Stupid Sexy Flanders/Quotes

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

DM: This is just too weird.
Aragorn: Oh, come on. You said she was hot! "Tall, slim, and graceful, with golden hair," you said.
DM: That's the same description I gave you for Legolas.
Aragorn: Like I said: HOT!

"I think I'm developing a man-crush on Ginko."
Jason MiaoDerailed by Darry
"You know, it's not gay if you think Rudy's hot. We all think he's hot. My God, you're beautiful."
Corporal Josh Ray PersonGeneration Kill
"I have something of a man crush on Ron Perlman..."
Lothar HexExterminatus Now
Now, for those of you who don't speak "guy" fluently, "looks like gay porn" is sexually-insecure-straight-male for "I immediately recognize that this depiction of the masculine figure is intended to be arousing, and said recognition makes me uncomfortable.
"I (sic) am not gay but when he smiles he makes me Comfortably Numb"
—Comment on a YouTube video of David Gilmour.

Elaine: Do either one of you know that blond guy who's always on that show, the really handsome guy?
George: I, uh... I wouldn't know.
Elaine: You know, just admitting that a guy is handsome doesn't make you a homosexual
George: It doesn't help.

Oh my God, that is a gorgeous man. And I wasn't even gay until five minutes ago.
Texts From Last Night
He is not a dude. You're a dude. This - this is a man. A handsome, muscular man.