Tactics Ogre/YMMV

Revision as of 20:54, 11 August 2014 by Dai-Guard (talk | contribs) (update links)

  • Alas, Poor Villain: There is a bio for every single enemy leader you fight. Some of them were architects, philosophers, mothers-to-be, and so on. Sometimes they will even tell Denam who they were when they die.
  • Alternate Character Interpretation: A rare-in universe example. You get to see different personalities of different characters, often drastically changing depending on what path you take. A few examples, where Vyce Takes a level in Jerkass in the Chaos and Neutral route, whereas in the lawful route nothing changes. Xapan becomes a Disc One Dragon in the Chaos route, but playable (And much more sympathetic) in the lawful route, where you save him and he joins. Even if you don't recruit him and he fights you later, he only fights because he was paid to do so, and you can recruit him afterwords anyways. Leonar also has great variance too, being a Manipulative Bastard, Disc One Final Boss, or (in the neutral route) a genuinely sympathetic character.
  • Complete Monster: NYBBATH.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: This is a soundtrack by Hitoshi Sakimoto. Even the SNES / PSX version, although the PSX version has slightly improved audio. The PSP takes this Up to Eleven, even adds comments
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Dame Ravness. About half the fanart of this game is of her, and many new players choose to go with the Law route simply because Vyce kills her if you choose the Chaos route.
  • Game Breaker: The Ninja / Kunoichi class. Fastest human class (meaning they rarely miss and frequently parry attacks), most mobile, highest evasion (and can wear decent armor on top of that), gets an ability that makes them nigh invulnerable for a turn, gets their own mana-less series of spells that do three times the listed damage, and can dual wield doing full damage with both weapons -- usually enough to instant-kill a cloth wearer, which their agility allows them to get to almost unimpeded. There's a reason the PSP remake added abilities to the various tanky type classes to stop people moving past them.
    • The Lord Class (in the remake at least) can only learn a few skills...because he can use almost every other skill in the other classes. One popular combo is Phalanx + Dual Daggers. Daggers due to a odd formula, do a lot more damage and is the fastest weapon. Phalanx weakens attacks on you by 90%, meaning you could wreck the enemy while only suffering single digits of damage.
    • Series vet Canopus can also be quite the game breaker -- since he can fly, he can get into very good positions to be a sniper, which is one of the weapons he defaults to. Mid game, Canopus is best used floating around the edges of the map, taking pot shots at enemy cloth wearers and archers... for 80% of their life a shot.
      • Archery in general is rather broken. Due to avoiding No Arc in Archery and being able to go past its attack range, it's fairly easily to hit (or possibly one-shot later on) squishies. Direct-fire weapons and magic have to strictly obey their ranges.
        • All those above? Arycelle/Aloser, being a unique Archer, amps it Up to Eleven and is generally one of the most favored units due to her broken-ness.
    • Summons. They would work by summoning a spirit that would fire bolts onto random targets in the area. Not reliable for taking out groups of enemies (That's what Dragon Magic and true Area of Effect magic is for), but say you target it just right so that there is only one enemy in range...seeing as the summon attacks random enemies, not spaces...guess where tehy all go? Oh yeah.
  • Older Than They Think: Because of the timeframe the Playstation version of Tactics Ogre was released in English (When internet was beginning to become a bit more widespread, before all the information was as easily accessible as it is now, especially the ROM of the SNES version), some people thought it was a clone of Final Fantasy Tactics, when the latter was actually Spiritual Successor to Tactics Ogre, made by the same development team. Square was so impressed with Tactics Ogre that they asked Quest to make them a Final Fantasy themed variant.
  • Seinfeld Is Unfunny: Got bashed for being a carbon-copy of its own Spiritual Successor, which came out in America first.
    • Inverted with the PSP Version; which actually incorporates many features from its spiritual successors such as skills.
  • What Could Have Been: There was evidently a plan to make more than one possible chapter four. However they were limited by data restrictions (Super Nintendo and all) but the devs were allegedly happy with the finished product anyways.