doesn't say a word or interject at all...almost as if she'd seen first hand the damage excessive time leaping can do to a person, and thus understands when Okabe is coming from.
  • The night before Okabe disappears, Kurisu begs him one last time to allow her to help him, but he simply refuses and accepts his fate, assuring her that she has the other Lab Members by her side. Then she retorts with this line:
    • Kurisu: <tearfully> "Idiot! Can't you tell when a girl is trying to say that friends aren't always enough?!"
  • This scene works well thanks to Trina Nishimura's acting here. She is pouring her heart out to Okabe, but he doesn't seem even the least bit bothered by this, reducing her to tears as a result; it's only when she has to spell it out for him (see above) that he responds with a kiss, which only causes her to break down as the scene closes on the following exchange:
    • Kurisu: <sobbing> "You bastard... in one breath you tell me to forget, and the next you pull a stunt like that. How am I supposed to push you out of my mind now?"
    • Okabe: "I'm sorry..."
    • Kurisu: "It's not fair..."
  • Remember in Episode 22 of the series where Kurisu is cut off as she declares her love for Okabe the same way he did for her? Well, it happens again in the film, only this time we see it from her perspective. Her emotions are running wild as is, but being interrupted like that while Mayuri and Daru don't even know who she's talking about causes Kurisu to drop to her knees and sob uncontrollably as she summons every ounce of strength to even remember his name.
  • Once everyone remembers Okabe, Mayuri declares that while she doesn't who "Okarin" is, the name alone makes her feel warm. Overlaps as a heartwarming moment, too.

My Darling's Embrace

  • Moeka's story path boils down to the other lab mems trying to get her to come out of her shell, but towards the end, she has a Heroic BSOD after she realises she made a mistake in the group's submission video for a music competition. Fearing that she'll be rejected for this, she leaves and retreats to her apartment. When Okabe finds her, he notices she had been crying.
    • When one of her messages echoes her description of the protagonist for her novel (about no one needing her), Okabe asks if this is the case here, too... only to realise she actually felt this way. This leads him to take her hand to stop her from deleting her messages, and asking her directly why she keeps running away from everyone. She finally opens up and reveals that everyone around told her she was an "unwanted child" to the point she believed them; because of this, she had attempted to end her own life at one point, feeling no one needed her, that she'd be better off invisible to everyone, so she couldn't disappoint them, she wouldn't be a burden.
    • The cherry on top though is after Moeka gives her confession, Okabe reassures her that she is worth a damn, and that people do care about her, including Mr. Tennouji, the other Lab Mems, and himself. Having finally heard the words she had wanted to hear for the first time in her life, she just breaks down entirely, and Saori Goto's voice acting during this scene only makes this scene even more heart wrenching. Even this troper was fighting back tears during this scene.